Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Newbie here hello!

Kai Xyn Dependus

The Sexiest Jedi Alive
Welcome to the site, and as far as light saber forms go; remember that your starting off as a lower rank so as long as your not claiming mastery of any of them besides maybe shi-cho you'll be fine :)
We generaly say that a character is an expert at a fighting field you may want. or that you are just really good. you are never at 100% because things change from character to character. One person may be strong in the force but weak with hand to hand combat. (or vic versa and tef if you see this please correct me if Im wrong)

My character is a Freelance Jedi. and the good thing about being one is that you dont have to be in any major battles that may take place. If you are against both the Republic and the Empire Kodiak is starting a faction where we have beliefes from both sides. I am going to join this new faction so if you would too that would be great.
Not really....... okay maybe a little bit. and you only found that ship because you lived there? That was the first time that Darren was ever on the planet. let alone meet one of your race.
At the moment the board isn't strict on what lightsaber forms you can use. If you want to, you can. It all falls down to how you describe the action. Oh and you don't really need to quote the post you are replying to. Its relatively easy to follow posts so it isn't really required. Cheers.

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