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Dominion [NEO] Galactic Games of Euceron | Trial of the Beasts



C a r e e n a _ F e t t
| Location | Plains, Euceron
| Objective | Participate in the Games
Careena snapped the reigns with one hand as she kept her blaster pistol steady with the other, raising it up to fire off shots at the incoming Borgles. Her varactyl screeched as it reared up and raised its clawed arm up to swipe at an incoming Borgle, exposing Careena to another one approaching her from behind that attempted to snatch her off her mount. The distant and familiar sound of a sniper firing off in the background, her head turning immediately as she heard her would be assailant get blasted out of the air. Instinct and experience directed her attention to the direction the shot came from based off the way the Borgle was sent crashing into the dirt, spotting the glint of a sniper's scope in the distance. A faint smile formed beneath her helmet; she couldn't see her benefactor, but she knew who it was nonetheless. Through Keir'las Fett Keir'las Fett 's scope they would see their alor giving a nod in their exact direction before she returned her gaze back to the race at hand, her varactyl surging ahead of Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r .​
Careena now found herself on the plains of Euceron as she holstered her pistol, now free of the Borgle swarm that attempted to make her their dinner. The open plains made for an ideal place to make up for any wasted time; it also made for an ideal spot to get shot at as there was little cover. Her suspicions were confirmed as she heard the distant cracks of rifles firing off in the distance, plumes of dirt getting kicked up as distant slavers attempted to knock her off her mount. Her rangefinder lowered as she scanned the distance. Taking note of where she was getting shot from, she was able to maneuver her mount slightly to avoid getting hit as she gauged the distance and time it took for the bolt to reach her position. All was going well up until her varactyl suddenly let out a reverberating screech and reared up on its hind legs, seeming confused and frenzied due to Ninurta's pheromones affecting the beast.​
Her mount spun as it screeched, racing off in the opposite direction as Careena pulled roughly on her reigns to get control back. The varactyl in its panicked state was unresponsive to her commands as she pulled back to try and bring it to heel, "Come on girl." She muttered under her breath as it continued to sprint off. She roughly pulled the reigns to one side, forcefully guiding the direction of the varactyl to turn back to the right track once it cleared the area that Ninurta had affected with pheromones. She leaned forward and patted the varactyl's neck now that she had regained control, comforting her beast as it squawked and scrambled to get itself back in the race, surging ahead to catch up.​
[Leg 1] 13​
[Leg 2] 18 [Thanks to Keir'las]​
[Leg 3] 2 [Due to Ninurta]​

As Ninurta raced toward the capital, the roar of the crowd fueled his determination, but his sharp eyes caught the shimmer of the ray shield rising in the distance, a calculated betrayal by Euceron's ruling elite. With a fierce growl, he spurred his Varactyl forward, flooding the creature's mind with overwhelming pheromones, pushing it beyond its natural limits. The beast responded, galloping with wild, desperate speed over 220 mph, talons tearing into the ground as it strained to close the gap. But the shield rose too quickly.

Despite its master's iron will, the Varactyl's heart gave out under the brutal strain, collapsing mid-stride with a guttural cry. Ninurta was vaulted off, the momentum sending him hurtling and skimming off the dirt below and toward the shimmering barrier. He slammed into the ray shield with brutal force, the impact knocking the breath from his lungs and leaving him stunned. His armor absorbed some of the blow, but not enough—the physical trauma was undeniable. As he lay on the ground, the sounds of the dying Varactyl's labored breath echoed behind him, the beast succumbing to the impossible demands of the race.

This meant disqualification.

In pain and with labored breath he could feel the anger boil within him and he knew for the first time in a long time, that he was emotionally compromised from the turn of events. A rare occurrence for his species and culture that honed their emotions and discipline to insane degrees.

As Ninurta lay dazed on the ground, a swarm of holo-cameras and sleek, hovering droids descended around him, capturing every brutal moment of his fall in vivid detail. Their lenses zoomed in on his crumpled form, broadcasting the scene across Euceron's massive display screens and live feeds. The very crowds that had once cheered the spectacle of the race now jeered at the sight of the defeated beastmaster.

Holo-streams across the planet lit up with taunts and curses. His name was spat out with venom by spectators and commentators alike, mocking his failure. "Some great warrior you are!! HAH!!." one announcer proclaimed, his voice dripping with contempt. Others chimed in, calling him a relic of a dead past, unworthy of challenging Euceron's technological might. The boos from the crowds were deafening, echoing through the streets as the cameras hovered mercilessly, refusing to turn away from the fallen Mandalorian who had helped arrange the very event now turning against him.

" This shame is my own." He muttered to himself and clenched his fist. " You karking Schutta! Im going to burn this city to the ground!" He shouted at the news droids and swatted at them violently. Even going to the lengths of spraying the sky with plasma in attempt to obliviate them.

Leg 1: 10
Leg 2: 6
Leg 3: 7
Leg 4: 1

Tags: Hakon Fett Hakon Fett Careena Fett Careena Fett Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl

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