Anora Vahn
This Is How We Rise Up
There was a scoff from Anora, "That's probably exactly what you should do." she answered him flatly. "That would sure as hell be the definite way to keep her out of danger, now wouldn't it?"
The older Vahn sibling finally pushed herself to her feet, wincing once she got there. "You're right, I have no idea what it's like to break away from the Sith and attempt to start over. I don't know if it's something you ever really let go of, or if it's something you just push down until you snap and it finally resurfaces." She sighed and folded her arms. "What I do know? Eenia is my sister, my blood, and you are no good for her. I just witnessed first hand-" she subconsciously touched her throat with the tips of her fingers, "the more pure soul I have ever seen, come completely unglued and become tainted because of her blinded devotion to you."
Anora's eyes narrowed just a tad as she gazed across the space at [member="Kahlil Zambrano"], "And you know I'm right."
The older Vahn sibling finally pushed herself to her feet, wincing once she got there. "You're right, I have no idea what it's like to break away from the Sith and attempt to start over. I don't know if it's something you ever really let go of, or if it's something you just push down until you snap and it finally resurfaces." She sighed and folded her arms. "What I do know? Eenia is my sister, my blood, and you are no good for her. I just witnessed first hand-" she subconsciously touched her throat with the tips of her fingers, "the more pure soul I have ever seen, come completely unglued and become tainted because of her blinded devotion to you."
Anora's eyes narrowed just a tad as she gazed across the space at [member="Kahlil Zambrano"], "And you know I'm right."