Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Alendarius Veygar

Ven'Rain Sekairo said:
Which will just make the rest of us buy her twice as many
You know that if you buy more Lollipops, I'm just gonna steal them again. Right?

Dharma Vessia

Lords of the Fringe
@[member="Minerva Vessia"]

Remember, sweetie... when you make flesh suits from all these lovely people for the slaves, use the butter knife. You'll enjoy it more. :)
@[member="Dharma Vessia"]

[SIZE=9pt]What? ~in her youth her subconscious tries to protect her by selective hearing~ I do not like tan-ish colors. They’re to drab, dull, and depressing! Give me some purple and pick… [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Ooooo [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]speaking of flesh type colors pretty people from Zeltros has pink or purple skin![/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]~licks her Mommy and sneaks some more gummy worms~ [/SIZE]
@[member="Elayne Hawk"] you're a Dathomiri, correct? My question is do you have a spell book?
@[member="Minerva Vessia"]
I am indeed a dathomir witch, and I don't have a spell book, just know my spells by heart sorry. I can meet and teach though :D
*licks minerva*

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