[member="Blazing Eye"] | [member="Vorian Adasca"] | [member="Joza Perl"]
The battle was near it's conclusion. The vines had done their work and entangled the careless prey within their grasp, and already his gasps for air were audible, and his cries for help had begun. They were the sounds of a dying man, the pitiful noises that the doomed indulge themselves in to try and reduce their own awful suffering. It was meaningless squalor to Abelain, something natural that would cease it's interruptions the moment that Vorian Adasca ceased his life. A weary thought passed the mind of the Arue'tii, a remorseful idea that the entire conflict, and subsequent casualties could have been easily avoided had the Jedi simply allowed them to entertain their work, and to retrieve the holocron in peace. It was not as if though they had not attempted that route of diplomatic reasoning, but the Jedi were vile hypocrites, and their purging would solve more problems than the negotiations would ever have accomplished.
He kept his mind on strangling the enemy whilst his eyes wandered the battlefield, wondering at the status of his Esh-Kah guardian. His gaze lay upon them a brief moment, examining their relative wounds and finding that his ally had managed to refrain from nearly any serious wounds, though the female Jedi retained the same status. As soon as Adasca had been terminated, he would join his guard in eliminating the final threat to their exploration, but Abelain had promised not to make the death quick. It needed to last for more reasons than personal pride, though he did not lie to himself by stating that it had no place in the reasoning. Vorian needed to suffer if he ever had a chance at Escalation, and his performance throughout the fight; whilst aggravating, had definitely warranted his value. In the mind of the Arue'tii, it was not exceptional cruelty to strangle his opponent, but exceptional mercy to spend the time with the slow death.
Suddenly, something caught the eye of the Arue'tii, and an accompanying feeling erupted within his stomach. The hint of premonition struck him, warning him in a way that he would never be able to predict otherwise. A moment later, something harsh and physical struck him within the damaged section of his chitinous exoskeleton, digging at it fiercely in the manner that a parasitic worm might strike into the intestines of an animal. Abelain returned his view to Vorian, genuine fright marking itself over him for a moment as he released the grip of his vibroblade and dropped his hand to cover the wounded section. The Force was stopped upon the hand, deflected upon it by his own mental ability, but it wrestled viciously against it for entry into the weak section.
It was not a pleasant attack, nor a graceful one, and it's savagery matched a bestial need for survival. He could see it in Adasca's eyes, the pleading need for survival, the one that tried it's hardest to save it's existence. It had been seen before, and it had been extinguished by his own hand, but those times he had been protected from retaliatory assault. The chitin upon his hand began to press inwardly against the weaker muscle within, painfully crushing against it as the attack intensified. The innards of a finger gave way with a sickening splash of barely audible broken muscle, splashing blood and painting the chitin a purple pallor. A shriek arose from within the chest of the Arue'tii, erupting outwards from his 'smile' as his hand curled into a fist. Finally, the assault ended, having expended much of Abelain's remaining Force energy, though he fed upon the pain, using it to retain a cursory hand upon the strangling vines that entangled Vorian.
The lightsaber had not been unexpected, but Abelain felt an urge within him to simply allow it to retain it's course, to curl up and nurse his wound back to health in the confines of the vessel. That feeling was swallowed up by his determination to win, and to grant Escalation to his worthy opponent. His hand outstretched, the finger very obviously wounded by the way that it hung limply and the gentle waves of blood within it, swirling with each movement. All of his remaining Force reserves went into the simplest twitch upon the lightsaber, twisting it's blade only a couple of inches so that instead of landing within grasp of the pale Jedi, it would make it's new resting place by forming a crater within his chest.
Exhaustion tore away at him, the effects of the Dark Side taking their toll as he drew upon hate and pain, anguish and pride. His act had been completed, and with it done he could only rest for a moment and hope that his opponent had been properly skewered.