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Public New Year Gala | Kingdom of Naboo



"Politics is an ancient and noble calling. Without politicians our societies would descend into anarchy."
- Padmé Amidala


New Year Gala
On the neutral world of Naboo, Queen Kalantha's open invitation to the New Year gala is certainly well-received. Agents from every side of the galaxy have arrived clad in dashing suits, elegant dresses, and regal finery to partake in what may be one of Theed's tensest royal parties yet. Jedi and Sith, nobles and scoundrels, magnates and philanthropists - all are welcome to mingle and rub elbows in the ballroom. Under the watchful eye of the Queen's Handmaidens and Royal Security Forces, the partygoers are encouraged to set aside their differences and focus on what shall be a truly interesting new year.


OBJECTIVE 1: In Your Heart Shall Burn
Ballroom dancing with friends, foes, and wild cards

War is nothing new to the galaxy, and certainly not to the people of Naboo. The turn of the century brought with it the rise and fall of entire nations, establishing new and uncharted dichotomies. Situated in a strategic triangle between the Galactic Alliance, Mandalorian Enclave, and Sith Order, Naboo's golden age of reconstruction - and even its political neutrality - are under threat. Wishing to forge a brighter, safer future for her people, Queen Kalantha sought the protection of the Alliance to keep Naboo safe from the encroaching Enclave forces. But bureaucracy and promises fall to the wayside in times of all-out war, leaving Naboo to its devices. From her throne overlooking the ballroom, the Queen watches with hawk-like attention as her guests make first impressions of each faction on the board.

If Naboo is to join any one of them, it will be by her command.


OBJECTIVE 2: A Walk in the Park
Casual social with drinks in the Royal Gardens

Marble columns, manicured topiaries, and elegant gazebos adorn the beautiful Royal Gardens of Theed. Fragrant blossoms of Queen's Heart climb the trellises, adding vibrant pops of the Crown's iconic red to the greenery. Patches of Rominaria flowers, a favorite of many young Naboo ladies, perfumes the air with a soft, powdery scent. This peaceful outdoor courtyard between the palace towers has been reserved for the gala's more tepid guests, those who wish to mingle apart from the crowds and music. Here, private patios are set for smaller parties to gather and enjoy the evening among friends and family away from the tense political parley unfolding within the palace walls.


OBJECTIVE 3: Cogs in the Machine
Business deals with magnates and industrialists

Naboo's industrial sector has worked tirelessly to rebuild after the widespread destruction of the Cataclysm. It took several years, but through determination and innovative techniques, much of Theed and the surrounding areas were restored to their former glory. While scars still remain and a lot of work is left to be done, the Naboo are optimistic about their future. In the hangars below the Royal Palace, an impromptu meeting between Theed's engineers and the titans of galactic industry is taking place. Plans for an industrial revolution are underway, one that would see the agrarian world welcome a new era of technological advances. But Naboo is not a simply a blank canvas; The Royal Engineering Corps has prepared a docket of special projects:
  • a Gungan-sponsored energy project, using plasma found in Naboo's crust as a source of energy for starships, land vehicles, and machines;
  • construction of an orbital shipyard, and the subsequent commissioning of the Naboo Royal Defense Fleet;
  • development of a new line of N-1 starfighters, modernized and fitted to defend Naboo's airspace from external threats;
  • and construction rights for a small number of factories, R&D facilities, and industrial warehouses on the outskirts of Theed.

OBJECTIVE 4: Sightseeing in Theed (BYOO)
Exploring the open markets in the city

The citizens of Theed are a welcoming people, humbled by hardship and invigorated by the opportunity to show off their recent recovery by opening the city to visitors and celebrants. Shop in one of Theed's dozens of pop-up markets, enjoy a stroll along the channel, or perhaps visit friends at their estates. The city is alive with festivities both big and small. There's a bit of something for everyone tonight.


This thread is going to be a juicy one, if the RSVP list is anything to go by - but please, please, please (!) keep in mind that the gala on Naboo is a social thread. Do not derail, disrupt, or otherwise throw what is intended to be a fun social story. There is no PVP here. Naboo is a neutral world seeking connections and allies, but that's not an open door for conflict or combat. Keep your posts civil, please! If you're in need of partners, feel free to LFG in the RSVP thread here.



Objective: 1 - Dance Hall
Wearing: Dress and Heels
Tags: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren

Business between herself and Briana aside, the Zeltron had found herself a pleasant little nook to hide away in before the smell of everything overwhelmed her.

Having pilfered Briana's closet once more for a dress and came away with what she was wearing now. Getting help with properly subduing her hair, she'd spent some time fielding all sorts of questions to Briana while she was also getting ready. Leaving the conversation with a growing sense of acceptance in place of where dread had been.

The days leading up to the Gala had been spent working on minimizing her presence in the Force, or at least mucking it up. Not yet keen on sharing the secret she carried with the wider galaxy as she kept watch over the growing crowds.

Her hiding for the moment short lived as a server passed by, providing her with what amounted to bubbly, flavored water. The usual foray into alcohol or liquor put aside for what she hoped would be a peaceful event on Naboo for once aside from other reasons. It had been all too exciting the last few times she had been here. And a change of pace was due in her eyes.

At the very least she was trying to not be the center of attention this time around. Made possible without her usual heels being far easier to excuse herself for some time off her feet.

