Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Nir Si, Jedi Rock Star


Nir Si
The Hurricane


Nir Si


RANK: Jedi Padawan

SPECIES: Cathar Subspecies, Denik

AGE: 15

SEX: Male


WEIGHT: 150 pounds of mostly muscle.

EYES: Green

HAIR: Ginger

SKIN: Light


Theme Songs:



  • Knight- Telekinesis - Nir's most practiced ability, his ability to control the wind is quite potent.
    • Force Push and Pull
    • Force Whirlwind (Aerokinesis)
  • Knight - Force Recall - An ability unique to Nir, he seems to be able to summon anything to or away from him that he owns. Whether that be something as small as a toy, or something as large as a sword, The Force allows him to bring them to him on a whim.
  • Padawan - Force Sense - An ability he always passively had, Nir showed a propensity for precognitive abilities very early on in his life.
  • Padawan - Force Speed - An ability he learned during a training session with his new master, it's something he hopes to master in the coming years.
  • Padawan - Mist Weaving - An ability he has been slowly learning through study from a book gifted to him by the Chancellor herself, Nir hopes to learn how to master it in the coming years.

  • Skilled at hand to hand combat
  • Trained in Form I and Form V, as well as a trained practitioner of Trakata
  • A decent pilot.
  • Talented singer
  • Incredibly skilled guitarist
  • Quite the acrobat
  • Parkour expert
  • Humble to the point of ignorance of his own abilities
  • Talks about Sex Drugs and Rock and Roll, only ever does the last one
  • Prone to acting on his pride rather than with his brain
  • Scared of Thunderstorms
  • Doesn't know his own strength at times

  • Hoverboard hobbyist
  • Trained Droid Mechanic
  • Songwriter
  • Fan of Atrisian Animation
  • Obsessive Retro Music Collector

  • Cathar
  • Galactic Basic
  • Binary
  • Wookie
  • Gungan

A Denik teen, Nir stands tall with his dark red stripes and hair. Across his arms, a set of tribal tattoos mark his maturity. He wears the robes of his ancestor, Nal Si, though he hides them behind a leather jacket and a pair of leather gloves he wears everywhere.

Nir talks a big game, but he was raised humble by his mother Cala, a woman who swore up and down she'd never let him be a jedi. Of course, he became a musician instead, and he shows that in his cocky attitude and blasé nature towards tradition. Acting impulsive is practically his biggest vice, but he always says that 'Chicks dig scars, and glory lasts forever.' The two sides of his nature seem to clash more often than not, as his internal moral compass struggles to find a balance between doing what he believes is right and acting on the rebel inside of him.

Born 885 ABY, the young cathar grew up on his home planet, dreaming of the day he'd become a jedi. Of course, his mom did her best to beat that dream out of him, so he became a rock star instead. Forming his band, H.A.W.K. was born out of the four boys who met in the spaceport of Ran Dom Kuun, learning together to become droid mechanics to support the community.

But when Jonyna Si, legend among his family returned to the City-Tree and helped fend off an Imperial Invasion (Or so he heard), his mother finally caved and allowed him to go become a jedi. Now he heads towards Coruscant, hoping to hone the abilities he already learned in secret, one of which is of his own creation.

Stealth Boy (
won here)


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