Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Never Trust a Redhead or a Sith

"I am always interested in Jedi Proof Battle Droids. How big of a production line do you have?" This little trip was proving to be more useful that he expected. "I would need to know how much ore are we talking about here. If you can give me a figure, I might be able to be of help."

Alli Wren

She laughed, " Give me a figure, " she wasn't going to let him know she controlled a whole planet's worth of cortosis and was in the process of two others, She wanted a monopoly on it, as it gave her power over force users. She smirked as Daxton might realize that the various droid guards in the room had cortosis shells, She liked her new found mineral, and she had pursued it very seriously, hopefully it proved worth the investment. " I assure you I can handle whatever you throw at me"
Laughing in pleasure at her audacity, Daxton shakes his finger and says, "A woman after my own heart.......I like you indeed we can do a lot of business together. I trust this would include exclusivity. The Sith would desire an exclusive contract on your supply of Cortosis. We would prefer not risking it falling into shall we say more immature minds."

Alli Wren

" Well, your one of the few who has come to buy in any bulk, but one would have to offer a rather nice offer to obtain an exclusive contract.. " She laughed as his statement. "I know you would prefer it that we have such a contract but it would not come cheap, as I have had similar offers from the Republic for my services which I have turned down. " She did not like playing favorites, she like selling to everyone, even small private buyers, as a sale was a sale, and of course her company had quite an extensive catalog. " I have personally entertained the fun uses of raw cortosis " She smirked knowing full well that contact with raw cortosis ended in death.
"So you do see the possibilities. By the Dark Gods, I wish you were a Sith. I am sure you would find that arrangement most rewarding. Fine. Lets start small, say a quarter ton of raw cortosis to begin with." That was a test to see if she could back her claims. If she could then the possibilities were infinitely vast for what Daxton had in mind.

Alli Wren

"A sith huh? " she laughed she then let it mull, and she then pulled up her datapad. She began to look it over, mulling numbers about ore, and other things. It was a funny thing, business that is. To let them know if she had too much or too little, " Done, want it delivered to the same place? and are you sure you want it raw? It is a dangerous mineral to have lying around." It was always good to have a business deal.
"I will provide you with a list of where the deposits should be delivered. If the purity is as high as you claim it is, I would be needing more. I will be needing a full demonstration of your product line, I want a demonstration for a few select Sith Lords to be conducted on a private location via holonet. Because we are busy defending our borders, we do not have time to physically gather in one place for the demonstration, would you be able to handle such a gathering?"

Alli Wren

" Yes, do you want me to send a feed of this testing facility or were you thinking a more creative demostration site? and I was asking if you wanted it raw, or purified, As Cortosis can be valuable in two states. and of course, I shall send some machines to you that will handle the encryption, for the holonet, just make sure that each Sith Lord has one hooked into their holonet feed. and of course, which products do you wish to have shown? " She said knowing that said machine would get searched and searched again but it would really only do what she said, provide a secure feed of whatever she showed them.
"I will provide you with the holonet feed, when the time is right and they agree to a meeting as long as you take care of the demonstration portion. I want the Cortosis in its raw state as possible. We would do the further refining on our end."

Alli Wren

" Of course, consider the ore delivered and the weapons, as well, I look forward to doing future business with you. " She said with a smile. Alli was glad she could do such great business with the sith. She hoped for more.
"Excellent. Until that time then. You will have to excuse me as I have a pressing engagement in a few hours." Shaking her hand, he paid for his purchases and gave the relevant information before leaving the compound.

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