Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Planet Name: Neo Kamino
  • Demonym: Neo Kaminoans
  • Region: Outer Rim Territories
  • System Name: Katruno System
  • System Features:
  • All days are in standard days. Not local days.

    PlanetOrbital PositionTypeRotation PeriodOrbital PeriodMoons
    Tiniim3Gas Giant10hrs12yrs16
  • Next part beyond Katruno's Abyss anomaly

    PlanetOrbital PositionTypeRotation PeriodOrbital PeriodMoons
    Silren2Hot House29hrs288days1
    Neo Kamino3Water World27hrs339days2
    Drurtul4Thin Atmosphere23hrs569Days2
    Hinloi5Gas Giant9hrs13yrs26
    Ulli6Gas Giant11hrs26yrs16
  • Location:
  • Major Imports: Technology, finished goods
  • Major Exports: Clones, foodstuffs, ores
  • Unexploited Resources: Alusteel ore, Durasteel ore, Doonium ore, Copper ore, Iron ore, Aluminum ore, Katrunite, etc.
  • Gravity: Slightly higher than standard
  • Climate: Temperate
  • Primary Terrain: Global Ocean with a few islands
  • Atmosphere: Type 1
  • Capital City: Miarli
  • Planetary Features:
  • The Great Reef: A massive reef that hosts a plethora of sea creatures. Also the breeding grounds for many go them. Home to the city of Sinren that works on coral and other sea flora & fauna.
  • Braymua: the largest set of islands and the only one in an archipelago rather than one or two. The islands run north south so the islands have from tropical heat all the way to snow on the other end.
  • Ce'Tes: Is the biggest volcano on the planet, far larger and taller than the other volcanic islands and currently dormant for the last few hundred years. The island is circular mountain range with the tallest peaks at 4,700m(15,420ft) above the sea.
  • Major Locations:
  • Toanoc City: The second largest city home to the Melodie Offshoot creation. Home city of the Neo Kaminoan council President.
  • Miarli City: Largest city, capital of the planet of Neo Kamino, and home to their council chambers. Has the largest spaceport meant for trade.
  • Su'Tehon City: Is the city that has the majority of the military installations harboring the parts of the fleet that are not sent out. Also repairing & housing the crews of ships being retrofitted.
  • Salronu City: It is the only city that resides on land. Existing in the Braymua island chain, at the edge of the tropical zone.
  • Wen'kenri: The fifth biggest city that also houses a branch of Werr Republic Drive Yards. The WRDY takes care of their military repairs, retrofit, & some construction of the vessels the Neo Kaminoans purchase from them.

  • Native Species: N/A minus wildlife
  • Immigrated Species: Kaminoan, Melodies, Others
  • Population: Moderate
  • Demographics: The vast majority of the population is Kaminoans who have built large stilted cities in a few places across the planet. The Melodies offshoot client population has a city near one of the few less active volcanic island groups that are above the ocean surface along with a couple below water of the Kaminoan cities. Any other species are ones that are cloned to be delivered to the contract holder.
  • Kaminoans 90%
  • Offshoot Melodies 9%
  • Other Clones 1%
  • Primary Languages: Kaminoan, Galactic Basic, Melodie, and various clone contract languages.
  • Culture: The planet is similar to the original Kamino in cultural norms. The Neo Kaminoans are more lax'd on the genetic variances that the mainline population allows. The Neo Kaminoans most distinct difference is in the fact that they are even more curious and view their Melodie offshoot as that of a proud parent. The Melodie offshoot have young that are aquatic based and as adults being land based with the ability to breath water or air. This flip flop from the original source made sense and gave the Neo Kaminoans a template for a clone army. The clone army is 50/50 male and female with a variance of genes for a good gene pool. Once done with military service they join the Melodie offshoot civilians in their client state status country.

