Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Night Play

Another night! Oo now that held promise did it not.

"OK another night then." She laughed and felt the tension in her shoulders finally drop. "I got lots of those and several varieties of others. Would you like a flight?" Flight as in samples of many not in pushing the envelope across the skies of Coruscant.

Though she could do that too she loved flying...and she was being the energizer yoda right now bouncing around. She however would rather she not be on duty because...well..danger and etc as usual.

"Tonight's menu." She smiled, "bantha steaks, beer, and if you're a good girl and finish it all we have cake for dessert. But Jarrod only lets me have cake when I finish he may let you get away with not finishing.." She tilted her head looking at Jessica, "So...flight?"

[member="Jessica Bowers"]
''Same one will do just fine!'' she uttered with a light laugh along with Rekha's. Fortunately, she was off-duty tomorrow and could sleep long into the afternoon if she wanted to. Her bed waiting at home was an alluring thought, to be honest but she did have a great time with the brunette and was not going to become a party popper, so to say.

''Hah! Nightshift always surges your stomach! So, no problem - I'm gonna be good...'' she continued with a sassy smile.

''What about you, Rekha? Always been a good and well-behaved businesswoman? No skeletons in the closet?'' she asked curiously and glanced at her, awaiting an answer which seemed like it could be anything.

[member="Rekha Kaarde"]
"Good............" she laughed, tilting her head back a bit too much, "Well behaved..." She looked at [member="Jessica Bowers"] " don't think those two words come up very often when someone describes me."

She waved for relief, "come on cupcake let's find a table in the middle of the room where everyone can see us. " She smiled she wanted everyone to see that she was here. That no one has frightened her off into some remote corner of the galaxy.

Eva popped back, "Sweetie" she looked to Eva, "Bring us a flight of the top shelf, 5 glasses each" She walked around looking as a table became available. Hell of a thing right wait for a table in her own place...well. Yeah customers first.

Jarrod peaked out making sure it was good. Rekha grinned, "No mam, I've was a smuggler for a long time. Well behaved and smuggler...and I've...probably danced on a few bars, and other things.." Thyssen would say that her butt cheeks had left in indelible mark on the wood..but...that was another story.

"What about you...always....fighting the good fight?" Rekha pulled the chairs for them settling in.
Jessica joined in with a casual chuckle.

''No, sorry! I forgot your fierce bite back to the guy outside that club before!''

She followed Rekha over to the table in the center of the dining area. Rekha had a great deal of moxie and were certainly not afraid to show it to people. It was also often needed in this business. With the constant threat of extortion and criinal interests that wanted a share of your cake, it was understandable that she wanted to set a statement that the Luck Lady were hers an nobody elses.

''Oh, you're going all in tonight, huh?'' she stated as Rekha ordered forward a flight of five glasses each, figuring she would not stop there. She looked attentively upon the brunette and nodded slightly as she told about her past occupations. Jessica understood that she had been through alot, she could even tell from her behaviour and reaction to things.

''Well, you're here now... With your own succesful business to run and all... That's what matters now, isn't it?''

[member="Rekha Kaarde"]
"All in" yes all in no matter what she was usually all in much to the bad luck of those that thought to come up against her. "Go big or go home." Too much time on the sidelines and not enough living, "you got to live Jessica. Not just have life, but to live a life. Understand?"

She hoped so not many people did. That's why they were here drinking trying to forget that they were still breathing and even though bad things came at them they needed to get up.

She smiled pushing the dark thoughts that were slowly creeping up back into the darkness they belonged. For a fraction of a moment maybe someone would see it but then it was gone.

"That's right...that's what matters. Here and now." With that a tray was set in front of each of them. Five glasses each, half full, varying degrees of ambers from dark to light. "Now Jessica, the point of the flight is not to down them as fast as possible but to savor each ready to try the first one?"

[member="Jessica Bowers"]
The off-duty police sergeant burst out in a light laugh in Rekha's eager devotion to live life to the fullest and then asking her if she knew what she were talking about. As a police officer, it could be difficult sometimes when experiencing the societys backside first hand. On the other hand, you knew what spots and places to avoid and, although seldomly, got to see little gems of the world that you worked on. The work definately had its ups and downs.

''Yeah, Rekha! I understand!'' she uttered with a flashing smile left after the short laugh. She started to like the brunette more and more, enjoying her open and honest persona.

Both their attentions were drawn to the nights next little number, the flight tray that Jarrod brought in and placed before them. Jessica shaped up and hid a silent cough in her fist, and turned on the bar stool to face it.

