Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion New Alliances — GA Dominion of Hapes


“Indra Djo,” the old man replied, lifting his chin proudly. “Leader of the Se’n Dorrin.”

"Where are the relics being kept?"

“I don’t know,” Indra sneered. “They were sold to help pay for weapons and armaments we could actually use in our efforts to overthrow the tyrannical Queen Mother. Boys are born every day into this world, condemned to be nothing more than servants and breeding stock in the name of a millennia-old grudge, and of course all you care about is some magical relics. Typical Jedi tunnel vision.

“And you—coming to us with your offer of help.” He jabbed a shaking finger at Lon. “I never believed it for a moment. The GA doesn’t give a damn about the common man.”

Oh, we do care, rest assured,” Lon said. “But planets have to advocate for themselves. That means you and your ilk, Mr. Djo. You’re fighting the wrong battle here. Save your breath for the Assembly floor and argue your case rather than blowing chit up.” He was still hoping the old man would get the point and realize not all was lost, provided he shut up...


[ Objective II | Location: The Durasteel Devils Territory, Warehouse-1837K79 | Engaging: Mary Hilstar ]
It had taken Perseus about another minute of carefully making his way deeper into the warehouse before he heard a gentle echo reverberate through the conduit. Was that someone following him? Just another sound? He couldn't tell but refused to let it distract him from his goal. Slinking forward nimbly, his eyes locked onto a particularly large vent opening. That was his ingress. Coming to a knee he reached down, gently manipulating the vent from the inside but after a moment it became evident it was going to require a bit more force. Resting against the side of the conduit he aimed his heel towards the center of the vent before giving it a swift kick. In one smooth motion he followed the falling metal, landing on his feet as it clattered to the ground. Immediately his eyes flicked across his surroundings. No one here.. strange. Was it a trap?

He held position for another few seconds before pressing himself up against a nearby cargo crate and listened. No alarms, no sounds of boots, no whirring of turrets. Maybe they really were banking on the anonymity of this particular warehouse to do most of the protecting of the items Perseus could now feel were nearby. It was a darkness he couldn't quite explain, a subtle, murky, essence that simultaneously wanted to be found yet remain hidden. There it is again. Perseus heard another small echo, as if metal was bending or flexing. He couldn't shake the feeling somehow someone had caught wind of his presence. Who exactly he wasn't yet sure but as his eyes looked around he caught sight of a small glimmer of light from the vent system above. Hells.

Honing in on the vents above he reached out carefully with the Force, attempting to identify whom it might be. No one known to him, that was certain, their presence hard to lock in on. That didn't bode well, perhaps they were here for the same thing and that meant things were going to get dicey in a minute. Perhaps he could locate the relics first, that would give him an edge. He wasn't sure how exactly but surely knowing where they were was better than not knowing where they were. Darting between rows of shelving he pushed outward with the Force again, this time seeking the cargo which he sought after. He found himself in front of a large brown container, metal, no markings. They were definitely there, now just to get inside. Unfortunately, his time was up. He turned, back towards the container and waited - whomever it was that was following him was right on his tail.

"Come out now, I know you're there."



Sycorax Laveaux Sycorax Laveaux

So, it was Indra Djo.

A small seed of suspicion formed in the Count's gut, sprouting from genuine confusion. Why hadn't Agent Tull mentioned this? The questions only multiplied the more Indra Djo talked; Not concerning his cause- though the man's plight was a sympathetic one, committing terrorism for a worthy cause did not forgive the terrorism. No, it was something else that Indra said that perked up his ears.

“I never believed it for a moment. The GA doesn’t give a damn about the common man.”

The SIA had sent Agent Tull to infiltrate the base... as a member of the Galactic Alliance? That sent off warning bells in Alicio's mind. Was Intelligence coordinating with this sect of Hapans? Alicio knew Valery didn't entirely trust the SIA. Perhaps he shouldn't, either.

