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Private Nil By Mouth (Adron Malvern)

Danielle Mueller

Naboo, City of Theed.
Adron Malvern Adron Malvern


For many of the citizenship of Naboo, today was just like any other. There were people a plenty, wandering the City streets going about their business; and on a World as beautiful as this one, the majority of the people who lived within the Capital appeared from the outside to dress and behave as though they were rather wealthy. That was Danielle's assumption at-least, watching them from the eyes of an outsider having only been freshly recruited into the Knights Obsidian and no longer having to fight tooth and nail for a meal and a roof over her head.

Sporting the
Leathers of this new Organization under the Confederacy of Independent Systems, she had been wandering the streets yearning to know more about Theed and it's people. Her off-world experience was dismal in complete truth. Having left her Homeworld of Shor, she had traveled first to Fenessa, then to Tehyr and landed upon Naboo itself where she had somehow ended up staying longer than expected. This quite likely being due to the vast natural beauty of the glowing green and blue orb, dotted with great cities and green plains that spanned as far as the eyes could see. To the fifteen year old girl, the world was the image of freedom and prosperity compared to the structured upbringing she had been brought into since her very first breath.

One of the things that annoyed her the most however were when people failed to acknowledge how good they had it, and so walking the corner to find a group of other teenagers near to her age tagging the wall of a finely built structure, spraying all kinds of unintelligible slang, Dee couldn't help but shout at them angrily. "What the hell are you guys doing!?!" she glared, reading words like 'Hang the Queen' and 'Freedom from Confederacy'.

Dee had been present as a spectator for the coronation and although she didn't know much about the Confederacy of Independent Systems, what she'd seen of Naboo mostly reflected a happy people. She'd even been so far as to
visit one of the Care Center's for homeless children, knowing the pains of growing up in such a state. With the shift of Capital within Confederacy Space came the boom of added financial investments, apparently some of which good care facilities had been empowered to take on more staff and provide better standards of living for those under their organization.

"What does it look like, we're standing up for ourselves" one of the boys of the group responded defiantly; "We all know what happened to Rodia and Ryloth, they trusted the Confederacy and were left to die!".

"Oh, I see. So you were there, were you!?" Dee retorted with no subtle tone of sarcasm.

"Well no, but the Holonet..."

"..-Is full of chit!" she yelled at the group, waving her hands in the air. "All that garbage about the Confederacy abandoning their own, is coming from right wing activists to make the feds look bad, and idiots like you are supporting these terrorist karks by reading into their bull!" the words left her faster than she could spare herself a moments caution in thought. "And writing chit like THAT!" she pointed to the first three words about the Queen, "Is going to get you locked up and beaten!".

"Hey man, I'm not keen on that. We're gonna get going dude..." one of the other boys said from behind the louder figure, two girls beside him nodding nervously in agreement."Get the hell outta here, you fools!" Dee yelled at them, seeing the moment to try and scare some sense into the group. And much to her surprise it sent the whole lot of them packing.

Danielle Mueller ~ Theed ~ Wearing
"Your path is laid by thine own hands. Yet someone must take responsibility for showing you just how best to walk that path." ~ Exarch Adron Malvern

Noonday sun blessed Theed with a certain shine. Everything about the city was bathed in the light of the day and brought about a feeling that for just one day, only one, there was peace in the air. It made the weight of everything else so much more bearable. The Exarch of The Confederacy had spent the past few days drenched in paperwork. He and John Locke John Locke had been working tirelessly since moving into Theed, but even the two of them needed a break eventually. Though a few hours sleep would have served him well, Adron decided against it. No, he drew from the twisting nether of the Force to replenish his tired body. In the meantime, he would walk the streets of Theed and see just how much the planet had changed in his absence.

Ten years, perhaps fifteen? Impossible to track the last time he'd set foot on the planet as it had been in another life entirely. In the days where he still yet held himself back from the warm embrace of the Dark Side. A time that was long gone.

As he walked the streets which were neither crowded nor sparse his eyes passed from one person to another. It was good for him to be out and about, to be seen by the people. It gave them false senses of brotherhood. As if their lives were equal to his own. A false notion, but not one without its benefits to all. Adron had learned some time ago. Provide the people with the world they wish to see and they will serve it faithlessly. However, shackle them in the grim reality of the galaxy and they will do all they can to destroy that reality. Regardless of the peace it brought. This was why the Sith Empire would never thrive. It was too grim, too real. The people needed something that was far from realism. They needed hope and all the ilk that came with it.

A sad fact, yet a true one.

So when the people came to the Exarch, approaching him with wide smiles and expectant hands he met them happily. His hands would grace theirs and sometime he'd place a hand upon their shoulder to truly give them that feeling that this meeting would be remembered.

