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Skirmish Neo-Crusaders Raid on Umbara | Open to All


“Victory for the clans! The glory days of the Mando’ade are back!”
-Khomo Fett


Our beginnings were small and humble. The odds of failure were greatly against us, yet it did not avert us from our righteous path.

We heeded the call on Hoylin.

And that spark of hope for our culture blazed across the fields of Contruum.

The winds of our glory carried over Manaan’s seas, not even the waters of the Selkath could extinguish our destiny.

Overtime we have consolidated our strength; more of our kin joining our cause and acquiring resources to further our goals.

Now we strike again with our eyes set on Umbara. Our inexorable spirits will know no fear from Umbara’s perpetual darkness, and our glory will overwhelm the Shadow People.

For glory! For honor! For Mandalore!


The heart of Umbara.

The Umbarans are a technologically advanced people and are adept in combat. There are no concrete objectives here, but to raze the city and test the might of the Shadow People in urban warfare.

Burn the city.

Gather intel on their exotic arsenal.

Claim your glory, for it is yours to take.


There is a large acreage settlement within Umbara’s exotic, yet dangerous jungle focused on the mining of doonium. A precious metal used for starships. Sabotage their operations and take whatever you can from this ore.

Be cautious, however, as Umbara’s wildlife is a dangerous element. Even the flora is capable of killing.
Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo

Neo-Crusaders Raid on Umbara
Tag(s): Open


Another day for glory. Sig moved with a small contingent of his brothers and sisters through the outskirts of the capital. Unlike Contruum or Manaan, Sig was here with his fellow Crusaders for one very simple reason: burn the city.

Many would struggle to understand their goals and intentions. It’s true that even with the Neo-Crusaders there were a small number who questioned the meaning behind raids such as this. They were unsure how this fit into the glory the Mandalorian people claimed to strive for. Sig didn’t question it. In his heart he knew they were doing the right thing, the thing their ancestors had done. Those who couldn’t accept the inevitable death of the innocent was truly in denial, in Sig’s mind.

No he strode through the streets with his brothers and sisters with his head held high. Any civilian unlucky enough to cross their path would meet their end, either by one under his command or by Sig himself, usually the latter. So far resistance was light, though this wasn’t the inner-city where the fighting was far more intense.

Sig worked his way there, deciding to start on the outskirts to hinder any reinforcements attempting to reach the inner-city. As he and his men finished off a small squad of local authorities, Sig smirked at the site of nearby buildings catching fire. <“This is Dryggo, the city-center is where they are consolidating their forces: snuff them out!”> he called over the Neo-Crusader channels.

The fight in the city-center wouldn’t be an easy one and soon enough the Galactic Alliance, or their allies, would likely respond with reinforcements of their own. This was a chance Sig had waited for and was happy enough to seize: he proved his skills as a warrior on Contruum and Manaan, now it was time to demonstrate his leadership abilities. Taking his men, and leaving the call open for others to join, he marched onward with a determined heart.

Another day for glory.

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ALLIES: Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl | Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr
GEAR: In bio


The flak was heavy around Yuri as he and Baby flew through the thick fog and clouds. He had heard of Umbara before, and seen some of their items on the black market, but he had never seen their horrid homeworld before. They weren’t exactly the most approachable group of people. The shots and beams around him didn’t help his growing anxiety, he had never seen weapons like these.

This was going to be a tough fight.

A shot slammed home and disabled Baby’s deflector shield, luckily his armour held up against the barrage. It was going to take a lot more to take out this old Basilisk. ”We gotta dive, this flak will tear us apart.” He spoke up, giving Baby’s dashboard a pat before thrusting down with the controls. The Basilisk responded and dove as quickly as he could. To their dismay, however, the sheer drop in altitude did nothing to affect their enemy’s targeting systems.

A ball of green plasma struck Baby dead on, sending the Basilisk spiraling down to the ground. ”Come on!” Yuri barked, flicking through the controls and systems to get the engines back online. The whine from the ion engine came just in time for them to pull up and miss an enormous tree, though the smaller ones couldn’t be dodged. The Basilisk tore through the trees until it finally crashed into the ground, leaving a long ditch behind it.

Yuri emerged from the cockpit with a groan, holding his head as he fell to the ground. ”Holy kriff. Baby, you okay?” He mumbled, placing a hand against the war droid’s hull. A low, drawn out drone escaped the droid. The Shistavanen chuckled as he checked himself over to make sure nothing was broken.

