Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New Worlds

The Last Son
Morning dew fell down my face. Looking like the tears that I never shed. Sword on my hip, and spear on my back, as well as the quiver filled with arrows made by my own hand. I had one of them in my hand while the bow was aimed down to be at the nape of a nameless creature. I didn't know it's real name. But I knew that while it walked on four legs and could run faster than myself, as well, the pelts from the feline creature could keep me warm during the cold months. My face broke into a smile as in the early morning, before dawn broke, I released my bow. Sending the arrow flying a total of about 20 meters to slam smack into the neck. Going through the through, but still stuck in the throat, the feline tried to run, and failed.

Pulling out a the sword after putting my bow away, I walked towards the creature. Knowing that they were hard to kill, I kept myself armed should it be only playing dead. Walking over, I picked up a rock. Carefully I went into the small opening in which it lay. Watching it for a second to see it still trying to breathe in life. Once more I pulled out my bow and another arrow. Knocking it on the string and aiming once more, but in his chest. Upon release, I smiled as the arrow ended the suffering of the creature, and would allow me to eat for the next few days.

Standing up, I walked over and simply picked the creature up. Putting it over my left shoulder as I walked back home. to where I would skin this beast, use the fur for clothing or twine, the meat for a source of energy to fuel my body, and the bones for weapons and tools. The entrails I would use as bait on my traps. Nothing like using freshly raw and bloody meat as a bait trap.

(OOC: Open to those who can actually have a good reason of being on New Kisge.)
Standing offset in the distance covered partially by the foliage and greenery lay a cold presence upon the forest. A shade, tall and dark stood over twenty yards away from the woman. Silent and without motion the shade took stock of the woman. She was young, a hunter and survivor by the looks of her. This world, green and teeming with life. It was perfect, it was all so perfect in it's beauty. Moving it's cold armored hand down to its hip region the shade pressed it's own hands slightly against it's groin and waited keeping out of the vision of the woman ever so slightly. Her arrow flew, gleaming in the air as it sang true and made it's mark. A perfect shot within the neck of the beast. It staggered for a moment trying to run, a futal effort through and through but the fear of the void willed it on hopelessly.

Simply watching as the woman finished the beast off, he felt it's soul leave it's body and become one with the living force. To join the well of power that was the cosmos. And It felt goooood. The last terrified wimpers the beast made before it's existence was snuffed out in one last terrified breath of excrement releasing pain. Gliding through the forest the shade slowly followed the woman, not making any moves to harm her keeping out of sight for now keeping silent as it glided through it all, letting the few rays of sun soak into the darkness of his robe [member="Alivia Zelda"]
This planet was beautiful. Sure, I had no idea what planet this was, and my douche of a pilot had dropped me here for a 'hiking trip' and then cut contact, but it was still beautiful. And I was still hiking. Besides my normal carbine and repeating blaster pistol, I had my slugthrower and a machete. I was running out of provisions, and had decided to hunt some kind of small animal to eat for the day. There was some kind of large rodent hiding not too far away.

It moved, and I struck, leaping at it and swinging the machete. It was a masterful display of skill... until I crashed into the ground. The fucking thing ran away, screeching. I stomped my foot on the ground, trying to scare something out, but nothing more moved.


I picked up my pack from where it had been resting on the ground, thinking very evil thoughts about my last pilot, and smugglers in general.

"It'll be fun, he said. Fresh air! Forests everywhere! Hunting galore! Bastard forgot about the fact that you need provisions to go hunting..."

I saw something move at the sound of my voice. Something big. I crouched down, and loaded my slugthrower with an almost inaudible pshh of air. My vest blended in with the ground, and with my mandibles open, my face looked like some kind of fethed-up flower. I looked up and saw some kind of antlered quadruped animal. Good.

And then the giant cat landed on it. Wow. What kind of nerf herder was running the circle of nature, here? I was about to shoot the cat, when I realized there was an arrowhead in it's throat. And then I heard footsteps, and I hid behind a tree. A woman, rather pretty, actually, came, picked up the feline, and dragged it off, leaving the twitching, semi-crushed thing under it for me to take. Awesome. I pulled out the machete again, and killed the poor bastard. No sense in making him suffer.

"Sorry, mate, but I'm hungry."

I shivered as I felt a cold pass over the dead body. I just picked up the animal, and slung it across my shoulders. I shrugged, and walked in the general direction where I'd seen the woman go. With any luck, I might be able to actually sell the parts I couldn't eat.

