Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New Faction Threads/Activity

Coren Starchaser said:
Before we crucify me, I know I'm not staff. But it seems like the majority so far in dicussion over at what the Levantine Sanctum IS to people seems to be for the freedom of the skies concept.
And yes, that is great (I love it) but it makes it hard for a major faction as defined by the site.

I actually disagree with this. :p I believe a faction can be whatever you wish it to be, and is only limited by ones (leaders and members) imagination. So much could be done with the concept of freedom of the skies as you all like, but you need to do it as an entire faction. It seems to me, as an outsider looking in, that their are two groups of players in the faction, that have differing ideas or RP their characters in certain ways and with set people. Which is fine, but sometimes you have to come together as a whole in order for the faction continue. Now I know you all know this, but know and doing sometimes don't meet. You could still do this, but you might have to consider expanding your ideals to attract new comers to LS. On the face of it, just being freedom of the skies types is not something that would grab the majority that would say to themselves, "Wow that is different and/or interesting. I want in".

You all have started the hard yards of trying to save LS. Continue it. But rather than butt heads against one another, compromise. Also, I believe that some of you don't think LS needs saving, or that you are sticking the finger up at the administration and/or rules of this site, that simply is not productive to these talks. Whether we like it or not, the rules have changed and so must all of us, all factions. If you own or are a faction admin, these are the nasty you have to overcome and put up with and get on with it or else, get out? In reality, LS is under the gaze of the site admins for recall and simply becoming obstinate about it, is quite frankly .. selfish. Sorry ...

So, i put up the idea of a merger with the SJO.
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"]

It seems like to keep the way the Levantine Sanctum IS as we have it now, it'd either need to go minor, or we'd lose a bit of it in translation to however we re-spec (MMO terms say what).

So, an idea, that I'd like to pass off to the Levantine, and if it gathers traction here, to the Silvers to our South...west? What about a merger.
The merger would keep be between the two factions, line up some of the Sanctums aspects and personality (the free space, the Frontiers Corps) with the Silver Jedi being the militant side of things. From there, we'd have to find where the line is drawn as the LS does bring in people from all walks of life, both Forcers and NFUs.

On top of that, perhaps a re-badging (not branding, it'd all stay the same, just we'd be one big happy wild space family) of the faction.

Something along the lines of "Silver Sanctum" as it would be MORE than just a Jedi Order, and (don't take offense) The SJO is more than just an order of Jedi, its a collective of worlds, a faction, a nation.


To the merger idea. I am willing to consider this. However much needs to be discussed before this idea goes to the SJO boards for our members to decide if that is what they wish. Not going to make a unilateral decision on this, firstly the SJO admins will have a chat, then within SJO. A vote would be implemented and passed down. (but that is a little way off yet)

There is much scope to remain as you are under the 'banner' (for want of a better description) of SJO .. with the ability to remain in the space on the map you currently have and expand into SJO space. If that is what you wish. The admins along with a member of SJO have began talks about establishing the Jedi Explorers Corps for similar adventures LS are interested in. The difference being that is will be more military structured. The idea of it is to explore new worlds and research but with an add on of a navy style structure that will be there in times of need as a defensive military fleet. Now I understand that this is not what LS does, in the sense of the structured ranks etc, but it could be a group within SJO that you as LS could work it. (more RP avenues?)

But before this gets too long winded, I would like to see a more concerted effort to save what you love and want (LS) and what you all want to do here. Skype is not transparent and not inclusive of all members and those that wish to help. As someone that has now been approached for discussions of a big issue as the mierger, I would like to see more activity in these talks on the boards. This would show me that you are very interested in your faction regardless of if you agree with anything or not. That is not the point. If not, then I will simply assume that you are not that concerned if LS stays or goes. And that will effect my opinion on the merger one way or the other.
But I think LS must put up a vote and decided your direction. Once you have that then work toward it.

Stay as you are and work toward making it work.
Go back to minor status
Let LS fade away and find yourselves a new home (or create a new faction)
Merger with SJO
I don't care.

On a side note. "Silver Sanctum", hmmm it is ok. Not sold on it to be honest. But that is for later ... :p

Also these rantings are completely my ideas and opinions not those of the SJO admins. So here it is for what it is all worth.

ps. SJO will be in an invasion with the Primes early August. So they are poking about. :p

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Connor Harrison"]
ExplorCorps, I could SO see (my view of) The LS teams getting heavily involved in that This character's backstory, however convoluted (from being a Rebellion era character) has a lot to do with ExplorCorps.

And forgive the ignorance, but I don't remember ExplorCorps being expressly militant, more the wash-out Jedi in the Service Corps and trailblazers, first contact teams? [member="Coci Heavenshield"]

But, okay, [member="Valiens Nantaris"], work your CHA +20 magic, get discussion moving?
[member="Coren Starchaser"]

Coci Heavenshield said:
But I think LS must put up a vote and decided your direction. Once you have that then work toward it.
Agreed. That is what we must do.

There are 3 basic ways of proceeding: major/minor/merge

However, these are not mutually exclusive, so I will have 3 questions asking people what they are prepared to accept.

Thank you for your thoughts [member="Coci Heavenshield"] we will discuss and vote.
[member="Coren Starchaser"]

The Order of the Silver Jedi ( in cannon) was mostly sith hunters. This was never the reason for SJO when I first formed it, but rather to have a Order of Jedi outside of the JO. I want go into it too much but basically it was designed to give Jedi an alternative to the JO .. if they did not like the political connection.

The Explorers Corps is in cannon what you say, and like all things that this time line of Chaos gives we will 'progress' them beyond that like I did with SJO. So you could say the military side of it is an add on to the cannon ideals. And it helps to sure up our defensive capabilities. If and when required.

But their primary purpose will be to be seek out new worlds, 'first contact' as you say and go from there.
Makes sense then. Yeah. I forget that the Silver Jedi were the militant splinter group

Thanks for the clarification!

If a merge goes through, it'd be where this alt finds themselves, on the hyperspace trailblazing first contact teams.

Even made a secondary armor from the ExCon armor for such a situation

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
[member="Coren Starchaser"]

Well the Explorers Corps is very much in the first initial stages of idea and forming. Before this we most probably would have created a subforum on the SJO boards to accommodate them, so they could set up and set structures etc. But it also could be an extended arm of SJO off the main boards, as a faction, but they I have seen such things tried before and they seem to start off great and then fade off too. I think it is better on the main SJO boards for the simple reason that other members not in the Corps can see what is going on and form an interest to go join them, either as Jedi or create a char around it.

Having said that, it has not worked that well with the Antarian Rangers, but if there a a number of members to start it it might just work.
The only reason for a name change is that post-merger, the SJO would be more than just a Jedi Order

Corey's Dictionary
Page 37
"Jedi Order"
Jee-day Or-dur
A group of monks sitting in a circle.

Page 204
"Silver Jedi Order"
Sil-vur Jee-day Or-Dur
A group of people who do a lot more than just sit in a circle and debate the Force. Cooler than the Jedi Order definition from page 37. See Also: Bro-Jedi

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