Luckily a headache and some bruises was all he and Baby both suffered from the crash. ”Aight, Baby. Just chill here for a sec, get your systems rebooted. I’ll scout ahead. Stay on the comms.” He ordered, checking his gear before pulling his rifle from his back.

:: Crusaders, this is Vandal. Anyone in the area? :: He sent out over the secure comms. He didn’t necessarily like these guys, they were way too tightly wound and trigger happy for his taste, but they were actively hunting Jedi while the Enclave was still in shambles and that was enough reason for him to tag along with them. This close to Alliance space, they were bound to get a visit from the glowstick-waving nerf herders.



Location: Capital City
Objective: Eliminate city defenders
Gear: Beskar'gam, shotgun, Ship
Tags: OPEN

The plasteel wall behind Livia still bore the scorch marks of Umbaran plasma as Livia cleaned the blood of a defender off of her blades. The man didn't stand much of a chance once she had gotten under the fire arc of his heavy plasma lobber, and the other defenders, while they had done their best to push Livia back had done little other than scorch her armour and their own interior decor.

It was probably foolhardy for the young woman to wish for more competent foes, but she was a potent weapon of death and well trained in asassinations, these missions to hunt power stations, take out artillery positions and the like were, to her mind, beneath her. But her Alor taught her that everyone needs to play their part so the greater clan prevails. She could see the argument for that, but she couldn't help but wish for a proper fight, the sort of fight that the Mandalorian Sith that had created her had in mind.

Her moment of introspection was interrupted by the a burst of Umbaran fire coming from another position nearby requesting a visit from this angel of their death. It would be rude to keep waiting, so she sped back into action.

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TAGS: Yuri Maji Yuri Maji , Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr
Our spirit may have faded. But it hasn’t died. It will burn bright again, like a star in the heavens.
― Mandalore the Preserver
Blaster fire rang out from the depths of the forest, its sound muffled and smothered by the oppressive vegetation. Creatures of all manner assailed them, but they had bested the jungles of Dxun. This shadow-melded place was little different.

They were Neo-Crusaders - the Preservers whom honored their visage and ideals to a fault.

They would not be dissuaded.

They could not be stopped.

At the head of the company was the Viper once more, cleaving a Gladiopod’s head in twain with his poleaxe. <“Burn it.”> Was the simultaneous order through the helmet comm, as wrist-flamethrowers from his warriors burst to life and scorched the nest they had disturbed with a cacophony of shrill cries. Several stealth field generators warbled from their rarely-seen usage, necessary in an environment like this.

His hand motioned forth, urging the warriors with him onwards. They had been removed from the glorious conquest of the main capital, a necessary sacrifice he was willing to make. Rather, much like Manaan, their goal was once again of strategic import to the grander design of their crusade. The mines were needed for its metals. The fires of war would again bellow from great forges, as it was for their ancestors. This was a stepping stone towards that. It must be a decisive strike, one that is too swift to be seen until it was already too late.

<“We shall carve our path to the settlement, and all who do not see the fires of war will have none to blame but themselves.”>

<“Spare their lives. They shall see better use over corpses.”>

Their occupational force would be delayed by the forest’s hazards; he would not sully his honor by losing men to mere creatures. That was a courtesy he extended to others of his kin, when he so managed. As he held the opportunity to do now.

The helmet comm chattered with a vaguely familiar voice, and he tuned in. A Basilisk-Rider, if it could be told by the designation. <“You are heard, Vandal. We are moving through the jungle towards a victory of importance. I welcome you to join us at our coordinates - the support would be helpful.”>

With his message delivered, he treaded onwards, cutting past thick shrubbery with a wrist-blade. Carduul was prone to bold action. That was why he had opted to ask for aid, of which his warriors lacked upon Manaan - a mistake paid for in blood. He would not repeat it a second time, and extract his due from whomever was unfortunate enough to be in their way.

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Raid on Umbara
Engaging Livia Cadera Livia Cadera

The Capital's Police chief, a few of her officer's and a few Onderonian representatives stood hunkered over a holotable as they made arrangements for the city's defence. Onderon had not had the chance to react properly to the attack: They had not been keeping tabs on the new faction of Mandalorians who seemed to be on the rise - a mistake which they would have to consider amending. For now, they had only had the time to send a fast frigate carrying armaments, in particular, a few sets of point defence drones along with a few fighters.

