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New Rules: Rebellions

Lord Ghoul


Cuz dey be rebellin errybody up in herr


Well-Known Member
Tefka said:
This is true. But they gain the perk as part of the Mandalorians Major Faction. The following was your original question:

The answer here is no, they would not. "But they get the perk by default by being members of the Mandalorians." Which is true, yes. However, here's what the rule stipulates, as posted before:

So the Major Faction gains the perk, and subsequently it's members. The question that remains, though, that I can't answer is - what will a Major Faction do with it's Rebellious members? Kick them out of the Major Faction? If that were to happen, then you'd lose the perk while the Rebellion was ongoing. Because no specific member gains the perk - only the Major Faction.

However, if the Rebellion succeeds, the Rebel Faction becomes a Major Faction. If the Rebellion was on Concordia, this Rebel Faction-turned-Major Faction will now have a new influence cloud covering Concordia, thus satisfying the expectation of the rule for Beskar - and subsequently granting the perk to all of it's members.
This was the exact info i required. Danke
@[member="Carn Dista"], @[member="Tamara"]

The Jedi Templars must assume direct control! Their techniques will tear all heretics apart. This hurts them. The shining light shall prevail. Praise the Holy Republic of the Jedi Nation.
Anarchy reigns! Rebels without a cause!

There was a Rebel Alliance on the site for a while, ironically enough. Sio and Moira were affiliates. Had a number of fun threads. I especially liked fighting Fringe forcers with Moira during the raid on their Endor biochem lab.


Well-Known Member
question: If their is a dominion thread, for a planet, that a minor faction feel`s it has ownership off, and can state why.
Can that minor faction, use these rules to rebel?
sabrina said:
question: If their is a dominion thread, for a planet, that a minor faction feel`s it has ownership off, and can state why.
Can that minor faction, use these rules to rebel?
The faction should be able to rebel against it once when the dominion is completed and the major faction owns the planet.

If I am not mistaken the 5 writers of the rebeling faction have to join the Major faction in question prior to begining the rebelion. And if I'm still not mistaken Mando's are gonna get to face the first rebelion. :D
sabrina said:
question: If their is a dominion thread, for a planet, that a minor faction feel`s it has ownership off, and can state why.
Can that minor faction, use these rules to rebel?
Two rules related:
  • Rebel Factions must contain 5 or more unique Writers from the Major Faction it intends to rebel against.
  • Rebels must have been members of the target Major Faction for a minimum of 14 days prior to joining their Rebel Faction's Rebellion thread.

^Long and short, a Rebellion is a minor faction within a major faction. If your minor faction isn't apart of that major faction you're out of luck, even if you feel you "own" a planet (minor factions can't own planets.)
yes I would. You guys are a minor faction with in our borders so in all honesty you guys are in the Mandalorian faction. Don't have to like it but you are. You will have to understand that most if not all the mandos love good story. If you want to rebel and need the 14 days with in our faction. Lets do teh 14 days and lets make a good story about it.

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