A deep breath in as she kept herself balanced with her core, avoiding putting her weight to the ground as much as she could.

Even the wedges had proved uncomfortable, and she'd rather have taken the moment to relax than attempt another awkward dance with a stranger that was trying to size up what potential she had on Naboo. Most of the nobility had already gawked respectively at her missing left arm. But plenty had pushed through the hesitation to approach her, only to find her company less than desirable in some unknown way. Some silent signal each had found in her presence that had initially been no issue until she wondered what it was that made her seem…


Not wanting to be exhausted before she'd made good on her word, and maybe think of those lingering slights, the Zeltron had excused herself from the dance floor directly. She'd promised Gatz a few dances to make sure he spent time on the floor, and her borrowed heels weren't doing her any favors.

Another worry filling her mind now as she let her glass settle on the impromptu seat. The thought of dancing with Gatz inviting things she hadn't spent proper time pondering.

Briana had warned her against lying to Gatz, and even told him to speak with her. Something she wasn't looking forward to if she was honest about it.

She enjoyed his company, and he was easy to get along with. Was enjoying their talks and, much to her own surprise, she hadn't chased him away with her little display at the Gala. The shameless flirting was also a plus. Feeling a smile form at one corner as she sighed with those pleasant memories. Was it the connection between cousins that made her enjoy his company? Or was it her own?

Something she might approach both of them about later on, but not tonight. She had other details to work out.

That whole situation was a mess of its own, and made her all of her own thoughts worthy of second guess. Pulling on her cheek to get the smile to disappear before anyone caught it as an invitation for conversation, she picked up her drink to sip from once more.

"Guess I'll pick petals about it." Wondering how easy a task that would be one handed. Not that she was wanting to explain why someone suddenly had to hold a flower while she tore it apart.

A frustrated grumble, muffled by the rim of the glass, was her only continued thought on the matter.

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None would suspect a thing.

The shadow that lengthened in the doorway appeared like anyone else's, though it seemed to shimmer with a vibrancy all it's own. It wasn't until the being the shadow was attached to came into view that would draw eyes, especially as the figure towered over nearly everyone in attendance. Fine clothes wreathed His powerful form, a dark majesty unmatched by any other; a vicious and cruel regality. A smile broadened across His face, lips peeled back to reveal bright teeth that were suspiciously angular.

Darth Carnifex, Dark Lord of the Kainate, Butcher King and Black Iron Tyrant, stepped forth into the immaculate Naboolian ballroom. At His back were those assigned to His entourage, chiefly several members of the esteemed and prominent Naberrie family; the true recipient of the Queen's magnanimous invitation. Others were there, though they appeared pale in the shadow of their Dark Lord.

As He approached, the steward placed in charge of announcing new arrivals began to recite their formalities. But upon seeing the towering Sith, the man's words became stuck in their throat as they fumbled in the face of such enormous darkness. The Dark Lord waved them away, laughing as He did. "Please, no need for such trivialities. They all know." He then passed by the steward without another word, His shadow spreading across the ballroom with each foreboding step.

"Majestic and exceptional Queen Kalantha," began the Dark Lord, His voice booming across the ballroom. "Extensions of gratitude and praise come forth from one noble to another, as we are truly honored to be received warmly into your hallowed halls." The Dark Lord made a gesture to bend at the waist, one arm placed over the chest and hand over heart. But His eyes never wavered, never strayed from staring directly into the Queen's. "It shall forever be remembered."

Then, the Dark Lord straightened, and turned away from the Queen. The others followed.

It would indeed be a night to remember.

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Tags: Jun Chiyo Jun Chiyo


"Yeah, I'll pass on going in there."

Jalen had firmly staked out his place in the gardens. Paul, his astromech companion, was attempting to encourage him to go in and be social. Probably because the droid secretly wanted to debate the meaning of existance with a Sith Lord. He had some serious problems. Still, Jalen recognized it for what it was: A trap. Someone was going to fold in there, and either the Naboo would see the Sith for the atrocities that they commited or the Galactic Alliance as afraid and desparate.

He wasn't going to be a part of that.

"What would you even debate about existance with a Sith over?" Jalen remarked with a frown. "They'd probably think you're malfunctioning and crush your insides. This is a non-combat event, but I have a feeling they're concerned with organics. Besides, I don't think they wanna hear about your theory of universal rebirth. The Sith don't like cycles."

Ironic, really. They were trapped in a cycle older than the concept of civilization itself. Some were just too vein to see it. Paul warbled off a dissapointed string of beeps, expressing that it was unfortunate that none would discuss the greater meaning of existance. It was probably for the best though. Jalen didn't want to get involved in any of that political talk whatsoever. He was here for a completely different reason.

Visions. Jalen had seen - actually seen - something that he could not fully grasp. Something larger than himself, out beyond the boundaries of the galactic disc. He needed someone to go with him to that place. A friend. This seemed a good spot to catch up. He had sent a message to Jun with vague details and left it at that. Now all he needed to do was wait. It was amusing, if a bit strange, that he'd be doing so with Sith and intergalactic terrorist/warlords nearby in the main palace halls. Maybe it was the best place to discuss such things. After all, they'd be concerned with the big names within.

He was just some blind kid.

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Ship: The Red Night
Outfit: X
Tag: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren
Objective: 1 - Dance Hall

The man in the mirror looked back at him with yellow eyes.

