Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New Trailer

Connor Harrison

John Boyega conveys so much fear of the situation and of Kylo in those few seconds physically, he does a superb job.


I'm not sure if I should feel proud or be ashamed that I've watched this trailer nearly two dozen times; so maybe a bit of both.
What gets me every time are these two lines.
"There are stories about what happened."
"It's true. All of it. The Dark Side, The Jedi, they're real."
I like those two lines, that little exchange. It makes it seem like after 30 years, every one thinks that Palpatine and Vader, the Dark Side, the Jedi, everything that happened in the previous films is all just a legend of a story that people have forgotten about.
I love it! I love it so karking much!

Connor Harrison

[member="Empress Pandorea"] I totally agree. Not just realistic moving on 30 years and proving it's not always Jedi who dominate the stories, but it's like Rey and Finn represent the new generation of fans who are familiar with the prequels and Clone Wars material and games more than the Original Trilogy, and Han is the older generation relating that everything that happened before was true, it was real and was part of the legacy they see today.

It's very beautiful.

[member="Aaralyn Gyndar"] Hype is gooooood. Looks like she's our main character for this. :)

And is it me, but do I have a feeling Poe Dameron is going to be a VERY likeable hero to get behind.
It looked like he was talking to the burnt helmet of Darth Vader, as it was said earlier that it's implied that the Knights of Ren are mega Vader fanboys with Kylo specifically modeling his appearance and mannerisms after the late Sith Lord.

[member="Jordan Achilles"]


Disney's Princess
I've read too many leaked emails from set, costume, and dock workers to give theories. However these are all very entertaining! :D
Connor Harrison said:
[member="Empress Pandorea"] I totally agree. Not just realistic moving on 30 years and proving it's not always Jedi who dominate the stories, but it's like Rey and Finn represent the new generation of fans who are familiar with the prequels and Clone Wars material and games more than the Original Trilogy, and Han is the older generation relating that everything that happened before was true, it was real and was part of the legacy they see today.

It's very beautiful.

[member="Aaralyn Gyndar"] Hype is gooooood. Looks like she's our main character for this. :)

And is it me, but do I have a feeling Poe Dameron is going to be a VERY likeable hero to get behind.
It has been stated by Kathleen Kennedy that Rey is "extremely significant" which could point to Skywalker lineage of some sort. *shrugs* For now, I'm ignoring any rumors or speculation - especially about Luke being Kylo Ren (look at the last bit of the trailer, he doesn't have brown tousled hair) Back to my first point - Kathleen Kennedy wanted Hollywood to change direction in regards to female leads, etc. So - there you have that, trailer and poster speak for themselves.

The speculation of "I will finish what YOU started..." is another supposed implication of relation to Anakin Skywalker or just an obsessed collector type deal - they said he could be one of the people from the Aftermath novel, however, it's all speculation and no spoilers intended.

I will warn anyone who watches that trailer multiple times and reads anything on the internet - the body Rey is crying over - be warned of who it is most likely given image adjustments, etc.

It fits, that's all I'm going to say.

Oh, I did read on Yahoo and other places official as well as on Topps (You know, those collectors cards?) That Rey's card specifically has a Resistance Logo and the Jedi Logo, while Finn only has the Resistance Logo.

Connor Harrison

[member="Jordan Achilles"] [member="Darth Vornskr"] Yeah, I think Kylo is effectively a Vader nut, talking to his burnt mask as if he was really communicating with Vader himself. Not just Dark Side, but thinking he is pretty much a "second coming" of Vader to finish the job started over 30 years ago.

[member="Aaralyn Gyndar"] This whole Luke/Kylo thing is nonsense and people just letting their imagination get carried away. Why would Lucasfilm reveal everything in trailers and posters? I for one see it as a great move not to give us literally everything so we know what or who to expect. I have no problem with Daisy Ridley leading this film; she's a stunning actress in both aspects and I welcome the move.

The trailer still leaves more questions than answers which is perfect.

And as said, it sounds that Kylo is a nut-job obsessed with Vader for whatever reasons, as he'd have been born after 'ROTJ' so part of the generation where events of the old trilogy would by myth and legend.

Connor Harrison

I used to find these funny, but now...not really, and just things that are too silly to even be "wrong" like the old ones used to be.

Connor Harrison

One of my favourite shots from this trailer, wonderfully mirroring Luke Skywalker's dream to be someone, is that distance ship flying upwards, and you can just hear the engine and see it in the sky, cutting back to Rey seeing her eyes and slight flicker on her mouth as you can tell she dreams of something to help her escape.

It's such a beautiful shot, and so tenderly portrayed in the trailer.

As with the shot of the Star Destroyer in the teaser, the shots mixed with the evocative music sell me more than any dialogue can.
[member="Connor Harrison"] Totally agreed on the moronic movie sins thing, though I always thought they were stupid because they have zero actual interest in things actually done stupidly. It is more like "what dreck can I say about every single scene."

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