''Ready as can be. So, tell me. What do we got here?'' she said along with a short nod. Rekha seemed to know he booze, alright.

Rekha Kaarde Rekha Kaarde
Oh the cupcake was ready to rock. alright!

"Ok, so let's start with this one" Rekha lifted the glass, "This is the lower end of the scale, still smooth sometimes a little burning but..overall good." Rekha lifted the glass, "Here's to...something new"

She held the glass and waited for Jessica Bowers Jessica Bowers to return the gesture.

She would make sure the young woman had a good time, drank some good booze, and didn't end up sleeping on the bar.
With a short and light tuck to the arms of her top, Jessica grabbed the first tasting glass filled with amber liquid. She studied it casually and slowly turned the glass around, observing the drops of high octane booze that slowly made its way down the inside of the glass.

''You're gonna keep me here all night...'' she said with a posy frown, sounding half-grouchy, and smirked back at Rekha. She realy didn't mind if they spent the late night here, Jessica were used to night shifts and as much as she liked to hit the pillow after a shift, they had a good time here. Besides, she were off-duty tomorrow and that was why she had agreed to go here in the first place.

''To new friendships!'' she filled in and met Rekha's glass with a silent chink before taking it to her lips and gave it a sip. It was as expected, a good tasting but ordinary whiskey. Definately nothing that would be served in the lower levels of the ecumenopolis planet. It was a good house whiskey for a place like the Luck Lady. Jessica tasted it with ease and glanced down to the glance once more while letting the tastebuds make out the aftertaste. It ended nice and smooth.

Rekha Kaarde Rekha Kaarde
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Rekha smiled and nodded holding her glass until she watched Jessica finish hers, then Rekha knocked it back holding it in her mouth pushing it towards the roof of her mouth to feel the brewers mark. The hint of something new filled her senses it wasn't an old brew, but it held its own.

Her green eyes closed for a moment, "I don't allow drinking and walking so yes you'll stay here well upstairs actually" Rekha's place was upstairs it was safe and it meant no one would seem them sleeping it off.

The next one Rekha picked up, "So we need to wait a few minutes let the last one evaporate so when you get this you can taste the difference. Push the liquor to the roof of your mouth your other senses will pick up hints of what the brewer did to make it. This one...nothing old barrels, the process is its smooth no burn..I want you to discover the hints it brings up though"

She held the glass letting what light there was hit the glass, hit the slightly darker caramel colored drink. It moved easily in the glass it smelled good.

Jessica Bowers Jessica Bowers
''Hey! You know the penalty for illegal restraint, lady?'' she said and rested a serious gaze upon Rekha. Before her brunette friend would be able to resply though, a broad smile spread on Jessica's lips as she faced forward again and knocked back the rest of what little was left o the flight. She pulled the other womans leg a bit, and kind of enjoyed it. It was a rare occurrence in the force, sitting down alone and casually chatting with another woman. Even though it happened, as a civilian, Rekha took it in a whole different direction. A pleasant one, that was.

She sat the small glass down back at the spot it originated from, and took the next one up examining its contents in a similar fashion as before. It was slightly darker with thicker drops gliding off the inner walls of the glass. This was going to be a real taster, she thought. Except the group of guys that had entered before, it was only them left and the music from the speakers played some smooth lounge tunes in the background

''Feels like we're keeping Jarrod from closing down the place, don't you think?'' she asked with a slight smirk and glanced at Rekha.
"No but I'm willing to find out" She smiled big back at her. It was pleasant to sit and talk with no expectation just fun and talk. Like what she had done with Kaili Talith Kaili Talith back on Bespin.

She looked around the crowd was thinning out and the guys were the only ones left. Rekha wasn't sure if that was good or bad really. Ever since Loup had her beaten here in the bar she was leary of stragglers.

She kept her smile though, "I think the owner knows how to close up. Jarrod just needs to shoo the flies before that happens." Jarrod had stayed with her during the healing process scolding her and fretting with the Jedi Rianna managed to put her back together.

He wasn't going anywhere until he knew there wasn't going to be another bloody pool on the floor to clean up.

"Give it a minute before you try it. Matter of fact. " She pushed the water glass to her, "Clean your palate, swish some water around"

Jessica Bowers Jessica Bowers
Jessica raised an eyebrow at Rekha's response, and actually checked her out from top to bottom. More jokingly than anything.

''No... No! Not that I doubt your ability to handle yourself... But a pretty woman like yourself wouldn't wind up well in a prison! Trust me!'' she stated along with a light laugh and shake to the head. They were clearly pulling each others leg, and it was a welcome relief from the strict workdays as a police officer. In fact, tt had been a good while since she felt this relaxed and enjoyed.

