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Dominion [NEO] Galactic Games of Euceron | Trial of the Beasts


The Galactic Games of Euceron will feature a contest unlike any other: The Trial of the Beasts, where contestants will mount majestic Varactyls and race through the treacherous Great Dordon Caves, eventually emerging into the vibrant capital of Eusebus. Hosted by Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r , a renowned Falleen Mandalorian beastmaster, this event is designed to challenge not only speed and agility but the bond between rider and beast. It is a celebration of the ancient ways of the Neo-Crusaders, where honor and skill with a mount outweigh reliance on technology.

The event will see the Neo-Crusaders face off against the Euceron people, who have grown proud of their technological advancements. The Eucerons argue that their speeders are the pinnacle of efficiency and speed, believing that technology far surpasses any ancient method of travel. However, the Neo-Crusaders, led by Ninurta, seek to prove them wrong by demonstrating that with superior training, tradition, and symbiosis with nature, the old ways can still reign supreme.

LEGS: special obstacles for the race; each leg of the race offers distinct challenges and unpredictable dangers. Racers will need to rely on their bond with their Varactyls and their own wits to survive.

  • Deep within the Great Dordon Caves, the race path takes riders through an unstable section of the cavern system known as the Sinking Caverns. The ground here is soft and treacherous, riddled with sinkholes and quicksand-like patches of underground silt.Sudden collapses of the cave floor cause racers to constantly swerve and react as new pitfalls open up. Large stalagmites and stalactites periodically break and crash down, threatening both riders and Varactyls.
  • After navigating the caves, the racers burst out into the open air of a massive ravine that stretches for miles. However, the Ravine is home to large, aggressive Borgles—Blood sucking bat like creatures that hunt in swarms and attack anything that disturbs their nesting grounds.Racers will need to evade the swift, swooping attacks of these creatures as they ride through the ravine at top speed. The bats will attempt to knock riders off their Varactyls or feed on the mount itself!
  • After escaping the perilous Ravine of the Shadow Bats, the racers burst into the wide, open Euceron plains. The clear landscape seems inviting at first glance, but the route brings them dangerously close to a notorious Crucible Slaver encampment—an armed group of marooned slavers known for their sharpshooting and medium grade sonic charges in their territory. As racers approach their territory, the slavers will take pot shots at riders and mounts and are ready to capture anyone that falls into their trap.
  • Those that made it past the Crucibles outer encampment are in the last stretch! You can see the capital city of Euceron and the seemingly endless crowds cheering from behind the sectioned off streets and hovering display screens! But as you get closer the you can see an electric shimmer slowing closing. A ray shield!! The leaders of the Ruling Power of Euceron seek to prematurely end the race as a way to reject the possibility of Neo-Crusader rule! Beat the seemingly impossible odds, bail or die trying!


Each Mando contestant will be provided with a specially trained Varactyl, famed for their speed, agility, and dexterity in difficult terrains. These beasts, handpicked by Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r , are equipped for the rough underground passages of the Dordon Caves as well as the open plains leading into Eusebus.

The Neo-Crusaders aim to demonstrate that honor, strength, and tradition are not relics of the past. By mastering their Varactyl mounts, they hope to prove that the old ways—born in the crucible of survival and battle—are as relevant as ever. Their goal is to show the Euceron people that no amount of technological advancement can replace the raw power and bond forged between beast and rider.

  • Honor and Glory. For the Neo-Crusaders, this victory will symbolize a return to tradition, where raw skill and harmony with nature prevail over reliance on technology.

  • Send 2k UCs as entry fee to Hakon Fett, the winner takes the pot.

  • Also, bling, probably.
BYOO: If you're, like, a non-Mando or whatever and want to test your luck podracing, hop in with your junk ride.

IDEA AND WRITTEN BY: Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r

Hakon Fett urged his Varactyl forward, the beast's talons clawing at the treacherous ground of the Great Dordon Caves. Ahead, the path twisted unpredictably, riddled with sinkholes that yawned open without warning, quicksand-like silt threatening to swallow them whole.