It was a mirage, or a trick of the eyes, or maybe the Force making his dread manifest. Either way, it wasn't real. It was just his memory of the vision he'd experienced nights prior. But as Gatz stared himself in the mirror, fumbling with a bowtie he knew he should have asked Briana for help with, all he could see was the monster that lay dormant within him. The monster that would one day claw its way to the surface.

And that future was well on its way. Because Gatz had always known his greatest weakness. He had always known what might facilitate a fall from him: his loved ones, as few as they numbered. For Valery, he would cross any line. For Lossa, he would take any life. For Briana, he would raze whole worlds. He knew this with a clarity that outstripped all other knowledge in his life. And the man who looked back upon him knew it just as well.

"You will be me."

"Yes. But not tonight."

Gatz pulled his bowtie tight, and stepped away from the mirror.

Gatz stepped into the ballroom of the Royal Palace of Theed, a small wrapped gift in hand. As he gazed upon the ancient stone architecture, decorated with extravagance, he tried not to grimace. The sheer amount of money that went into ridiculous events like these would be put to better use feeding the hungry. Or helping shelter and support the orphans that hid around street corners, living in alleys like animals. Or bolstering low income families like he had once been a part of.

Not throwing a stupid, and expensive party.

"Gripe later, Derrevar," Gatz muttered to himself, "you came with a purpose in mind."

Gatz turned his attention back to his goals: find Briana and Lossa, give Briana her belated Life Day gift, offer her a dance, and then spend the rest of the night with Lossa. In that particular order, if he could manage.

A five minute search turned up one of them: Gatz spied Lossa sitting down, seemingly alone. He, unfortunately, could guess at why that was. An amputee was unsightly, especially to the aristocracy of Naboo, who turned their nose up at the slightest imperfection. She didn't blend into the pretty backdrop they had dressed their world in.

But Lossa would never be any less beautiful to him.

"I hope that's your first drink, Pretty Bird," Gatz flashed his pearly whites, as he plopped himself down in a seat at her table, "it's too early for either of us to get drunk."

Already, Gatz would have liked to spend the rest of his night chatting with Lossa. But he had put Briana on his itinerary, and he wasn't willing to erase her.

"Have you seen your cousin yet? I... have something for her." Gatz raised the hand with the small, wrapped gift.





Stepping through the entrance to the palace, Elise Vizsla adjusted her hat and took a deep breath. Her energetic, spunky outfit was classy and vigorous all the same. Blonde hair bounced off her soft, exposed shoulders as she passed the introducing steward.

Would you bother with me? I'm nobody.

But seeing her approach, the man announced her name in a bold introduction.

"Entering Naboo's Courts, all the way from exotic Archais,
Elise Vizsla, of Clan Vizsla
Dreamseer Shaman of Novania."

Elise's cheeks flushed with red at the proper introduction. Her gloved fingers tugged at her hat once more as she offered a quick curtsey and descended upon the dance floor.

Okay, I have a mission here. So where is - ah ha!

Immediately spotting the refreshments table, Elise speed walked over and flocked towards the meat and cheese display. As she ate, she looked around. The Mand'Alor and Mia should be here as well. We are Protectors of Mandalore, which means that we must do all we can to keep it safe during the rebuilding process. With the Enclave running a muck, we need to make good impressions to the greater galaxy. We are no threat, not like to them.

Today's mission was simple: Build potential alliances and make good impressions. The young Mandalorian was currently content, however, to hang by the beverages stand and-wait, was that who she thought it was?

Walking amongst the crowd in the ballroom, she saw him. A handsome man with jet black hair and crimson eyes. His sharp features were only complimented by the sleek, black suit and red tie. Almost spitting her punch out, Elise felt her body grow hot from her attraction. And immediately, she looked down at her own outfit and thought, Will he like this?

She jerked her head back, finishing off her drink and using it to hydrate her tight throat. She tossed the paper cup into a garbage bag, smoothed out her dress, checked to make sure there were no food stains on her, and started to approach him. Her heart pounded. Usually, when they met without plan, it was with the wildcard chance of being friend or foe. Due to the nature of their respective loyalties, they never should have met, never should have cared. And yet, here they were, desiring each other and enjoying each other's company despite everything. She stood several feet away from him, his back turned to her. Heart pounding, cheeks rosy, she adjusted her hat once more and spoke.

"Is this not a lovely gala, my lord? A paradise for a royal noble such as yourself."

She stood, leaning slightly on one side. Her pose was soft and ladylike, with both shyness and eagerness written on her face. A gloved hand was slightly, pointedly, pressing her shoulder in a feminine manner, as her other arm was pulled to her side in an equally ladylike manner. Her eyes, soft and flooded with both joy and nervousness, watched his every movement. What would he think when he saw her? She had never dressed in such a fanciful outfit before. She hoped he would like it.

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel Mia Monroe Mia Monroe




Objective : I | Tag : Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau | Wearing : X

It was the first time he had been off Arkuhn Farm since the death of Alric Kuhn.

An odd feeling. Makai had ensconsed himself at the Farm since the news, taking the helm as man of the house. He had quietly supported not only his inamorata, swiftly taking over her business dealings, but also ensuring the older Arceneau woman was also looked after.

This extended to the Naboo Gala.