Still, he nodded along with the agent as he spoke. "Your people are now under our watch. If I see injustice, I swear to you, I will fight it." That was all he could promise a jaded old man. Alicio didn't care if Indra Djo believed him or not, he promised it regardless.

The Count was done being too late to a cause to make a difference.

Alicio let his life force slip from his fingers into Indra Djo, ensuring the man wouldn't succumb to his injuries. He talked over his shoulder to Agent Tull, a frigid glint in his eye. "Cover me. We're getting him out of here."

The more he thought about it, the more foolish Lon’s hope seemed. The old man wasn’t listening, wasn’t understanding. This radical was too far gone to be reasoned with. Perhaps this was a stroke of luck diguised as misfortune, then—he doubted they could’ve worked well together even if Alicio hadn’t ruined their date.

Should he shoot him now, or later? This was a cramped little room, but he was in the best position within it. The door was at his back, a quick getaway within easy reach. The hallway might be faster, but there Alicio could give chase.

"Cover me. We're getting him out of here."

“Agent Tull” gave him an acknowledging nod, moved closer to the door—and pulled the trigger of his pistol twice in rapid succession, firing at Indra.


Mary Hilstar


Objective: II
Location: Hapes Cluster Underworld, Casing Warehouse-1837K79
Equipment: Cloak | Armor | 2x Feverwasp pistol (stun rounds only) | Vibrosword
Engaging: Perseus Kotar Perseus Kotar

Slowly but surely, Mary crawled further through the vents.
Her flashlight lit the way ahead, guiding her path forward. Yet the beam did not extend far enough to reveal the being she was following, or perhaps they had already made it elsewhere. Mary could only hope that the vents did lead to the warehouse where the dark aura was centered. She could feel the darkness growing, a fact which simultaneously reassured her and set her on edge. She was close.

Then came the clattering of metal up ahead and… below her?

Mary’s free hand immediately went to one of her pistols, aiming straight ahead where the beam of her flashlight shone. After waiting for a few moments and seeing nothing coming for her, she continued to crawl forwards, albeit more cautiously.

Up ahead, a light shone into the vent from below. As Mary drew closer, she realized the light was coming from a hole in the bottom of the vent, a hole large enough for a person to fit through. This would be her entry point. But did the other being make it first? Mary couldn’t waste any time thinking it over.

Just as her hands touched the edge of the hole, a voice called out from below.

"Come out now, I know you're there."

Mary froze for a brief moment. She turned off her flashlight, close enough to the room below her that she no longer needed it to avoid the darkness. She then unstrapped her second pistol from her waist belt, strapped her flashlight in its place, and occupied each of her hands with a pistol.

Then, she leapt.

For a moment, there was only the exhilarating thrill of dropping from a high place combined with a twinge of fear at what she might find beneath her. Then, she was on the ground, her knees folding with practiced precision as she landed on her feet. Rising out of her squat, she scanned the area for whoever had called out to her.

It did not take long for her to find him.

Standing in front of Mary was a humanoid male, his emotions unreadable as he stared her down. Despite being unarmed, something about him seemed innately dangerous, and it set her on edge. Her eyes then caught on a brown container behind him. The darkness there was stronger than anywhere else she had sensed it, and it did nothing to ease her rising anxiety. That box was likely the source of the illicit artifacts she had been warned about prior to being sent on her mission. And the only thing standing between Mary and her mission was the man in front of her.

“Back away from the container!” demanded Mary, her pistols lowered but firmly gripped in each hand.

[ Objective II | Location: The Durasteel Devils Territory, Warehouse-1837K79 | Engaging: Mary Hilstar ]

"Oh," Perseus cocked his head to the side. "So there is a lark about. You're elusive, I didn't pick up on it at first but here you are." He stepped off to the side, his eyes carefully watching the blasters she held. In turn, he raised his palms upwards but not in the woman's direction. It was a minor irritation, being interrupted amidst his search. He too could feel the not so subtle tug of the Force emanating from one of the containers behind him. Was she here for them, or was this just a hired watcher? Perseus took another step to the side, nimbly from foot to foot - almost gracefully. He smiled, a tug at the corner of his lips. "So which is it, are you here for what's in there," he motioned towards the container. "Or are you here as insurance?"

