Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New player!

Jorzen Quank

Festive Fauna Finder
Hi everyone! Looking forward to getting to know you all. There's a lot here to look at!

EDIT: I joined the Beast Hunter's Guild faction, but am being told I don't have permission to access. Do I need to contact the faction owner?
[member="Jorzen Quank"] Welcome to Chaos!

I know Mrrew has been having some issues with permissions on the main page of the Hunter's Guild. Can you see any of the boards at all? (Also go on a hunt with me, it'll be fun and no one will get hurt I swear...)

Hope you enjoy your stay!

Stephanie Swail

[member="Jorzen Quank"]

Welcome to the Chaos!

I hope you enjoy your time here, and yes I'd contact the Faction owner - once you've joined up you SHOULD be able to access the Faction and boards. Drop them a message to see if there's an issue, or one of the Admin team here may be able to help. :)

Any other questions, just shout, and have fun out there!

PS: Don't go on a hunt alone with [member="Matsu Xiangu"] - she'll eat you alive once your back's turned....damn Sith Lords. :p
[member="Jorzen Quank"] - Welcome to Chaos and welcome to the Beast Hunter's Guild. :D It's great to see even members taking interest in the Guild. :p (I'm the Beast Hunter's Guild owner.)

You should be able to see all the other parts of the faction forum except the main front page- It's a glitch as far as I can tell- i've fiddled with the faction CP and I can't seem to figure it out. You can see everything still, though. :D

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. :)

Jorzen Quank

Festive Fauna Finder
I can access the threads under the Faction board, so all set there.

Matsu, I'll be happy to go hunting with you, no matter what they all say, and Daxton, if I come across something interesting I'll give you a shout.

Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! Now to actually fill out the Character Creation form.

Question: can I be Force Sensitive and advance without being a member of a Light or Dark Side faction? I'm thinking he's more like a Zeison Sha or Dathomiri, in that he has some Force powers centered around animals & monsters, but doesn't want to be a Jedi or a Sith, or not now at least.
[member="Jorzen Quank"] Absolutely. We have rogues, neutrals, dark jedi, and witches/dathomiris as well and you're not stuck with one once you pick. If something happens in his story and he suddenly goes Sith or Jedi that's a-okay.

Once you've got your character sheet set up and submitted, you can tag me in any hunt you want and we can figure it out. :)
Yes you can depends on where you want your story to go. There are a fair number of neutral force users outa no about the Galaxy. I could train you as well, well if you don't mind all those nasty mostly untrue rumors about me.
Welcome to the site.

I see that you are already getting questions answered for you. So I won't but in.

I can say this, [member="Daxton Bane"] is a good choice to do with if you want to play the lone ranger like character.
Cryax Bane said:
And watch out for [member="Zatten Black"]. He will literally crash your threads. Seriously, like come crashing through a window into them. ;)
I can testify to this. But I also can't complain too much. :p

Welcome to Chaos, [member="Jorzen Quank"]! Really great character, and I loved the bio.
[member="Jorzen Quank"]

Ave, my hunting friend...

Whatever rumors you've heard about me are wrong, except for

Cryax Bane said:
Seriously, like come crashing through a window into them. ;)
I totally claim credit for that. In all shapes and forms.

Also, if we ever have a thread in a certain cantina on Nar Shaddaa's Promenade, you'll see me jumping off balconies.

My alts are equally theatrical. Especially my magnificent Cross Ikon.

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