Tine had passed, and Serrin was not quite sure what to do. She had such dreams for Dathomir, but her desires to elevate the Zabrak male had cost her everything…
Now she was once more in exile, while technically still part Lilastre Order, she had not resigned, she felt that for now she best take some time. What a whirlwind it all had been, the nightmares that had led her back to her home world were not the real problem, rather it was that she had been influenced by the wider galaxy, bringing notions of equality to a culture that was matriarchal and had kept its male strength on a leash. In good conscious she could not betray the Sons of Dathomir and keep to the old Night Sister ways of dominance. She was too nice, yes, The Nice Sister they had called her.
She still wore the golden tiara of her former post, fashiobed to look like the horns of her Night Brothers. To her surprise, some had chosen to come with her, Thule, Crush, and Ravage. A trio of Zabrak who now on her ship watched over her like a Queen, when she had no authority. Their devotion was a comfort, she did not lord over them but as she had ever done, tried to help them see their potential.
The Ship was stolen. There was bo choice in the matter, the threat to her person from assassins of Spider Clan and Narditha Clan had made her understand that getting off Dathomir with haste was the only option.
Serrin did not begrudge her Sisters who remained to rebuild The Nightsisterhood. She was happy for Asaaj, Lune, and Mother Zaylin. She wished them all the success in the galaxy. For herself, this Night Sister would have to make the ship her home and make a new life.
Ravage approached Serrin, his skin was an unusual white shade like ivory, which mixed with facial tats and horns made it look like a skull.
“My Lady Serrin, we have made repairs to the hyperdrive.”
Serrin turned and smiled,
“Well done! Tell Thule and Crush that we will be making the jump to the Outer Rim.”
Ravage bowed his head,
“Yes Mistress.”
Serrin cycled through worlds, she came upon
Crait a salt covered world that had been abandoned almost a millennium ago by The Resistance and New Republic. Deciding it was a good place to lay low for a while, Serrin set Crait on the Navicomputer, and the ship made the jump.
The Anathema came out of Hyperspace above the white salted world. It descended towards an Outpost, and docked in the hangar, where Ravage, Crush, and Thule exited the ramp. Serrin followed them. There was a lot of left behind gear, even a Turbo Laser canon which Crush rushed to and began to inspect.
Thule gave his cheery observation, “this world is dead.. what hope do we have to come here?”
Ravage who could have camouflaged on the surface punched Thule’s shoulder.
“A perfect place.. death leads to new life brother.”
Crush was jittery, “Hahaha! It needs only some power cells! I can fix this baby and we can shoot down enemy craft! Wahooo!”
Ravage smiled,
“See.. Crush has gotten into the spirit of things.”
It was then that Ravage saw Serrin hauling a crate down the ramp, he rushed to her and helped lift.
“We can make a new Dathomir here.”
Serrin smirked. She was glad they were settling in and dreaming big. They needed some cheer after all they now had lost.
“You are natural leader Ravage, you remind me of..”
She could not bring herself To say his name.
“Well anyways, you have what it takes to command this company.”
Ravage shook his head.
“No.. I would only co-command, you are our Champion. You fought to give us rights denied us for ages. We follow you to whatever end.”
She was always overwhelmed by Ravage’s loyalty. That was something that had been left unnoticed for too long on Dath, that Night Brothers are devoted to a level no other male warriors were, save perhaps Mandalorians.
“I have been meaning to speak to you about something..” Ravage’s voice was a whisper.
Serrin suspected what it might be, ahe placed her hand in his and nodded as she looked into his eyes.
“Yes, we shall discuss if presently. First lets unload supplies.”
Ravage nodded, and gave a smile. The Outpost was solar powered, so Thule and Ravage went out to clean some panels, which turned on some flood lights inside. Upon clearing some debris, they encounters some crystalline wolves, who did not snap or bite, rather winced and ran off.
Ravage looked at Thule, “looks like there is life here after Mule.”
Thule hated the nickname, but it did fit his cynicism that was as stubborn as a mule. Crush had the Turbolaser online and decides to twst it as it fired, a giant red bolt hit a thousand secs on the white field creating a major puff of red and crator, it made the planet look like it was bleeding. Crush fired several more rounds, which impacted giving tremors and exploding in puffs of crimson shrooms.
Serrin placed some rations on a gray steel table, when Ravage approached with a wolf on his shoulders.
“We have meat for the table.”
Serrin smiled and poured some Dathomirian wine in cups.
“The water processor needs to be cleaned, it is plugged with salt,” said The Night Sister.
Preparing a fire as he stripped the skin of crystals off the Vulpetex, he prepared to roast it on rod.
“I will see to it after supper.”
Crait was slowly becoming homey. The Four sat down at table and began to feast, each talking about memories. Serrin laughed as Crush told a story about riding a Spider ride where he was dragged by a web for miles.
Ravage looked at her at her as she chuckled, his eyes of topaz blue showig a warmth of feeling. Serrin returned a look and then blushed.