Perseus kept his hands away from his sides, slowly but intentionally closing the distance between the two a half step at a time. Finding out whether she was hired muscle to protect the warehouse or perhaps another interested party would grant him precious insight as to how the situation might play out. Any edge when one was confronted with the barrel of a blaster was a good one to have.

"Maybe we can work something out?" Another half step in Mary's direction. "My name is Perseus," he offered. "By the look in your eye we're after the same thing." His eyes darted back towards the container then rested again on the woman as he continued to edge closer. The artifacts were here, almost within grasp. Perseus wasn't going to back down without a fight but perhaps some other arrangement could be made, it all depended on who this woman was and what her goals were. He reached out again, touching the Force gently as he sought the woman out, attempting to get a read on her presence. Decidedly different than that of the artifacts. Not a dark sider, he mused to himself.

The blasters would create a problem if he let them, he was fast but he wasn't going to be able to outrun a blaster bolt if it came down to it. His mind raced, information flooding his system as he fought to keep his cool and measured demeanor. "You do know I can't just walk away from this, right?"

Mary Hilstar


Objective: II
Location: Hapes Cluster Underworld, Casing Warehouse-1837K79
Equipment: Cloak | Armor | 2x Feverwasp pistol (stun rounds only) | Vibrosword
Engaging: Perseus Kotar Perseus Kotar

“Well then, Perseus, let me tell you this.” remarked Mary.
“Do you know what is in that box? It’s Sith artifacts. Just touching them can be dangerous. And that’s why I’m here."

As hesitant as she was to reveal her identity to this stranger, Mary recognized that she didn’t have any other choice.

“I’m Mary Hilstar, Jedi with the Galactic Alliance. I’m here to confiscate these artifacts to protect innocent Hapans from their dark powers. I see you’re here for them too. You’re right, perhaps we could work something out. If you’re also here to dispose of the artifacts, I won’t stop you. In fact, I’ll help you."

“But if you’re here to take the artifacts for yourself, I will have no choice but to fight you. I cannot and will not allow their power to be used for selfish and evil reasons."

“So, will you do what’s right?"

The course of the next few minutes all depended on Perseus’ response. Mary really didn’t want to have to fight a stranger with unknown combat abilities, especially so close to the influence of the Dark Side. Even through the box, the artifacts beckoned to her, heightening her anxiety and threatening to let her fear consume her. If she lost her mind so close to the Dark Side, she was afraid of what she might do, both to Perseus and herself.

Mary could hardly afford to wait any longer.


Sycorax Laveaux Sycorax Laveaux

Of course, Alicio saw the betrayal coming a second too late.

He only had time to shout out a warning, activate his blade, before the man beneath him was shot. He had begun to grow suspicious, but not enough to seek this future out. By the time the Count's blade transitioned into a practiced defensive position over the wounded old man, the first bullet had already caught the man in the head. The second, he uselessly caught with Introspect, turning it to slag before it could hit Indra's corpse.

He had failed to save a life. Again.

The Count may have not been a Jedi, but he shared, perhaps exceeded, their fabled reaction time. The Count's hand extended in a desperate, half-thought-out claw, as he attempted to grasp the man's head with the Force. Were he able to get a grip, he tried to slam it into the wall beside him, dashing forward after a moment to close distance with the 'agent'. Best case scenario, Tull was caught off-guard, and immobilized.

Worse case scenario... Alicio wasn't quite sure.

[ Objective II | Location: The Durasteel Devils Territory, Warehouse-1837K79 | Engaging: Mary Hilstar ]

Intriguing. A Jedi, here? Unfortunate. Perseus knew the moment Mary had identified herself as a Jedi that his opportunities for success were plummeting. "Not to be underestimated," his master had said to him. Perseus could see why. The woman wasn't particularly physically imposing but those blasters she held would back a bite - and if she was a Jedi that meant very easily Perseus could find himself outclassed. Carefully, he shifted his weight, taking a step towards a stack of durasteel crates to his side.