Originally, the Prince had been with them: But when reports of someone tearing through their backline started trickling in, he had left to coordinate their defence. It was not until he got close enough to hear the battle that the defenders informed him that it was a single attacker. His brows rose as he mused a low "That is hardly surprising"

When he got into position, a group of local defenders had already fired a volley her way. Instead of joining them in shooting at her, the young Royal got to work on activating a point defence drone which soon came to hover over the defenders. With that, he pushed on "Resume your duties. Two of you will offer overwatch: Only fire if you have a clear shot and aim for the open parts of the armour."

With that, he hopped over the barricade: It was a clear challenge as many of the defenders returned to their position by the artillery piece behind them whilst a sole defender emerged. Apparently lacking any form of willingness to negotiate or engage in talks, he simply raised his high powered rifle to fire shots at her lower core where the armour plates gave way for increased mobility.

His own medium armour had similar openings. In addition to the rifle, he also carried a blaster pistol, an officer's sabre, a few grenades and had a knife hidden in his boot.

TAGS: Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo | OPEN

For most of his brothers and sisters, this was a test of mettle; here they were, a secluded race of warriors, forged in the furnace of an unwelcoming world. A people defined by their advanced technology, their indomitable spirit, and their resolute will against even the most insurmountable of odds. For others it was a rite of passage, a crucible of character; this battle carried the weight of symbolism — the Dha Werda Verda standing tall against the enigmatic Shadow People, an honorable confrontation for the shadow's blessing, its result believed to foretell the very future itself.

But for Hakon, the lone thinker, the solitary questioner in the ranks of the unquestioning lied a different purpose. As the darkened skies loomed above, his mind wandered far from the fervor of battle. While others saw this as a glorious continuation of the ancestral struggle, their thoughts returning to the legendary skies of Coruscant, where their forebears had faced the Battalions of Zhell, Hakon's thoughts were rooted in something more immediate, more grounded.

For Hakon, this was not about prophecy or honor; it was about survival. The survival of his kin, of his lineage, of the fragile thread that connected them to their past and their future. He could hear the drums beat of a war of the ages over the horizon. And war consumed lives. Many Mandalorians had flocked to their banners upon hearing of their deeds on Contruum and Manaan. Yet, equally so, many had perished during these raids; especially on Manaan where they had faced a treacherous insurrection of a whole world and the merciless cannons of an Alliance superiority fleet.

But Carduul had enlightened him in ways long forgotten. Their ancient tradition of adoption stemmed from an old Crusader practice upon which the Neo-Crusaders had expanded into something far larger in scale: converting aruetii into fellow brothers and sisters. Voluntarily or through force.

As Hakon rode his basilisk war droid at the point of a wedge formation, circling over the capital city in close air support to Sig Dryggo and his men's assault, he pondered over this ancient practice and kept an eye on the occasional casualty report scrolling down his HUD. He had introduced that practice, instilled it into his men of the Stormbringer, and now studied the result. There was much to learn of how they coped against a brutal foe such as the Umbarans.

The rest of the galaxy would be no less daunting.

Deep in the jungle, the darkness was pierced by flames climbing into the night and spreading rapidly as a golden-armored Mandalorian and a golden Howler Basilisk burned the foliage with flamecasters. Sahan and Gold spread the fires in a strategic pattern, getting the wildlife to flee, headed towards the city. They had started rather far, so that they might round up as large a stampede as possible.

<Watch out for Akhal's position. We don't want them running into more fire. Not until they're actually running into the city. Then we can light them aflame for more chaos.> Gold gave an excited affirmation, enjoying the job. Occasionally some large beast would brave the flames and try to challenge the Basilisk, only to get blasted with laser cannons. <And make sure the scan the biosignature and gather DNA samples of anything fearsome that you can.>

<Crusaders, this is Vandal. Anyone in the area?>

<You are heard, Vandal. We are moving through the jungle towards a victory of importance. I welcome you to join us at our coordinates - the support would be helpful.>

<Dragr here as well. Glad you made it. Running lots of creatures your way, so watch out for them.>

Independence, Duty, Honour
Raid on Umbara
Approaching Yuri Maji Yuri Maji

OOC: If others in the vicinity wants to join in, feel free

Vesh had come to Umbara as quickly as he could. He had even reached out to the locals: They had offered pointers to a few likely paths for the enemies' approach but trust was far too low for anything more. It was fine. It was all he needed. The young Warrior had landed aggressively in a clearing nearby with the Hardhorn ships loitering far above. At one time, the lot of them had considered joining these people. They had considered coming to their aid in the battle of Manaan. To measure their honour and to test their worth. But then, things changed.

