Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Night Life is the Salve of the Soul


Coruscant Night Club - L'Écho Impératrice
Outfit - Bracelet - Heels
Zane Cameron Zane Cameron

The recovery of Coruscant was underway as to be expected. Those souls that were dedicated to the task were diligent in their work.

But even the most diligent or dedicated soul needed a break from the constant reminder of the damage done to their home, or the process of rectifying that damage. Which was partly why some of the more privately owned sources of entertainment spots had found themselves quickly operating again. A few of the spots in the lower sections had those able to spends their credits in such a way that the repairs to their buildings were expedited by outside contractors. And Lossa had found herself inside one of those clubs.

Her own bit of reprieve from other business and leaving Sid in charge of caring for Zeriana for the night. Making her way to the Twi'lek owned club she'd heard about. Bringing out a favorite outfit for the night as she cleared the door and made her way to the bar for a drink to get herself in the mood for the loud music and the dancing bodies that surrounded her.

Another time, she wouldn't have been unware of a club like this one.

A wide smile on her face as she wound her way easily through the throng of bodies. Cheating a little as she followed a little path that tugged her along. Her pheromones helping a little with the process as eyes lingered on her long flowing hair. Hands never quite touching her as beings danced and let themselves simply exist in the dancing mass of bass filled music that controlled the floor. Even extending to the long bar as she spied folks dancing in place carefully with their drinks.

The bartender eventually making their way down, a male Devaronian with decorated horns pausing in front of her long enough to get her order before skipping down the bar to another patron.

Leaning her elbow against the bar to turn and watch the dance floor, she let her eyes simply take in the sight of people throwing their cares away for the evening. A refreshing sight given everything that had been going on in the galaxy.

"Missed this." Shaking her head slightly. Grinning as she fully leaned against the bar and letting herself be immersed in the sights and sounds around her.



Zane closed his eyes and let out a breath of relief. The obnoxiously loud music, the sweaty people dancing around him and the scent of booze and drugs everywhere - he loved every bit of it. It was a much-needed break after constantly flying routine patrols around Coruscant and other Core worlds. It had been a constant ever since the Empire invaded the core, but especially after Coruscant, Revenant Squadron had kept him busy protecting borders.

But not tonight.

His week of leave had been approved and he was going to spend it getting drunk, dancing and hopefully in good company. Yesterday, he had gone to a sports bar with the boys, but tonight he was feeling adventurous. He had heard about the club from some of his buddies back at base, and knew he had to check it out. It supposedly had cheap drinks, a great atmosphere and some of the finest women on Coruscant.

What else could he want?

After worming his way through the crowd, Zane appeared at the bar, his blond hair tousled and the shirt underneath his leather jacket equally messy. He knew the jacket and jeans were an attractive look that could draw feminine eyes to him, but in the warmth of this club, he almost regretted his choice.

Then he saw her, and the heat inside his chest became overwhelming. He looked Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus up and down from his place at the bar, swallowed and tugged at his collar to steel his nerves. Everything about her was captivating - from her soft skin and its beautiful tone, to the long, flowing hair that cascaded down behind her back. She was feminine in build, but strong and athletic as well. A soldier, maybe?

"...are you going to order something or not?" A grumpy bartender asked after Zane had gotten lost in thought a moment too long.

"I uh..." He blinked, shook his head and turned to the barkeep with a cocky grin, "Corellian whiskey, please."

The bartender snickered and rolled her eyes at him, "Just go talk to her."



Coruscant Night Club - L'Écho Impératrice
Outfit - Bracelet - Heels
Zane Cameron Zane Cameron

The drink she'd ordered was being made. A hearty sound from the shaker as the second bartender went for a bottle beneath the counter, pausing to speak with the Devaronian as they both cast glances between Zane and the Zeltron woman.

Coded talk between the two bartenders as they separated, leaving the Devaronian to finish mixing as he caught her attention with an especially loud shake.

"There's a spot down the bar if you are wanting to avoid getting bumped." Eyes narrowed at him before she let her gaze follow. Ending up on the blond with blue eyes looking her way.

"Stars above- is this sly talk to get me over to him?" The grin wavering as the bartender shrugged with a hopeful smirk.

""Kinda part of the gig."

She leaned on both elbows, breathing deep before she let herself look at the man again. Half lidded eyes giving Zane a thorough once over as she grinned.

