Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Never a dull moment

[member="Darth Ferus"]

While her master was away, occupied with other matters of importance, Greta had taken it upon herself to continue with her training. She was particularly interested in the arts of lightsaber combat and after a rather extensive period of training, she had managed to grasp the basics of Djem So, or Form V, the Way of the Krayt Dragon.

The form had attracted her was its aggressiveness compared to the more defensive form of Soresu. A Djem So user maintained a proper foundation of defence against ranged and melee attacks. It relied on counter-attacks, and pressing the assault. It also placed a heavy focus on brute strength and pure power, with wide, powerful strikes and parries followed immediately by a counterattack.

So Greta found herself in one of the many training rooms in The Sith Academy, training on combat droids with her borrowed lightsaber. The young apprentice had engaged the help of one Darth Ferus, a Sith assassin, well versed in the arts of combat. With weapon in hand, she swung her blade left and right as she deflected the blaster bolts coming from the droids.

With that done, she went over to a separate pair of droids, this pair wielding a training saber each. She swung the blade left and right as she practiced the crtical key moves of the form, making sure to keep the lightsaber above her head, angled back and down at an approximately forty-five degree angle, taking a few artistic swings as she did so.

While she fared well against the droids, they were indeed putting up a fight against the girl, and she had unfortunately allowed several attacks to slip through her guard. The apprentice was sure to be bruised before this was over. But training was training,and one never improved without it.
Ferus always had this habit of teaching. Showing those within the Sith new ways to use their power, new styles with their lightsabers, generally anything he knew. No matter who it was, no matter when they asked, he was there to help. On this day he was asked by another, one acolyte known as [member="Greta Kohler"] , on lessons for Djem So.

He would walk into the room to find the girl already hard at work, this of course bringing a smile to his face as he watched. It showed a sense of determination when one worked on something before even being told to. Both of his hands would slip behind his head as he watched the lesson continue, taking mental notes as the droids slipped through her guard. She was far more focused on doing damage rather than preventing her own, which was a necessary aspect of the way of the Krayt Dragon. If you were hurt too much, you couldn't keep yourself going for too long.

Endurance was key.

Once she finished however, he would speak up, his voice soft as he had seen enough of her current form.

"You focus too much on the offensive, and not enough on the defensive. If you can't keep yourself unharmed, you'll be finished in no time."
The girl stopped, her spar with the training droids completed. Her chest heaved from the exertion from the bouts of training earlier. Greta deactivated her saber upon hearing the voice of man.

Turning around with her sweat-drenched hair around her face, she looked towards the source of the sound. It came from a male zabrak. From his disposition and behaviour, he must be a Sith Lord.

Most probably, [member="Darth Ferus"], the very same one she had requested for help with her training. Though he had spoken in but a hushed tone, his voice still carried along clearly towards her. Yet another wonder of the force, she guessed.

His words had indicated that she focused too much on the offensive and too little on defence. Feeling the developing aches on her, she recognised the wisdom of his words and her mistakes.

Defence was essential, as without defence, one would fall before even one could even launch a worthy assault. Turning to face the Sith Lord, she did a curt bow, acknowledging the iIth Lord's presence.

"[member="Darth Ferus"], I'm glad you could make it. I appreciate your insight. Shall we begin the training?"
"Indeed we shall. You've shown me enough with these droids so I don't have to test you myself." Slowly the red man would begin to circle her, letting his hands fall from behind his head. Ferus was a peculiar Lord, acting far more laid back and far more kind than the normal stereotype, yet he had trained so many successfully that one couldn't really talk ill of his odd methods.

A single hand went down to wrap around the hilt of his own unique saber, one he would draw out and with a flick of a button the golden blade would spring to life. The Zabrak's second hand would reach over to grip the end of it as well, and slowly the golden blade would be brought overhead, resting there.

"Do you know the name of the attack this stance leads into?" And the lesson begins.
The Sith Lord then spoke, indicating that they should get started. Very well, it was about time they did. After all, that was why they were gathered here today in this training hall. The Zabrak had also mentioned that her demonstration with the droids earlier had shown him enough of what he wanted to know that he would not have to test her personally. Greta then watched as the man began to circle her, her eyes following the Sith Lord as he walked around her, his hands falling from behind his head as he circled her.

He was a peculiar Sith, unlike many of the typical Sith Lords she knew and had seen. In a way, he reminded her of her master, Darth Venefica. The girl then watched as a hand of his went down to grip the hilt of his uniquely crafted saber, drawing it out with a skilful flourish and a casual flick of a button, igniting it to present a golden glowing blade.

His other hand reached over to the grip of it as well, gripping it in a two-handed version akin to a stance she was familiar with. The golden blade was then brought in an overheard position, resting there as it hummed excitedly. The acolyte was then asked if she knew what the stance was. The attack, however, she was not entirely sure about. "I recognise the stance as Djem So, but the attack that move leads to, would that happen to be the Falling Avalanche?"

[member="Darth Ferus"]
"Indeed it would be. The signature move of Djem So, a powerful overhead strike to overwhelm an opponent who thinks they can block it. All of your strength would go down with gravity, to break any sort of defense, just like the whole of the stance. You power through their defense. When you can't find a hole in their form, you make one. And when you make an opening, you press for it non stop. Don't ever give your opponent breathing room."

With that, the Zabrak would step forward and swing his blade down. The golden blade flashed as he did so, and [member="Greta Kohler"] would most likely feel the air push away from the cut itself. It was such a simple move, yet possibly the most effective within Djem So's arsenal. Blue eyes would flick over to the female as he nodded.