For some time, Vesh had observed what little he could see of the battle from a thick branch on one of the more impressive trees of the Umbaran jungle. Artillery fired in the distance. Anti-air emplacements were kept busy and Basilisk war droids descended from the skies. Many of which were forced down. More likely than not, it was only a matter of time before they would once again own the skies: But before that, the anti-air emplacements would have to fall.

With a neutral expression, his analytical eyes followed one of the basilisks as its altitude lowered until it finally landed nearby. Then he waited. Waited until he could hear a voice and the noise of someone making their way through the jungle. The young Warrior hopped off of the branch with a sudden move and used his jet pack to soften the landing. He would descend down upon his fellow Mandalorian suddenly: But it was hardly an ambush. Instead, he landed a few meters in front of the man.

He spoke with a strong, yet monotone voice "You lot are responsible for a lot of mindless destruction. It is a sign of weakness. You should turn around."


C a r e e n a _ F e t t
| Location | Jungles, Umbara
| Objective | Sabotage
| Focus | Keir'las Fett Keir'las Fett
Careena leaned back against the branch that she had positioned herself upon, concealed like a shadow hidden amongst the shadowy planet. Prior to her arrival on Umbara, the young Keir'las Fett Keir'las Fett had found their way back home to familiar faces, joining the growing number of Fett under the banner of the Neo Crusades. Catching up had been kept brief due to the sensitive timing and timetable they were on, but they had plenty of time to catch up whilst on the field.​
As part of the reconnaissance group tasked with scouting out the planet, Careena had been deliberate with mapping out the surrounding area of the objective, and it just so happened that Keir'las was skilled in demolition work alongside recon, and was perfectly suited for their sabotage operations at hand. Acquiring the doonium would be a simple task, the difficulty came from navigating the jungles of Umbara and the local flora that posed a danger to the uninitiated and reckless. They were responsible for disabling the power conduits that powered the security that protected the doonium plant's power.​
Careena peered through the scope of her rifle, the reticule floating over the silhouette of Keir'las as they went about their task, keeping watch over her, <"Careful Keir, remember to mind the roots. Wouldn't want your story to end by a carnivorous plant.">, her statement over their comms was punctuated by a light chuckle. The eternal night made it difficult to discern the terrain, and thermals would be useless in the thick jungles, especially to pick out the dangerous flora. She watched the young Fett like a hawk though, keeping an eye out for any patrols that might discover Keir'las as they went about their task.​
Rabid dog of the Outer Rim



| LocationJungles, Umbara
| ObjectiveSabotage
| FocusDon't Die, blow shit up. Impress Careena Fett Careena Fett
| TagsOpen


Keir'las grunted in response to Careena's warning, her focus fixed intently on the power conduit before her. Her gloved hands moved with swift efficiency, years of experience allowing her to disarm the security measures with ease. As she planted the explosives, a shiver ran down her spine; she couldn't help but cast a wary glance at the surrounding foliage, the thought of the carnivorous plants that called Umbara home having her for an early breakfast fueling her quickened pace. I won't be their breakfast, she vowed silently.

<"Almost clear, Alor,"> she murmured over the comms, her voice low and even as a small smile tugged the corners of her lips. She knew Careena was watching over her, just as she always did. Her senses were on high alert, scanning ceaselessly for any sign of approaching patrols. Despite the danger that lurked around every shadowy tree, a thrill of excitement ran through her veins. This was what she was made for - the rush of a mission, the unwavering trust of her clanmate watching her back, the knowledge that she had a purpose.

As she retreated, the ground seemed to betray her; Keir'las's boot caught on a hidden root, sending her stumbling forward. She raised her arms just in time, avoiding the snapping jaws of a carnivorous bloom by mere inches. A bullet whizzed past her cheek, striking the plant with a soft thud. Her heart raced like a nerf in hunting season as she rolled to her feet, her gaze fixed on the deadly plant now lying still. A shiver ran down her spine, but she pushed the fear aside, forcing her mind back to the task at hand. No time for fear, she admonished herself.