When one street came to intersect another, the Exarch turned down the next sidewalk. He was trailed by four Magnaguards as well as two members of his
Royal Guard. The droids remained loosely attached to the group, yet their optics scanned the streets diligently for any sign of misdoings. However, it was not the armored Knights or the droids insufferable clanking that flooded the Exarch's mind, causing him to stop his advance.

The Force washed over him, filled with emotion. Fury. How delightful. His amethyst eyes turned to the skies as he gazed up, trying to decipher the whispers that the Force were lending him. Finally, the fog cleared and he turned his eyes to an alleyway beside him. He gazed at it for a moment until one of the Guardsmen stepped forward. "Votre Majesté?" The man asked, in the notable tongue of High Illyria. Adron glanced back, before looking to the group behind him. "Remain here. I will return shortly." The Knight's exchanged uncertain glances, yet they had no place to argue with their King. So they stood, their hands clasped behind their back as they turned their eyes back to the street before them.

Moving down the alley, it was not long before a group of children, barely in their teens, passed by the Exarch. He stepped to the side, glancing down at them and their hurried rush. Fear. Another emotion that drew a happy taste to his heart. He arched a brow art them, wondering what had them so startled. So he continued down the alleyway until his eyes set upon a young woman. No, a young girl. The anger in her face was apparent, vividly written out. He turned to the wall which seemed freshly painted and looked to the words for a moment before his lips curled into a smirk. "Ah, now I see. Those fleeing boys did this." He said, walking over to the wall and brushing his hand against the paint. The crimson and azure paints stained his hand and he glanced at it for a moment before looking to the girl before him.

Had this display truly angered her so much that it touched into the very fibers of the Force? How interesting.

"Tell me, why did you stop them?" He asked, looking to the girl before him. "Why do you care what they say, girl?"

Danielle Mueller

While the boys took flight, Danielle turned to stare back at the graffiti they'd left across the wall; Her brows furrowed in residual annoyance until she heard the footsteps of another and turned back ready to yell at them once again, only to see someone entirely different and much older...

"Ah, now I see. Those fleeing boys did this. Tell me, why did you stop them?
Why do you care what they say, girl?

Adron Malvern Adron Malvern didn't seem overly phased by the writing strewn between them, and Danielle had almost expected some form of accusation as though she might have been part of the crime, yet instead he spoke as though he'd been there himself. He had already worked out that she'd been the one to frighten the small group away and put two and two together. Was the situation that obvious?

"Those idiots live around here" Dee replied, trying not to sound as though she were directing her anger his way. It wasn't a very good first impression, and she knew that her adrenaline would leave her feeling more anxious than anything following that short-lived confrontation, now standing before some new stranger who seemed to hold himself with a certain air of authority; "I've been on Naboo only a couple of weeks and even I know better than to take the gossip of outsiders as a fact against my own people..." she explained begrudgingly.

Her Home-world, Shor, wasn't a world within Confederate Space and so the last month had been hard spent trying to gain citizenship at such a young age. Through her military service and records transferred from Shor to Confederacy Officials, her status had been elevated due to being a person of noteworthy service experience and a blank criminal record, yet having to spend the credits she'd saved on her own for so long just to be able to move freely...-It hadn't been an easy process, what with all the questions about her nonexistent parents and their family relatives and so on. It was much harder to prove to a government that you were a nobody, than it was to tell someone out in the street. You didn't need papers out there in the street to prove you were worthless.

"Those guys are morons..." she muttered, glancing off passed Adron a little with consideration to those she had scared off, "But I didn't want them getting in trouble" she added, shrugging her shoulders indifferently. Dee couldn't exactly explain why they seemed to be so thick where as she saw the issue in what they had done. Perhaps it was the structure and routine of her military upbringing that had a better handle on teaching her right from wrong, or perhaps she just had a greater desire to have pride in the new space she had become a citizen of.

A single word fell from the Exarch's mouth as he looked to the girl before him. Yet, that was all he said as he pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and glanced up to something attached to the edge of the building the boy's had tagged. A security camera. Hundreds of the devices were installed when the Viceroyalty transferred to Naboo and they were outfitted with wonderfully efficient facial recognition systems. "Well, they weren't the smartest individuals." He pointed out the camera to the girl before using the handkerchief to clear his hands of the excess paint he'd rubbed off. "Well, I'm sure Theed's Security Forces will be able to find the boys. They need to clean this mess." Adron said, glancing at the graffiti before chuckling a bit at the sight.

He turned his eyes back to the girl, yet this time he looked to her with more than his sight. He delved into the Force, pushing through the subtle barriers that were driven between all beings until her very presence became open to him. His eyes seemed to almost glow as he felt her connection to the Force and that made it all as clear as crystal. "So that is why I could sense you so vividly. Your presence in the Force is significant, raw, but you hold some power." He said. He looked over the trappings the woman wore and it caused him to loft a brow.

