Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Spencer Jacobs"] There are no Open Tournaments right now :\ and I do have Beskar i want to use, Beskar Ship seemed like a cool idea since i won't be using it for Armor.
Any news on Draco and the Sub? :(
[member="Spencer Jacobs"] Oh i can do that!? i did not know... I thought it needed to be a PC character tournament like the one the OS had a month ago. I might just do that but Beskar is cool, i think i will let it stay if that's ok as Beskar.
[member="Nyos Val"]

Rarity and its ability to absorb electromagnetic energy, because of this statement in the wookiepedia: It was theorized the atomic structure of the pyronium itself stored the energy; when the quantum shells were unable to accommodate more, the energy was theoretically shunted into a localized hyperspatial matrix, making its absorptive potential extraordinarily high.

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