A massive stalactite cracked and plummeted from above. Fett leaned low, his Varactyl darting aside, narrowly avoiding the crushing impact. The creature's agile steps responded to every shift in the unstable ground, but danger came with every stride.

Suddenly, the floor gave way in front of them, a sinkhole opening beneath the rush of their pace. Without hesitation, Hakon yanked the Varactyl to leap. Its powerful legs launched them over the gap, landing hard on the other side.

"Steady now, beast."

Dice rolls:
Leg 1: 15
Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo



Sig wouldn’t lie, he hated the beasts. The one facet of Mandalorian tradition he absolutely despised. After all, to him a mindless beast was just that. No tool beyond simple manipulation, Sig preferred to take the beasts down rather than tame them. Still he found himself upon the back of a Varactyl racing amongst his vod.

He was inexperienced but determined to master this art quickly enough to secure a victory for himself and garner both personal honor and much needed valor for Clan Dryggo.

The events of late needed a good distraction. Victory surely would be that distraction.


The start was easy enough. Despite his lack of experience, Sig was able to successfully work through the initial phase of the track. Although the ground beneath the beasts’ feet shook constantly and despite the falling of large sediment despots, Sig was able to make it out and forward in one peace.

The beast was reliant yet. For now, things seemed in his favor.

Leg 1 - 19

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A hush fell over the crowd as the announcer's voice rose again, signaling the imminent start of the race. The Euceron swoops lined up next to the Neo-Crusader beast riders, their engines humming and thrumming in rhythm with the pulse of the crowd. Ninurta, mounted atop his cybernetically enhanced Varactyl, Rynn, stood tall among the Crusaders, his expression hidden beneath his helmet but his aura unmistakable—this was more than just a race.

And with a thunderous roar, the race began, vehicles and varactyls alike launching from the start, tearing through the heart of Eusebus and into the great unknown of the racecourse. The Great Games had begun!

As Ninurta entered the dark, narrow passages of the Great Dordon Caves, the atmosphere grew tense. The cool, damp air clung to him, and the distant sound of water dripping from the ceiling filled the oppressive silence. His Varactyl, navigated the uneven terrain with relative ease, claws gripping the slick stones as they sped forward.

Suddenly, a deep rumble shook the cave walls, sending dust and loose rocks tumbling from above. A nearby participant's speeder had collided with a rock formation, causing the cavern to shudder violently. The Falleens mount stumbled briefly and squawked aloud, but with a firm grip on the reins, Ninurta urged her forward, pushing through the falling debris as the path he chose began to rain down rocks behind them.

Leg 1: 10




C a r e e n a _ F e t t
| Location | Great Dordon Caves, Euceron
| Objective | Participate in the Games
Careena walked over to her mount, her gloved hand brushing over the beast's feathery body, comforting it despite the thrum of energy that course throughout its length, seeming eager to be let loose. Riding the varactyl didn't seem like it would be too difficult, she had gone through worse on the back of her basilisk companion Dha Prudii and came out alright. Careena firmly grasped the reigns as she slipped her foot into the stirrup, pulling herself up and over its back with grace before settling into its saddle.​
The race promptly started as she lightly kicked the side of the varactyl to get it into motion, feeling the surge of the beast as it bolted forward, making a straight line for the Great Dordon Caves alongside the other participants. The caverns opened up as they arrived, accepting the racers into its stony, cold maw and treacherous insides as Careena urged her varactyl forward, pulling on its reigns as stalactites fell from the ceiling to avoid getting hit by them before promptly snapping on the reigns to get it to rush forward.​
She leaned herself forward, keeping herself as streamlined as possible, feeling the rush of adrenaline and excitement. It was like living a lost life, something she never truly got a chance to experience when she was younger, with all the horrors and burdens she had to bear growing up; but their time was now, and they would be able to offer the future generations the path that they had once forgotten.​
[Leg 1] 13​

Carduul was not an experienced rider, though he had longed to be. The closest thing he had to that was years ago, when he was but a foundling with the Preservers learning to ride a Besu’liik for the first time. Then, he had been taught the basics in the taming and care of beasts that his ilk commonly found kinship with. Since he had left to pursue glory and honor, his sect simply hadn’t the resources nor the time to indulge in such things. Having been born in the wrong age for his instilled tenets, it was an experience he had never forgotten, and he hoped that would remain the case today.