"A Knight?" He considered for a moment before shaking his head. "No, far too weak. An apprentice however? Even for your age that is rather impressive."

"Tell me, what is an honorable member of the Knighthood doing walking the streets of Theed? Do you not have something to do with your time?" He questioned, a single hand sliding into his pocket as he looked to the woman. Regardless of her answer, the man would show an all too interested smile and arch a brow at the girl. "What is your name, girl?" He asked.

Danielle Mueller

Danielle Mueller

Dee followed the mans gaze, turning her eyes up to land upon the security camera with a look of dread; "Gods, I hope they're not too strict over something like this..." she shook her head slowly. Her temper had fallen, and now she seemed more concerned for the boys more so than anything. Adron Malvern Adron Malvern was correct however in assuming they weren't the most intelligent of people, that much had been plain simple as she'd tried to scare them off just prior.

"A Squire, I believe they call it...-But I've only just enlisted so" Danielle responded in answer; "According to them I supposedly have what it takes, although I'm not sure someone didn't get their wires crossed" she shrugged once more. Dee hadn't seen any reason to believe in the Force, let alone to imagine that she had any kind of thing. Others had sensed it in her and so she had been informed as much, yet they might as well have told her she could fly. That didn't mean she'd throw herself off the edge of a cliff to try; "I first tried to enlist in the CDC, but they referred me to the Knights Obsidian instead".

It was nice to be considered part of something honorable, although she was too naive to know if he was complimenting or patronizing her in that remark. Truth be told, whether it was the Confederacy's Defense Corps or the Knights Obsidian, both offered a roof over her head and a hot meal providing one was accepted, and so she had been. Most recently. "Danielle Mueller" She replied, "Although most people call me Dani or Dee" she added.

The Man before her on the other hand was obviously someone with more than just an idea as to how the Knights Obsidian worked; Likely more so than she herself understood. As much an interest in the many Holonet articles she had, she didn't however recognize who he was at all. Most of her time had been spent reading over the recent fighting more so than the politics surrounding Confederate Space, and so it was safe to say that she was fairly ignorant on the who's who of the working Government.

"I'm guessing you're not just the average walker-by, huh..." she spoke her suspicion aloud, "Talking about power in the way the others do...-You don't exactly walk like a Civie either so...-You Military? Government?" she asked a little too bluntly. If he was indeed a superior to the rank and file of the Knights Obsidian, then she knew she'd failed to show the proper respectable conduct and etiquette when standing before said company; Yet that was also her former experience growing up on Shor whispering those age-old doubts of inadequacies into the back of her mind.
The Exarch upheld an amused expression. When she spoke of the CDF the man nodded in a knowing manner. He knew that prior to enlistment the Knight's screened their prospects for force sensitivity so that it can be better applied in other parts of the CIS. When the woman revealed her name, Adron repeated it thoroughly. "Danielle." He said. He never truly cared to use nicknames or shorten a person's name. A name was like a story and it should be said to its length. Unless you're a Chiss. Exceptions existed in all things.

The girl's next question caused Adron to arch a brow at her. Patriotic, responsible, and now perceptive? This young girl was quickly showing the signs that she would be someone worth keeping an eye on. Did that mean she had a usefulness to The Confederacy? Perhaps, perhaps not. However, the Exarch was keen on figuring that out himself. He pulled his datapad from his waist, glancing down at the device for a moment before tapping the woman's name into it. It immediately produced her Knight's Obsidian files as well as her CDF application scores. All acceptable. He remained silent through her questions before finally he turned the datapad off and looked to the woman, arching a brow. "No, continue." He said, his words making no sense for a moment. "Think. Military or Government? Which one is it?" Now, the man wished to test her deductive ability. Could she figure out his identity?

"I'm obviously knowledgeable of the inner workings of the Knight's Obsidian yet you know nothing of me, therefore I am not a member of your order. I am not wearing a military uniform although I could merely be off-duty?"

The Exarch ran a hand over his well-trimmed chin before showing another amused glint in his eyes. "I will give you a hint. In the entirety of The Confederacy there are only three of me." He said, raising a hand to show as many fingers as he had spoken.

Danielle Mueller

Danielle Mueller

"That's not much of a hint" Dee said with an apprehensive smirk, "In the entirety of the Confederacy, there's only one of me" she remarked. Although it was clear to see that she was using humor as a mask in what was truly uncertainty and intrigue. Whoever this Adron Malvern Adron Malvern was, he seemed to like his riddles or provocative play on words at least.