"Do you understand?"
Greta listened as she was schooled on the signature attack of Djem So, the Falling Avalanche. She was further taught about the powerful overhead strike which was used to overwhelm an opponent who had made the mistake in attempting to block it. The move was highly physical and required a great deal of strength to go along with the gravity with the unmistakable intention of breaking through any form of defence the opponent has up.

That was the crux of the stance. Powering through their defences. When such a mistake can not be found, you fight on as you try to lure your opponent into a sense of false safety, coaxing him into dropping his guard and making a mistake in his defences.

When said mistakes presented themselves, that was when it was time to press and push forward, giving no quarter with a series of unrelenting strikes. Do not stop as they will only serve to give the opponent breathing room, something you definitely do not want.

As she listened and thought about what she was being taught, the Sith Assassin stepped forward, swinging his blade down in a swift move, the golden blade flashing and leaving a momentary trail of its glow. The move was brief yet firm, and the girl could feel the force of the blow as it travelled towards her. He gave her a nod, and she returned the nod in return, his blue eyes gazing at her grey ones.

"I understand completely, [member="Darth Ferus"]."
"Good, then show me." With a light flick of the wrist the Zabrak would pull up his saber in a single grip, and point it for [member="Greta Kohler"] . He kept his body still after that, the smile on his face gone as a grim determination took over his form. Training with words was nice, but it was only through real action that one would learn.

Or at least, in his mind.
The Sith Lord, [member="Darth Ferus"] wanted a demonstration of what he had just showed her. That was perfectly fine with her, after all putting words into action was always a great of remembering what was being taught. He had flicked his wrist lightly, bringing his saber up in a single grip.

Both the Zabrak and his blade was ready for her, waiting for her to launch the signature move of the Djem So stance at him. His body was still and firm, devoid of smile or the carefree expression that had dominated his visage earlier on. Greta would not aim to disappoint. After all, she had plenty to prove, as always.

The Acolyte ignited her blade and raised her blade in an upward position above her head, angled back and down at an approximate forty-five degree angle. She then took a deep breath and reached into the force as the girl launched her attack, striking the Sith Assassin's blade with an overhead power blow crashing down on his blade with as much force as she could muster.
Rather than take the blow head on, the Zabrak let his saber fall with the attack. A frown now took over his form as he stepped to the left and once more spoke. "If you are not striking to kill you are not striking at all. Aim for my body, not the weapon. Never once think of this as just training, and make sure you always fight to the death." Ferus would slip back again, though this time he brought his blade overhead, turning his form sideways, and kept his free hand pointed towards [member="Greta Kohler"] .

Soresu. For now, he would keep defensive, to test the female.
Her attack was all for naught when the Sith Assassin blocked it effortlessly with his weapon, letting his sabre fall with the attack. Apparently, Greta had made the mistake of aiming for his weapon and she should have aimed for his body. A foolish mistake, now that she thought about it. The girl was also then chided on the lack of commitment on her strokes.

The Zabrak ordered her to strike him with all she got, to never think this of just merely training, and fight as you would, as always. Alright, the girl would try just that.

Her instructor, the Zabrak had assumed a Soresu stance, and was already waiting for incoming attack. Greta reignited her blade and assumed the required stance once more, raising her blade in an upward position above her head, angled back and down at an approximate forty-five degree angle. This time, she would strike for [member="Darth Ferus"]'s body and would not hold back.
Quickly the Zabrak brought up his own blade, though rather than catch [member="Greta Kohler"] 's along the edge he angled his own blade off to the side, aiming to let the overhead strike glance off to the side. For now, he kept to the defensive, sliding back away from the female in order to keep testing her ability to continue the assault.

(Sorry for the delay!)
Her blade struck- no merely grazed the blade of the Zabrak as he made a move to avoid the incoming blow entirely. Greta was starting to feel irritated as the Sith Assassin kept retreating from her blows, no matter the move.

Unwilling to give up, the ambitious blonde acolyte pressed forward, lunging forward as the male slid backwards, moving forth with a barraging set of blade strokes and blows, her anger fueling her strikes as she hit with even more effort than ever before.

Aside from the overhead blows, she threw in some side slashes along with a couple of feints, before she let loose with the Falling Avalanche once more. After all, the Sith Lord had asked her to hit with the intention to kill after all, and that was what her anger had helped her to achieve.

She knew that there was a limit to what she could learn here today, but nevertheless, Greta would put in her utmost to learnt whatever the Sith Lord could teach her. She knew that she would have to put the knowledge to the test in the field, a place where she could really learn. Learn and survive.

[member="Darth Ferus"]
"Good. Good! Keep pressing forward, always looking for the next opportunity or simply making it. No no, don't bother with feints! Djem So is about preventing the opponent from getting a moments breather, feints are better suited for a much more finesse style like Makashi. Put all your strength into your blows to overwhelm!"

The Zabrak spoke up as he continued to move back from [member="Greta Kohler"] 's strikes. Both hands rested on the hilt of his blade as he blocked the strikes against the flat of his peculiar saber, and the visible strain forming across his body as the attacks continued. As a saber master, Darth Ferus knew the ins and outs for swordplay, able to keep up with her strikes with only a margarine of difficulty. It was, however, the constant need to defend that was getting to him. The females powerful attacks put an unnatural strain on his body, and he himself doubted he could hold on for much longer.

A sudden blast of the Force would expel from his body as Greta came in once more for a Falling Avalanche, meant to stall her just long enough for him to slip out and step away. He would keep his saber on, naturally, but he would go to speak once again.

"Very, very good! In a training lesson like this you've outdone yourself. But, I don't think there is much else I can teach you. Now it's a matter of using the form in the field." Visibly, the Zabrak did not seem out of breath, but that was only a trick he had taught himself long ago. His arms were tiring now, and while he could do this for hours still, it wouldn't feel so good during.

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