Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New Character (Sheet)

Name: Jirn'erer'oskest
Alias: Widowmaker
Faction: Empire of the Hand
Rank: Captain (Army)
Species: Chiss
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 162 lbs.
Eyes: Red
Hair: Raven Black
Skin Tone: Blue
Build: Athletic - Muscular Toned
Homeworld: Csilla
Force Sensitive: No

{Skill Sets}


Blasters (Rifles) - Highly proficient with rifles, she has mastered the craft; thus earning respect among her peers as an excellent marksmen.

Blasters (Pistols) - Unlike her mastery of the rifles, she is not as well versed as she should be utilizing pistols. Due to this small drawback, she rarely uses one unless in close quarters.

Demolitions - She loves to watch things go boom! To the inner circle of her friends, they think she is slightly psychotic due to her love of explosives.

Hand-to-Hand - She understands the basics and underlying points of hand-to-hand combat, though she wishes to put holes into faces over fists to faces.

Melee - She carries a small combat-like blade, though for purposes only known to her.

Combat Leadership - She is an excellent leader. She will always lead her troops into battle, on operative missions, or whatever is required of her by taking the front of the line. Her knowledge of military tactics is rivaled by none.

Medical Science:

First Aid - Healing small wounds, or basic injuries, on either herself or others is a high possessed skill.

Basic Field Surgery - Without the aid of a medical droid, and in extreme cases, she can operate on the heavily wounded. However, more critical cases are beyond her grasp.

Advanced Medicine - If she had not chose a military profession, she could have become a doctor.


Politics - She tends to shy away from drawn out debates. However, due to her family she has been raised in a political atmosphere.

Family / Relationships

Ska'are'oskest (Mother)

Miff'ori'oskest (Father)

Jer'aer'oskest (Brother)

Characteristic (Strengths / Weaknesses)

+ Loyalty: She is loyal to her friends, her people, the government, and their political forms and causes. Some might say she is an idealist.

+ Career Driven: She is military through and through, despite the wishes of her political family. Having opted out of the navy in favour of the ground forces, mainly covert operations, she has further strained her relationship with her parents and remaining living family.

- Hot-Tempered: Under fire, such as combat situations, she is level headed, calm, cool, and collected. In other environments, she can easily lose her temper; making comments, statements, or remarks others would view as rude.

- Racist: She views the Chiss as the master species in the galaxy, feeling other species are inferior to her people. She pulls no punches when dealing with other species, hence a political career was discarded years ago.


Born into the Oskest Aristocra, one of the ruling classes of the Chiss Ascendancy, she grew up in a political atmosphere; where most, if not all Oskests, served in the government. As a young girl, she too was primed and educated to pursue a career in politics. As she began to reach maturity, her heart began to pull away from politics, leaning toward something far greater than defeating the enemies of the Chiss with mere words.

Against the wishes of her parents, she joined the military at 16. Despite the efforts of her Mother to bring her daughter back to politics and the efforts of her Father to convince her to join the Navy, she enlisted in the Army Academy. For the next four years, she trained and studied military tactics, military protocol, and military etiquette; earning her high marks and even higher praise from her instructors.

On the eve of her twenty-second birthday, she was promoted to the rank of 2nd Lt. for her actions during a crisis involving smugglers and pirates on Csilla. During the event, her company commander had been killed in action during a shoot out with the enemy. Single handedly she rallied the rest of her company, leading them to victory against the enemy; capturing two keep figure heads in the smuggling operation. Due to her actions that day, and the way she shot through the enemy's ranks, she had been nicknamed Widowmaker.

For the next four years, she worked hard and diligently to protect the Chiss Ascendency, including at times working alongside the Navy and the Phalanx Commandos, culminating in her promotion to Captain.


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