"I suppose given the way you dress..." Danielle began to size the man up, speaking her thoughts transparently; "Wearing a nice suit, and you're well groomed" she added. Much more than most Soldier or Military types that she knew, sporting nothing of the standard buzz-cut but striking her with a bit more of an official look causing her to lean more to the side of "Government".

However, when trying to think of the structure within the Confederacy's Government, Danielle had little a clue of how it all worked. She was always interested about the state of worlds and peoples, yet hadn't ever actually been encouraged to take an interest in politics before. She had been raised to fight and to protect what she held close (or in her case what she had been told was important to her people).

"Honestly, I don't know much about what the Government looks like within. I'm just an average citizen, lucky to have a roof over my head thanks to the Knights Obsidian..." she admitted defeat. Trying to guess where he fit in everything would've only served to embarrass herself and make her look like one of the idiots she'd scared off just before.

"I was raised on Shor, born outside of Confederate Space".
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The Exarch considered the woman's words as she made her joke and though he did not spare a smile his expression did not shift either. She had guessed correctly in identifying that he was in the government, which was mostly true as the Office of the Vicelord was the very center of the Viceroyalty, still he extended beyond that station.

In time the young girl admitted she did not know. Adron smiled down at her before nodding and turning away from her. He had no intentions of telling her, not yet at least. It was always so much more fun to let people learn things organically, or at least at the last minute. With his back to her he made his way away from the girl. "Then I'm afraid you'll just have to not know." He said simply. Though he paused and glanced back at Danielle. "Shor. I am familiar with that world." Was all he said, before nodding at the girl.

"Have a good day, Squire." He waved his hand dismissively at the woman before making his way back down the street, intent on leaving the girl in her own mystery. For now.

It would be much later in the day when Danielle was found by two senior members of the Knight's Obsidian. For whatever reason they moved with an urgency that was beside themselves and spoke as if time was not a factor to be considered at the moment.

The duo would inform the Squire that she was ordered to report to the Confederate Viceroyal Chambers in Theed immediately. To make sure she arrived as soon as possible the two Knight's would escort the woman, by speeder, to the government building. At the front of the building stood a young Chiss woman dressed in a pristine suit. She would look to Danielle for a moment before turning her eyes to the Knight's questioningly.

"Is this the girl?" The two nodded, causing the Chiss female to adjust her glasses and nod. "Very well, follow me Squire Mueller." She said, before leading the girl into the depths of the building. The halls before Danielle were pristine and well-mainted. There were some government officials who were standing by, idly chattering, yet most of the building was in a nice uproar. Papers were ferried from one office to the next and conversations on the day to day flowed like pristine water.

Danielle was brought into a waiting area, likely confused as no one had yet to tell her just why she had been ordered to report to the Viceroyalty building. The Chiss woman turned on her heels before clearing her throat. "Inside, you go." She said, gesturing to a large set of double doors before her.

Danielle Mueller

Danielle Mueller

"Then I'm afraid you'll just have to not know.
Shor. I am familiar with that world.
Have a good day, Squire."

Adron Malvern Adron Malvern definitely held that 'my chit don't stink' air about him that most Government Officials did, although Danielle couldn't help but find herself left in awe and wonder as the man turned to leave. Silence followed in his absence, and Dani was left to question why it felt so heavy in the air as opposed to her typical every-day lack of a social circle.

Convincing herself that she was being ridiculous, she glanced once more up at the security camera seemingly staring down overhead, frowned to herself in a moment of doubt and then took her leave to head back to the Knights Obsidian. So far she'd only just made her way through her evaluation period following orientation and it seemed they were still sizing her up as she hadn't yet taken part in any actual training. Something that Dee was rather thirsty for in all honesty.


By the time Danielle was greeted with the arrival of the two Senior Knights Obsidian, she had been on her way to the gym with the strong desire to work out some of the doubts that seemed to so easily play upon her mind. Of course, she hadn't expected to be met with the confronting sense of urgency that the two carried, and knowing better than to question them, she submitted with a simple nod and buried her dying need for answers for the time being.

She was being ordered to the Confederate Viceroyal Chambers? What in the name of the Gods had she done to be pulled up by the upper echelons requiring a meeting place sounding as intimidating as that? None of her peers had mentioned visiting the place as part of their induction into the Knights Obsidian, so now there were all kinds of worries running frenzy about her head. Had they discovered something they didn't like about her past service on Shor or Glacia? The level of anxiety that this summons brought just wasn't fair.

Standing before the large double doors, being beckoned to enter, Danielle chewed on the inside of her cheek nervously. She had gone over everything countless times in her head, certain that she'd broken no rules. She had broken that one guys nose, a squire alike herself yet Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner had been more impressed by this than anything and she'd been given the distinct impression that she'd escaped punishment over that incident. Not to mention the guy had it coming to him...

