Directorate Officer
Half-inspired by Ayden's post in the New Class thread, and half-inspired by this picture of a fanon concept that I've been meaning to use for a while. As always, constructive criticism and component suggestions are welcome while I perfect it.
Image Source: originally here, modifications by yours truly
Affiliation: Galactic Alliance
Manufacturer: Lucerne Labs
Model: Peltast-class Corvette
Modularity: No
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: CEC Durasteel-Titanium alloy hull, mirrsteel frame, starship components
Classification: Heavy Corvette
Length: 200 meters
Height: 60 meters
Width: 60 meters
Rating 16
10 Rhongomyniad-class Mass Driver Cannons
8 Double Turbolasers
8 Double Ion Cannons
4 Sentinel-class Point Defense Emplacements
Hangar: 0 Squadrons
Special Features:
Communications Array
Encryption Network
Escape Pods
Holonet Transceiver
LLD1-a1 ECM Drone Launcher (4 drones)
Nimble-5 Ion Engines
Standard Ray and Particle Shields
Standard Detention Cells
Standard Life Support Systems
Standard Navigational Systems
Standard Sensor Array
Standard Targeting Systems
Tractor Beam Projectors (2)
Can Enter Atmosphere and Land
Manoeuvrability Rating: 9 (11 while under Nimble engine boost)
Speed Rating: 9 (7 while under Nimble engine boost)
Hyperdrive Class: 1
Heavy Hitting: The Peltast's armament is optimized to engage other capital ships, giving it the effective punch of many small frigates in ship to ship combat.
Vulnerable to Strikecraft: The Peltast has only a handful of defensive guns and can be easily overwhelmed by starfighters and other small craft if the ship's captain is not careful.
Description: The Peltast is an modernization of an ancient Corellian gunship design that excelled in hunting down and destroying larger ships with gun-centric firepower. Turbolaser and ion cannon turrets appear on almost every section of the hull, while a group of forward mass driver cannons provide the Peltast with a variety of fire options, from long-range slugs to rapid volleys of starfighter-grade warheads. Ideally, Peltast use their high-powered drives to decisively maneuver against slower opponents before driving in to exploit the blindspots of larger vessels. In this way, it is possible for groups of Peltasts to systematically overwhelm and destroy large frigates and cruisers. Despite its high firepower and dynamic movement ability, Peltasts are vulnerable to large numbers of starfighters and similarly sized threats.
Technical Explanations:
Crew & Internal Arrangement: Much like the original Corellian design, the Peltast follows an layout derived from the classic Corellian gunship. The forward most compartment houses the ship's bridge, which is intentionally modelled after that of the CR90, with an almost slat-like viewport that runs just over half of the ship's width. Just underneath the bridge are clusters of sensor arrays and many of the ship's mass driver cannons as well as their munition delivery systems. The next cylindrical compartment contains most of the ship's basic amenities, such as a sickbay and the galley/lounge as well the bridge crew's quarters. The large compartment after that contains crew quarters, most of the ship's energy weapons, and the sensor decoy launch tube. The rear most compartment contains a linked pair of solar ionization reactors as well as the ship's engines.
Engine Systems: Almost a third of the ship's internal space is taken up by the power systems and engines. Each engine pod in either side of the rearmost comparment contains clusters of Nimble-5 engines which serve as the ship's primary means of sublight propulsion. While they typically provide the ship with respectable speed for a ship of its type, they can temporary boost the ship's speed up to levels more typically seen on smaller ships. Most ship captains use this feature to close a gap between a weaker opponent, or to outrun more powerful vessels. A military standard class 1 hyperdrive, situated between the two sublight drive pods, facilitates hyperspace travel.
Shielding Systems: The Peltast uses fairly standard ray and particle shields for a ship its size and function, providing it with reasonable protection against other corvettes and smaller frigates.
Hull Design: Borrowing from the Lab's recent heavy cruiser design, the Peltast uses a rugged mirrsteel frame that is covered in interlocking alusteel and ferroceramic plates. In order to provide the ship with maximum protection during a battle, the main compartments are covered first with ferroceramic plates which are then topped with alusteel. However, in order to keep weight down in the other areas, the brief connecting sections of the hull are only armored with ferroceramic layer.
Weapon Systems: see description; To be fleshed out further
Carrying Capacity: Small security team; to be fleshed out further.
