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(New Species Idea) The Palashintu/Forgeborn

[member="Zenva Vrotoa"]
Your enthusiasm is greatly appreciated Zenva

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Still, as I said, as a campaign villain this has a stack of potential.
Understood. But, I would like to make this work. So I would appreciate some constructive pointers as to what I should ditch and what I should modify.

Now if I may clarify or work out some "bugs" here:

1. I think I see the issue being the whole "assimilate worlds and cyber-terraform them" which to be fair I did get carried away with there as a rhetoric goes. But to be clear. They cannot assimilate flesh, things with a force spirit or biological tech. They can only assimilate or pillage actual technology - made up of circuits, bolts, metal etc.

2. The Hive Fleets perhaps are your worry, that we may just go on a giant "being an asshat campaign" with the fleet and disrupting faction owned territory because "hurr durr we are evil robot swarm". Which to be fair yes there is that possibility. But its highly unlikely. That is exactly the opposite of how I would run them. They'd probably find one world, build a nest and spread out on that world. They don't eat entire worlds. That is for sure. By Cyber-Terraform I mean they'll create a rather large city-sized nest and the move on.

3. I'd like to point out that they are a rather weak species. They're real flesh bodies are extremely weak and just goo with a nervous system, they have no power over the force beside very minimal telepathic capabilities, the cybernetic sleeves, although versatile and modularity, are weak to the force and any other conventional warfare (like everybody else.)

4. if there is anything else you'd like to see changed and removed do tell me because this for me is a Work-in-Progress and I would like to make it work. (And apparently so do others:))
[member="Darth Hauntruss"]
How would you run this on the board, as a minor or major faction, or as allies for an existing faction?

I do like the changes you make above.

One other change you could make would be to make them vulnerable to ion weapons, as their mechanical sleeves can be shorted out.

My other big concern from the first post was the fleet and planet-sized hive mind. Not sure how that'd work, but I've seen your ideas above and it looks better.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

I have a couple of ideas. And I am glad you liked the edits. But for tonight I have to be off, I shall write up answers to your inquires tomorrow.

BUT, more importantly I found what the Palashintu's theme song should be.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

One other change you could make would be to make them vulnerable to ion weapons, as their mechanical sleeves can be shorted out.
That's true. I mean I don't want my characters continuously EMP'd. I had the idea that the seeing the Palashintu have a vague force ability the operate their suits like a lightsaber, a mixture of the force and electronics. So the ion will short the weapon's systems and the movement circuits it wouldn't effect the power core as it is run by the force.

My other big concern from the first post was the fleet and planet-sized hive mind. Not sure how that'd work
There are a couple of ideas I have.

So as I mentioned before:

Darth Hauntruss said:
As a faction whether Minor or Major the Palashintu would actually function rather differently (which is my greatest worry with this idea). Factions on this site are geared to the concept of building a nation-state of sometime and to hold dominion over some portion of the map in a cohesive hegemonic rule. In other words build up the biggest connected blob of color on the map. For the Palashintu this model of a faction does not apply due to the reason that quite simply the Palashintu have no interest in nation-state or empire building. They don't care for having a unified cohesive blob to lord over. What they care and fight for is access to advanced tech and fertile worlds to om nom and cyber-terrafrom. Another thing is that they are not bound to a "homeworld" or "capital", their culture puts no symbolic attachment to such things. Instead the Hive Fleets with their Mother ships are their "homeworlds".
I think they'd work better as a Minor Faction with what is mentioned above.

As for the Hive Fleet. We can do a number of things. (with Number 1 being my preferred)

1. My original idea was the Palashintu are limited to their homeworld, which really isn't a planet but a living moon-sized forge/hive. Something like this (I will have to planet world submit it in lore). It is not a Death Star. It has no giant laser or can destroy a world - it is merely a moon sized nest, that carries the Palashintu's hive ships, living space, exo-wombs and Palashintu themselves. And as it moves the Palashintu drop nests on worlds that have sufficient techinilogical advancement (and these would be dev threads to establish the Hive Nests - btw Hive Nest =/= Eating an Entire Planet.) And just as a size comparison, the earth's moon would be the homeworld's size. Pretty small.

2. Instead of this we use the planet I made up in their Brief History (Nimon II) as their home base and from there they send their Hive Fleet (btw I use the word Fleet superficially, its more of a flotilla) to do the Hive Nest Dev threading. And we can just say that they had gone into hibernation on Nimon II after completely Cyber-Terraforming it.

3. Or, we make their homebase literally the fleets and have them as a minor faction spread out across the galaxy in various pockets doing the Hive Nest Dev Threading.

Now if they ever became a Major Faction, there would a problem as their culture doesn't fit with the current dominion system of doming worlds and worlds adjacent. So to illustrate what an actual Palashintu Major Faction map controlled world map would like l made some pictures.


So unlike a regular faction, the Palshintu owned worlds will depend which worlds the Hive Fleet drops on. So instead of a giant blob, they would own several worlds in singular isolated pockets scattered across the galaxy. (Of course I would work with established factions and negotiate OOCly so I don't go and cockblock factions like a dingus.)

But this is all if it ever becomes a major faction. Which to be honest they are far more suited to be a Minor Faction permanently, which I am alright with.

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