Regardless, that didn't change or help the fact that she now found herself reluctantly pressing against one of the doors and applying a little more strength moving to enter more out of duty than any voluntary desire. Vice-Royalty, it wasn't a term that seemed to be big on the 'don't worry, we'll wait till you're comfortable' side of things.
The door's to the Exarch's office were opened and Adron stood, gazing out of the floor to ceiling windows that were placed behind his desk. He held a clear wine glass, filled with a light azure liquid. A fine wine that was birthed on Naboo, a bit sweet for Adron's taste but not bad by any regard. He brought the glass to his lips, sipping down a bit more of the liquid before exhaling a pleasurable sigh of relief. "In The Confederacy there are only three Exarch's. Srina Talon, John Locke, and Adron Malvern." He said, unmoving from his view of the window. "I am not John Locke and I do not begin to resemble someone with a name as effeminate as Srina." The man turned to the young girl, his smile showing the pleasure he was taking in the confusion he felt from the girl.

He gestured to the seat on the opposite side to his desk. "Take a seat, Danielle." He said, before setting the glass of wine on his desk. The desk before him was neatly piled with a number of papers and files, all bearing the official seal of The Confederacy.

You said you were unknowledgeable in our Nation's politics. I thought I would take this opportunity to banish your ignorance." The man pulled a file from his desk, looking over it with an arched brow. He did not comment on what he read, yet he did begin to speak on the matter he'd seemingly summoned the girl to his office for. "Democracy is the sole power in the Confederacy, yet it is Democracy that is strictly bound by practicality. The Vicelord is elected with near-total authority over The Confederacy, however for a single individual to truly preside over a nation as large as ours? Impossible. So his power is extended to his Exarch's who serve as his representatives and the dispatchers of his will. Some Exarch's prefer to focus themselves to military efforts, some diplomatic, and others remain firmly rooted in the halls of the Viceroyalty."

The man tossed the file on the desk before turning his eyes to the girl for a moment. "Why are you here Danielle? Why did you leave your homeworld for The Confederacy?" He asked.

Danielle Mueller

Danielle Mueller

She had only bumped into Adron Malvern Adron Malvern earlier in the day, and yet the summons to the Viceroyal Chambers had held the potential for such damaging effect to her newly enlisted position among the Knights Obsidian that Dani had jumped to conclusions and spent the entirety of her being escorted there silently panicking over what she could've done wrong. Seeing him standing there before her however, her mouth opened agape in surprise, not quite knowing the appropriate manner in which to respond.

"In The Confederacy there are only three Exarch's.
Srina Talon, John Locke, and Adron Malvern."

Incidentally she had met Srina Talon Srina Talon already when visiting the Orphanage, or rather aptly named Care Centre for vulnerable youth. Of course she hadn't realized who the woman was at the time, but now she knew better since those first days on Naboo. To be an Exarch...Representing the Vicelord at the head of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and she'd somehow already run into two of them. Danielle. A nobody...

"Why are you here Danielle?
Why did you leave your homeworld for The Confederacy?"

The girl stiffened a little, standing slightly more upright at the mention of her homeworld, quickly fearing that she might be sent back there on the whim of their meeting. Her expression tightened at the thought, although she tried to bury it for the sake of respecting the chain of command, the nature of hierarchy drilled into her from day one in the Academy on Shor.

"Back home I never knew my Parents. My father died in service before I was born, and my Mother left me up for an Orphan at the Military Academy where they had both served until then. I was born on Shor, but I never really had a reason to stay there" she answered honestly. Up until now, no one had actually asked her about what had brought her to the Confederacy, or what had come before it; "My people recognize independence at the age of fifteen, and so I chose to be discharged. I wanted to see other worlds beside Shor and Giaca...The Shorak had been fighting with the Peroenian's for Gods only know how long now, and I didn't want to be another statistic in an endless cycle of needless fighting".

But as for the Confederacy of Independent Systems? "It was either Confederate Space or the Eternal Empire, but the Confederacy seemed like a better fit to me. I read on the Holonet that the Government fights to protect the rights and lives of it's citizens, where as the Eternal Empire acts as a dictatorship...-So I came here, and for the first time in my life actually started making friends" she shrugged a little out of embarrassment, trying to play it off as though the sentiment didn't leave her as vulnerable as she truly felt having opened up so much about herself. Adron had asked though, so she spoke the truth in her answer..
There was a certain pleasure that came from seeing the shock in the young girl's face. Though the man did not dwell on the feeling because his mind was elsewhere. He listened to the young girl's story, though he held a neutral expression to it. It was one he had heard enough times to where now it was just an afterthought. Yet when the world spoke of endless fighting and a cycle of blood and death, this caused the man to chuckle a bit. "My world has a history similar to the one you speak of. It was once known as the world of a thousand wars. It had been in the midst of civil war since its inception. Until I became King." He said simply. "Needless war disgusts me." He explained with a certain tone of distaste.

