Lady of Juniper
Technically what she was doing at the moment was beast control and Yuroic figured that out. Holding up a hand when he spoke though, she allowed him the chance to figure out what role each ant had. When he was done, she lowered it and focused on half of the ants. They in their turn started lining up on the ground and apparently waited for something.
"Yes, getting them here to us was beast control. However, now comes the training. As you have felt the tiny minds of these ants, they are an army. You have your allies and I have mine."
He asked how he could command them without it being beast control and he got a smile before she spoke.
"Beast control at its most basic is about the control of a singular mind and being. Battle Meditation isn't about control, but enhancement."
Or demoralising the opposing army.
"What you need to do is focus on their minds and just support them, give them hope in dark situations. At the same time, you need to also work on your enemy. In this example, that would be my small army of ants. I'm not going to get into a battle with you, but with your ants. I think in a real battle, against real opponents, we would have to meet and fight mentally. If this is something you want to learn how to perform in battle, then I think you'll need some additional help in playing mind games."
It wasn't meant to be an insult, but to her it was a statement of truth.
[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
"Yes, getting them here to us was beast control. However, now comes the training. As you have felt the tiny minds of these ants, they are an army. You have your allies and I have mine."
He asked how he could command them without it being beast control and he got a smile before she spoke.
"Beast control at its most basic is about the control of a singular mind and being. Battle Meditation isn't about control, but enhancement."
Or demoralising the opposing army.
"What you need to do is focus on their minds and just support them, give them hope in dark situations. At the same time, you need to also work on your enemy. In this example, that would be my small army of ants. I'm not going to get into a battle with you, but with your ants. I think in a real battle, against real opponents, we would have to meet and fight mentally. If this is something you want to learn how to perform in battle, then I think you'll need some additional help in playing mind games."
It wasn't meant to be an insult, but to her it was a statement of truth.
[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]