His weapon was, for once, absent as a hand ran over the Varactyl’s scaly hide at the start of the racing line. T’was said in legends that Taung of old had not only hunted, but rode the legendary Mythosaur, and a number of other beasts. A pat, before he mounted up on the large saddle with a foot firmly placed upon the stirrup.

Then, with a sudden lurch, wind whipped against his armor as the race began. Had he not had a firm grip upon the reins, he would’ve immediately been thrown off from the unfamiliar experience. He could feel the creature's quickened pulse thrum below, the sheer power and speed with which it surged forth with.

Had it not been for the helm, all would’ve been privy to the wide grin of utter elation behind it. It was truly thrilling to experience such a thing - an altogether different thrill from the waging of war, but one he could enjoy nonetheless. Surging into the caves, it was difficult to get his bearings for a moment as he adjusted to the sudden change in lighting. Only to see the beginnings of a sinkhole right in front of his course.

A harsh pull on the reins, viciously swerving aside to go around him with a bellowing yelp of surprise from his mount. Just as he did, the stone floor collapsed in on itself and almost took them with it. The maneuver cost him momentum to skirt the side where a small outcropping of stone remained, but it averted an outright crash. “Onwards,” He urgently commanded - as if the beast could understand him, cracking the reins to spur the Varactyl’s movement once again. “It’s too early for this to come to an end.”

Leg 1: 10

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The dust trailed from the speed of the racing Varactyls, the beasts and their riders maneuvering through the caverns in finding the best route that was quick and safe to proceed through this first leg.

A pit of quick sand obstructed a path forward for Gaanla, but his creativity found a different angle to pass through this obstacle. His hand steered the reins to have the beast crawl up on the walls perpendicular to the pit and jump across to safety.

The thrill was much different to bloody violence; like joy of a child discovering a new thing.

“Move, move!” grabbing a short stick to slap it once on the Varactyl’s thigh to catch up and move past the others.
Laughter echoed through the caverns, sharp and cruel, ricocheting off the ancient stone walls. The sound mocked, carried by the cold, damp air as it spread through the Caverns.

The ground trembled faintly, shifting beneath the racers, yet the mocking sound persisted, growing fainter as it faded into the depths, swallowed by the vast, yawning darkness.

With its last echo one could hear a faint mutter…

… he’s washed.

Gaanla Munin Gaanla Munin
Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo


Tags: Hakon Fett Hakon Fett | Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r | Careena Fett Careena Fett | Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl | Gaanla Munin Gaanla Munin

Sig held fast as he exited the caves to find the wide open world before him. As the beast leaped forward and landed hard, Sig had to regain some control over his grip.

Although he was doing fine thus far, his inexperience as a rider could and would likely hinder him at any moment. For now though it seemed in hand.

As the water was kicked into the air from his mount, Sig could hear something in distance. The sky suddenly grew dark and an unnatural gust began to blow over the freezing water of the ravine.

Above Sig could now make clear what it was: borgles. With his left hand still gripping the ropes that controlled the beast, Sig used his right hand to quickly grab the knife holstered on his boot. He readied himself, it wouldn’t be easy.

Sig’s arm launched forward, slicing and dicing at the large winded creatures as they attempted to make a meal out of himself or the beast he found himself upon.

Thankfully, as the other racers behind him began making their own way out onto the ravine, the borgles quickly began to refocus their swarms.

Despite the lack of any riding experience what-so-ever, Sig was maintaining a somewhat manageable lead. He only hoped his luck would continue.

Leg 1 - 19
Leg 2 - 19
Leg 3 - Placeholder
Final Leg - Placeholder
Total - 38

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TAGS: Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r Careena Fett Careena Fett Gaanla Munin Gaanla Munin

Hakon and his mount burst out of the dark mouth of the cave into the glaring light of the ravine, his Varactyl screeching as its claws dug into the rocky path beneath. The vast chasm stretched before him and from above, the shrieks of Borgles echoed as the bloodthirsty creatures swept down in a frenzy.