The tasting continued with Rekha presenting a glass of water to clean the palete. As the night became older they both begun to feel the effects of the drinks, so a glass of water was welcome. Jessica were not interested of waking up with a pounding headache in the morning. She took the glass and swirled a sip around in the mouth, and then another to make way for the next taste.

Rekha Kaarde Rekha Kaarde
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"Prison...well hadn't thought of that...." She stared a the wall for a minute while her face contorted in reaction to her own thoughts.

"Hmm....I wouldn't look good in stripes so...yeah not for me." She took in a deep breath letting the air clear her head some. But this wasn't outside where the air pushed away all the fog. Nope this was inside air..and it was just ok.

Rekha began to wonder just how much Jessica could drink. Not that she wanted to push the young woman to absorb more than her tolerance but as a bar owner she tended to ask these questions.

She sat back looking at Jessica, "Ya know as good a cop as you are. I'm wondering what else you thought about becoming...most women I run into have these thoughts about what dancer? Spy? Smuggler...I recommend smuggler. Or....politician..." she laughed. "So Jessica my dear, share with me your deep dark wanna be secrets"

Rekha lifted her glass, tilted it to her, "warm and fuzzy darlin" Rekha did not need to be drunk.

Jessica Bowers Jessica Bowers
''No one looks good in stripes.'' she stated shortly, whilean image of a random inmate appeared in front of her eyes.

''It just shows that you're a crook and criminal who we can't afford having walking the streets.''

Preconseptions was next to impossible to avoid, working as a cop at the galaxys capital planet. However, she considered herself being professional and just in most cases. Besides, when you finally got suited in stripes, you had been proven guilty in a court of law. Criminals spread fear among the public and it was not uncommon that the innocent got caught in the crossfire. It was her job. It was her call.

That was why Rekha's next question was next to answered in the second it left her lips. It was funny, and the assortment of works that she counted up was even funnier.

''A dancer? Me? C'mon!'' she said with a lour, jokingly seeming a bit offended. It was offending to think about flushing herself out to complete strangers just for their entertainment, but a common and often necessary evil for many women in the coruscanti nights. She gave Rekha a look and finished the glass of whiskey with a slight grimace, feeling it burn down her throat.

''My deep dark wanna be secrets...'' she repeated, contemplating the aftertaste of the whiskey while looking at the shelves of liquor behind the bar.

It was funny how Rekha had put it. She was a smart and curious woman. A bit flirty, was she? It was still unclear what she wanted to know, though.

Oh, so what would I smuggle, employment officer Kaarde?'' she asked, meeting the brunette womans gaze with her own sassy one.

Rekha Kaarde Rekha Kaarde
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Oh she was a trip wasn't she. Rekha tilted her head and considered what should she say, "I like stripes so long as they go the right way otherwise I just look like a worm toddling about. Maybe black and yellow as opposed to black and white...yeah..I can see that"

Rekha sipped again the conversation was light but somehow that look in Jessica's eyes told her that she wasn't sure. It was here she should have stopped should have heard a dozen warning bells going off, Jessica the cop was asking her about what to smuggle. Would an answer give something away?

"Well I recommend you don't smuggle things that blow up for starters. It's dangerous, and you could lose your ship...and get a nasty scar from the crash. an example. I also recommend you do not smuggle slaves...matter of fact stay away from slaves all together bad should turn them folks in and then take a that leaves......medical supplies to those who need them, ship parts, clothes, there is actually a market for for kids.....even Tea....and for those that can't help but want an adrenaline rush....there is spice....but again...there's a danger factor." Rekha put the glass down leaned across to Jessica.

"But that's just me making suggestions....hell the alcohol is probably doing most of the talking...I really don't know squat about smuggling. Do you?" She blinked slowly.

Jessica Bowers Jessica Bowers
''I'd buy those last examples.'' Jessica said matter-of-factly, before her blue gaze found the next whiskey in line on the long stylish tray that sat on the counter in front of them. With a flip to her head, Jessica threw her blone hair back over a shoulder before she leant over with the intent to go for the next glass of lovely amber spirit that Rekha had offered on the house.

''Well, not the spice though... But I guess you already figured that out...'' she continued in a slightly more casual fashion and low, slightly sensual tone. The now very late hour, along with the beer and whiskey was definately starting to make an impact on them both. While it did most of the talk for Rekha, it probably did most of the acting for Jessica, because... At this point, with the brunette woman already leant forward along the counter and Jessica intending to reach for another glass, them both suddenly found their faces very close to eachother. In the fraction of a moment, Jessica's gaze became stuck in the other womans green eyes. She felt her soft breath upon her lips, but then pulled away with the second, or was it third, or fourth glass of whiskey.

