Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New character, new life!

Hey guys,

I just made this new character and I honestly have no idea what I want to do with him... I have no bio on the sheet for two reasons. Primarily that I couldn't really grasp one right now and that I'm not very good at writing them. So I'll give a quick rundown of my character:

He's a former farmer with hunting talents, an excellent tracker, decent with a rifle and a bit more talented with a melee weapon but by no means a fighter as of yet. He's sort of an honest fellow despite his reserved racism and skepticism towards anything that doesn't align with his thoughts, and has a tendency to understand people but is shy in social situations. Of course I suppose you can learn a bit more about him through the bio as I do feel like I gave a pretty detailed list of Strengths/Weaknesses.

Anyway, if anyone has an idea for my character or wants to pitch a faction/band of merry folk his way then go for it.

Just know this:

  • I don't want him to become a Jedi: At least not right away.
  • Not big on Sith: Sorry guys, I love you all but I don't do well when roleplaying Sith -- I have a bad habit of using force lightning in response to everything. I mean 'everything' ;)
  • Don't want to be a mando: Despite being born on a Mando world, I so far have not been very interested in Mando roleplay.
  • No pirates, smugglers, or criminals: I have enough of those.
Perhaps there's a reason why he isn't a farmer anymore? Like, maybe... His family was killed by a local gang or small-time crime cartel. Something tragic, you know? gives you an opportunity to make in-depth posts about his inner struggles and his thoughts and views of everything after he lost something so dear to him. Just food for thought. :)
[member="Zun of Concord Dawn"]
[member="The Cartographer"]

Thank you for the tip. I thought as much in the initial conception but I have too many characters with a past like that.

In FACT! One happens to be in a particular predicament thanks to The Cartographer :p

Throm Fett

[member="Zun of Concord Dawn"]

Becoming an imperial, republic, or protectorate soldier may suit you to get your character started, this could start some challenging positions such as your fear for death.

Throm Fett

[member="Zun of Concord Dawn"]

If you ever need armor or weapons crafted, I am more then interested in providing this service provided you have the credits :).

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