Development Thread: If needed
Intent: Provide the Galactic Alliance with a heavy corvette
Who Can Use This: Anyone
Primary Source:

Image Source: originally here, modifications by yours truly
Affiliation: Galactic Alliance
Manufacturer: Lucerne Labs
Model: Peltast-class Corvette
Modularity: No
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: CEC Durasteel-Titanium alloy hull, mirrsteel frame, starship components
Classification: Heavy Corvette
Length: 200 meters
Height: 60 meters
Width: 60 meters
Rating 16
10 Rhongomyniad-class Mass Driver Cannons
8 Double Turbolasers
8 Double Ion Cannons
4 Sentinel-class Point Defense Emplacements
Hangar: 0 Squadrons
Special Features:
Communications Array
Encryption Network
Escape Pods
Holonet Transceiver
LLD1-a1 ECM Drone Launcher (4 drones)
Nimble-5 Ion Engines
Standard Ray and Particle Shields
Standard Detention Cells
Standard Life Support Systems
Standard Navigational Systems
Standard Sensor Array
Standard Targeting Systems
Tractor Beam Projectors (2)
Can Enter Atmosphere and Land
Manoeuvrability Rating: 9 (11 while under Nimble engine boost)
Speed Rating: 9 (7 while under Nimble engine boost)
Hyperdrive Class: 1
Heavy Hitting: The Peltast's armament is optimized to engage other capital ships, giving it the effective punch of many small frigates in ship to ship combat.
Vulnerable to Strikecraft: The Peltast has only a handful of defensive guns and can be easily overwhelmed by starfighters and other small craft if the ship's captain is not careful.
Description: The Peltast is an modernization of an ancient Corellian gunship design that excelled in hunting down and destroying larger ships with gun-centric firepower. Turbolaser and ion cannon turrets appear on almost every section of the hull, while a group of forward mass driver cannons provide the Peltast with a variety of fire options, from long-range slugs to rapid volleys of starfighter-grade warheads. Ideally, Peltast use their high-powered drives to decisively maneuver against slower opponents before driving in to exploit the blindspots of larger vessels. In this way, it is possible for groups of Peltasts to systematically overwhelm and destroy large frigates and cruisers. Despite its high firepower and dynamic movement ability, Peltasts are vulnerable to large numbers of starfighters and similarly sized threats.
Technical Explanations:
Crew & Internal Arrangement: Much like the original Corellian design, the Peltast follows an layout derived from the classic Corellian gunship. The forward most compartment houses the ship's bridge, which is intentionally modelled after that of the CR90, with an almost slat-like viewport that runs just over half of the ship's width. Just underneath the bridge are clusters of sensor arrays and many of the ship's mass driver cannons as well as their munition delivery systems. The next cylindrical compartment contains most of the ship's basic amenities, such as a sickbay and the galley/lounge as well the bridge crew's quarters. The large compartment after that contains crew quarters, most of the ship's energy weapons, and the sensor decoy launch tube. The rear most compartment contains a linked pair of solar ionization reactors as well as the ship's engines.
Engine Systems: Almost a third of the ship's internal space is taken up by the power systems and engines. Each engine pod in either side of the rearmost comparment contains clusters of Nimble-5 engines which serve as the ship's primary means of sublight propulsion. While they typically provide the ship with respectable speed for a ship of its type, they can temporary boost the ship's speed up to levels more typically seen on smaller ships. Most ship captains use this feature to close a gap between a weaker opponent, or to outrun more powerful vessels. A military standard class 1 hyperdrive, situated between the two sublight drive pods, facilitates hyperspace travel.
Shielding Systems: The Peltast uses fairly standard ray and particle shields for a ship its size and function, providing it with reasonable protection against other corvettes and smaller frigates.
Hull Design: Borrowing from the Lab's recent heavy cruiser design, the Peltast uses a rugged mirrsteel frame that is covered in interlocking alusteel and ferroceramic plates. In order to provide the ship with maximum protection during a battle, the main compartments are covered first with ferroceramic plates which are then topped with alusteel. However, in order to keep weight down in the other areas, the brief connecting sections of the hull are only armored with ferroceramic layer.
Weapon Systems: see description; To be fleshed out further
Carrying Capacity: Small security team; to be fleshed out further.
Development Thread: If needed
Intent: Provide the Galactic Alliance with a heavy corvette
Who Can Use This: Anyone
Primary Source: