It's not fair, but life isn't fair. We are in a setting that has been based around orders telepathic monks fighting each other, that's the story that has been told, so when an adaptation like SWRP chaos of course NFU comes in second place. Now lets take a walk down memory lane, how many people wanted to play Luke, Yoda, Obi-wan, or Vader when they played pretend when they were younger, not a lot pick Han Solo. Cause magic and glowing swords have an appeal.
There's no order system for how strong NFUs are, while there are tags for sabre wavers. Everything an NFU, can do a FU can do better, learn how to have all the cool tech, the magic monk can do that too. Wanna play a Mando swis army knife well why don't you play one with magic? How do you beat em, you cheese it or you trick em, the latter being looking through Wookipedias articles and finding some op material or item, or just be tricky, but this comes with the flavour of failures from FUs force sense, I knew you'd shoot that, or force dodge, or maybe even some obscure power only ever used once by Anakin Skywalker in one book out of the countless hundreds.
But this isn't a story about fairness, its a story about story. And if you want to make NFU feel more at home make events for them, racing, smuggling, I don't maybe an international smuggler league. Or we could all don some white hoods and burn some light sabres, in the end its what you make of it.