Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New Rule - Passive Aggressive Posts Disallowed


Disney's Princess
Chapter 2
p1/20 - Allies: - Vs:

Deep on the internet, Jay Scott Clark looked at Ayden Cater with a shake of his head.

"That will never work" He said with disdain, "Just about everybody I RP with does this weekly. How can we not have a rule about no 1st Person tensing or Center Alignment posting and yet support, (as Hammy said,) the thought police. Heck, Staff would just be banning themselves eventually."

He waved the suggestion away and returned to his lunch. People. Bah. There's no fixing em. Still? He wondered just what on earth had pushed Ayden Cater to suggest such foolishness. Thought Police indeed.


*irl note: JSC is not a character. He is a frozen meat Popsicle.

*eventual sigh educing edit: The idea of banning first person and center alignment posting is ridiculous. It is included here by the author for lulz and hrumph factor alone.
[member="Jay Scott Clark"]

[member="Jay Scott Clark"]

Literally never said a thing about banning 1st Person Perspective...

I also have no idea where people got this notion that somehow Staff has to now literally police every post. Such a rule still requires that someone care enough to hit 'report'.
1st person tense RPing is understandable, and works just fine for what RPing is.

Center alignment can actually look better to some people.

Being a jerk OOCly and letting it bleed through into IC has no upsides, on the other hand.
Plenty of novels are written from first person perspectives - it's a valid writing style, and the fact that it gets so much hate here is kind of boggling. You do not need to be the character to write 'I', you need to be doing things entirely from the character's mindset.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Jay Scott Clark said:
*irl note: JSC is not a character. He is a frozen meat Popsicle
They never say frozen, its implied.


Turn in your nerd card.

Side note: If that wasn't your intention, pretend this is pretentiously passive aggressive and that you're only a nerd to impress your friend.


Disney's Princess
[member="Ayden Cater"]



Ahem. Everybody. Stop posting gifs and let's all get back on topic. It's very rude to Ayden to hijack his suggestion thread. Kay. Nuff said.

Woo. Sorry Ayden man. I honestly don't know how stuff like this happens. People. Am'I'right. Anyway. All you buddy.

[member="Ayden Cater"] Can you give kind of an example, im not to up on passive agressive post. I mean not a literal one just make one up.

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