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New X-wing?

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Kian Karr said:
Let's do them all!
That's pretty tempting actually, who says we have to do one? ;)

In all seriousness, I do like the idea of the 3rd Kian posted as being a stealth ship, maybe even as our StealthX replacement.

We could also do several of these as the base government-owned designs for interceptors, starfighters, bombers, etc.

I think that for the moment, I'm going to start working on components that we can use for whatever fighter design(s) we chose (such as our version of a general purpose launcher), as well as some special components for certain designs (like baffled stealth engines for a stealth fighter).

EDIT: [member="Orick T'ane"], you're not allowed to post any more designs. At this rate, I'll spend my entire time here submitting ship designs to the factory. ;)
[member="Mark Crassis"], for a stealth design, or just components in general?

For stealth designs, we can look at the XJ-7 StealthX to get a rough idea of what we can do.

Based on that, we'll need individual development threads/tech for the engines, stealth hull material, some sort of stealth weapon (could simply be TibannaX-run laser cannons, but slugthrowers might work well too), and possibly some sort of way to prevent it from being easily detected through the Force.

That last one will be the hardest, albeit Joshua Merrill has noted several ways of doing this:
The first of those three is involvement of ysalamiri. Obviously this is space-intensive, would cut off pilots from the Force, and presents procurement and sustainability issues.

The second of those three is taozin flesh. Nodules of taozin flesh can make it more difficult for the wearer to be sensed in the Force, though they can also muffle the wearer's Force senses to a certain degree. We include taozin nodules in the command seats of our Calrissian-class freighter.

The third is nullification resin, a compound which we use for containment of powerful Force artifacts. We can provide resin in sufficient quantities to line the starfighter's cockpit. Its effectiveness, drawbacks, and cost are comparable to taozin nodules.
This might require some outside work, or it could make for a good Jedi quest thread.

For normal component designs, I'd encourage people (especially our pilots) to think what they would like to use and work on it. If you're not particularly tech-savvy, talk to myself or anyone else interested in producing tech (we've got several company owners here) to see if they make it a reality.

Some examples might be a new astromech droid, a better communications system, an electronic warfare component (Sensor jammer, comm jammer, decoy system), weapon, etc. There's a lot of options here.

[member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Mark Crassis"]

Roth Tillian

*hisses and pulls away from Force cloaking things*

Don't be choking me out now.

OS has been amping up their anti-fighter defenses since the GR has the best fighter squadron on the board. Especially this one:

I don't know if they've been delpoyed ICly or not, but they're something to keep in mind. The interdiction field seems the most dangerous, but with a team of Jedi Aces and extremely fast ships, that could probably be turned into a weakness.

I think the Sith fighters tend to be of a heavier build than normal, especially with any Vong tech they have, so probably weaponize them to directly target Vong biomatter.
And astromech droids are good. They add a lot to character and plot, not to mention can do all sorts of things to keep the ship in shape.
Hi everyone, I'm just catching up on this thread. The consensus appears to be for new fighter designs all together, which I can support. I see some interesting designs that could be reworked into some great things.

On the issue of biotech, disrupter weapons could be used to counter them. Or biological weapons of our own. I love the idea of an infector style platform that could be used to seize control of other bioweapons, to fully possess them, or just commit sabotage. Lifehacks.


[member="Roth Tillian"] I looked over that frigate. We could definitely use it to our advantage. In the face of a large gravity well, repulsors could be used in tandem with sublight engines to compensate for the pull. And that slow effect doesn't matter much if vessels are heading towards the epicenter of the gravity well. Adding to that, projectiles (ideally slugs, or missiles fitted with compensators) could be fired at the frigate, taking advance of the interdiction field to boost the projectile's destructive power. These things become coffins when deploying their field, so they won't have a very long shelf life. I guess I only seem them really being deployed in close formations with other large ships, used sparingly. I also see it as much as a detriment to ally as well as foe, because of the indiscriminate nature of the predator platform.
How about we just take back incom?

Can't be that hard >.>

That being said

A standard Space light force would have 2 performance fighter types, we could make one as fast, light armoured medium shielded air superiority fighter and the other as something a little more heafty that could blow things up, 2 bombers, I'd suggest one tailored for anti-shield and the other for anti-hull. An interceptor and a stealth fighter.

All working together that covers most bases,

Though optional ships would be larger gunboats, (millenium falcon sized) and perhaps a fighter class ship which wields something closer to mobile artillery.