"Looks military. Rookie grunt or pilot. You wanna make a bet?" The mixing paused as the bartender looked at Zane also, squinting before leaning over.

""What's the offer?"

"I'm betting pilot, and you make that a double for the price of a single." Amusement on her face as the Devaronian scowled.

""Grunt, and you pay for two doubles."

"Deal and send my drink that way. Let's see if he leaves me before a dance." Getting a look from the bartender, unsure if he'd heard her right as she broke away from her spot at the bar. Seeming to dissappear into the crowd before reappearing at a spot next to Zane with a mischievous grin.

"Grunt or pilot?" Opening the conversation with a unique ice breaker as the Devaronian descended upon them. A tall glass of green liquid with swirling glowing lights inside it.

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With liquid courage flooding his system, Zane wasn't lacking in confidence and didn't turn away when the two bartenders whispered to each other and looked between him and the Zeltron. It made him somewhat suspicious, at least until Lossa glanced his way and grinned - that confirmed it. He had drawn their attention and now came the moment he was waiting for.

Would she make a move or invite him? Or would she turn him down with body language alone?

A brief conversation between Lossa and the bartender later, and the Zeltron disappeared into the crowd. He was about to scoff and curse himself for openly staring at her, when he suddenly watched her reappear right next to him. Zane turned on his heels to face her, surprised and his heart beating much faster all of a sudden. A brief pause followed and manages to look her in the eyes with military charm again.

The colorful lights of the club beamed against pink skin and raven hair, and he wasn't sure if it was perfume or Zeltron pheromones that made every breath intoxicating.

Who was she?

"Is it that obvious?" He asked with a voice as low as the bass of the ongoing music. "A pilot." He raised his glass to his lips and allowed a moment of silence to linger. A moment where he looked her over more intently, and found himself unable to look away.

"Soldier?" He then asked in return before he leaned in a little closer. Hummed thoughtfully.

"No, that doesn't seem quite right. You're too dangerous for that." He flashed a toothy grin and peered into her eyes for an answer.



Coruscant Night Club - L'Écho Impératrice
Outfit - Bracelet - Heels
Zane Cameron Zane Cameron

The mischievous grin widened to one of self-satisfaction, ruby eyes cast to the sullen Devaronian as the other bartender cackled behind him.

"Chit. I'll never hear the end of this one." Waving him off as she settled in beside Zane.

"Less obvious, more blatant. Not always a bad thing." Already off to a good start as she leaned an arm on the bar and took a sip of her drink with the other. Shaking her head slightly to dismiss his first guess. Listening to him go one as her eyes opened a little in surprise, looking him over a little better.

"Dangerous? Me? Hmm. Well-" Rather than putting her drink down by hand, she simply floated it there with a blatant display of the Force. "Not for you at least."

Leaning in to match his move while she spoke. The hint of fruit blending with the pheromones she was keeping on a tight leash despite her bracelet.

"Lossa, Jedi. How bout you Mr. Pilot?" Deciding a little fun was in order as she straightened his jacket a little for him.



Zane did his best to keep his composure when she floated the glass down to the bar counter before leaning in. The mix of fruit and pheromones somehow loosened him up even further, and drew him in like a moth to a flame. Finally, he sat on a stool and leaned against the bar with one arm.

Trying to stay relaxed.

"A Jedi, eh?" He grinned playfully now, a dangerous sparkle in his eyes.

"Wouldn't expect one in a place like this, but I'm not complaining." He looked down at her, as she leaned in close enough to fix up his jacket. His eyes never left her, even as she pulled back and turned her eyes back up to him. This was a game he loved to play, and he was in the mood for some fun.

"Flight Officer Zane of Revenant Squadron at your disposal, Master Jedi," he teased and shot her a wink. His glass returned to his lips a moment later for a sip. but his gaze already slid to the dance floor.

"I wonder," he began with that cocky grin of his, "What's a Jedi like on the dance floor?"



Coruscant Night Club - L'Écho Impératrice
Outfit - Bracelet - Heels
Zane Cameron Zane Cameron

Fun had been her motivation prior to watching him adjust and find his seat. Her attention fully fixated on him now as a familiar look came into his eyes. Half seated beside him, but letting herself lean into his space while her eyes lazily shifted between his eyes and lips before returning his gaze.

"Wouldn't expact a pilot here either but, places like this are always lively. Reminds me to relax and have fun every so often." Drawing her drink back to her hand as he informed her of his rank, dropping that familiar name she'd heard over the comm's not too long ago.