The half–Galan was playing the role of escort and chaperone tonight, ensuring the redhead he regarded as an motherly figure in his life had a smooth evening. Makai would give her distance, there was no need for himself and his protocol droid to hover unless needed, no. Iced azure gaze would be intently watching her every move, only stepping in when needed.

He felt her hand tighten slightly on his arm as they walked. The pair was getting closer to the steward who was announcing names and titles to the grand ballroom. Did anyone even pay attention to such a formality? Makai never did, then again, most galas he was either talking business or graviball to even pay attention.

Boyish smile was flashed at the Trade Queen.

“You look great tonight. I need you to teach Ellie how not to take three hours to get ready.”

He chuckled slightly at the half-joke. Makai had found it amusing when Ellie had first told him out long it had taken to pick out one simple outfit. A sharp contrast to the streamlined and well versed routine the redhead had. Probably had something to do with experience and hosting SSB Expos and events over the years ; used to being ready on the fly.

“I promise not to hover tonight, however, save a dance for me.I..uh, I sorely need the practice.”

Behind him, his protocol droid, Thirty-Seven, gave an what sounded like a suspicious snort of laughter.



Objectives: 1 & 3 (later)​


Oh dear, fancy ballrooms and suits? Well, the last time Treoff was in a suit was, uh... well, it wasn't quite as chipper as this event, one would immediately think. It had been a very, very long time since Treoff actually, genuinely, cleaned himself up, and sported a suit. It had been long enough that he needed to be refitted. And of course he would spend the extra money, you don't go to a Queens party in rags, do you? No, Treoffs father taught him better than that. As for Gala's and ballrooms? Treoff never stepped foot in one. His family wasn't poor, but it wasn't rich, either. His father made sure they had a safe, comfortable living, although it was amongst the lesser good and sometimes the occassional criminal. Life was good, and he learned not to take things for granted.

Though, admittedly, when it came to this event.... it surely felt like Treoff was the local labourer walking into a fancy rich mans event. This was not the life for him, but he wanted to be here. He needed to be here. Some of the most important people in the galaxy were going to be here, and many people amongst the galaxy that may not reach the heights of famous, or infamous, yet still had importance would equally be here. Treoff was here to put his name on the Galactic Stage. Perform? Eh, questionable. But he wanted to be known, even it was just a 'ah, I remember that guy! Trough, or something?' He also wanted to make his father proud, so extending StarGuard Dynamics reach, and Treoffs voice, could be launched to the sky, like the invention of the Hyperdrive.

The only problem? Treoff obviously knew nobody here, and his timidness meant he was quite intimidated to approach people. Though it seemed he recognized someone. Was that the other Executive he sort of spoke to in a recent HoloNet communication with DDSI? Perhaps he could introduce himself, formally, to Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell and strike up a conversation, maybe see how he knows the good Derron Daks, what business the two of them are into, and such. Though, it seemed he was quite preoccupied. Perhaps later there would be time.

As for dancing? Treoff was never much of a dancer.... and the only dancing he ever did was.... not to such formal music. And it wasn't as if he would fine someone interested enough, since he wouldn't dare proposition anyone due to him feeling like the labourer walking into the rich mans event, as thought before. Yet, he was available to mingle, and chat about. Maybe utilize a good looking woman to find a conversation to slide himself into. He wasn't sure how this would go, so he merely waited and observed, being as mannerly and proper as possible.
Lina was the perfect servant, one pace behind Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , offset to his right hand, ready to tend to his every need. The straps of her dress left her arms exposed, and the ever shifting tattoo that snaked around her left arm marked her as his. She was here because he'd summoned her and she didn't think for a second that there wasn't some game afoot.

As he bowed deep to Kalantha Kalantha she matched his graciousness with an equally deep curtsie, though her eyes were sweeping the rest of the room. Noting faces, lining them up with intelligence that came to her from across the galaxy. Listening for the names announced at the door. There was a long list of possible deals to be made, but above all of it, in her heart, she was hoping to see Sarlow Zambrano Sarlow Zambrano .

She shifted to fall in step along side Carnifex as they moved away from the Queen. The name Vizsla drifted across drawing a low hiss from her "Mandalorians." The word was laced with venom. They were perhaps the second greatest hate of hers, after Carnifex. "This evening is going to be insufferable."



Location: Naboo
Objective: Objective 2: the gardens
Tags: OPEN to interaction
Gear: in bio

Wearing: this (but with a hat)

"Naboo, a shining jewel in the southern galaxy, where vanity is the byword in fashion and children are forced to do political battle in order to become the senators and industrialists of the future.

Today your girl Anni-K gets to show you what happens if you throw jedi, Sith and mandalorians into the same melting pot....

I've got my lightsaber, I hope you've got yours..."

The half Zeltron scowled at her personal device and froze the camera.

"That was chit... edit... delete... gone."

She sighed at herself and slid the device back away, she could deal with that later.

She continued to browse the gardens, looking for someone to play with. Her rental dress was not her style, but it was pretty, of a little tight around the middle. She loved the head jewellery though, and was quite convinced that it wouldn't make it back to the rental place. She would have come in some jeans and a short top given the chance, but this way she fit in with the nubians that floated around in their elaborate dresses and headwear. She would quite like to meet the young queen, but had a feeling that a random sixteen year old would be highly unlikely to just be waved through security. So, here she was enjoying the flowers.