''Oh... Now, that wasn't supposed to happen!'' she stated, flicking her eyes to the sides, sort of a bit ''sobered up'' from the realisation what they could have done. She took a healthy drink out of the glass and looked for a reaction with Rekha.


''Whiskey... There's your danger factor!'' she stated with a bit of a nervous chuckle. ''About the smuggling... All I know is how to bring 'em down and to court. That maybe makes me perfectly know how to avoid getting caught? Hah!''

Rekha Kaarde Rekha Kaarde
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It was a moment where they both looked at each other. It would have been so easy to lean a little long since she had had that kind of company? She didn't know who pulled back first but it was clear that they had both felt a bit of a spark between them.

Rekha laughed not sure how to react really..but...she quickly gathered her wits. "haha, the alcohol. There's a song you know about....something about how it makes people dance." She smiled looking at Jess.

"I can't let you go home under the influence. Who knows what cupcake will try to get you. I think you should stay here...well not in here...but up at my place. I got a spare room...and its clean....and" Rekha looked at the table.

"I'll know you're safe." Rekha looked over to Ava or Eva they seemed to be actually working. Jarrod however seemed to pick up on it. He came out and stood near the bar looking at his boss. She just smiled he nodded and disappeared back into the kitchen.

"So...want to spend the night?"

Jessica Bowers Jessica Bowers
''Hah! I'd feel sorry for the... cupcake that'd try to get me.'' she said chuckling, and took another drink out of the glass filled with amber, burning liquid. This far into the night, it went down with ease, only causing a slight grimace to her face when it travelled down to her stomach.

Jessica was glad that the awkward situation did not cause too much of a fuzz between her and her brunette friend. Rekha seemed to shrug it off rather well and carry on with their conversation, again pointing out the offer to crash at her place. Even if it was unintentional, the said situation had indeed thrown some new light at the offer. However, Jessica did not sense any sort of evil or funny business in the Kelada born female entrepreneur.


Jessica swirled the whiskey around in the glass, glancing down at the amber drops left before she took the last sip out of it an put the glass down on the counter. Again, she glanced at Rekha with a more sincere face.

''I can't deny that it's very considerate of you... So... Sure, nothing beats a bed at close proximity after a night out!'' she accepted with a wide friendly smile building on her lips.

''I'm curious to see how you live, anyway! Would you lead the way?''

Rekha Kaarde Rekha Kaarde
She had to admit Jessica Bowers Jessica Bowers made her laugh. "Come on girl, I'll show you the way. we take the lift to the top...and get out..." She didn't know if the place was clean, and didn't know if she had left anything about that would be a source of embarrassing moment.

She got up bringing one of the glasses with her, no need to waste good alcohol. She pointed towards the back of the bar, "My own entrance" It was private for her, she could be in the bar whenever she wanted after everyone was gone. If they only knew how many nights she had wandered down here.

"" There would be a button that she would press her thumb against and poof magic a door would open.

"Can't have you out wandering around cause can't have you hurting the cupcakes." She winked.
''Oh, a rooftop flat? Call me impressed!'' Jessica said with risen eyebrows and a sly smirk to her keladan acquaintance. Rekha was more than meets the eye, it seemed. Pictures of how her place would look like started to scroll through Jessica's mind. Still, trouble had a tendency to find anyone in this galaxy, and the both women were no exceptions from that.

Jessica stood up and grabbed her leather jacket from the back rest, hanging it over her folded arms. ''Thanks for the drinks, Jarrod!'' she said to Jarrod on the go, and gave him a nod as she followed Rekha to the hidden elevator behind the bar. As they entered, Jessica drew a deep breath while one of her shoulders took support from the elevator wall. She was very much looking forward to crash in a bed or on a sofa right now. Anything would go, realy! A quick glance on her wrist watch confirmed the late hour, or more exactly; a very early morning.

Rekha spoke again, to which Jessica turned her head towards her with a bewildered face turning into one of disbelief.

''Pfft! You're just afraid of the dark and wants a cop to guard you at night!'' she stated and gave Rekha a light push on the shoulder, before her lips cracked a wide white smile and gaze broke from the brunette woman.

''You're funny, Rekha... I'll give you that...''

Looking at the counter above the elevator door, they were closing in on the top floor.

Rekha Kaarde Rekha Kaarde

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