Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Niman (Zavzen Sae'ryx)

Krest was only frowning as [member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"] seemed to have issues without the Force. This was something that worried him, for swordplay should be more on reaction of the body then the Force. "Your skill with the Force is exceptional for one of your rank, but you have relied upon it heavily. It should increase your natural skill, not be your natural skill. From now on I do not want you submerging yourself into the force until I say otherwise. You must master yourself first."
[member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"]

"Continue with this until the motions become reaction. Until you get sick of it. Thus is his sword play will begin, and despite Niman's moderation, I want to make sure you learn this as soon as possible." With that, the Zabrak would turn in a heel. "Not much else I can tell you for now. Practice when you can, and when I believe you are ready we will move on."

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