"You're pretty" she said to a light purple flower as she curled her fingers behind its head, drawing it closer to smell. She glanced around, considering for a second, then changing her mind. These places would likely throw you in prison for assaulting a flower.



Tags: Kalantha Kalantha , Open


"Please, no need for such trivialities. They all know."

Jasper would follow, patting the back of the servant reading off the names as Carnifex and his party made their way off.

"Yeah, don't sweat it buddy," the man said in a reassuring tone. "We've all been there. Well, I guess not in this scenerio specifically, but like adjacently tormented."

The young member of the Jedi Council was not dressed to the nines. No, instead he was here in standard attire, hiding his lack of wealth from nobody. It hardly mattered. He wasn't here to hide his nature, rather he was here to simply speak on his aspirations for bringing relief work to others, be it through aid or partnership to provide aid. He wasn't picky. Still, he wasn't going to beat around the bush of the Sith problem either.

"Guess it isn't exactly the same as giving nightmares to children for... fun?" he continued. "I don't know if he does have fun. He wrote in my skin with my own blood and showed me the end times, that was pretty wild. Also tried to make my best friend jump off a building, kidnapped my boss's eldest child... Oooh, I wouldn't wanna be that lady with him though. I'm not exactly a rune expert yet, but that one on her looks particularly nasty. Must be some kind of binding contract thing..."

Nothing he said really seemed to comfort the man. Infact, the dude seemed to look even more shell shocked. He managed to compose himself, getting out...

"Jasper Kai'el, Sentinel of Harmony, Hero of the Alliance."

"Jeez, sorry dude," Jasper sighed. "Hope you sleep well."

He'd make his way in, giving a bow of respect to the Queen and giving his best "Your majesty" before setting off to locate where they had the alcohol.

Jasper was gonna need it to get through this one.

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OBJECTIVE 2: A Walk in the Park

Ansisa was already bored. No weapons, no killing. Just a lot of big people, blowing smoke up each others backsides, or making murderous eyes at each other. Still, she could have some fun. Concealed from sight and in the force, she moved around the gardens pausing occasionally to listen to conversations, her heels in one hand, and her dress lifted from rustling across the floor in another.

Naboo, a shining jewel in the southern galaxy, where vanity is the byword in fashion and children are forced to do political battle in order to become the senators and industrialists of the future.

Today your girl Anni-K gets to show you what happens if you throw jedi, Sith and mandalorians into the same melting pot....

I've got my lightsaber, I hope you've got yours..."

Pure, undeniable glee washed over her at the sound of Annika Starfire Annika Starfire 's voice. What better way to entertain yourself than to aggravate your favourite rival? The evening suddenly became fun. Tiptoing towards her she maintained her concealment as the half zeltron girl dipped her head to smell a flower. Everything this girl did made Ansisa want to kill her.

She closed the gap, coming as close as she could without touching and moved her head to whisper venomously in her ear.

"No. Touching."

Dropping her concealment, she materialised in Annika's personal space with a giggle.
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———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


The Blackened Valkyrie stepped through the shadow like doorway on the left of Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , one arm wrapped around the bicep of her Master. It was obvious by her appearance that she left little to the imagination, just enough fabric that kept it deemed offensive. Yet despite that the black dress contrasted sharply against the porcelain white skin, even the aurodium threading did excellent as accents. Teresa's hair was styled up with red gems decorating the dark locks and even her feathers had a sparkle.

Though that was down to one of the retainers happy accidents, the child her head retainer Komi was training still had tendencies to act before their brain caught up to action. Something Teresa kind of understood quite well, she was the same in a few regards. Still the small child had used fine glitter that stuck between the bristles and could take a while to come out naturally. Regardless in the light, those wings where dazzling as if they had captured the stars very essence.

Reaching the other side, Teresa knew it was some kind of social event, yet did not know the scale of the venue. Regardless of her dislike of society, she could not argue that in some ways that the Valkyrie felt, contented. Her eyes shifted down to Saryn, then up to Kaine, thinking it was pleasant in its own way. Of course she had also noticed Lina Zambrano Lina Zambrano in a slender red dress, she had meant to say hello before arriving. Somehow between being told to be on best possible behavior and getting distracted by zoning out the tattoo from across the room, Teresa... forgot. She would say something in a few moments when they where insides.

The Epicanthix Valkyrie could not help chuckle herself at the bumbling buffoonery of the stewards losing all composure in the split of a second. "My and don't they know it indeed." She said her golden orange eyes shrouded in black seared into one of the other stewards. The cold sweat that round down his brow was amusing. Even those on Malsheem did not make as amusing faces.

What was perhaps more amusing was the attempts of Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el trying to calm the man. Only to proceed talking about things that only enlightened the gentlemans imagination. The more words said was like watching a man get closer to fainting. The Blackened Valkyrie appreciated the entertainment before going further inside. Part of the woman wanted to hear the end but she began to loose what the man continued to say at the end.

How eyes turned as Carnifex lead them inside and stood before the hostess of the event. Her arm fell from His as the Butcher King displayed fine etiquette His greeting. She tried to match the movements her Master made using him for example. Teresa's wings splayed wider a little as she bent forwards slightly and quickly straightened up. Once again her arm would take the previous position now moving away elsewhere.

