Sosu Deviron
Just shooting he a grimace at the warning Sosu kept his mind clear knowing he'd have to focus to make sure the guilt didn't reemerge during the process. He had taken plenty of pain in his life, it should be obvious especially since she'd seen him stab a lightsaber through his own arm. Feeling her body begin to heat up Sosu began to not be to sure about the process what if he ended up dying during it? Yet he kept on and when the heat transferred to his body filling it with heat he wanted to scream. The burning sensation was more intense then any force lightning he had ever been the victim of. It felt as though every pore of his body was about to emit flames. It was hands down the second worse experience he ever had next to his transformation into a force vampire.
[member="Lexa Imura"]
[member="Lexa Imura"]