The Last Son
Morning dew fell down my face. Looking like the tears that I never shed. Sword on my hip, and spear on my back, as well as the quiver filled with arrows made by my own hand. I had one of them in my hand while the bow was aimed down to be at the nape of a nameless creature. I didn't know it's real name. But I knew that while it walked on four legs and could run faster than myself, as well, the pelts from the feline creature could keep me warm during the cold months. My face broke into a smile as in the early morning, before dawn broke, I released my bow. Sending the arrow flying a total of about 20 meters to slam smack into the neck. Going through the through, but still stuck in the throat, the feline tried to run, and failed.
Pulling out a the sword after putting my bow away, I walked towards the creature. Knowing that they were hard to kill, I kept myself armed should it be only playing dead. Walking over, I picked up a rock. Carefully I went into the small opening in which it lay. Watching it for a second to see it still trying to breathe in life. Once more I pulled out my bow and another arrow. Knocking it on the string and aiming once more, but in his chest. Upon release, I smiled as the arrow ended the suffering of the creature, and would allow me to eat for the next few days.
Standing up, I walked over and simply picked the creature up. Putting it over my left shoulder as I walked back home. to where I would skin this beast, use the fur for clothing or twine, the meat for a source of energy to fuel my body, and the bones for weapons and tools. The entrails I would use as bait on my traps. Nothing like using freshly raw and bloody meat as a bait trap.
(OOC: Open to those who can actually have a good reason of being on New Kisge.)
Pulling out a the sword after putting my bow away, I walked towards the creature. Knowing that they were hard to kill, I kept myself armed should it be only playing dead. Walking over, I picked up a rock. Carefully I went into the small opening in which it lay. Watching it for a second to see it still trying to breathe in life. Once more I pulled out my bow and another arrow. Knocking it on the string and aiming once more, but in his chest. Upon release, I smiled as the arrow ended the suffering of the creature, and would allow me to eat for the next few days.
Standing up, I walked over and simply picked the creature up. Putting it over my left shoulder as I walked back home. to where I would skin this beast, use the fur for clothing or twine, the meat for a source of energy to fuel my body, and the bones for weapons and tools. The entrails I would use as bait on my traps. Nothing like using freshly raw and bloody meat as a bait trap.
(OOC: Open to those who can actually have a good reason of being on New Kisge.)