"Revenant huh? Cream of the crop with little ol me." Nabbing a straw from the passing tray and placing it in her drink. Swirling it to stir the star spots as she thought about how to arrange her own titles.

Eyes half-lidded as she looked up at him to share.

"Knight, and Council Member of the Jakku Jedi Temple. But. I go by Lossa. Or Lo, depending." The ends of her tongue drawing the straw towards her. Enjoying the sweet liquor with a playful wink back at him. Not wanting, or able to hide the shameless smile as while sipping her drink.

His question of dancing getting a raised brow. Straw clinking as she clicked her tongue.

"I was a good dancer before I became a knight. I've only gotten better since." A chuckle escaping between the last few words as mischief bubbled up.

"You can handle a starfighter no doubt, but can you handle a dance floor?" Eyes giving him a clear up and down examination.



"I'm glad you understand," he said playfully. Zane understood establishments like this were strange for Alliance types, but this was one place where he could forget about everything. He didn't need to think about work, status or upholding military behavior standards. He could relax and let go of himself, even if it was just for a night.

With the edge of his glass against his lips, Zane watched her closely and listened. He had heard about the Jedi, but beyond articles, news coverage and pin-ups, he knew very little about them. Enough to understand what a Knight was though, and that the Council meant she had some level of authority.

"Council on Jakku, eh? I flew a patrol there along the borders not long ago. You're far from home, then." He knew she was still affiliated with the Jedi out here in the core, so it wasn't too strange.

And Jakku probably didn't have night clubs quite this good.

Focused on her, it wasn't the playful wink that suddenly sent his heart in overdrive, but the split ends of her tongue drawing in her straw. He swallowed and quickly flicked his eyes back up, realizing he had been staring too long.

"I can handle a dance floor," he finally said, his voice and grin back to being cocky, "And I'm pretty sure I can handle a Jedi Knight." He leaned in just a little closer again, but played it off as necessary for him to get off his stool. He downed what remained of his drink on his feet, then set aside the glass and offered his hand.

"Care to show me what you got?"



Coruscant Night Club - L'Écho Impératrice
Outfit - Bracelet - Heels
Zane Cameron Zane Cameron

"Same to you." Swirling her drink a little more as she eyed the bottom of the glass. News of a patrol flying close to their area piqued her interest, wondering now if she would catch them at some point if she took off in her own ship.

A fun idea with the starfighter she had been letting collect dust for a while now as she sipped on her drink. Keenly aware of his gaze as the wicked smile formed behind the straw.

She was having far too much fun with him for the night to end well. But she hadn't entirely clipped the wings of hope as he collected himself.

Just caged it.

The wicked smile changing to a warmer one as he leaned in. Her gaze shifting to his lips as he spoke before meeting his gaze. Letting go of a chuckle that she'd kept hold of as he finished off his drink.

"I'll be nice this time fly-boy. Not often I come across a willing dance partner." Holding the straw aside as the drink found her lips. Contents drained before taking his hand and standing.

"With, pleasure." Following his lead until they found their way to the dance floor.



Seeing her wicked smile, Zane wasn't sure who was ahead at this point anymore. They both were playing a similar game - one of playful teasing, clever daring and testing each other. Had he played himself right into her hand? He rose to his feet and chuckled at the thought, his hand extended to help her off her stool and to her feet.

He supposed it didn't matter. She had accepted his offer, so they'd both get what they wanted.

Now, he just wondered and hoped where the night would bring them next.

"Is that so? I must be a very lucky man." He flashed a grin and pulled her along with a gentle grip on her hand. Enough strength to not be separated and allow his thumb to grace her skin, but not too much. He was careful not to hurt her, even if she could likely tear him apart with those magical Force powers he had heard about.

As they reached the dance floor, the music got so loud that it became much harder to speak and understand each other. So, rather than words, he decided to use actions to communicate. He pulled her along to a free spot on the floor and turned around to face her. One hand still holding hers, he moved his other to her waist and pulled her closer.

"Much better," he said, as he led her into a simple dance to the rhythm of the music. He swayed and bopped, and moved his shoulders. Zane was no expert dancer, but he knew how to dance around someone with more experience.

He was eager to see what she had in store.

