Age: 94
Species: Unknown
Gender: Male
Height: 10"
Weight: 7LBS
Force Sensitive: Force Sensitive
Very Small, members of his species won't grow be bigger than thirty inches or so. Has no distinguishable features that are of worthy note.
High Force Potential-Members of this species have a incredibly strong connection with the force.
Kind- Is young, even though he's been treated as a slave has always been incredibly kind and that bring a sense of naivety to him as well.
Kind-This is a double edge sword, has no sense of hate in his heart nor ill will towards anyone. Regardless of what they have done to him.
Slave- His time spent as a slave for the past 25 years has robbed him of his energy, does not have the strength to escape without some divine intervention.
Part of a rare species to be seen in the galaxy, not much is known about his family. Other than they are gone, to what place he isn't sure. He feels they may be dead. Kidnapped and taken from his homeworld. He has been carted around as a slave, seemingly to entertain or just simply to be physically abused due to his small stature. With no one to rely on, except himself. The incredibly young creature's own opinions and personality have kept him going. He is just waiting for that opportunity to escape and find a life that is worth living. This brings him to Naboo, unwillingly as his captors needed to refuel, upon landing and cargo shifting his crate broke and he managed to escape. Hiding amongst the open cargo in the hangar bay of Theed.
Nien seeks aid.