Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New member, few questions.

Hi, I'm new to this forum and role playing in general (guessing single player video games don't count haha) and I just wanted to ask a couple of questions.

Anyone have any good advice on making a good character bio? I've looked at a couple but I was wondering if anyone had any guidance on making the best one I can.

Do I need to be super well versed in Star Wars lore to understand everything I'm going to come across? Because in reality, my Star Wars knowledge barely even scratches the surface.

Thanks to anyone who can answer!
[member="Darth Nemis The Undying"]

You will learn as you go. Get a character avatar. Then go to here.

Roll a character then tweak it. That's what I did with Jack!

Get involved in threads, grow your character never stop asking questions and have fun!
You've come to one of the most inclusive, accepting, friendly, and HELPFUL forums I've ever had the pleasure of coming across. You WILL find the help you need, and the people to play with here. Just keep asking questions as they come up, and be polite and friendly like you are, and you'll find your time here pleasant and memorable. :)

Welcome to Chaos my friend, and as my good buddy likes to say, "Fly casual!"

[member="Darth Nemis The Undying"]

The "@Mention" button is your friend for tagging people. :-3


Insert Hilarious Title Here
[member="Darth Nemis The Undying"]
Hey there! Welcome to the site!

Try to include detail on the bio, even if it seems innocuous. Plenty of people have really detailed ones you can look at, and you're always free to go back and edit it if you decide to do something different. There is no approval process needed.

A few things in the Discussion forum might elude you, but in actual RP, you don't need to know every word of every book ever. I myself don't know too much as well. And if anything you come across does confuse you, just look up it up on Wookiepedia, my personal failsafe.
Hope that helped you!


Well-Known Member
[member="Darth Nemis The Undying"]
I'm going to be 100% honest with you, I didn't read what the other guys wrote so if I'm redundant, I'm sorry. With that out there, let's continue.

Darth Nemis The Undying said:
Anyone have any good advice on making a good character bio? I've looked at a couple but I was wondering if anyone had any guidance on making the best one I can.
A "Good" Bio is a little subjective, because different people have different ideas of good. If you want a solid character, just do your best to balance it. If you mean form, and style, and how well-put-together it is, I risk sounding prideful and/or ego-maniacal to say check out my latest bio. I feel that it's my best work so far on a bio, and if you want to copy the template I welcome you to. It's involved to put all the information in, and I'm still adding to it myself, but I daresay it's worth it to be able to have as much information as possible. Like a personal wikipedia page. I'm more than willing to help/critique you via PM as you build your bio if you want that kind of involved help. Just let me know!

Darth Nemis The Undying said:
Do I need to be super well versed in Star Wars lore to understand everything I'm going to come across? Because in reality, my Star Wars knowledge barely even scratches the surface.
Short answer: No, not at all.
Long answer:
Really, I started off my Star Wars Roleplaying career (if you want to call it that) with only the Original Trilogy and video games I couldn't fully comprehend at twelve years old. Interaction, exposure, and Wookieepedia Research were my best friends. When you find people that are living encyclopedias for different topics, like [member="Jorus Merrill"], you end up getting even more understanding of things you otherwise might end up scratching your head at. The community is one of your best resources, so never be afraid to ask people questions. Most of us are really helpful and friendly, even the scary ones like [member="Fabula Caromed"].

All that said, welcome to Chaos. I hope you have fun, because that's really all that matters!
[member="Darth Nemis The Undying"]

First off welcome to the Chaos. Secondly as far as the bio goes, if you don't know much about your character or their past yet(or are trying to figure out how best to put it) my suggestion is to open Microsoft word or Notepad and follow 3 simple steps.

1.Fill in all the information you know for sure about the character(Age, Height, Weight, etc.) on the template.

2. Figure out a couple of strengths and weaknesses. If you need to edit these later do so, but figure out something to start.

3. The part that trips most people I know up. The Bio. If you have a clear idea of history, write it out, if you aren't so clear yet, then a couple or few vague sentences. (When I started here I think mine was about three sentences, and that didn't change until a couple days ago.

Other than that just stay within the rules provided and have fun. And if you have star wars questions, Wookiepedia is a good place to get information(at least for many things). Anything lore wise just ask around, the community is quite welcoming and very helpful. See ya around the boards.

Connor Harrison

[member="Darth Nemis The Undying"]

Welcome to the Chaos!

Hope you enjoy your time here, and keep the questions coming if you need anymore help.

[member="Darth Nemis The Undying"]

Welcome to CHAOS.

And just to echo what others have said, don't get hung up about making the perfect character bio day one. Get the basics down and develop and expand it as you go.

[member="Jack Raxis"] [member="Brooklyn Justice"] [member="Ryn'Dhal"]@Nyx@Crux Denko[member="Galven Solomon"][member="Kurayami Bloodborn"][member="Connor Harrison"][member="Corvus Raaf"]
Thanks to all of you who answered my questions. If you all could take a look at the bio I made for Nemis, that'd be great. Thanks again!

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