Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction NJO | History of the Trees

TAG: Aris Noble Aris Noble Saria Rae Saria Rae Toby Perris Toby Perris Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass Braze Braze Wulrenkit Claymus Wulrenkit Claymus Teynara Jeralyr Teynara Jeralyr Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad

"I think it wanted to race,"
"I want to be partners with Toby,"
Almost immediately, the kids started pairing off, as Jonyna kept her ears open for whatever was stalking them. She had promised to protect the paddies, and she damn well was gonna keep that promise.

Still, the kids were struggling. Just pairing off was a process.

"You can be with Toby." Jonyna answered Braze, before looking to the others. Saria had paired off with Teynara, Braze with Toby, that left the Wulrenkit, Aris, and Voli.

"Voli, you work with Wulrenkit. Aris...with me." She smiled. "Time for some impromtu training." She paused, as Wulrenkit spoke up.

"Master Si, is a partner necessary? I'd like to get movin',"
"Yes. I won't have any of you getting jumped by an animal or an Ewok. The locals are kind, but they're isolationist for the most part from what I can tell. Buddy system." She instructed, her tone staying firm, but fair.

She let out a sigh, and looked to Aris again. "Alright, Aris, tell me, what do you hear? There's something out there, something watching us. You'll hear it long before you see it..."



Aris's ears would twitch if they had the ability. The awkwardness of pairing off with strangers was always going to be a thing, but he hadn't expected Master Si to pair with him specifically. Training? That was the key word to call him to attention. What did he hear, though? His eyes turned to the forest as he reached up to switch off the dampener Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti had made for him.

The rush of sound was overwhelming at first as always, but it cleared quick as he started to parse through everything he was hearing. He found it. Well in the distance, breathing softly, heart beating. Attentive. Unlike the other animals, it wasn't moving. From the angle, he could tell it was watching them, but with all the other sounds he couldn't fully tell what it was.

"It's not moving much at all, but it's in the trees in the distance, waiting. Can you tell what it is?"

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Saria Rae Saria Rae | Toby Perris Toby Perris | Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass | Braze Braze | Wulrenkit Claymus Wulrenkit Claymus | Teynara Jeralyr Teynara Jeralyr | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad

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