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Coruscant Night Club - L'Écho Impératrice
Outfit - Bracelet - Heels
Zane Cameron Zane Cameron

As cheesy as his charisma was, it was also very endearing.

He might have hesitated to make the first move where she had leapt without worry, but it didn't take away from the constant adaptability he'd shown. Something well worth it's weight in the end given how her life usually was. She didn't let the smile wane at being caught off guard by the thought. Disarmed enough to even make that kind of assumption form seemed to stun her as he pulled her along and into an easy start of dancing. Zoned out until he spoke, bringing her back to the moment as mind and body synced up again.

"Now to figure out the feel." Grinning as she felt the music, felt the rhythm of those around them. The night life brining out it's own form of existence within the Force when so much lively energy was present.

As chaotic and haphazard as some of the dancing around them was there was a vibrancy that was seldom found elsewhere. Liquid smooth, she began to begin her dance. Hips swaying at first in a gentle seeking way until the music finally took hold. Her own hand holding onto his hip as she swayed and flowed with the music. Winding and grinding carefully as her hips rolled with each beat. Her pace slowly picking up with each continued move.

"Keep up." Teasing him with a grin as she turned and began to dance, arms outstretched but keeping close to him as the bodies around them kept pace with the beat as she did.



Figuring out the feel.

Zane rarely struggled with setting aside everything to get lost in a better moment. But as he started to move along to the music, his eyes focused on the sway of her hips and the way her raven hair danced around her, he knew this was something special. He wondered if it was just this song and the connection he felt in the moment, or was there something more?

A Jedi such as her might feel something in the Force, but Zane felt something of his own.

Or were her pheromones pulling him in?

He chuckled inwardly at the thought, but refused to believe it was just that. Her smile, the movements of her body - they told a tale far more compelling than simple chemistry.

"I'll try, but... Damn," he muttered, seeing her move. Lossa turned around on her heels, her back now faving him, and Zane couldn't stop his eyes from dipping down, and then back up. Looking her over carefully, as the sway of curvy hips hypnotized him. His hands settled on her waist again, moving along to her rhythm, and his own body loosened up into the dance.

Gently, he took a hand and spun her around, feeling more confident in his own abilities.

All passage of time was lost to him, as he inched closer and shared this moment with her.



Coruscant Night Club - L'Écho Impératrice
Outfit - Bracelet - Heels
Zane Cameron Zane Cameron

He began to loosen up, enjoying the view he'd been given until he spun her around. A surprise to her as she looked up at him.

Letting her hand settle over his hip once more as he began to close the gap between them. Inviting the proximity as she let herself dance with him, and not just for him. It wasn't just him getting into the groove that caught her notice. He was keeping his attention on her, and not just the kind that stayed for a night. The pitter patter of her heart shocked her, the dance of heat across her cheeks hidden she hoped beneath the lights and dancing.

"I told you I'd be nice." Grinning up at him as her hand shifted from his hip to his shoulder. Fingers spread across his shoulder as her gaze fixed itself to him. Nothing but the music outside of their little world existed for her. Focused on him as she let herself enjoy the moment. Unabashed but controlled as she continued to sway and dip with the music. Keeping the pace comfortable and easy as she tried to understand what was making her heart race like it was.

Her pheromones weren't on full display, and she wasn't actively using much of her empathic abilities. So why did this moment feel so, strong?

Even that word felt improper. Didn't convey the truth of what she was feeling. Or maybe the depth? The creeping thoughts not yet affecting her dancing as she kept them in tempo with the music around them. Unable to look at or focus on anything beyond him and the music as she let her other hand settle across his shoulder. Feeling a little silly at being held in such a way.

But it was a nice silly she supposed.



For the very first time tonight, the music faded into the background, serving only as a constant rhythm that guided his movements. His focus was on her, and her alone, and nothing around him could pull him out of his trance. His heart was racing, so fast it was almost hard to breathe, and his palms were so sweaty that he wasn't sure if he could maintain his grip.

Was it nerves or excitement?

A mixture of both, he reckoned, but it felt so good. Intoxicating, even.

"You did." At a loss for meaningful words, Zane looked into her eyes, lips spreading into a grin. Her hands settled on his shoulders, soft yet strong fingers gently digging into his muscles. His own held her by the waist, keeping her close and moving along with him.

But while his mind betrayed him to find the right words to describe this moment, his hands could do the talking for him. Slowly and almost teasingly, he brought his right hand up along her side, feeling her soft skin and the curve of her body. His fingers slipped into her neck and gently moved up from there, his thumb brushing along her throat until his hand finally settled against her cheek.