[member="Alivia Zelda"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Chaasch had many moons but New Kisge seemed to be the only one that interested Oka. The wilderness on it looked amazing since only Naboo looked more beautiful. He came there to visit it and see what life was on it, and try to meditate. He always found meditation easier on calm and peaceful planets. But for a moon, this was rare for Oka. Either way, he flew in his FT-18 Pillar to the moon and landed in some tall grass close to a wooded area. He saw a few people but they weren't his business.

Oka jumped out of the starfighter signaling his droid to go elsewhere in case something happened. He only cared for his droid in his life. Made it from blueprints of the original astromech, R2-D2. But with his own personality. Oka wore a brown cloak with black robes. He had his lightsabers made of permafrost crystals and a small pistol along with a thorn of ryloth and his comlink. Small things needed for this big travel. Oka walked on the grass that had dew on it in the direction of the people he saw. He didn't have to talk to them, only follow them and maybe discover some things.

[member="Alivia Zelda"] [member="He who walks behind"] [member="Riv'Stak"]
The Last Son
I continued to walk on. Careful to keep the feline from dragging and rubbing off the pelt. but it was when I heard a flapping sound as well as voices. I stopped. dropped the fresh kill and spun around behind me. Already arrow drawn and pulled back ready to be fired in less than a second. it was all smooth and in one motion. Clearly practiced over years of doing it. I looked around and could see a figure of black. Almost ghostly completion of clothing. I didn't hesitate. I released the arrow to let it fly, but as I did, I moved my arm to grab a second one, and by the time the arrow would hit it's target, I would already have an arrow knocked and ready to be released once more.

While I had very little voice, I spoke up the best I could. "Who there?" Seeing if they were still alive after the arrow went through them. But it was only then that I heard a dragging noise. A sharp turn and a releasing of the cord, and a second arrow was fired into the general direction of the dragging sounds. "Speak, or die."

Simple words that I could say, but they held power and clear authority. THis was my home. They came to my turf. and I would protect it. No matter the cost.

[member="Oka Osaa"], [member="Riv'Stak"], [member="He who walks behind"],
I stood up completely, and raised my arms, the universal signal for 'holy-frak-don't-shoot-me'. Just in case the pretty woman decided that I was some sort of deranged animal with opposable thumbs and four jaws, I spoke.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't shoot me, pretty one. I don't like having metal in my chest."

The arrow came anyway, and I ducked it, a split second before it would have gone through one of my jaw mandibles.

"Seriously, please don't shoot me. I have a personal aversion to getting killed."

[member="Alivia Zelda"] [member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka came into view of the woman and a figure that seemed familiar to him. "The alley man?" he mumbled. He said he wouldn't talk but this woman just shot at this man. Looked unaffected but that probably was because of the distance. Oka sent a telekinetic message to this woman hoping she'd be a force sensitive. "Careful, them kind are hard to kill." he said waving at her. She looked hostile and probably was. He wondered if she even saw him. The grass was so tall.

[member="Alivia Zelda"]
Standing there the arrow hit the shade dead center of the chest, and yet it did not move. It did not wince nor flintch from the blow. Reaching it's hand out the shade gripped the arrow and with a yank the arrow came free of it's chest. Black blood covered the tip of the arrow, but when it made contact with the light of the sun the blood had all but begun to flake and burn away in it's rays. The beast must have worn some sort of armor to keep it from being critically injured. Rather than drawing a blade and fighting the shade gently glided over the forest brush, vanishing in the many groves of trees. She struck him, without thought or hesitation she fired upon the shade. This was good, there was malice in her heart, fear that would corse through her to defend what she held dear.

Gliding and glowering over this pathetic realm of existence the shade moved around the woman's position to see she was no longer alone. Multiple parties had joined them and they too seemed to be under threat of the woman and her bow. This was good, more death filled the air of another beast dying. It felt good, more little shrieks and cries of death to bring ambience to the scene. Hot blood with it's sweet metallic odor. It was all just so intoxicating to feel, the energy of the force and of the dark side. The need to take life to sustain their own, so beautiful within the eyes of the shade[member="Oka Osaa"][member="Riv'Stak"] [member="Alivia Zelda"]
The Last Son
I looked to the creature that had ducked under the arrow, saying that he would rather not die. He was different Strange. Already I had another arrow knocked. only this time there were three together split by my fingers on the shaft of the bow. Ready to fire all three if necessary. However, I could feel something prod my mind and I heard a voice within my head. Stating that they are hard to kill. I turned in every which direction to see a man dressed in white. I aimed it at him and then flipped around again at the slightest sound of the ghostly man who had pulled my arrow out. Somehow he had been able to survive the shot even when it had clearly pierced him.