    There is a large gap between the style of the Kaminoan and the Melodie Offshoot. The former decorates in the ultraviolet spectrum leaving what those who can't see it as cold and clinical aesthetic. While the Melodie Offshoot work their art in the visible spectrum using a wide array of colors.
  • Government: Confederated Republic. A republic built upon the unification of the city states of Neo Kamino into a single Republic. One that has the Ruling council on one side and the senate on the other. The Judiciary is given the power of other worlds supreme court. And at the top of the govennet is the Council President that is elected by those in the council. Both sides are direct election, allowing anyone on the planet at the time of the vote, to vote. The Council is 2 per the 46 city states, Senate is 13 senators per city state. The Senate being split into Inside and outside the Abyss, making a 199 senator Kartuno chamber and a 399 member Neo Kamino chamber.
  • Council President: 1
  • Council: 92
  • Senate: 598
  • Affiliation: Neo Kamino
  • Wealth: Wealthy Neo Kamino provides clones to whoever will pay with a smidge more ethics than the mainline Kaminoans
  • Stability: High That planet is quite stable and peaceful. All that come are hand picked and welcomed to their cities. The only two permanent races on the planet are Kaminoans and Melodie offshoot.
  • Freedom & Oppression: The society is free but has a strong identity. The cities of the planet elect a member to the council that rules. The council in turn votes on a council president. There isn't really any censorship.
  • Military: The planet has a client race of Melody offshoots. As part of their bargain the Neo Kaminoans have created a clone army of males and females of diverse genetics to then be edited back to normal aging once mature.
  • Technology: Advanced Cloning, the rest of technology being Galactic Standard
The planet was first discovered by force users in the ancient past while on the planet Katruno. Using the force they sensed through the Katruno Abyss that there was a large system with a habitable planet. The system was largely ignored minus a few prospectors on Kartuno here and there over the millennia. Four years after the end of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion (34aby) the faction of Kaminoans who wanted to branch out technology in other ways formed. The main part of society frowned upon it so they coalesced into one city and started scouring the stars for a new home. A decade later they had found the Katruno system and the Katruno Abyss using history records and Jedi for force guides. They found a habitable planet naming it Katruno and founding the city of Tiare to work from. Officially fully leaving Kamino for the last time.

Almost a decade of research was done within the first city on Katruno, Tiare. In the city of Tiare the Jedi that the future Neo Kaminoan's sponsored and the first wave of Neo Kaminaon's delved into the mysteries of the Abyss. The anomaly was reminiscent of the Koboh Abyss in danger, but not entirely the same in the rest of the ways. It had its own material that behaved differently than the Koboh one. They named it Katrunite, being able to be blended into other metals giving unique properties. Eventually a young female Jedi from the Pantoran Koline family volunteered to fly through it with the proper data recorder. She made it through giving the data needed for the Katruno Abyss Jump Calculation Unit (KAJ-CU). This allowed the movement of now Neo Kaminoans to the newly named Neo Kamino where they began building the future capitol city of Miarli and the second city of Toanoc. From there the Neo Kaminoans built and began work on new cloning tech that differed from their original brethren. Even looking onto the Yuuzhan Vong biotech for things to use in their own. For many many centuries they were content with cloning contracts for the outside universe, work on their tech, and watch the galaxy ebb and flow. During the great plague the system stayed locked down only letting researchers out with proper protections to study the disease.

Until the Sith Order began making a whole cast of super clones in the 850's ABY. The city of Toanoc searched out a clone genetic source and wound up talking to some young Melodies. A small group discussed their desire to not turn into part fish at adulthood and be confined to water. Signing a contract to allow their genetic source to be used in a clone army the team gathered the 48 Melodies (with a few older ones)and transported them to Neo Kamino city of Toanoc. The Neo Kaminoans giving them a gene solution to their transformation problem quickly, before working on their contractual gene work. Finishing their gene tweaks a decade later the first wave of their Melodie offshoots were mature. The first 20,000 Melodies were given more cultural teaching from the originals, military training, and allowed to pursue what topic(s) they wanted to follow. This group became the core of the Melodie population that was intended to be the destination of the rank and file clones when they finished their five year enlistment along with their five year reservist status afterwards.

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