The Mandalorian felt the wind shift with their approach. He urged the Varactyl onward, leaning low against its feathered neck. A Borgle dove, talons outstretched, grazing his shoulder with a screeching hiss. Hakon swung his gauntlet, catching it mid-flight, sending the beast spiraling into the ravine’s abyss below.

More came. His Varactyl weaved left and right, barely evading the swarm. Another Borgle clawed at the Varactyl’s flank, drawing blood. Hakon cursed under his breath, loosing a flash of fire from his vambrace, sending the creature retreating.

The ravine stretched far ahead.

He saw Dryggo’s shadow grow smaller.

This wasn’t over yet.

Dice rolls:
Leg 1: 15
Leg 2: 12
Leg 3:
Leg 4
total: 27


As Ninurta and his Varactyl steed burst from the dark, twisting caves into the vast stretch of the ravine, the sudden rush of open nickel drafted air brought with it a new threat. From the jagged cliffs above, swarms of Borgles descended like a living cloud, their shrill screeches filling the canyon. The bat-like creatures swooped down in aggressive waves, aiming for both riders and mounts. A larger borgle, he watched collide into another racer and carry him away with ease.

Ninurta's Varactyl snapped its jaws at the nearest Borgle, fending off an attack at to the lizards throat, while Ninurta leaned low and pulled his Kashyyyk Stalker pistol from its holster and began to fire at the creatures attached to his mounts sides. Green streaks of plasma went ablaze in multipule directions! Claws and teeth were bared, they raced through the onslaught of leathery beasts and their droppings that littered the ravine floor.

" Karabast! Get away!" He exclaimed.

Tags: Hakon Fett Hakon Fett Gaanla Munin Gaanla Munin Careena Fett Careena Fett Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo

Leg 1: 10
Leg 2: 6
Leg 3: ?
Leg 4: ?

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C a r e e n a _ F e t t
| Location | Great Dordon Caves, Euceron
| Objective | Participate in the Games
Careena veered her Varactyl out of the way of a crashing stalactite as she and her mount. Adrenaline rushed through her veins as she snapped the reigns and kicked her heel into the varactyl's side to urge it forward. The ground beneath them trembled as a massive hole began to form, giving out from under the varactyl's feet as it screeched. "Come on, you've got this girl." she spoke as the varactyl clambered onto a large piece of rock that was beginning to fall, the beast leaping as it grabbed onto a stable ledge and pulled itself up. It had slowed her down considerably, but she was still in the race.​
The varactyl sprinted as it reached the exit to the Great Dordon Caves and out into the open air. The first leg of the race had been finished as they made their way for the peaks. Careena glanced up to see the Borgles already coming in to descend upon them. Careena was towards the back of the pack after their little slip up at the caves, neck and neck with Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r , the Borgles looking to make away with a free meal as they attempted to snatch the Mandalorians. A blaster pistol in hand while the other gripped the reins tightly was all she had to dissuade the creatures as she continued to urge her mount to push through it and trust her enough to not let the both of them get eaten.​
[Leg 1] 13​
[Leg 2] 3​

He had fallen a bit behind, all that mattered to him was staying ahead of the pod-racers. Whoever claimed victory this day would claim victory for them all. Still, he was doing remarkably well considering how long it had been. The Rally Master could certainly get used to this, if he chose to engage in this sort of activity more regularly.

Carduul was neck-and-neck with one of the local racers, reins firmly clutched in his grasp as his mount carried him forward with a burst of speed. Just as the light of the planet’s sun returned, did it begin to blot out. A dark, ominous cloud hung overhead, and he squinted upwards through the visor. It was then he realized it wasn’t a cloud. It was a swarm. Bearing down on him right at that moment.

Instinctually, a wrist blade extended, viciously swatting through the air as it clove several swooping boggles in twain. The racer that had been neck-and-neck with him was not so lucky, the swarm crashing into his podracer with an attempt to swerve out of the way. A yell of surprise, before the engines burst with a now-crispy boggle, tumbling into the ground with a fiery explosion to finish.