I started to move back away from the kill. Maybe they wanted it for themselves. Kicking the body towards the center of the three of them. I continued to move back. "Take beast. Leave alone"

my throat was already starting to hurt a little, but I had to speak loud enough for the three of them to hear me. I was ready to kill any or all of them. Now the shadow man may be harder. I would have to probably send a few arrows down his throat. "What you want?"

I had faced two men before. but three at once was dangerous. I was half tempted to hightail it out of here and go to one of my places to be alone again. but I feared that they would find me and act the same like the other hunters had.

[member="He who walks behind"], [member="Oka Osaa"], [member="Riv'Stak"],

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka could tell she couldn't speak well. Maybe a different species? No she looked human. Besides, she had good marksmanship. Without warning he grabbed both of his sabers and force leap towards the area they were at. He did a front flip while in air and ignited the sabers before landing on the damp ground. Both sabers evenly held to each side, he looked at the man of the shade and stood defensively. The girl might try and hurt him or the other man but this was his fight rather anyone liked it or not. This man in the shade came to him before and tried to temp him to join the dark but he spreaded his light before he could. "We've met before haven't we?" he asked as he kept an eye on everyone. He'd trained with the lightsaber form Niman so he doubted he'd fall to a group.

[member="Alivia Zelda"] [member="Riv'Stak"] [member="He who walks behind"]
I gestured to the antlered thing on my back. I would have smiled, but those seemed to make people want to shoot me more. Something about the mandibles, I guessed.

"I'm not after your giant cat. You just got me curious, and then you decided to try and shoot me. I'm just as stuck here as you are."

Now I did grin, and the girl didn't shoot me.

"Alright, now I'm just going to sit down, now. I'd appreciate it if you didn't try to kill me."

Of course, I still hadn't noticed the other people in the clearing, yet...

[member="Alivia Zelda"] [member="He who walks behind"] [member="Oka Osaa"]
The Last Son
I brought my bow into the air and aimed for the man as he jumped up with two glowing blades. Clearly they were weapons made out of something much more lighter than my sword and from the looks of his stance, he probably knew how to fight well with them. Even so. I didn't pull the three arrows because he jumped in front of me as if to protect me? I stood up. Releasing the arrows in a slow fashion to not fire, but to simply be knocked on the string, I then walked over to the man with the two icy blue glowing weapons.

Grabbing him from his shoulder. I spun him around to face me. As I did, my bow came up with one hand and had the razor sharp arrows at his neck. "Put down." Indicating for him to put down or away the weapons. "Mine forest. Mine rules. No obey, you die." My voice while silent was clear as crystal. Even if these weapons were being held to me, I would still fight. I then turned to point a finger at the two others. Even the one who sat down as I stood there. "See weapons now!"

I wanted to see what they were carrying. if I wanted to even so much as trust what they were saying, I wanted to see what weapons they had. And I was clearly not backing down. Not even in the slightest.

[member="Riv'Stak"], [member="Oka Osaa"], [member="He who walks behind"]
"Okay, okay. Jeez."

I pulled out the machete, the slugthrower, the carbine, and the needler.

"Look. That's all my weapons. You can stop shouting at me, now."

I did the half-grin again.

"I might be the ugly one, but these guys are probably more armed than me."

[member="Alivia Zelda"] [member="Oka Osaa"] [member="He who walks behind"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
There wasn't anything to say. It was either die or kill her which wasn't an option. He felt a spin as he faced to beautiful yet scary woman. Oka nodded or at least tried to as he closed his blades. "You gonna kill me? That's a pretty sharp arrow." he asked jokingly but she probably didn't know that. She looked very serious and it seemed she was going to kill him.

[member="Alivia Zelda"] [member="Riv'Stak"]
The shade moved with an inhuman grace about it, shifting through the foliage of the forest floor. It didn't make a sound oddly enough, for it did not touch the floor of the forest. It glided through it, it's tattered and black robe sprawled out like the limbs of a spider, flapping about every which way. The shade oozed the presence of the darkside as it simply watched these people interact with one another. Which one had the most darkness in their heart? Which one was worthy of ascension? Still shifting through the trees the shade was keen on watching, studying them with a cold glare. He had said nothing yet to them, he had done nothing. But those moments would soon end, a pound of flesh was required. And whom it was torn from would be someone who lingered here in this forest.