"How interesting." The man said casually as the girl's last spoken words. Though Adron did not come to The Confederacy to make friends, in fact he had precious few people he'd classify as such, he certainly found it was a nation with a certain air of comradery to it.

The Exarch looked to the girl for a moment before tapping into his desk, producing a holoscreen before him. The screen showed an image of the young girl, dressed in the uniform of the Knights Obsidian. It was a military file on the girl and there was a certain section that the Exarch seemed to be amending. "I am reassigning you." He informed the girl. He cared little to ask if she was truly interested in the transfer he would be placing before her, as her opinion did not truly matter in this regard.

"As of now you are being assigned to the Office of the Vicelord. You will serve as my bodyguard and adjutant until otherwise notified. However, I am still maintaining your dispatch status so there will be many times you will be called away for training and other duties." The man stood from his chair, making his way towards the main doors, beckoning for the girl to follow. "Simply put. You work for me now." He said, glancing back at the girl before walking into the main hall.

Danielle Mueller

Danielle Mueller


Danielle stared back at Adron Malvern Adron Malvern in disbelief; Typically she'd have known better than to question a superior yet nothing seemed to go straight forward with this man and the alarming news that she was being reassigned to serve under Office was huge. Like massive huge! "I...-But Sir?" she began, and quickly thought to call him by a title as if to make up for her stepping-out-of-line.

"I'm really honored, Sir. But that's a lot of responsibility.." She questioned him, she couldn't help but need to understand his decision as she walked on after him in tow. "You don't know anything about me?" she added, although there was more than just uncertainty in her voice, she also felt apprehensive about arguing or questioning the new assignment as it was a truly prestigious promotion. Most if not all within her position would likely jump through hoops to earn such a place, yet it was all happening so fast and she had basically come from nothing. Only prior to her entrance into the Knights Obsidian, she'd been roaming the streets of Theed...

"Are you certain that I'm qualified?" She questioned further, "I failed to rise above the rank of private back home and I've not been enlisted within Confederate ranks for more than a week or so...?" she'd made her way to his side, walking and watching where she was being led a little cautiously, while also trying to gauge the man's expression for some form of emotional response or hint as to how he might react.
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"It is an incredible amount of responsibility." The Exarch said, his hands falling to the small of his back as he led the girl through the halls. Most of the Office of the Vicelord was yet settling into their new quarters and adapting to the Naboo's generous hospitality. Although Adron and John Locke had managed to settle in, most of the government was still inoperable. Hopefully before the end of the month that would not be the case, however there were still a number of things to be dealt with.

When the girl spoke of knowing about her, the man chuckled softly to himself. "I know quite enough." He said simply. One of the office workers in the room approached him, holding a datapad out to him. While Danielle spoke, Adron looked over the form that was being presented to him. Though he said nothing about it he did shake his head at the woman who offered him the dataapd. There was a look of denial upon her face yet she merely took the pad and turned back to her half-unpacked desk.

The young girl continued to speak and it seemed to get on the Exarch's nerves because he turned back to her, holding up a finger to silence her. "You mistake the way I work. I didn't select you because of what you are. I did not pick you because of how qualified you are. I selected you because The Force has yet to decide the path you will follow. Simply put, I chose you because you are yet something that can be molded into someone greater. Perhaps even greater than I? Wouldn't that be an interesting thought." He said with a slight chuckle before making his way down the hall once again.

"For the rest of the week you will be at my office by three in the morning. Also, I've taken the liberty of procuring you your own condo in Naboo. That will be your home from here on out. From three in the morning until eight we will go over the prep work required to facilitate my day. From eight to noon you will take calls and plan my appointments. I will show you how to prioritize appointments to my schedule. From noon to two you will be on dispatch, meaning you will meet with individuals in the Viceroyalty on my behalf to deliver information, request paperwork, or sometimes just so they will leave me the hell alone." He explained.

"Oh...and from two to four you will practice with me. While I am confident in your masters in the Knights Obsidian I doubt there is a single one who could best me in the blade or will of the Force. So you will learn from me so that we may bring you to the peak of your skills." He told the girl.

Danielle Mueller

Danielle Mueller

"I...-" Danielle opened her mouth to speak up once more in response, yet quickly thought better of it. She watched Adron Malvern Adron Malvern closely as he delegated between their discussion and his interaction with the female co-worker, noting his hesitancy to comment on the nature of the data-files she had presented him with, as well as his frustration over her questioning things. Clearly Adron wasn't someone who tolerated or was accustomed to having others question his decisions.

