Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Skirmish Neo-Crusaders Raid on Manaan | Open to All

The biot known as Jericho waded into the waters of the Manaan ocean. He pulled out a vial of a green liquid substance and opened it. He poured the contents into the water and watched as the cloud dispersed into the water, the microorganisms beginning to rapidly multiply and cleanse the water.

Jericho stood there, watching the water lap against the shore for several hours. He then took the vial and scooped some of the ocean water. He scanned it. "Seems to have worked," he said out loud to himself. He still did not completely grasp the concept of thinking aloud, but it was something organics did, so he did it too. "Truly extraordinary." After learning of the viral spores released, Sahan had developed a counter.

Sahan Dragr said:
"It's quite convenient being able to go all-out and not have to worry about the flora and fauna if you can simply replicate the lifeforms and replenish it right back. No point in leaving things desolate. At least, on non-Sith worlds."

Jericho still had much to learn about Mandalorian ways, but Sahan had brought him in and treated him like family when he had been built to be nothing more than an expendable soldier. He was now part of Clan Dragr, and would take to heart the teaching of Sahan, Siv, and Volo.

Wading out further into the ocean, Jericho dove under the water. He swam deep down, the pressure not bothering him like it would a normal humanoid. Reaching a dark, abandoned subaquatic cave, he swam inside. This would do. He took out a container from the pack on his back. He opened it, and out swam a small, young shark. He gave the shark an affectionate pat and pointed into the cave. The intelligent shark understood and swam further in, claiming it as its home. The creature was an altered clone of the Manaan Progenitor, and it was loyal to Sahan and Jericho. It would help in the endeavor to fix Manaan's ocean decimation. It was, after all, only the beginning of a long process....

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