His legs tensed to keep him firmly on the saddle, his other hand on the rein cracking again as he continued to swipe through the air, gore and viscera gleaming in the light. “Fear not, beast!’ Decreed resolutely, “This vermin shan’t impede us!”

Despite his claim, they were certainly making a good effort of it. Leathers were scraped against with fierce talons, one of the large bat-like creatures latching to his forearm as they dug in deep. Leaning forward closer to the satchel with a hiss of pain, he used the other hand to practically wring it off by its neck and cast it to the wind. Some clawed at the Varactyl’s scaled hide, earning yelp of pain.

Blood trickled from the arm, but it seized the reins again to steady it. He would keep up, yet.

Leg 1: 10
Leg 2: 13
Leg 3: ?
Leg 4: ?
Total: 23


TAGS: Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r Careena Fett Careena Fett Gaanla Munin Gaanla Munin

Leaving the realm of the hero Euceron deserves, but not the one it needs, the open plains of Euceron stretched wide before Hakon Fett, deceptively peaceful after the chaos of the ravine. His Varactyl’s claws dug into the soil, sprinting with relentless speed, the wind a constant roar in his ears. Yet, even in the tranquility of the plains, danger was never far. The Crucible Slavers’ camp loomed in the distance—he could see the gleam of scopes trained on the racers.

A sharp crack split the air as the first shot rang out. Fett cursed under his breath, ducking low as a bolt whizzed past his shoulder. His instincts screamed—he had seen enough of these ambushes to know when things were about to turn ugly. The Varactyl screeched as a sonic charge detonated nearby, the ground shuddering under the blast, slowing its pace.

Ahead, Sig Dryggo had pulled further ahead, unscathed. A wave of irritation gnawed at Fett, but he tamped it down. Winning meant little if he didn’t survive the gauntlet of slaver fire.

Another shot. This time, a near miss. Fett spurred his mount, eyes scanning for an opening, knowing the only way through was forward, headlong into the chaos.

Dice rolls:
Leg 1: 15
Leg 2: 12
Leg 3: 9
Leg 4
total: 36
Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo


Tags: Hakon Fett Hakon Fett | Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl | Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r | Careena Fett Careena Fett | Gaanla Munin Gaanla Munin

Sig steadied the beast as the ravine opened into the wide plains. For a moment Sig maintained the lead he held his position at the front of the pack.

However before he knew it he suddenly found himself under fire from far off. He was aware of the marooned slavers in the area and anticipated their incoming fire. However the beast was finally showing it’s limits to Sig as a shot to the front right shoulder of the beast caused a stumble.

Nearly taking him out of the rage, Sig was able to regain control over the beast and let out an angered sigh as his chances of victory seemed to be taken from him. He refocused quickly. It wasn’t over yet.

Leg 1 : 19
Leg 2 : 19
Leg 3 : 3
Leg 4 : ~~~
Total : 41


Adjacent to him he was aware of the Alor of clan Fett, Careena Fett Careena Fett . Yet ahead of them both, a camp of marooned Crucible slavers came into view, their weapons locking onto his mount and armored form. His suits internal systems were already pinging trajectories of incoming fire patterns and targeting. These slavers were known for their sharpshooting skills and when they fired, and they did fire, it was potshots at the incoming racers. Blaster bolts whizzed past, forcing Ninurta to weave his Varactyl in sharp, unpredictable movements. Instinct kicked in as he urged his mount to pick up speed, the Varactyl's agility keeping them just ahead of the deadly barrage of plasma. The sound of blaster fire echoed across the plains as he pressed on, dodging danger with every bound and stride by seconds.

Meanwhile the beastmaster kept an eye on his nearest competitor Careena and her mount. Specifically he eyed her mount and smirked under his visor. The alor was protected from any pheromonal trickery, but her mount on the other hand? With a subtle release from his biology, he filled the air around him with a scent of panic in attempt to cause Careena Fett Careena Fett 's mount sprinting back toward the ravine!

Leg 1: 10
Leg 2: 6
Leg 3: 7
Leg 4: ?

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With a final cleave through a swath of the creatures., it had seemed there were finally clear skies. An open plain that his Varactyl took full advantage of, a renewed fervor empowering their rapid strides.

