Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New Worlds

"NO MOVE!" For the first time in years, I yelled out at the two men Aiming the bow at each of them in turn. So many things were happening at once. I didn't know how to react. All being within such a short time of one another, I had to try and wrap my head around it as fast as I could. I turned to the man who had the glowing swords. "Sit down." I wanted him to sit. One, I didn't trust any of them, two if he wanted to do anything to anyone, he would likely have to stand up first. Meaning more time for me to strike him should it be necessary.

Turning to the man who was holding two guns out at the shade, "Follow him." Meaning for the creature to sit down as well. Follow suit of the man who I had told to sit. Almost I was commanding dogs. Already I could see how they could fear me into some retrospect. A woman with a bow, being here in the wilderness out on her lonesome. She probably know what she was doing.

The bow changed aim once more to the shade. I gave him a dead stare, even if he was something that may have been harder to kill, that doesn't mean I wasn't willing to try. "Silence. No silence then me quite you." Simple and straight forward. If he didn't shut up with his weird language, then I would end it for him with an arrow to the throat. or even the mouth.

"I... King? no. Queen of Forrest. My land. My rule." Indicating with a bow that I held the power here. I wanted control of the situation because I was the one in the shadows. Unable to understand most of what they spoke of dark and light. "No obey, Me make obey. No obey again, I end life." Indicating to the shade. "Speak easy. Need me understand why here?"

[member="Oka Osaa"], [member="Riv'Stak"], [member="He who walks behind"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka didn't sit. Her land, her rules, but his body, his control. He knew that if an arrow came at him, he'd sense it or at least dodge it. Oka backed up gripping his sabers strongly, as if he would ignite them. He could feel the coldness of it go off of the blade to him. The power that he felt when he held them. The good use of power I should say. For a woman, she was bold. But he doubted the man of the shade would back down. Oka kept his sabers at a defensive position in case he would have to defend himself. "If you shoot me with that arrow, I swear, I will not hold back." he said hoping she'd understand.

[member="Alivia Zelda"] [member="He who walks behind"] [member="Riv'Stak"]
[member="Alivia Zelda"] @Oka Ossa [member="Riv'Stak"]

"Very well then, thou hath chosen." A cold depressing aura radiated around the shade, around the fog that encompassed it. It looked as if heat rising off the asphalt in the summer, rippling off of him in slow dancing lines of power. Reaching towards it's hip the shade drew something long from it's side. From a scabbard of darkness a blade poured forth from it's home and into the hand of the shade. "Thou art no queen, thou art another pawn for his unholy feast." Bringing the blade above his head the shade leveled it's free hand on level with the trio. It had drawn a broadsword, a large rusted blade that hummed silently with power.

The fog around the shade began to thicken, rising from the ground to conceal it within a blanket of blackness. Expanding forth the fog pushed forward towards the trio. The black veil wrinkling and twisting the leaves upon the trees. Darkness would soon be upon them, fog of black in which they did not want to be caught in. For within the black of it the shade could have an advantage. A good five meters away the expanding fog wafted towards them. "GIVE ME THE BOY!!" The shade screamed and with almost a beast like roar the fog began to expand more rapid. This was not good

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
"I find you weak." he said letting the force out through a force push and a force shield in the direction of the man of the shade. There was no doubt that he wouldn't go flying. The force shield was easy to produce but he couldn't fight with his lightsabers at the same time. The fog was staying off the three but he couldn't see where the man of the shade was. "Hey, you with the guns, could use some hand." he said keeping position.

[member="He who walks behind"] [member="Riv'Stak"] [member="Alivia Zelda"]
"You fucking bet."

Ignoring the woman's protests, I opened fire with the carbine. Glancing sideways, I shrugged with my left arm.

"Truly sorry, lady, but floating things spouting threats about magic and stuff outrank the, uh, Queen of the Forest on my 'obey or shoot at' list. Be with you in a second, beautiful."

I took aim with the needler, too, and fired. There was a certain satisfaction to being able to shoot at something without ruining the thrill.

[member="Oka Osaa"] [member="He who walks behind"] [member="Alivia Zelda"]
I WILL NOT BE INGNORED! When the man started to point at me, demanding the boy, I brought it up, and when the man with the glowing blades said he needed help, the man with the long stick blasted rays of red light from the weapon. In one fell swoop, I raised my bow, and fired. Letting all three arrows out upon the man, And another one air was knocked and fired at the man with glowing swords, then another one aimed at the man with the cloak. He did not scare me. Instead of firing an arrow at him, I drew my own sword. Holding it out, clearly I was not happy about any of this.

Men fighting men when I had not even known their name nor why they were here.

[member="Riv'Stak"], [member="Oka Osaa"], [member="He who walks behind"],
[member="Alivia Zelda"] [member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Riv'Stak"]

The carbine bolts and needles scattered through the thick black fog whistling through it like a hot knife slicing through butter. Fog curled and swirled around in small patches where the shots were fired. Silence fell from the cloud as it grew larger and larger moving towards the trio who had descended into a chaotic spree of fighting one another. Animals, all of them. Animals that could not follow the simplest of tasks, unworthy of even the mantle dogs held. That is what the shade thought of these creatures, what it thought they were made of. So tangled in the pettiness of their own survival to see the greater threat at hand. And it was not the shade, it was something much much worse than it.

In all honesty and fairness the shade was here simply to observe and scout this world for life. He wanted nothing to do with combat or death but the moment the Jedi came into view he remembered him. He remembered him from the ally on that craphole of a world. And since then his name had been called forth. This was the opportunity to take the target and return him to his master. To become another one of him.

The fog now enveloped the three locking them within the darkness. Pitch black darkness engulfed them, this was the type of dark where one could not see two feet in front of their own face. It did not bode well for the three, especially if they were to fight one another. Giggles echoed through the fog filling the air with sick pangs of laughter. "Enough of this foolishness." The voice hissed. The young man's sheild held around him as the darkness hammered against the sheild fog passing over it like the waves upon the rocks. It felt cold and harsh as the negative energy danced across the sheild

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Once the arrow was shot, Oka let go of the shield because of the fog that somehow found a weak spot. He dodged the arrow remembering where she shot it so he could calculate the spot it'd hit. It was time to end it all. With all the force still building up, this would surely knock everyone in the area back. "Breaking my shield... getting shot at by an arrow... and.. and.." he said jumping up high and coming back down hitting the cold hard ground as the force blew everything in his radius away.

[member="He who walks behind"] [member="Alivia Zelda"] [member="Riv'Stak"]
I picked myself off the ground, grabbing my carbine up from next to me.

"Fething Jedi and their fething Force."

I rolled to get to an easy position to aim, swearing under my breath. I saw the woman near me. I nodded at her.

"I need your help, beautiful. Can you see that misty bastard?"

[member="Oka Osaa"] [member="He who walks behind"] [member="Alivia Zelda"]

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