A fog, a black silent fog crept from under the robe. It was not seen, it was not in eye range yet. It swept from underneath in a area of seven feet as it began to blanket the ground bellow. Beneath it foliage began to whither, rot and pass into death all the way down to the roots that held it. It was a force that would be felt, a unholy spawn of darkness among the sea of light in this lush green paradise. The woman, her heart, her heart was filled with rage. The rage and fear of her home, it called out to the shade beconing him to surge forth and snuff it from her chest. It felt good, it felt the willingness and readiness to kill at a moments notice. But the shade restrained itself and remained in place watching the travelers still. [member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Riv'Stak"] [member="Alivia Zelda"]
The Last Son
Watching as the man in front of me turned off his glowing swords, I pulled back my arrows from his throat as he spoke. Indicting I didn't want him to speak, I then shoved them towards his neck. but stopping. Eyeing him for him to shut his mouth. Turning to the creature in armor, I saw him put weapons down like all the others who I had met. One of them was a longer one. and a thick sword like weapon. Um... what was the name again. A machete? Doesn't matter. I turned to the shade creature that was still trying to walk around. I moved my bow to face the man. or woman.

Aiming all three at him I drew my bow back. Not caring how I could feel darkness from him. "Weapons. Drop now." He had dropped nothing. Which worried me. He didn't speak either. And that made him even more shady than he already was.

[member="He who walks behind"], [member="Oka Osaa"], [member="Riv'Stak"],

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka knew this woman hadn't faced the man of the shade before because she was really trying to make him stand down. He out his hand on her shoulder since he was probably already dead and whispered, "Don't try him. Only the light can fight darkness. Not arrows, they only bring more darkness into the air which gives him more power."

[member="Alivia Zelda"]
[member="Alivia Zelda"] [member="Oka Osaa"]

The sound of feet landing upon dried dead leaves crunched through the air, the shade had landed on the ground and it stood as silent and uncaring as when it was shot. The fog began to rise around it, lifting itself through the air behind it cast a veil that began to wilt the leaves around it. Darkness, evil in it's prime. Uncaring and undying it slunk forward towards the trio. A small crunch in each step as the foliage around it turned to ugly shades of brown with each step forward. It's black flowing robe began to disperse itself among the fog that crept upon the forest floor keeping to it's feet. The robe layed sprawled out rising like the tentacles of a kraken above the sea of fog. A small hiss echoed from it's lips hidden underneath the hood. A hiss that could chill the bones of a lesser man, but these were not lesser beings. They would be a challenge if they chose to fight.

However it's gaze did not descend on the woman with the bow, it did not seem to care. What it was here for was something else entirely. Well someone else entirely. "The boy, giveth him onto me child. I shall leave your home, this place of light and love. All thou must do is giveth the boy onto me. He calls his name from the veil, there is darkness in his heart." A low hissing whisper echoed through the woods and to the woman. "He looks upon thou too child, he sees the darkness inside you. Giveth me the boy, and taste upon it for the first time. And soon, he shall call your name as well." The soothsayer paused, the fog growing more at his feet as he awaited the choice to be made by the woman. Give the lightsaber weilding man to the shade and be done with him, or die.
To be fair, I'd had to put up with a lot of random things today. Beautiful women chasing half-crazed giant cats, a Jedi whose lightsabers seemed to freeze the air, and what seemed to be a mental conversation between the two. But fucking ghosts that spouted fog? That was about my limit. I picked up the carbine and the needler, and cocked both in one movement, aiming at the shade.

"I know this is the pot calling the kettle black, but you, sir, are creepy and fucked-up."

I looked down the barrel of my carbine, trying to figure out where the creature's vital organs were, if he had any.

[member="He who walks behind"] [member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Alivia Zelda"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
His green eyes started glowing. That usually meant danger or the force was building up inside. But this was different... the force was already built up. Unusual but he was going to use it. He walked up to the black figure with all of its fog flowing around him. Oka knew the one thing it couldn't do was touch him. The light in Oka fends off darkness. But the figure could still challenge him although he knew it probably wouldn't. He admired the darkness and its determination but it was weak. Oka stood there as if they were having a staring contest.

[member="He who walks behind"] [member="Riv'Stak"] [member="Alivia Zelda"]

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