Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New member! anxious to get started

Thadd Zarr

Is it common to have a Jedi that is a Mandalorian? - I mean.. can a Jedi really do what a mandalorian does?........ seems like it doesn't fit...
The light side can be used by all who accept the path of a Jedi. His blood line is Mandalorian but he was raised Jedi. Either he wasn't old enough to fully learn the ways of their society or the Jedi were able to help him as a student during his time in Academy to connect with the light side of the force and understand why it's important for him to uphold the ways of the Jedi.

His parents died when he was 8 and he was then taken in by the Jedi so he was young when they found him.

(Know this because he's my Padawan)

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