"So will you do what's right?"

That tugged at the corner of his lips. "Do what's right? That's an interesting way of putting it." Perseus' hands found themselves back at his sides, resting patiently on the balls of his feet. Jedi weren't apt to make the first move, usually, but if this one did he wanted to be ready. "Surely it's not that simple." He had closed the distance significantly but still stood too far to make a direct attempt at incapacitating the woman. Frustrating. "If you can't be dissuaded..." he trailed off. Perseus no longer had time on his side, he needed to act and so he did. His eyes darted towards the lights above, tracing power conduits to a large breaker on the wall - and then he moved. All the emotion he'd been suppressing, the anxiety, the frustration, the fear he could almost feel emanating from the woman in front of him drove him swiftly behind the crates beside him. As he bolted his hands flashed and a small vibro-dagger flew through the air.

A shower of sparks erupted from the junction box and the lights flickered for a moment before fading completely. From his place behind the crates Perseus crept slowly and deliberately in a semi-circle in an attempt to flank the woman. Her blasters would only be of value if she could see what she was shooting at, hopefully. In his adrenaline filled state, Perseus could feel the world around him in a way he wasn't used to. Every one of his breaths felt like a chill of ice penetrating his lungs. Perseus sensed the presence of the Jedi, unmistakable now as he crept silently in the darkness like a predator stalking its prey. From a concealed sheath he pulled his second and only other weapon, one the Jedi would recognize immediately as a lightsaber. For now he kept it de-ignited, content to remain in the darkness. He knew the Jedi would no doubt have an idea of where he would be, a small bubble projected around himself necessary to protect against the Force. He waited, then waited another second, perhaps a second longer. Then like a viper he struck.

Lunging forward he raised the hilt of his saber, waiting until the very last moment to ignite the crimson blade. A snap-hiss breaking the silence then vibrant hum as he swung downwards at the Jedi. It was by no means a precision strike but his goal was merely to put her on her back foot. Because of the force he used in swinging the blade downward he would have no opportunity to divert his blade or make some off angle follow up. He was committed but that didn't mean he was out of options.

The first shot got Indra in the head, killing the old man instantly. The second was blocked by Alicio, but not deflected back, much to Lon’s relief.

He made to hightail it outta there, backing through the doorway only to be slammed head-first against the wall. It was a sloppy move which might’ve killed a lesser man outright. His neck certainly didn’t feel great.

Alicio was dashing toward him. Wincing, he let it happen. So long as the Senator wanted answers, he wouldn’t go for the kill. As Alicio closed the distance, Lon grabbed a metal sphere from his belt and tossed it behind the Count. It landed heavy and rolled, a red light flashing at the top.

A thermal detonator.



Sycorax Laveaux Sycorax Laveaux

The thermal detonator was a diversion, it seemed. It sailed up and over Alicio's head, poorly aimed, likely to keep him from focusing on the Force again...



The escape was the diversion. The grenade was meant to incinerate the evidence.

Alicio debated what to do next in the second before Agent Tull threw the detonator. Which would be better to do? Keep the scene intact, or double his efforts on the perpetrator? His need for justice fought against his clearer head, and cooler minds prevailed. Losing precious time, Alicio reached to the clasp of his cloak, throwing it up even as he focused on the bomb with the Force.

With a clawing hand, Alicio whipped the thermal detonator into his fire-repellant cloak, and hucked both items into the corner of the room. Of course, his cape was incinerated, and that half of the room was destroyed by the fiery conflagration resulting after, but the scene of the crime was intact.

Alicio dashed outside after the false agent, lightsaber ignited in a flash of blue and black, searching for his opponent. Hoping that he wasn't too late to spy the man before he could slip away.