<"Close one, thank you for not letting me become plant food,"> she admitted over the comms with a shaky laugh. Her senses were even more heightened now, her intuition screaming at her to move. She could feel the patrols closing in, drawn by the disturbance like carrion fowl on a fresh kill. With a final glance at the set explosives, Keir'las turned and sprinted back towards Careena's position, her footsteps silent despite her haste. She could practically feel the Umbaran blaster bolts flying at her back, but she didn't dare look back. Almost there, she thought, her eyes fixed on the shadowy form of her Alor.​
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There existed a moment in your life where it pivoted. It could have been something substantial, a turn down an aisle at a grocery store that causes you to meet or see someone. A choice to go out or not, to talk to that girl or not. To go to the gym more, to eat healthier for weeks on end.

For Feydrik, it happened outside of a cage fight.

A chance to be something more, to be part of something greater than he could fathom.

And by saying yes, in just that small moment across billions upon billions of moments in the galaxy, choices made every nanosecond- Feydrik was on track to change the galaxy, to make it quake with fear. Already, the Alliance met to discuss their attacks, their raids, their response.

The Sith did the same, and so would others. The Mandalorians were not looked at as weak, has-beens. They were feared again. They were respected again. They did not need reforms. Love and kindness, progress and tolerance. Relationships with Jedi, Sith, bargains, deals, bartering.


The Mandalorians, his people, the Crusaders, did not need anything but to burn the galaxy to remind them of who they were. There may exist Mandalorians who claimed to be beyond their ways, but the Old Ways were not really, the Old Ways. They were the way, the path before. Clans may have preached tolerance and understanding, but equality was a false god, a lie. In nature, there was no equality. In species, there was no equality. It was simply the law of the universe, the cold unflinching fact that the galaxy and nature was cruel. The strong were meant to cull the weak, meant to reign, meant to dominate, meant to conquer. It existed in every facet of the galaxy and in every biome, every species, every animal to grace any planet.

And now, the Crusaders had come to remind the galaxy of it, since they had forgotten and grown weak with peace.

Feydrik found clarity in it, found purpose in the truth of it all.

So he waged war.

And he would do so until his end came.

The Umbarans were the next ones to attack, the ones who dwelled in the dark. Feydrik was no stranger to darkness now, having been trained with the best of them. They were vicious, brutal combatants, competent in war and no stranger to it. But Feydrik was no stranger to violence, and he charged forward towards a barricade, manned by an Umbaran squad. Blaster fire and the bark of their rifles scattered around him, red streaks of light juxtaposing against the sanguine night as he charged forward, rifle in hand. He vaulted over the barricade, driving his legs into the chest of an Umbaran soldier, sending him tumbling backwards.

One of his comrades pulled a knife. Feydrik used his forearm to block the downward stab, and curled his fist- one that had one many fights in a cage, now adorned in a crushgaunt. He crushed half of his skull with one of the hardest hits he'd ever throw to another living person- with his left hand, at least. The Umbaran's mask cracked, and his skull fractured, his jaw dislocating before he even hit the ground.

Another wrapped his arms around Feydrik, pulling him from behind. Feydrik reached between his legs, grabbing the Umbaran by his ankle, squeezing tightly and tossing him onto his back. He raised a foot quickly, driving it towards his chest first, before using the stock of his rifle to bash his skull in.

Other Umbarans, unflinching of his display of brutality, came and began to fire on his position. Feydrik slid on the ground to avoid becoming mincemeat, and took the time to catch his breath behind cover, while it literally disintegrated around him. He looked up at the night sky, and laughed.

Feydrik Munin began to laugh, waiting for the Umbarans to reload before making his next assault.

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Hakon Fett Hakon Fett | Careena Fett Careena Fett | Keir'las Fett Keir'las Fett | Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo | Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl | Yuri Maji Yuri Maji

Prudii Verda.

Shadow Warriors translated from the Mandalorian tongue.

Darkness veiled over with the translucent flora and fauna giving a dim light to see through the harsh jungle. Umbara was nothing Gaanla had seen before, and he’s be lying to himself if it didn’t give him the creeps by the first impression. Still it did not thwart his resolute in coming to this superstitious place. He had the support of his fellow warriors, and that was enough assurance for him.

Whatever fears or doubts he had were suppressed by the thrill of battle and the rush of adrenaline.

Within the jungle carnage littered about the exchange of blaster fire and explosions, ironically, helped with illuminating through Umbara’s darkness. Squads of Mandalorians were scattered across the large mining acreage each leader focusing on their own objectives against the Umbarans’ mining operations. Gaanla followed an elder Mandalorian hailing from a clan foreign from his.