He leaned in, his grin shifting into a more caring smile while he allowed himself to get lost in her eyes. But only for a moment. His lips inched closer and closer. With his left hand snaking around to the small of her back, he pulled her body against his, before he tilted his head and attempted to draw her into a kiss.



Coruscant Night Club - L'Écho Impératrice
Outfit - Bracelet - Heels
Zane Cameron Zane Cameron

The music was little more than a murmur now. The world coming into a sharp focus as she tangled with the strange sensation her heart was giving her.

She hadn't dealt with palpitations for some time now, and concern mired itself in the back of her mind. Becoming a quick afterthought as he spoke again, flashing that grin he wore so often. Unable to keep her own grin from forming at the sight. Why was he so damned confident? Wasn't a bad thing. Just. That grin brought a flush of rosy red across her face. Almost the same as her eyes as she was suddenly very aware of his hands. So often she'd danced and had someone holding her in a such a way.

This felt. Strange. Personal. Intimate.

Her dancing stuttered finally as her moves slowed while his hand moved. As if she might miss something if she strayed from his touch. Surprise and wonder slowly silencing her movements as he brushed her cheek. A lump in her throat as her brain raced to make sense of it all as he leaned in. She hadn't been pulling her usual tricks. Hadn't been using pheromones or even doing more than matching his energy. Why then had-?

She didn't pull away. Didn't want to with how she felt like keeping their kiss going. Warm. Soft. Her heart both settled and galloped as her own emotions tumbled about. Kept close and hidden as her own hand settled around his neck.

Slowly blinking and searching his eyes when they finally separated.

"That's not fair. That's not dancing." She tried to tease him, uncertainty behind the tone as her smile kept her from dipping into the usual façade of defensive apathy. Her feelings failing to tell her exactly what she was experiencing in the moment, but unwilling to let it go. "I don't mind, though."



Zane broke their kiss, only to draw in a quick breath and press his lips back into hers. Over and over again, he searched for that connection and held her close while je embraced it. Her lips were soft, warm and the rush of emotions he felt at her touch were so intense that he lost himself in the moment. When he finally did open his eyes and pulled back, he looked at her.

Still at a loss for words, as he studied her reaction. Lossa came across as a woman who knew what she wanted. A strong personality, both caring and kind, but also fierce in the face of adversity. To see her cheeks burning was a sight he had never expected to see, but it lit a fire inside his heart.

"I never said I'd play fair." With a gentle touch, he brushed a few long strands of hair behind her ear and looked her in the eyes, oblivious to the people who had moved away from them. They were given a show, but Zane cared nothing for what they said or thought about it.

"But I'm glad you approve." He smiled and dared another wink, as the hand that held her close slipped back around to take her hand. It felt even warmer than it had when he pulled her along to the dance floor.

Looking from one side to another, Zane became suddenly aware of all the prying eyes and decided it was time to leave. "Why don't we get out of here, eh?" He gently pulled her along if she was willing and couldn't stop an even bigger smile from spreading. This was more than just a night of fun to him.

He felt so alive, being with her.

"My place or yours?"



Coruscant Night Club - L'Écho Impératrice
Outfit - Bracelet - Heels
Zane Cameron Zane Cameron

The first kiss was a surprise.

The streak of them following the first likely called excessive by those watching them. The space around them clearing as some stared in silent awe, others glaring in overprotective jealousy of their own partners, and others wondering what had brought the two together. But the sensation was a new one for Lossa and it demanded it be known. Lost in new feelings and desperate to put a name to it. Sharing with her another wink, she finally came down a few mental steps from the stupor she had found herself in. The little gesture earning him a warm smile as his hand slipped into hers.

"Don't ever play fair then." Shaking her head a little as he began to lead the way out. Confused at first why they needed to leave until she looked around. Amusement on her face at the variety of stares they were receiving as they walked. Spying the two bartenders giving a thumbs up from afar as she kept close to Zane.

Wrapping her other hand round his arm as he asked her preference.

The first time in a long time she felt any sort of giddy at the question. She'd come in a starship, and hadn't made any complaints about the quarters. But she didn't want to have the conversation with Sid about her guest. Which brought with it another point she would have to address at some point. They cleared the door as she wondered which would be easier in the end.

