Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New Member here, and Questions

Hello there! I always have a hard time introducing myself to new people, but I'll try. I primarily became interested in Star Wars thanks to the original 2003 Clone Wars cartoon, though I seem to have had a Jar Jar Frisbee (TPM came out when I was four, so probably family trying to nudge me into it? Hah.). I have kinda always wavered in interest towards Star Wars but never disliked it, things like winning a Darth Vader voice changer from Kids WB years ago and The Force Awakens have strengthened my interest in it though as time has gone on :p .

I've roleplayed for as long as I've been on the internet, however I don't think I'm exceptionally good at it because of the kind of styles I've gone with in the past, but I'd like to learn better and try here.

As for questions...I want to play a Wookiee Padawan, and I was wondering if there is certain things I should do regarding communication due to their inability to speak basic, besides obviously detailing their dialogue as what they mean and what it sounds like, would it be a problem for most characters?

Might be a bit silly to ask, but felt I might as well since I think it'd kind of play into how the character would develop and such.

I have ideas for other ones but I'd like to go with this one first to learn (with my character, too) how to do things before I jump into more.

...I talk too much. D-Don't hurt me? D:
Hey there! Welcome to Chaos. ^_^

How your Wookiee manages to be understood by other people who don't speak Shryiiwook is entirely up to you. We have no "special requirements," but the galaxy as a whole does not understand Shryiiwook. :p

Any more questions, don't hesitate to ask.


Morality Policeman :)

Welcome! Nice to see a Wookiee come around!

As Fabs said, there is no set way to do almost anything here. But in modern literature, it is not uncommon to use brackets to define a translation of foreign language.

"[Jawas, you say? I like eating jawas,]" grunted the Gamorrean.

Hope that helps. :)
Fabula Caromed said:
Hey there! Welcome to Chaos. ^_^

How your Wookiee manages to be understood by other people who don't speak Shryiiwook is entirely up to you. We have no "special requirements," but the galaxy as a whole does not understand Shryiiwook. :p

Any more questions, don't hesitate to ask.
[member="Fabula Caromed"]

Thank you!

It's true. I was thinking that aiming to be a Jedi, the most appropriate to get the message across would be Mental Force suggestion, if that makes sense? There's other things, but that's most fitting to me

Another question, how is time passage handled as a whole? I know we have a setting and timeline, but I mean, theoretically, how would you handle going from Padawan - Knight - Master over time? Might be silly to ask again, just...not sure.

Beowoof said:

Welcome! Nice to see a Wookiee come around!

As Fabs said, there is no set way to do almost anything here. But in modern literature, it is not uncommon to use brackets to define a translation of foreign language.

"[Jawas, you say? I like eating jawas,]" grunted the Gamorrean.

Hope that helps. :)
It does! I had that in mind to do, with some description of body language to kinda get something across for characters who can't understand something to react to.
[member="Veino Garn"]
Lowbacca, yes. I've considered that, though I think the type of character I wanna develop would be better without that, for a while anyway. But I'm glad for everyone's suggestions and being helpful toward me :D

@La'kuus Quelin

Will do! :cool:
Vidar Bothanduster said:
Welcome to the site; hope you like it! I'm also a new-although returning- member.
[member="Vidar Bothanduster"]

Thanks :D

Garivald said:

Hello fellow new member. :) Welcome to the board. Here's hoping we RP together sometime.

Me too! I look forward to that!

Welcome to CHAOS.

Just a thought, but wouldn't you mentally project thoughts in your own language? Emotions would be no doubt readable across the language barrier, but words? You'd have to know the Basic to project it? Just my thoughts...

Anyhow, have fun and keep the questions coming :)

Connor Harrison


Welcome to the Chaos!

Hope you have fun with us, and keep the questions coming if you need help with anything else.

Fabula Caromed said:
[member="DJCherryflame"] Well, we just so happen to have a set of rules explicitly for that!
[member="Fabula Caromed"]
Oooh, now I understand, thank you!

Bianca said:
Welcome to Chaos.
[member="Bianca"] Thank you!

Corvus Raaf said:

Welcome to CHAOS.

Just a thought, but wouldn't you mentally project thoughts in your own language? Emotions would be no doubt readable across the language barrier, but words? You'd have to know the Basic to project it? Just my thoughts...

Anyhow, have fun and keep the questions coming :)
[member="Corvus Raaf"]
I believe I get what you mean, I was gonna respond that It's not shown there to be any difficulty with Wookiees understanding Basic (otherwise Chewbacca and Han's friendship would be a lot different, I imagine :D , also others) so that projecting it wouldn't be a problem since the main issue is Wookiees physically cannot speak it, but it made me think that I should research into force thought projection further and if nothing else, translator droid it is. Thank you for your insight :)

[member="Connor Harrison"]

Thank you! I will, but I think I'm more or less out of questions until I work up my character bio, which I think I should start working on soon. ^_^

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