Teresa could not help notice Lina's comments. She wondered about which the mandalorians where again, given she did not notice anyone that matched the stereotype in her head. "They are the one ones always in armor right?" She asked somewhat innocently and her clear disregard for the of others cultures. "By the way, your tattoo, I could not help but stare earlier but I quite like it."


// LOCATION //: Palace Hanger |:| Naboo
// OBJECTIVE //: Get those contracts
// TAGS //:

The Sovereign System of Naboo was a strategic point in galactic affairs right next to the Sith Order, Mandalorian Enclave and the Galactic Alliance but it was so much more to the Trade Federation of Planets as it was the beginning of the galaxy spanning conflict that was the Clone Wars when the Viceroy Nute Gunray was goaded by the Order of the Sith Lords into blockading the world in protest of taxation along the trade routes. Although the blockade failed and the Federation was dragged into the Confederacy of Independent Systems then nationalized by the Galactic Empire. It was poetic justice that the current iteration of the Federation founded by Director Gat Tambor would be invited to partake in discussions about turning Naboo into an industrial powerhouse.

The silent moving of the Skakoan would unnerve some of the industrial magnates and mineral barons present within the Naboo Hanger as a rather long meeting table was slapped in the middle. Every glance behind armored google was calculated as the list of agenda items were announced by the Royal Engineering Corps, the development of an orbital shipyard and the plasma generation project was notable to advance the Federation's interest on Naboo once more. Although such projects were merely ideas and could not be accomplished without addressing the elephant in the room, the budget and projected profits.

"AWERRROROROROROR...While these projects are fundamental in turning the backwater agricultural world of Naboo into an industrial powerhouse. There are several matters of note to discuss before we proceed such as the overall budget assigned to each project and the materials needed to accomplish them. Along with who owns the projects after they are completed." These were a series of rapid fire inquires to trip up the Royal Engineers, but they were also vital questions for the corporations present. The Federation would expect full ownership over the projects in order to facilitated them to proper galactic standards while cutting corners when necessary to maintain positive growth of profits.



OBJECTIVE I: Great Ballroom | Objective III Feel free to Approach for Contracts
Interacting with: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell | Glistaweb Outfit & Items | x | x | x |

The grand ballroom glittered with opulence as Danger and Makai approached the entrance, her arm curled around Makai's forearm as they ambled along. Inwardly, Danger was grateful for him. His presence brought a semblance of comfort. By all intents and purposes, while the younger Dashiell was not a child of her womb, Danger considered him a son; their bond formed in the crucible of shared longing for connection and family ever since he was seven years old. Tonight, he played the role of her escort, the one person who understood the turmoil beneath the poised exterior of Danger Arceneau.

As Makai spoke, full lips stained a deep Corseca crimson would wryly curl upward at Makai's commentary of Myra's attention to detail in her wardrobe and the time it took to select it.

"Well... reckon if I had someone as handsome as you waitin' on me, I'd want to be the prettiest picture you'd ever seen." she chuckled lightly, feline emerald eyes scanning the entrance of the vast grand ballroom as they neared.

"'Course, wouldn't you know it didn't take her all of half an hour for Casteel. I'd say I'd take that attention to detail as a compliment." By all accounts, the Queen of Trade's appearance was impeccable in her state of mourning; she wore an off-the-shoulder black glistaweb dress that was equally modest as much as enhanced the full curves of her figure, her rich auburn hair parted to the side and elegantly fell into soft waves along her heart-shaped face, make-up perfectly applied with a dark kohl Nexueye that highlighted the vibrance of her green eyes and polished blush and crimson stain on her lips that enhanced her complexion.

"Don't you worry none. I'll be fine. Reckon this ol' girl can still handle a few pleasant conversations and dances. You remember what we agreed upon?" Danger was referencing the exit strategy they had in place.

As expected, the typical pomp and circumstances of introductions were relayed to announce their arrival, although Danger was not really looking forward to it. Nothing but to go along with it, as expected of a guest.

"Entering Naboo's Courts, Danger Arceneau of Arceneau Trade Company and Arkuhn Affiliates, escorted by Makai Dashiell, of Salacia Consolidated & Laravan Corporation"

"Well, look at that Makai Dashiell... you're in the big leagues now," Danger cooed, mild humor in her throaty Southern Systems drawl indicative of her Tatooine roots. As they entered, Danger's elegant gown flowed around her like a cascade of midnight silk. She cast a glance at the sea of revelers, the laughter and merriment that filled the air a stark contrast to the somber solitude she had grown accustomed to. This was her first public appearance since Alric's passing, and she couldn't shake the ache in her heart that accompanied her every step.

As they moved deeper into the gala, Danger smiled politely at the acquaintances who approached her, exchanging pleasantries and shared condolences regarding Alric's passing. At the same time, her thoughts lingered on memories of Alric. The weight of her mourning was concealed beneath layers of social grace and practiced smiles. She had perfected the art of appearing composed, the widow who navigated the world with poise.

There were a few faces and figures she recognized immediately, such as the imposing and authoritative one of Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex . She would have to ensure she spoke with him during the event. It would be good to schedule some time to chat and catch up. In the several decades of her tenure as the Queen of Trade, her relationship with Kaine had been pivotal in ensuring Arceneau Trade's sustained neutrality within Sith space while Danger ensured all applicable levies, taxes, and tributes were provided according to Sith Imperial law. First and foremost, however, would be to greet the hostess, Queen Kalantha Kalantha should the opportunity arise. Truth be told, Danger had been out of the scene taking care of the administrative background while allowing delegates and Myra to take care of the social events. Taking the opportunity to step out and be seen again would keep Danger busy, and allow new business connections to be created.

