My main concern with a proposal like this is that a) it's hard to implement and could potentially drive people away from fleeting as they don't want to deal with the management of ships/fleets and don't want to risk said ships in battle if they're not confident in winning. Gamey as kark, which isn't really the point of a forum RP, but what are you gonna do? People will be people and all.
There's a fine line between making some just strategic enough to be interesting but not so much that it bogs people down who just want to write. I love a good strategy game, but this isn't exactly the ideal place to run one, you know? I can't help but think if you start keeping track of numbers of ships, what about damaged vessels? What about supply lines and resources? Can you effect the flow of resources, so on and so forth. On the one hand I'd love to see this sort of stuff implemented (raiding party!) but on the other it's not really feasible on a web forum. Not without a LOT of work that will put off a lot of people.
That said, I would love to give Tegs idea a shot with a standalone campaign. We would have to figure out what a 'full' roster is for each faction. Including things like, how much larger is the Republic fleet than the Sith/CIS/Protectorate/Fringe/etc. one? And you don't want too many ships in general, but you also don't want too few. Definitely a tricky thing to balance.
I would also recommend that proper 'capital' ships (Star Destroyers and up) take somewhat longer to build than anything smaller (or perhaps anything over 1000m). To discourage overuse of them and to let them have the role and reputation established in canon.
And I'd be happy to support with whatever else is necessary.