"Yessir" she acknowledged, resigning to no further complaints or questions of her inability. It was natural for the young girl to doubt herself and given her age and inexperience, she figured a role the nature of being his Adjutant would be one of great importance and need for professionalism. She would clearly need to be on her toes about this one, not wishing to appear or prove her fears of inadequacy in the role to the Exarch walking alongside her.

Falling into reluctant silence, she tried to process the man's instructions. Starting her days every morning from 3am, and ending them at 4pm. That was one hell of a schedule, she'd had less restrictive timetables within Shor's military academy, and yet the Confederacy was a much much larger vassal of Governance. How many millions of lives were affected by Adron's decisions alongside his colleagues John and Srina. And now she was to be situated under him as his representative and full-time attendant. Danielle had never heard the title Adjutant before, yet she had no doubt that over the coming weeks her ignorance to these terms would quickly become clear.

Most unexpected however was the Exarch's mention of organizing a private Condo especially for her. From what she imagined, and what she'd read on the holonet, a Condo was like a flash way of saying an apartment complex wasn't it? This was mind blowing for the girl, fifteen years of age and already with her own place, her own role within the Confederate Government and not just any one at that. What nature of luck or miracle had ever been heard of, certainly nothing like this had ever been something she'd imagined for herself. It just didn't seem real.

"...-I will do my best, Sir" Dee exclaimed, speaking with as much confidence as she could hope to portray in the face of the startling new reality that was to be her future life. "Thank you, truly".
The Exarch led the young woman to the main entrance of the Viceroyalty building. As it was there was not much the Exarch had to show the girl this day, so it would only prove to waste both of their time if he was to hold her much longer. Adron stepped in front of the girl as she offered her thanks. He tilted his head to the side ever so slightly while mischievous intrigue danced in his eyes. He looked to the woman before exhaling softly. "Thank me?" He inquired. "We'll see if your gratitude is well placed in time. I'm interested to see it you know..."

He produced a datapad, much smaller than his own. It had already been uploaded with the girl's new home address, banking accounts, and information on the Viceroyalty building such as basic level access codes and contact information. Adron gave the datapad to the woman before turning from her. "
...I'm interested to see how long you last." The Exarch stepped away from the woman, calling back out to her with a word of warning. "Do not be late." He said.

As Adron stepped away from the girl he took a moment to center himself in the Force. His amethyst eyes were shining like small brilliant jewels. The Dark Side had flooded through him so effortlessly it had nearly caused him to get carried away. After all, he must be careful with the rate at which he poured the negative energy of the Dark Side into the young girl. She must come into it on her own, accept it, welcome it, crave it.

A soft smile came to the Exarch's lips as he made his way back to his office. Things were beginning to get interesting once again.

Danielle Mueller

Danielle Mueller

"...I'm interested to see how long you last."

'You and me both...' were the words that crossed her mind, yet she refused to speak them for the sake of keeping her lack of confidence in herself buried deep. With his last words, he informed her to not be late and then took his leave, allowing the Girl to stand there with her thoughts and the silence that followed.

In her hands, the datapad that covered a plethora of information vital to the beginning of her tenure under his mentor-ship as well as the address of her new home. The whole thing felt so surreal, like a dream really. Her friends would be astonished no doubt, certainly no more as much as she herself was as the young girl began for the street and headed in the direction the holo-map pointed her in.

"Well...-Guess I'll have a look around and then call it an early night..." she thought aloud.


Three in the morning came far too quickly. Thankfully the early night had done her some good and by the time the hour arrived, Danielle Mueller had arrived at the Vice Royal Office and informed the receptionist at the entrance desk that she had arrived at the instruction of Adron Malvern Adron Malvern . From there she would be led further inside to the very same office that she had seen him the previous day.

Knocking three times upon the large double doors, Dani soon entered.
The next morning the Exarch's office was filled with the smell of fresh Cafe. It was mixed with the aroma of cinnamon and another unidentifiable scent that had a sweet smell to it as well. The Exarch sat at his desk, his eyes peering down at a single document that had been holding his attention for most of the morning. He'd heard the knock at the door, yet said nothing when the young girl stepped inside. He took a sip of his cafe, exhaling in relief before turning his eyes to Danielle. "On time, good. You'll learn punctuality will get you far." The Exarch stood up, adjusting his suit coat before clearing his throat. "Today I'm going to take some time and teach you more about my job and how you will support it."

"The Viceroyalty is composed of Planetary representatives known as Viceroys. The Viceroys are generally the political and military authority for their respective planets. Every planet that is a member of The Confederacy elects their own Viceroy to represent them on their behalf. There are hundreds of Viceroys within the Viceroyalty and each one commands an equal standing among the assemblies that we hold. Now, the Viceroy's meet every few years to decide who will lead this organization of free planets, through democratic vote. The elected leader, the Vicelord, is given a considerable amount of power to wage war, defend our systems, and institute change for the betterment of the Confederacy as a whole. The Vicelord is capable of delegating his immense responsibility to a number of empowered assistants known as Exarch's. Our power is just as expansive as his, however we may only act in his interest, not our own."

