Raziel said:
I like Val's system of using the size of a ship as a base for taking damage, and the applying a modified based on these ratings
Not a fan of this. I strongly believe in the theory of smaller ships being capable of taking out larger ships, especially when it comes to specialized vessels like the Yuuzhan Vong. However if we could come up with some more interesting and defined ideas i would be open to it.
Raziel said:
With that in mind, a simple combined defence rating should do the trick.
I like the idea of adding a defense rating...there's something to that and maybe should be more looked into.
Silara Kuhn said:
I also don't really want to see a ship with 20 utility claiming they can detect stealth ships.
This is a huge concern for me as well, I don't like the idea of utility ratings for the exact same reason as you guys don't, so that definitely will not be happening.
Seraphina Shel'tah said:
I agree with him 100% on this. The FJ have entirely different viewpoints and set of personal guidelines when judging ships.
This is absolutely true and I hate it as well. People have differing opinions, I for instance would get rid of Dev Threads entirely if i thought it was feasible. I know this is impossible however, and I know that people have different thoughts from me. What i would really like is to create a standard baseline of opinion on submissions, which in part we already have. Perhaps we can further expand upon this. I'm also super open to hearing any suggestions on maybe curbing this in the future as its been an issue from day one.
Seraphina Shel'tah said:
I would instead propose something like a "Point Buy" wherein your ship is given X number of points to put into:
I kind of like this idea, I would very much like to hear more about it.
Seraphina Shel'tah said:
Give ships older than 1 year a one month grace period to be updated by either their faction or their writer. This will bring everything still in use up to unified power.
Unfortunately as said by others, this won't happen. Grandfathered in technology stays the way it is, that's not something We, or even I can mess with. If ships from the ancient past get reported thats another issue, but for now it is out of our hands.
Popo said:
I think an overhaul of the factory and starship guide is needed, but we should start with the factory first.
What do you mean the factory first?
So to summarize my opinion. No we will not be implanting the changes that Larraq put forth. Also to comment on Sera's opinion on number scales, I'm afraid i have to completely agree. I don't like the idea of matching numbers, I don't like the concept of putting the factory out as a way to play a game. This is a roleplaying board and the factory should be used to enhance roleplaying, not to create another game. However, I will be starting a vote and detail out the possible addition of a defense rating, mostly because that is seemingly something most of you can agree on.
I would also like to hear from Sera about further proposal of her Point system(If you are willing) as that seems like something that might be simple enough to understand for most people while also being practical.
I would also like for Rhys to complete his guide, I think that will create a baseline standard for starships at least to what and what doesn't need a dev thread. As for Judge standards in other sections, I think perhaps a long thought out conversation on what everyone's opinion is on Dev Threads and such could be very helpful, Though i will of course take any and all suggestions on trying to fix this odd deviation between judges.
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