The ballroom thrummed with the melodic strains of music, but within Danger, a symphony of melancholy played. She stole glances at Makai, a beacon of stability in her chaotic 'verse. Tonight was a diversion, a fleeting escape from the shadows that clung to her heart.
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T A G S | Open
O B J E C T I V E | Enjoy the Evening
T H E M E | Kayfoundo Naweea (Hungry Eyes)


The Hutt Species had suffered much during the Current Chaos Era having been occupied by the Silver Jedi Concord and dealing with the invasions of the Bryn'adul Monsters. They had managed to retain power despite of shifting circumstances and rose to be a superpower on the galactic map through the Hutt Space Consortium, but like all attempts to forge an empire across the stars it was mirrored by treachery and deceit amongst its inner circle causing the faction to fall quite swiftly in a string of assassinations.

It was time for a change and that was accomplished by rebranding the Hutt Cartel as the Nal Hutta Empire, forming a legitimate government that would need recognition from the galactic powers in order to survive and there would be no better place to gain such then attending the New Year Gala hosted by the Queen of Naboo which had quite the impressive guest list ranging from industrial magnates, to jedi and sith, to nobility from far away planets. All that influence and power gathered within one room, was bound to cause tensions.

The opulent and richly covered
Hutt Floater flexed and buckled underneath the massive bulk of the Supreme Mogul as it moved slowly down the winding corridors of the Naboo Palace, taking in the architecture and the silk tapestries hanging from every corner as they reached the grand entertainment parlor where the event was being hosted. The Supreme Mogul would never travel alone so a large protection detail was behind him, merely as a show of power and strength not for actual combat usages.

announcer was speaking to Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el in an attempt to calm his nerves, but once the jedi sentinel of harmony left to greet the queen. The proper introduction was given befitting his status as the most powerful hutt in the galaxy.

"Announcing to Naboo's Royal Assemblage, The Supreme Mogul of the Nal Hutta Empire, Supreme Power of Hutta, Unquestioned Ruler of the Hutt Domain, Barabbula II the Glib"

He had many more titles than that, but that would do for now in the presence of so many important figures.
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"Here," Makko returned to Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania shoulder, offering one of two tall glasses of something fizzy. He was wearing black, but with a splash of colour in a single pocket square and the dye in his hair to match Cora's dress. He had thought it would be fun to match just a little.

He had left her talking to someone important about potential aid for Ukatis. They didn't have a true monarchy here, he had discovered. They elected a ruler who took the title of king or queen. It wasn't hereditary. Makko imagined that it would have been easier for Cora to navigate the circles of power if everyone had come with a title and family analogous to Ukatis.

Attuned to the mood of the room, Makko sensed the feelings of the attendees change rather than the presence of the dark side of the Force. He turned slowly as the Dark Lord's entourage drove through the room like a sharp frigate and greeted the queen.

"I wonder who that is," he murmured. Makko did not know that Cora knew exactly who that was.

"Announcing to Naboo's Royal Assemblage, The Supreme Mogul of the Nal Hutta Empire, Supreme Power of Hutta, Unquestioned Ruler of the Hutt Domain, Barabbula II the Glib of Nal Hutta."

"Sith and crime lords..."

It was not exactly the start to the vacation Makko had expected.
ᴏɴᴇꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴢᴇʀᴏᴇꜱ





| LOCATION: Naboo |
| TAG: Kalantha Kalantha | OPEN! |

BB-610 had been to a number of celebrations, but all paled in comparison to the festivities presented on Naboo. While his long streak of aiding the host prepare had finally come to its end, the droid nonetheless arrived in good spirits as he trailed behind a number of guests - each more extravagant than the last. He felt small, surrounded by some of the galaxy's most infamous faces; he'd made great strides in his journey, however. Not many droids were able to boast about earning a kyber crystal from the trials of Ilum, after all.

So with his chassis polished, his tool-bay discs furnished, and a velvety bow tie clinging to the lower rim of his head, BB-610 waited patiently to provide his invitation and walk through the hall of fame. Distant voices stirred, title after title rattled off for Naboo's brilliant walls to hear, salutations and thanks given to their queen. Amidst the cocktail of pressure and anxiety, there lingered a feeling of honor within the astromech's core. He was proud of where he'd gotten.

Finally, he stood first in line, central optic peering into the vast hallway that bled into the most spectacular ballroom he'd ever seen. With one more title to meet the air, BB-610 recognized his cue as he swallowed any bubbling insecurities and rolled past the gates and into the palace's belly. He locked eyes with the steward, awaiting his roll call - only to be met with silence, the man's lips twitching into a neutral smile, looking as though he were only humoring the droid and eagerly awaiting him to roll off somewhere else.

BB-610 stood still, his optic narrowing. Seriously? Not even a mention of him being Valery's droid at the least?

An inward groan, and the astromech continued down the carpeted road leading to the throne. Awfully nice to see that he was still unrecognized by the broader eyes of the galaxy, but he was far above letting something so trivial eat away at him, much less in front of royalty.