They were nearing one of the mining depots until the earth quaked beneath them, and out emerged a large tank with the appearance of a worm ambushing them. It instantly crushed a fellow Mandalorian who did not react quickly to the attack. Gaanla and the rest of the squad soared into the air with their jet packs while barraging the tank with thermal detonators, hardly putting a dent to the machine.

The brutality of the Umbarans was terrifying, yet left them in awe. Such brutality matched the Crusaders, filling their hardened hearts with content in fighting a foe worthy of their respect.



"Our actions define our legacy."
TAG: Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl

The sound of Umbara's jungles echoed through Jonyna's ears. She remembered Giran's tales of the planet, a hell of jungle and creatures.

Just like home.

The darkness of the jungle was a playground for her, and she used that to her advantage. This time, the raid had been able to track in real time. One they had been ready for. The Sentinel of Harmony was stalking them...

A thick fog moved in on the Mandalorian Forces, unnaturally so. It was like wading through water, most unable to see their own hands in front of their faces.

Then the jungle began to speak. Every animal seemed to squawk and screen at the same time, making a disorienting wall of noise.

Then a vine grabbed one, pulling them into the soup. The screech of a mando being attacked by the jungle itself echoed through the fog.

Finally, from above, the Cathar struck, coming down on Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl with a blade of songsteel, her coat hiding her entry from any form of sensors.


The Protectors were in shambles. These damn Crusaders had risen up in their stead, and had decided to honor the worst of their culture's history.

The Pillar of War still believed in what was now a lost cause. Still believed in the honor of Mandalore, and the SuperCommando Codex.

And yet, it left Drego without a cause. He had meant to hit up Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol and join Strill, but for now, he was once again a lone bear, hunting those in need of retribution.

That's what led him to Umbara. He couldn't sit back and watch as these crusaders gained yet another foothold.

And yet...

He was never one for subtlety.

The Ambush, one he had set up alongside GA forces, was swift as lightning. First came the thump of a heavy-duty HE mortar hitting their formation center. It wouldn't kill them, but it would disorient them enough for part two.

The War Jaws Charge.

From out of the thick foliage, a Beskar-clad walker charged through, opening fire on the Darmanda, with heavy particle cannons, the bolts exploding with violent force on any bits of armor they hit. Drego aimed the guns at elite mandos, hoping to get a clean hit on them to knock them out quickly. He didn't want to have to turn his guns on his own kind, but these ones only wanted blood, not honor. They wanted to turn the culture he prized into an excuse for mindless violence. Just like the Enclave had.

Today was not a day for mercy against his kind. Today was a day of action.

ALLIES: Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl | Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr
ENGAGING: Veshok Rook Veshok Rook
GEAR: In bio


<“You are heard, Vandal. We are moving through the jungle towards a victory of importance. I welcome you to join us at our coordinates - the support would be helpful.”>

<Dragr here as well. Glad you made it. Running lots of creatures your way, so watch out for them.>

After only a few moments, Yuri received a response over the comm channel. He recognized Sahan immediately, though the warning he gave left Yuri a little concerned. The other voice he didn’t recognize, but the assistance was welcome. He had heard of some nasty creatures and unorthodox weapons used on Umbara, it was better to move in a group.

:: Copy that, moving to your location now. :: He responded to the two, looking back at Baby. ”Let me know when you’re squared up, Baby. Just stay here, I doubt anyone saw us coming-” Baby cut him off with a warning rumble. The Shistavanen spun around with his rifle raised, only to see a Mandalorian in front of him. He blinked with confusion, slowly lowering his rifle.

The man’s armour and markings looked… oddly familiar. He shoved that aside as the man extended a warning to him. ”Firstly, I’m here on my own mission, these guys are doin’ their own thing. Secondly, you might wanna work on your bedside manner.” He remarked, carefully watching the stranger.

”I’ve seen you on Kestri. You’re a Rook, right?” Yuri continued, gesturing to the guy’s armour with the barrel of his rifle. ”I ain’t here for whatever these schuttas are, I’m here for the Jedi. So, are ya gonna move? I’d hate to get into a fight with one of uncle Vren’s kiddies.” He lowered his weapon with a toothy grin behind his visor, hoping that he and one of his people didn’t have to come to blows over this. There were more important fights to worry about.



