For the past several months the Factory has been working towards solidifying our consistancy, especially with starships. There have been several holes and flaws with what we previously had. This caused issues between judges and submitters and that main issue was confusion. The factory has moved towards something more standardized to help with all of this. The following is the change log and a TL;DR information of what it means to you as a submitter.
Also please note: With the change over to this form of standardization, it is requested that when discussing ships and such that links from previous versions be used as references, but not concrete evidence for this standardization. Do remember to remain consistent the submitter and the judge must be able to draw from the same source of information. No previous versions of the factory starships will be accepted after the template has changed from the date and time of this posting.
All items that were submitted before and are currently under review in the starship section will be considered "grandfathered in" and go with the standard they were submitted under. Any questions or concerns please refer to the Q&A section of the Factory Information Forum, post here, PM me.
Change log
Hopefully this will all make submitting a starship a much easier and transparent process for everyone. Try and make sure you balance out your ships primary stats: speed, manoeuvrability, armament rating, defense rating, hangar size as well as any special features your ship has.
Any questions or concerns please refer to the Q&A section of the Factory Information Forum, post here, PM me.
Also please note: With the change over to this form of standardization, it is requested that when discussing ships and such that links from previous versions be used as references, but not concrete evidence for this standardization. Do remember to remain consistent the submitter and the judge must be able to draw from the same source of information. No previous versions of the factory starships will be accepted after the template has changed from the date and time of this posting.
All items that were submitted before and are currently under review in the starship section will be considered "grandfathered in" and go with the standard they were submitted under. Any questions or concerns please refer to the Q&A section of the Factory Information Forum, post here, PM me.
Change log
- Removed links to old armament tables
- Consolidated ship and station dev
- Added dev for civilian stations over 3000m
- Added requirement to link manufacturer if chaos canon company
- Add defense line
- Make armament ratings mandatory
- Outline that strengths from special features must ALL be listed under strengths and balanced by weaknesses or dev
- Add dev guidelines to all relevant categories
- Fixed formatting errors in "Primary Source" field
- All templates done
- Add civilian space stations/shipyards. Examples: : Asteroid Base, Deep Space Manufacturing Facility, Skyhook, Medical Station, Orbital Docking Platform, Space Colony
- Split Destroyers and Carriers into sub 2000 and >2000 classes
- Add all example ships
- Fix examples that are in the wrong class
- Add recommendation to use example ships
- Update Helpful links section with easy reference chart
- You can now see the guidance on stats that will require additional development. Note that ships will be judged on overall balance and maxing everything to the limits is unlikely to be acceptable.
- Armament ratings are now mandatory. Judges will be instructed to focus more on these than fiddle around with tedious gun maths.
- Defensive ratings have now been included and are mandatory.
- The templates each have some handy example ships. You can copy and paste these and then configure them to your requirements!!
- A reference chart summarises the example ships to help you make and customise your vessels.
- There are now separate charts for military and civilian ships, as well as some examples.
- Make sure you list the relevant strengths of other features and submissions you're using in the strengths of the vessel too. This is now mandatory.
- Make sure you link to the submission of the manufacturers as this is also now mandatory.
Hopefully this will all make submitting a starship a much easier and transparent process for everyone. Try and make sure you balance out your ships primary stats: speed, manoeuvrability, armament rating, defense rating, hangar size as well as any special features your ship has.
Any questions or concerns please refer to the Q&A section of the Factory Information Forum, post here, PM me.