He was beginning to catch up to others. Faster, and faster, he urged his mount, leaning forwards with an intent to overtake the golden-clad figure of Hakon Fett Hakon Fett . The next place in the race was to be his, until he heard the crack of a rifle in the distance. He couldn’t see it until it was already too late, obscured by the figures of the racers in front of him.

T’was then a blaster bolt hit him square in the chest, sending him almost clean off his mount from the painful impact. It was only thanks to the stirrups he had managed to maintain hold, having fallen off from the top to instead cling to the side with a rigid determination. If he fell, he would most certainly be trampled underfoot by the racers behind him - or just picked off in the vast plains by the sniper.

With more sniper fire whizzing around them, his mount had slowed, dipping and weaving as several of the opportunistic Slavers had noticed the imminent dismounting - and while that could’ve been chalked up to a good bond between rider and mount, it was more likely just a sense of self-preservation. As it happened, being on its side made it less likely he would be struck off from his beast - though made it all the more difficult to regain control as the distance between those in front lengthened.

Leg 1: 10
Leg 2: 13
Leg 3: 5
Leg 4: ?
Total: 28

Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo

Sig could see the city coming into his view ahead. He wasn’t sure where he was among the pack of other racers but knew his beast was panting and running low on steam. Regardless he kept the reigns firmly in his hand as the pair continued on.

As he got closer and closer to his prize, to victory, he could see the shimmering glow of a ray shield. The blasted rulers couldn’t stand the fact a Neo-Crusader was so close to claiming victory. Their pride and sour taste of defeat would only drive Sig to want that victory even more than he already did.

The glory and valor it brought would further garner support within the Crusade- and make it more difficult for his many potential foes to deny his claims of being for the people.

It was right there, waiting for him to take it.

Leg 1 - 19
Leg 2 - 19
Leg 3 - 3
Leg 4 - 5
Final - 46

The roar of the crowd swelled as Hakon Fett neared the final stretch, the spires of Euceron's capital looming ahead. Victory was within reach. But then he saw it—a shimmering wall of energy closing off the path.

They think a shield can stop me?

This world will pay for its dishonorable ways.

His varactyl screeched beneath him, sensing his tension. Some racers hesitated, others swerved, but Fett leaned forward, eyes locked on the barrier. He wasn't stopping. Timing would be everything.

At the last moment, he activated his jetpack, launching from the saddle. He soared above the crackling barrier, waving at Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo as the hum of the ray shield brushing beneath his feet.

He hit the ground hard but rolled, momentum carrying him past the finish line. The crowd erupted in disbelief and shock. His T-visor turned toward them.

He had won.

The shield failed to cage the will of Mandalore's chosen.


Dice rolls:
Leg 1: 15
Leg 2: 12
Leg 3: 9
Leg 4: 13
total: 49

Rabid dog of the Outer Rim



| LocationEuceron
| ObjectiveHelp Careena
| Focus Careena Fett Careena Fett
| TagsOpen


Keir'las Fett crouched on a rocky outcropping overlooking the race path, her mottled armor blending seamlessly with the rugged terrain. Her keen eyes tracked Careena's progress through her helmet's advanced optics, fingers tightening imperceptibly on her WESTAR-35 as she watched her Alor navigate the treacherous course.
As Careena and her varactyl emerged from the Great Dordon Caves, Keir's attention shifted to the approaching Borgles. Without hesitation, she adjusted her position, raising her blaster rifle. Through the scope, she could see Careena neck and neck with Ninurta, both beset by the hungry creatures.

Keir took a slow, steady breath, her finger resting lightly on the trigger. She wouldn't interfere directly with the race - that wasn't her role. But she could even the odds against the Borgles.

With practiced precision, Keir fired a series of quick, targeted shots. The blaster bolts whizzed past the racers, striking the ground near the most aggressive Borgles. The creatures screeched and veered away, momentarily distracted from their pursuit.

Keir allowed herself a small nod of satisfaction – watching Careena with the sniper rifle paid off in its own way. Even if she was mainly just checking her out most of the time ~

[Roll - 18]

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