Mary Hilstar


Objective: II
Location: Hapes Cluster Underworld, Casing Warehouse-1837K79
Equipment: Cloak | Armor | 2x Feverwasp pistol (stun rounds only) | Vibrosword
Engaging: Perseus Kotar Perseus Kotar

By the time Mary realized that Perseus had no intention of cooperating, it was too late.
She could only watch as he threw a small blade at something above and behind him. Then, the lights went out.

In an instant, Mary was back on Borosk.

She was back in that dark, formless room her father had locked her in all those years ago. All the fear she had been holding at bay swallowed her whole, her thoughts filled with nothing but the fear of punishment. Mary collapsed to the ground, hyperventilating, sweat coating her entire body. She instinctively curled up in a ball and wrapped herself in her cloak, desperately seeking even the slightest protection from her father’s cruel punishments. She squirmed and cried, completely lost in her own personal nightmare.

Ironically, it was a crimson blade that brought her back to her senses.

As she stared into the newfound light, Mary realized that she was no longer on Borosk. She was no longer in that dark room, powerless to resist the tyrant she once called a father. She was a Jedi now, and she had the power to fight for what was right.

As what Mary now recognized was a Sith lightsaber swung down at her, she instinctively leaped backwards, sizzling heat briefly passing by her chest as she narrowly evaded the blade. As she attempted to regain her footing, her foot slipped on her cloak, and she fell down to the ground once more. Mary decided to ditch the cloak, pulling it off her body in a single fluid motion. Then, finally, she got back on her feet, her eyes never leaving the red lightsaber in Perseus’ hands.

Mary’s fear transformed into anger as she realized the nature of who she was fighting. The one true thing her Imperial teachers had taught her was that the Sith were the lowest of the low, their Dark Side fueled by acts of evil. If someone like Perseus got their hands on the artifacts, there was no telling what sinister deeds they would do with their power. Mary could feel her fury fueling her, her blood boiling at the thought of the injustices that Perseus might commit if she didn’t stop him. It gave her all the motivation she needed to get back in the fight, grabbing her flashlight with her left hand while her dominant right hand unsheathed her vibrosword. She wouldn't risk firing her pistols at such close range, not when Perseus could simply reflect her blaster bolts straight back at her.

Mary flicked her flashlight on, fully illuminating Perseus’ figure and hopefully disorienting him, if only briefly. Then, flashlight and blade in hand, she ran forwards, charging straight at Perseus. Calling upon the Force, Mary boosted her speed slightly past her natural limits, deadset on taking down her foe in a single strike. Once she was in striking range, Mary swung her vibrosword up and to her left, aiming to sever Perseus’ right arm at the elbow.

[ Objective II | Location: The Durasteel Devils Territory, Warehouse-1837K79 | Engaging: Mary Hilstar ]
The vibrant hum of Perseus' blade hummed, crackling violently as it missed its intended target and overswung sending sparks flying up from the floor before he could raise the weapon in front of him. She's fast. Or lucky, he thought. The woman had scampered backwards and seemingly tripped on her cloak. He breathed outward through his nose, corner of his lips twitching. A minor irritation. Interruption, he reminded himself. He watched as the Jedi brought herself back up to her feet and drew her own blade. Now that's interesting.

A vibrosword, a weapon Perseus knew well. No doubt the one she held could defend against his saber or else she wouldn't have bothered drawing it. As the blade glimmered in the reflection of his own saber's light, a harsher, sharper beam shone at him from beside the woman. A snarl escaped his lips as instinctively stepped backwards a half step. The light had done its job, putting him off balance enough that by the time he caught the woman's motion she was already upon him. A frantic twist to the right as her blade danced upwards was followed by a push-off with his right leg, aiming his shoulder directly for her sternum. His full weight was thrown behind his shoulder in an attempt to knock the wind out of her.