His head lowered down the front curve of his chassis, as best a bow as he could manage, bweeping a gentle 'Your Majesty' as his holoprojector whirred to life to display a brief burst of fireworks. Hues of blue blinked throughout the palace walls, a synthetic crackling following shortly thereafter. Salutations provided, the holoprojector blinked offline, and BB-610 made his way to join the ensemble of fellow guests.

He'd hoped it was a pleasant introduction, at the very least. It was apparently all he would be known for. Maybe he ought to just swing around a lightsaber for fame at this point...




In Your Heart Shall Burn


For her entire life, Jenn had dismissed Naboo as a world that was, surely, too perfect. A romantic's imagining of what a planet should be like, complete with tales of heroism, forbidden love, and stars only knew what else! All of the staged pictures, the shitty little romance flicks she'd watch whenever she was sick - they were bound to be embellishing the truth, surely.

Such a notion was all but banished from her mind when her eyes came to rest on the beauty surrounding her, the gentle awe written all over her features bared for all the world to see, given her choice of accoutrement. Oh, it had taken her many restless days to finally come to a decision, pacing nervously around her humble room as she muttered to herself, looking through buttoned tuxedos and other such formalwear... but, in the end, temptation won over all else, and her hands came to rest on that magnificent dress she had been gifted in what felt like - another lifetime. During the early days of the Mandalorian Enclave, when she sat in a park on Hefi, discussing ancient tales with a rather eager would-be historian who seemed more than happy to listen to her recounting the myths and legends from ancient times. He was so overjoyed, in fact, that he let her have her pick of his collection of historic pieces, and Jenn... ignored the daggers, the swords, the armor, the trinkets, and chose the dress.

Alas, as with many other things of the sort, she had never dared to wear it. Beskar was her second skin, to be sure, and made for a formidable suit of armor: but, above all, it gave her a carapace of sorts, ensuring that none could rest their eyes on the body she had always been so ashamed of. That fear alone was almost enough for her to decline the invitation at first - besides, what use did she have in going? Politics were not only tiresome, but a field of study that eluded her still. With her clan decidedly out of the Mandalorian Enclave, there was no faction for her to represent, no group to try and humanize... not that she cared to waste any more of her efforts on that gathering of brigands.

But, the more she mulled over the thought, the more Jenn realized that she did want to go... for herself. It would be a rare chance to indulge in feeling like something more than a warrior, for once, someone who was so much less, yet so much more than the Alor of clan Kryze.

Which, unfortunately for her, was bound to get a little complicated when the announcer introduced her, as he was supposed to.

"Entering Naboo's Courts, Jenn Kryze, Alor and Forgemistress of her Clan."

Well, there went any chance of keeping the face, the armor, and the name somewhat dissociated. Vast as it was, the room suddenly felt smaller, and Jenn was left battling a sudden wave of claustrophobia - or was it agoraphobia? So many people in one place, so many eyes on her... stars, but she felt just about ready to faint! All that carried her was the familiar sense of duty, if one shifted into a more official form: she was yet to show her respect to the queen, after all! Perhaps she had made a mistake coming here, but she would not behave improperly.

So it was that she brought a hand to rest below her heart, and gave a surprisingly proper and dignified bow to the monarch. "Your Majesty", greeted the Mandalorian in a crystalline voice that truly belied her rising anxiety. "I am honored to be received within your halls, here on Naboo. It is a privilege I will not soon forget."

And with that, she was finally free to go and find somewhere relatively free of distractions for her to collect her thoughts, catch her breath, and try not to pay heed to how her Force Sense all but screamed into her mind. The temptation to get herself a glass to nervously sip away at was there, but... that would be something of a problem, given her poor resistance to alcohol.

Although it would quiet the self-deprecation eating away at her. Everyone else looked simply dashing, even the accursed Sith.

Makko Vyres Makko Vyres | Brandyn Sal-Soren Brandyn Sal-Soren

"Thank you."

Cora accepted the glass with a smile, bringing the flute of champagne to her painted lips. They'd been invited to a surprising number of formal events as of late, but this would be the first they'd attend together.

Unlike the winter celebration which had hosted many Jedi and Alliance representatives, Naboo's New Year Gala seemed to cast the net far wider in terms of invitation.

Cora had felt him before the inky shadow could take shape before the young Queen. The Force trembled, shuddering in premonition.

She nearly choked on her champagne, bringing a hand to the violet and lilac bodice of her dress to steady her breathing. Cora cleared her throat and leaned in close so that only Makko would hear;

"That is Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex . He's the one who gave me…"

A finger idly traced the thin length of the scar along her cheek, left from when she'd narrowly dodged his spear of midnight black.

The blonde suppressed a shiver, feeling as though she were taken back to the Golden Covenent's celebration, surrounded by Sith. It was a strange thing, to be civil among crime lords and mass murderers.

"Entering Naboo's Courts, Jenn Kryze, Alor and Forgemistress of her Clan."

Wary eyes swept from the cadre of Sith over to…wait, was that really Jenn Kyrze? The Mandalorian she'd butted heads with? The Mandalorian who'd taken off her helmet and put on a pretty dress?

Why did she look…sort of familiar?

Cora pressed her lips to the glass, a slight tilt of her head and a hand around the bowl to disguise the fact that she'd drained it in one go.

She sighed. Delicate social entanglements were one thing, but this?

"I fear I’ll be needing another drink."
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