"Yours. I-" Unsure how deep she could get into the conversation without ruining things. "I have business to handle in the morning that I cannot skip. I don't want to surprise you by running out."



Zane noticed the looks they got as they moved for the exit. The thumbs up from the bartenders who had placed their bets earlier. Perhaps it should have been embarrassing, all that attention, but he didn't feel shame at all. No, he felt pride that he was walking out with the most beautiful woman on this entire city world.

Likely well beyond - in his mind, there was nobody who could compare right now.

Lossa leaned in closer to wrap her hand around his arm, and he knew there was nothing left in the Galaxy that could shatter his confidence. With a steady pace, he walked out the doors and into thr fresh breeze. A much-needed change from the far less hospitable air quality inside a night club, especially near a busy dance floor.

Turning to her, he tilted his head curiously at her answer but thought nothing of it, "Sure, I appreciate the heads up. I should probably show my face at base tomorrow as well." He leaned in, brushing his side against hers, and continued walking down the street. Not towards the shuttle area, but another local district.

"I got a hotel room here for the night." He flashed a grin of mischief. Having a fun night with her in a hotel room seemed appropriately fitting after everything.

After reaching the hotel, he held open the doors for her and raised his hand, "Ladies first. I've got room 85A on the top floor." It was a more luxurious room with a king-sized bed, a large bath tub, shower and plenty of space between its kitchen area and living room.



Coruscant Night Club - L'Écho Impératrice
Outfit - Bracelet - Heels
Zane Cameron Zane Cameron

The fresh air was a welcome change.

It hadn't just been the mood of the entire dance floor that had influenced her mind. Well away from the collective feelings, she didn't feel any different. If anything only far more certain about being entirely uncertain how she was feeling. Excited, giddy, worried? A reminder that she would have to actually give a reason to why she had to beat feet so quickly in the morning if this grew into something more than just a single night. The thought of it being more while he looked down at her made her heart race.

Each beat a solid feeling throughout her chest as he mentioned making sure he was seen at his station tomorrow.

The corners of her mouth twitching in a subdued smile as an idea floated into her mind. Even if the greedy thought caused a stir, or even was a touch of possessiveness, it remained firmly rooted in place within her mind. The mention of a hotel for the night a partial tell that he was in between stations, or maybe just hadn't wanted to stay on base. Or maybe the base had been hit a lot harder than she realized with the need to have their pilots take hotels.

Or maybe they were spending credits to help local businesses.

"I prefer my ship quarters, but, my cousins droid is currently on board." Realizing she had strayed dangerously close to a topic she was sure would cause more questions than resolve. "And he's a chatter box on top of being over protective."

Dancing around the matter as best as she could as he allowed her inside first. A hand always kept on him as she twirled by him in the doorway, pulling him along before the door could close behind them and over to the lifts. Her other hand fidgeting behind her back as she leaned into him before the lift dinged.

"Fancy! I'll have to make some breakfast for us before I go." Mind already making the calculations of just how late she could leave before the droid tried to file her as a missing person on a planet already on high alert for problems. Leading the way down the hall until they stood in front of his door, her hand twining with his when the door opened, letting him lead them inside.



"I'd rather not get killed by an overprotective droid, so don't worry about it." Zane didn't stop walking but turned his head just to flash her a grin. "Besides, we're going to need some privacy." It was destined to be a long night, and there was something exciting about sharing this moment in a Hotel room as well. The risk, the reward. It made his heart pound in his chest, and he could tell that Lossa was going through a rollercoaster of emotions as well.

It was a shame she already needed to leave in the morning.

A reminder she gave him after twirling her way inside the turbolift when she mentioned making breakfast before leaving. It didn't bother him because she had told him in advance, but it did make him curious. If she really wanted to be here with him, wouldn't she make the time for it? Or was this commitment in the morning something she couldn't worm her way out of?

Curiosity spiked in him, but he decided not to ask yet. He didn't want to risk ruining the moment — the tension he felt — so he put it in the back of his mind to ask later.

When the night was over.

"Breakfast sounds great, but now it's time for dessert." He opened the door and pulled her inside the room with a gentle grip on her hand. The door was promptly shut behind her, and without wasting a second, he moved her back against the shut door. His hand shifted back up to cup her cheek, his other pulling her close by the waist, and he drew her into another kiss, one free of all restraint.

It was just the two of them now, and they had a long night to go.


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