"Have you ever felt the Force?".
Sooner or later Danielle had been expecting to run into the subject of training within the Force, having enlisted within the Knights Obsidian as well as being offered training by several others, those of whom Danielle had yet to take them up on for the one simple fact that she didn't know whether or not she entirely believed in the Force, let alone believing in herself and her capability to wield it.
"No Sir, I haven't" Dani answered
![Adron Malvern](/data/avatars/s/11/11560.jpg?1610481719)
She didn't close her eyes at first, not entirely comfortable with the situation. It wasn't that she didn't want to trust the man, it was more the fact that they'd not known one another entirely long enough to blindly trust him when she knew little about him. His title, his authority, these were aspects of the man's career yet didn't speak at all for his personality or his motives, his beliefs or his values.
As he drew out the darkly colored Crystal however, she felt she had little choice but to proceed. She wanted to know what the Force was about, what it was for her superior and what all the other people seemed to talk about when the subject of the Sith or the Jedi came to light in public. She wasn't aware of just how beneficial it could be for herself; The closest she had come to wielding any kind of power was the feel of an assault rifle in her arms, looking down the iron-sights...
Taking one final look at the Crystal, Danielle noted it's general appearance, shape and color, all so that when she did close her eyes finally...-Reluctantly...-She could picture the object within her head.
Her employer had instructed her to close her mind, but for a fifteen year old Girl all on her own surrounded by a Galaxy that was all so strange to her, this wasn't so easy to do. Her own emotions were plenty enough to contend with, let alone trying to 'feel' whatever she was supposed to be feeling from the Crystal she was trying so hard to visualize in her mind.
The Force whispers to all in different ways..
A shifting vortex that washes over every movement...
It ties together nearly all things.
Dee repeated his words within her head, trying to think them into being, slowly reciting them as though they would be some sort of key to unlocking some hidden door she had never walked through. That was how these things were supposed to go, right?