"So, as it is the responsibility and duty of the Vicelord to act as Chief Justice, Chief Diplomat, Chief Executive, and Commander-In-Chief then it is the duties of the Exarch to act as the seconds to this command. However, no one Exarch commands any more power than another, nor do we have permanent oversight over any one field."

"Does this make sense?" He inquired.

He made his way back to his desk, setting down into his chair as he continued on. "Once you have grown into your role you will become an extension of my own power, however that will not be for some time. For now you will be exposed to all that I am."

"My current duties are focused on the military so lets start there. In that file on the edge of my desk are a number of military bases within The Confederacy. I perform randomized inspections on all of our Primary and Secondary military bases. Using your datapad you have an upload of my schedule. Red days are days that I am unavailable, green means I am available, make sure to properly schedule all of the base visits for the next two months." He instructed her. "Also, if you go to your recourse that there are names corresponding with each base. You will use a terminal to be sure and notify each base of my inspection date."

Danielle Mueller

Danielle Mueller

Dee followed Adron Malvern Adron Malvern across the office floor and back towards his desk as she listened.

Confederate Worlds elected their own Viceroy, and each Viceroy made up the Viceroyalty of which the Vicelord stood at the head of; elected by the Viceroyalty and assisted by his three Exarch's under his authority and representation.

While Adron would take his place behind the desk, Danielle remained standing across from him with her hands behind her back, watching and listening attentively. Her datapad, the device that he had given to her the previous night, remained secured to her belt.

"Understood, Sir" Dee confirmed when he asked if she understood and had followed all that he was saying. There was still more he had to say, it was obvious in how he spoke and looked to her with expectation, thus she kept her response short.

He then pointed to the file near the edge of the desk and explained that it consisted of his schedule as well as details surrounding various military installations and locations of interest to the Office of Viceroyalty. Nodding, Danielle moved to take it up in-hand, placing it under an arm for the time being as he continued to speak.

It was all a lot to go over, so much information that would require time to study and wrap her head around, yet she was determined to do right by the man's generosity. It could have been anyone that this job had been offered to, but it was her and despite the fact that he expected her to struggle, Dani was appreciative of the opportunity all the same and had no interest of turning back.
The morning and afternoon would progress much as the early morning had. The Exarch had allowed Danielle to leave for about an hour for lunch, however it was not long until her first day was coming to a close. Aside from organize files on the numerous military bases and set appointments the girl did not have a plethora of things to flood her mind. The Sith Lord understood how information was best transferred and before she could learn of any of the harsher things to remember she would need to master the simplest tasks.

As the sun seemed to fall well past the midday point, Adron looked out the window before clearing his throat. "Well, that is enough for today." He said, pulling at the tie that was fastened neatly around his neck. He exhaled, though it did not quite seem like it was the day's fatigue weighing on him. He tossed the tie on the desk before speaking simply. "The Force is a powerful asset for all. However it requires two things. Will and focus. If you do not have the will to command it then you may as well be trying to make the mountains blow away in the wind. If you do not have the focus to harden your mind then you may very well find that your actions will produce consequences you have never imagined." He said evenly.

"Have you ever felt the Force? In it's purest form the Force whispers to all in different ways. I have heard my wife describe it like a cool winter breeze brushing against her spine. For me it is a shifting vortex that washes over every movement, every breathe that is taken. It ties together nearly all things in the galaxy in an interconnected web. This is why the actions in one place can effect the outcome in another." He explained to the girl.

"We are going to start with an exercise that can help to determine focus and will." He walked around the desk, pulling his surcoat off and also tossing it onto the table. "The mind must be powerful or the Force will not respond to you properly." The Sith Lord pulled a small crystal from his pocket. It was a pure black crystal that seemed to have an odd amethyst mist trapped inside of it. The corrupted focusing crystal would be a powerful tool to both open the gateway of the Dark Side early on and help the girl to focus her mind. "Take a seat." He said, as one of the chairs slid to the center of the room, through the unseen hand of the Force.

"I want you to sit down and close your eyes." As Danielle took the seat, Adron held his hand up to the air. The crystal floated mystically from his palm over to where the girl sat. "The crystal before you is your focusing point. Silence every errant thought in your mind and think only of the crystal. You will feel emotion flowing from it. Love, sadness, happiness, & more. It is like a beacon calling out to you, you need only learn how to listen." He explained.

Danielle Mueller

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