As the two clashed he stumbled forward and spun to face her once again. "You're fast girl, but I'm not leaving without that which I.." he stopped, a sharp pain shooting up his left forearm. Wha..What? The pain was sharp but not unbearable which meant that the cut was clean. He could already feel the fabric at his arm becoming damp, however. That wasn't a good sign. "Oh you'll pay for that," he said calmly, his saber flashing as he drove foward. He spun his saber fast and hard, sweeping motions designed to disorient the woman in the dark, to keep her guessing where the strike was going to come from as he advanced. Keeping one hand on his hilt as he twirled the crimson blade in hand he reached out with his left. There in the darkness rest a toolbox, half open. Exerting a surge of energy he pulled the box towards the woman as hard as he could, tools and all. The effort left him breathing heavily, the wound at his forearm paining him. If I can just buy a little more time, he thought.

Mary Hilstar


Objective: II
Location: Hapes Cluster Underworld, Casing Warehouse-1837K79
Equipment: Cloak | Armor | 2x Feverwasp pistol (stun rounds only) | Vibrosword
Engaging: Perseus Kotar Perseus Kotar

Mary had no time to react to Perseus’ next blow, his shoulder slamming straight into her sternum.
Her armor held up, preventing her from breaking a bone. However, the force of the impact knocked the wind out of her, sending her stumbling backwards, her vibrosword almost slipping out of her hand. Only by tightening her grip at the last second was she able to keep her weapon drawn.

"Oh you'll pay for that,"

“We’ll see about that.” replied Mary.

Still, Perseus’ spinning blade was a serious threat. She wasn’t skilled enough to pierce the wall of crimson, meaning that she would have to maneuver around him to land a strike. Mary stepped back in tune with Perseus’ advance, looking for an opening. But in the darkness, she had no way of detecting any obstacles to either side of Perseus. Still, she had to find a route to flank him. If she were cornered, it would all be over.

Suddenly, she heard a loud rumbling behind Perseus. Moments later, the box with the artifacts entered the beam of Mary’s artifacts. She realized to her horror that Perseus was hurling the box straight at her. Mary could have chosen to evade the box, lunging to one side or another. Even if she tripped over something or dove into a box, she would still be better off than letting the box and its dark contents flatten her against the wall.

But in her desperation, Mary had a spark of inspiration.

As the box drew closer, Mary stopped moving and focused entirely on the box. It was already half-open, and all it would take was another pull to expose their contents to the outside world. While the box had been closer to Perseus, opening it had been a possibility she wanted to avoid at all costs. But now that he had thrown the box directly at her, Mary had no better opportunity.

Calling on the Force and extending her arms towards the approaching crate, she willed the lid of the box to open all the way. It was larger than anything she had ever moved with the Force below, and she could feel a fresh wave of sweat build on her forehead as the lid slowly but surely slid sideways away from the box. With one last great effort, Mary completely detached the lid, which toppled to the ground with a loud clang. Then, on the verge of collapsing, she lunged into the now-opened box just as it was about to slam into her, landing within its contents.

If Mary thought now, she would immediately give into her darker emotions. Fortunately, she didn’t need to. The moment Mary had realized that she needed to open the box, she knew exactly what she needed to do.

Shining her flashlight over the assorted books, amulets, and cursed blades, Mary drew her vibrosword and began to hack away at the Sith artifacts one by one, the oppressive dark atmosphere diminishing slightly with each object she cut apart.

[ Objective II | Location: The Durasteel Devils Territory, Warehouse-1837K79 | Engaging: Mary Hilstar ]
In the darkness, in his distracted state, in the heat of the fight - Perseus made a miscalculation. The pieces had been set in motion and all he had left to do was watch in horror as the realization spread across his features. That's... the wrong box. He'd gotten turned around somehow and instead of an innocuous crate, he'd thrown the very one he was after. The one with the artifacts. The resounding clang of the container's lid falling to the floor stirred Perseus from his momentary inaction. The two were separated by distance now, distance too great to strike though strike she did - each cleave of her vibrosword reducing an artifact to pieces. With each swing, Perseus could feel their presence diminish. No. He couldn't let her destroy all of them.

"Stop! You don't know what you're doing!"