Location: Capital City
Objective: Eliminate city defenders
Gear: Beskar'gam, shotgun, Ship
Tags: Vince Vince

Livia saw the man step out of the barricade with his rifle raised, a challenger to her local battlefield supremacy? A small droid floated up behind the man watching them but her combat suite quickly flagged it as limited threat so she could focus on the man in question. And she was glad that she did as he was not stopping to ask questions. A sideways microburst on her thrusters turned a hit on her stomach into a glancing hit on her sides, enough that the combined effects of her shield and bodysuit turned the hit into what should be a curious bruise by the morning. "Here we go then"

Instincts kicked in and Livia moved to close the distance, she let off a micro-torpedo at the defensive position behind the man. The projectile exploded harmlessly in the air at the instruction of the point defense drone. This was more of shot of oppurtunity though as her primary attack was to fire her scattergun back down the direction that the rifleman engaged her. The advanced shotgun would hopefully cause the man enough concern that she could close the gap a little and get into a range that suited her preferences.



ALLIES: Yuri Maji Yuri Maji , Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr
ENGAGING: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
Our spirit may have faded. But it hasn’t died. It will burn bright again, like a star in the heavens.
― Mandalore the Preserver
<“Understood. Remain on stand-by; I wish for insurance if we are taken by surprise. See you soon, Vandal.”> Were words spoken in return to Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr and Yuri Maji Yuri Maji .

The Umbarans were masters of guerilla warfare. But so were they, in times of old. When their clans had been scattered, time and time again, they would resort to embracing that method of combat. Survival was their strength in times of desperation. But there was only so long they could tolerate it. This was merely nature taking its course.

He knew something was off as they made their way to their destination. One of the other squads' comms had gone silent. The miasma of their environment grew unnatural. Something was watching, waiting for an opportune moment. The Rally Master was aware, and was attentive to that fact.

To rely on technology too much was a death-sentence. It was a tool, nothing more. A Mandalorian's body was their true weapon, one that had to be honed meticulously. In the Jungles of Dxun, where he called his own home, he had thrived.

He didn't need sensors, for every fiber of his being screamed to move at that instant.

So he did, twisting his body away in a narrow avoidance of the subversive emergence - one he had been awaiting for some time. The blade flashed against his visor, metal shrieking out as it scraped against his pauldron - a far better alternative to being stabbed in the jugular. During the motion, his weapon’s edge lashed out horizontally in a retaliatory strike, aiming to prevent an immediate follow-up as he made a few gathering steps backwards.

Interesting. Boots pace slowly, as he peered upon the figure. His newfound foe’s face was hidden by a cloak, though they gave not the impression of an Umbaran. The helm tilted inquisitively, several of those with him aiming over - though a hand rose to halt them from firing.

“A warrior emerges from the forest, angling to place a blade into my back. If you wish to kill me, lurking in the shadows will do no good.” He decreed, “Whom art thou, to challenge our Path?”

Poleaxe pointed forth, leveling towards the figure at the query. Both hands move to grasp it, and uptake measured stance.

“Who stands before me, to test strength against mine?”

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TAG: Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl

Jonyna was quick to adjust herself to dodge the blade. Mandalorian beskad's were deadly, but lacked the length of her katana. It was as simple as stepping back, allowing the edge of her blade to drag across the pauldron of her opponent.

She didn't care to answer the man's questions. She wasn't here to debate the morality of the crusade that fell before her, she was here to stop it. Stop a simple evil that fell before the Galactic Stage.

As her blade made contact, dragging across the armor of the Mandalorian, Jonyna responded with a bolt of electricity that ran across her blade, rushing towards the armor with a vengeance.

And then, in a blink of an eye, she
disappeared back into the fog.
Independence, Duty, Honour
Raid on Umbara
Talking to Yuri Maji Yuri Maji

A curious brow shot up upon hearing the mention of his father. Of course, few knew more of their relation than the fact that the old man had grounded him. Still, the T-visor remained as still as ever. The young warrior was obviously comfortable with a bit of silence for he simply remained firmly where he stood without uttering a word for a rather long time, all things considered.

A low "I am" was uttered - a subtle indicator that he was not actively hostile. "Anyone who fights alongside these brutes is a useful idiot at best. Even if they are hunting Jedi." the cold delivery of the line maintained his monotone - almost bored - tone.

Insults were not all he was going to deliver. Clasping his left hand over his wrist, Vesh continued "Jedi are worthy foes. I will gladly join you on a hunt for such a battle. But not in favour of these ones. So no. I will not move." His stance broadened, putting some weight behind his words.

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