Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Night Life is the Salve of the Soul


Coruscant Hotel - Top Floor, 85A
Outfit - Bracelet - Heels
Zane Cameron Zane Cameron

She managed to inject enough humor into her smile to keep it silly rather than the grimace it was meant to be. She really hadn't wanted to have that conversation with Sid this late in the day. Especially when he was already so entrenched in his duties with Zeriana and would no doubt make sure to scrutinize every little detail he could about her... friend.

No matter how much she appreciated the droids help, she didn't want to complicate an already complicated matter.

Not that she had helped that in any way. Being as cryptic as she had not meant to be. Something she was genuinely regretting in the moment of his company. Then again she'd let her own jaded view skew things and steer the evening. And hadn't backpedaled quickly enough to remedy it. But, hopefully, next time. The thought of a next time sent nervous flutters through her stomach as he grinned at her. Force she hoped for a next time.

Giving her best sultry look at the mention of needing privacy with a grin of her own. Playing with the necklace of her outfit as he opened the door for her, as much pulling her in as inviting. Eyes wide as the door shut behind her.

And she found herself pressed against it.

"Desert it is." Humor had flitted across her mind at his food comment. But humor was quickly pushed aside when he kissed her. Touched her cheek and pulled himself close to her. As much as the bracelet helped to keep her in check, she found herself at some point losing it in his room.

But that was a worry for morning Lossa to deal with.

Next Morning

She was awake and moving before him and morning Lossa firstly had to fetch herself some water.

If only for the budding ache in the back of her head and the dry mouth. Bare feet padding across the cool floor with a silence that spoke of practice as she opened the closet and spied his uniform with a sip from the cup she'd found. Glancing back at him with a grin as her hand pulled the lipstick from her discarded pants and applied it a touch heavy with a nervous glance thrown to his sleeping form. Light hadn't yet pierced the windows thankfully as she returned his uniform as best she could with her added touch to the inside of the collar.

Eyes wide in the twilight of the room to find her way towards the door.

Frowning at the contents of the fridge while her brain finally began to process everything. Standing on one leg while crossing the other to get her morning stretches in as the pan sizzled and announced her efforts. Looking over her shoulder when the air shifted, and the energy with it to see Zane joining her. Smiling at him as she finished the first portion and slid it over to a plate for him. Setting down the glass of water alongside it she'd been drinking from.

"Get enough sleep?" As much teasing as it was a genuine question as she leaned against the counter.




It was the only response he could muster, as he joined her in the living room of the hotel room. His hair was a mess, his body sore and his head was throbbing from all the drinks last night. Normally, he wouldn't have even remembered his time at the club, but with his current company, how could he forget? Every part of his memory was vivid. From seeing her alone at the bar, to pulling her inside his room and-

He stopped himself and flashed her a grin.

"...I can't complain." He sat down on a stool by the counter and reached for the plate. "This smells so good, right now. Thank you for making it." He stirred around the contents of his plate, and dug in with an abnormally large bite.

He was starving after all that physical exertion.

"You sleep okay? I hope I wasn't snoring." Some of his flight mates had told him he snored in the past, but that could have just as easily been their attempt to mess with him. Then again, he usually slept alone, so he had no idea if he was annoying at night. Maybe he just shifted around a lot, or even kicked whoever laid beside him.

Which reminded him again.

"I uh, never asked, but what's got you having to run early in the morning? Not drinking the night before your Jedi duties, are you?" he teased, though he was genuinely curious.


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