I'd love to do a thread where Orphen designs one of these and proposes it to a company~ He's a budding genius engineer, and I would love the street cred.
[member="Orphen"] I don't think that's necessary. It's been over 800 years since the first T-65 was deployed, so the Republic (and really any power) should be familiar enough with the platform to create their own improved derivative while avoiding infringing on patents. Existing models within the Republic inventory can also be retrofitted.
Yandere said:
[member="Orphen"] I don't think that's necessary. It's been over 800 years since the first T-65 was deployed, so the Republic (and really any power) should be familiar enough with the platform to create their own improved derivative while avoiding infringing on patents. Existing models within the Republic inventory can also be retrofitted.
[member="Yandere"], I wouldn't disagree with that assessment, but others beg to differ (see here). We've opted to avoid any potential OOC drama that could occur from it by coming up with a new design.

I've been thinking a lot about the Massassi-class, and how we could potentially deal with it. The new Steadfast-class that should being approved right now is one option. We could simply use its long-ranged weaponry to soften it up or destroy it before our fighters get in its range.

Another option is going to be an assault corvette, not unlike the New Republic's Warrior-class, which would be dedicated to hunting down and destroying small ships like the Massassi individually, or working in packs to take down larger vessels. I've started working on this design as part of the faction owned design series, and I think I'll add some sort of sensor jamming tech to it too (to partially make it harder to target from larger ships, and to mess up any advanced sensors or targeting computers, like those used by the Massassi).

I think another option for dealing with anti-starfighter ships might be to make an old-school Skipray blastboat type of ship (kind of like the Millenium Falcon gunship that Orphen just mentioned). They would probably have the durability to get in and then unleash all of their ordinance, though they'd probably need to be supported by fighters to ensure that they aren't picked off by enemy interceptors and the like.

I agree with [member="Orphen"]'s assessment of our basic needs for starfighters.

Thankfully, the two Nubian bombers that Seraphina's made fit into both of the bomber roles just mentioned. But it might not be a bad idea to come up with a general multi-purpose bomber that can switch around ordinance that's a Republic design, just in case something happens to Nubia, but I wouldn't probably put it as a high priority compared to some of the other designs that could be worked on right now.

[member="Orphen"], if you're interested, I'd be up for RPing with you to help develop any ideas you have, either with Lucerne Labs (my tech company) or as Gir heading up another Republic project (government design). That offer extends to anyone else interested in developing tech for the Republic. Just shoot me a private message.
[member="Gir Quee"] Assault fighters like the B-wing have fit the anti-ship/escort role quite nicely. I'd like a design that can be fielded by local planetary units during invasion scenarios.

[member="Ali Hadrix"]

[member="Archive"] could we develop a stealth variant of this? I would also like to swap out that rotary gun for a mass driver, and make the cannons swappable with other types.


You wanna dev thread to do that, go for it. Edit: I'd be willing to help.

I dislike Dev Threads. I know what I can get away with for insta-approval, which was the goal of submitting it >.>
Ali Hadrix said:


I have a CAPS addiction. Help me. Please.
[member="Ali Hadrix"], what idea aren't we implementing? ;)

As for as the original X-wing replacement idea, that's something that's still in the works. I'm waiting on a development thread for an electronic warfare component that the design will include. We have several starfighter designs from Tenloss, Nubia Star Drives, Lucerne Labs, and now from [member="Archive"]. They're all good designs, but I really wanted to give people something that has the feel of the X-wing, even if it's not exactly an X-wing, so I did a little photo-editing and came up with this:

The upper wing is fixed, but it has two S-foils on the bottom that can come up flush with the stationary wing. Armament should be pretty close to the X-wing's, and it has an astromech as well.

[member="Yandere"], [member="Draco Vereen"] and I have been working on some stealth components, such as this engine system if you end up going that route. I should have a stealth hull system posted up shortly too (Draco did a lot of the heavy lifting in that development thread, so kudos to him and Armatech). That stuff will be available for you if you want to use it in a stealth design.
[member="Gir Quee"]

I like it!! Let me know if you need help with anything, I'm usually good for a few posts to get development threads going!

I'm of the opinion that we give it the bells and whistles!! Lets not worry about it being set up to be approved, lets put everything we'd want on it and then do whatever development thread they request!

EDIT: Once this is done, we could make a stealth version of this as well!
[member="Roth Tillian"], I think people are just proposing ideas, but nothing is in stone yet.

We used to have a dedicated stealth fighter that Incom built (a version of the StealthX), but with Incom's departure, we don't have a stealth fighter or a stealth transport anymore, so it's something which would be nice to have filled in for future use.

You never know that you need something until you do (like our apparent lack of artillery pieces for the Terminus campaign), so if we can have options in advance, that's great.
As I am now done with School for the semester (I have Online Classes in Summer) I will be very active. Tag me in any dev thread that needs doing, and I will help, or tell me we need a Dev Thread for X and how many posts I will start work on it. If I have a good Idea on how the tech works I can put up 10+ posts in a day.
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