A violent yell escaped his lips. What had been minor irritation erupted into anger, an almost palpable darkness filling the already inky confines of the warehouse emanating from the man. The time for words or debate had long been over but now, most of all, the time for action was nigh. Plunging deep within his core, Perseus drew forth from the well of emotion. Anger, frustration, and fear, are all fuel to the fire.

In a final effort, Perseus thrust forward his free hand with all the power he could muster, sending a massive wave of force energy directed solely at the woman. Focused as she was, Perseus hoped that he could deter her from her efforts. If even one artifact could be saved this trip was worth his effort. Without waiting for the effects of his attack to become apparent he took a half step forward and with the hand that had just pushed, he pulled. It was a difficult task, the effort taking the last modicum of strength he held in reserve - fortunate then that his emotions ran deep. He couldn't tell what it was, the darkness in the warehouse almost all-consuming. In a swift move, he pulled the object towards his hand. Taking no time to observe it he shoved it into his belt and de-ignited his saber. Darkness swallowed them.

Nestled so close to his body, Perseus could feel the object's presence but even so, it was muted, the most valuable of the artifacts having been destroyed in the first few swings of his enemy. Unfortunate. "Hillstar," he said aloud, shifting behind a set of crates. "A name to remember." Darting in the darkness he could almost feel the crates around him, using the Force to guide his feet. He knew there was a staircase in the far corner, beside that, a door. Escape was within reach. He had no further quips, no challenges or commentary, he had been soundly rebuffed and the object at his belt was a tenth of what he might have had - if that. Coupled with the wound at his arm and his rapid expenditure of energy he felt the fatigue begin to set in.

Mary Hilstar


Objective: II
Location: Hapes Cluster Underworld, Casing Warehouse-1837K79
Equipment: Cloak | Armor | 2x Feverwasp pistol (stun rounds only) | Vibrosword | Flashlight
Engaging: Perseus Kotar Perseus Kotar

It wasn’t that Mary ignored Perseus’ words as much that she simply couldn’t hear them.
She was too caught up in her task, the end of her struggle quite literally within sight. Each destroyed artifact lifted a small weight off her shoulders, giving her a seemingly endless pool of energy as the pressure was lifted off her.

That was, until a wave of pressure hit her square in the torso.

Mary went flying backwards, vibroblade slipping out of her hands and clattering to the ground. Instinctively, she tightly gripped her flashlight, the only thing keeping her from going mental within the diminished but still potent darkness. Her back slammed into a wall hard, and Mary fell another two meters before crumpling to the ground.

Once again, her armor spared her from breaking any bones. However, the crash left a large bruise, aching with pain whenever Mary let out a breath. She struggled to her feet, expecting to find Perseus above her preparing to cut her down. Instead, there was only darkness. She heard footsteps moving away from her, towards another corner of the room. Just as the steps stopped, a voice spoke up.

"Hillstar," he said aloud, shifting behind a set of crates. "A name to remember."

“Make sure you remember the right one!” remarked Mary.

Then, Perseus was gone.

Rising up on wobbly legs, Mary hobbled her way back over to the still-open crate, shining her flashlight inside. Most of the artifacts lay in pieces inside, but she noticed that a few were missing.
Perseus. In the end, he had gotten away with a few of the artifacts, and Mary was in no condition to pursue. Yet Mary could be satisfied knowing that Perseus could only use a fraction of what he had originally planned to take. It was a small victory, but a victory nonetheless.

Mary could feel her consciousness wavering as adrenaline left her body, sharpening the pain of the bruises on her back and legs. Before she could collapse, Mary reached out one more time with the remaining dregs of Force in her. She had remembered where the circuit board had been shortly before Perseus severed the lights, and with her mind she pulled the switch for the emergency lights.

Immediately, the room was immersed in a red glow from a scattering of small lights on the walls and roof. It was not enough to illuminate every feature in the room, but it was more than enough to dispel the worst of the darkness. Turning her flashlight off, Mary let her eyes adjust to the red light, the darkness much less oppressive than before both figuratively and literally.

Satisfied with her work, Mary lay down on the ground behind a pair of crates and let her exhaustion take over.


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