Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NFU's Unite!

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
I also recall a certain [member="Darth Veles"] saying that [member="Dunames Lopez"] was perhaps his favorite NFU across the board... and not just because he claimed that most characters he encountered were cardboard cutouts: fanatical Jedi Guardians, psychopathic Sith Marauders (if FU), bounty hunters (if NFU).

Isamu Baelor

Protector of The Iron Realm
The issue is that most factions are pretty much solely focused on FU's, to the extent that NFU's end up feeling largely irrelevant.

There are exceptions: The Mando's, Crusaders, and First Order to an extent.

Oh, and The Iron Empire cause I'm a shill

But once there are a larger variety of factions that are for everyone, NFU's will be more popular. I hope.

Rozalyne Kurganova

If there are any NFU writers that would like to thread together sometime, then I would be open to it. I focus on politics and business with this particular character. Feel free to contact me, and we can try to set something up.
So if you want more NFUs, create and use NFU characters. I think here on SWRP its harder to be an NFU since most factions focus on their special little snowflake force users. To be a successful NFU here, you're probably going to have to leave a faction and strike out on your own at one point or another, which can be daunting for players new to this board or new to this style of RP.

On the plus side, lack of NFUs has made us who do actively RP them unique in a way, which I enjoy to some extent.

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
If any major faction has a need for shipping services, or likewise any tier-5+ corporation, please hit me up in a PM. (No Kathol Outback please; already done in the Resu hex dom)

Even though I seem to consider the First Order as my primary faction (from whom I would like sponsoring at some point), since my business seems to revolve around non-combat activities, and hence map-insensitive, I'm just fine regardless of the faction involved.
Judah Dashiell said:
I think here on SWRP its harder to be an NFU since most factions focus on their special little snowflake force users.
And that is the main issue. Not saying that Factions can't focus on the FUs but some more love towards NFUs Board wide would be a bit more appreciated and possibly give more boost in incentive to being NFU. Now the question is, how does one go about this?

Isamu Baelor

Protector of The Iron Realm
Logen Brunner said:
Now the question is, how does one go about this?
By presenting a wealth of opportunities to all characters, FU or NFU alike.

Ultimately, you can't treat NFU's like their own special snowflakes, in some attempt to balance the scales with the FU snowflakes.

What you can do however, is let it be known that for whatever character it is you play, there will be a place in the faction. And not only will there be a place, but there will be opportunities to grow, and advance.

At least, that is my philosophy with the Iron Empire.

Even if it starts small, or grows slowly, you don't give up, or half-ass it like other factions do. You cultivate it, and help it grow. People will join.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Ugohr Poof said:
I also recall a certain [member="Darth Veles"] saying that [member="Dunames Lopez"] was perhaps his favorite NFU across the board... and not just because he claimed that most characters he encountered were cardboard cutouts: fanatical Jedi Guardians, psychopathic Sith Marauders (if FU), bounty hunters (if NFU).
You amaze me.

I think there are plenty of attractive roles available for NFUs. A lot of the factions have done a good job of making NFUs feel at home and not like second-class citizens, which is good. Mandalorians are a good example. The old Republic was all right -- there were some niche NFU positions available. If I may say, I think the First Order does a decent job of providing a spot for NFUs, right alongside the FU branch. There are others. Non-Faction RP is also a great way to go. The beauty of the Star Wars universe is that there exist the means for anyone, from any walk of life or Force Sensitivity to make a success.
It's not fair, but life isn't fair. We are in a setting that has been based around orders telepathic monks fighting each other, that's the story that has been told, so when an adaptation like SWRP chaos of course NFU comes in second place. Now lets take a walk down memory lane, how many people wanted to play Luke, Yoda, Obi-wan, or Vader when they played pretend when they were younger, not a lot pick Han Solo. Cause magic and glowing swords have an appeal.

There's no order system for how strong NFUs are, while there are tags for sabre wavers. Everything an NFU, can do a FU can do better, learn how to have all the cool tech, the magic monk can do that too. Wanna play a Mando swis army knife well why don't you play one with magic? How do you beat em, you cheese it or you trick em, the latter being looking through Wookipedias articles and finding some op material or item, or just be tricky, but this comes with the flavour of failures from FUs force sense, I knew you'd shoot that, or force dodge, or maybe even some obscure power only ever used once by Anakin Skywalker in one book out of the countless hundreds.

But this isn't a story about fairness, its a story about story. And if you want to make NFU feel more at home make events for them, racing, smuggling, I don't maybe an international smuggler league. Or we could all don some white hoods and burn some light sabres, in the end its what you make of it.

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