Blade of Selvaris
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
A contingent of Jedi, led by the Jedi Knight Ran Serys, have arrived at the edge of Alliance space on a mission to build the Order’s newest Enclave. Gifted with visions of what the Enclave could be, Ran has traveled herself and invited along many more of the order to see a certain planet’s potential and her vision for it. She views the venture as an opportunity to return to the natural world, to create an enclave where the touch of the modern age is minimal and hard work is necessary. Her visions introduce a quiet place for those who seek peace and respite from the brutal goings-on of the wider galaxy. A place where culture, art, and family can be created. So it is on the dual sunned, tropical, backwater world of Selvaris, thousands of miles away from any other settlement that they’ve come to realize it.
Obj. I - Enclaves for Dummies

Obj. I - Enclaves for Dummies
The first structure had been erected, and it was the only compromise made to the leaders of the Galactic Alliance. One prefabricated communication station so the Jedi could be contacted in times of great need, and only then. With that set up, the Jedi work together to build several temporary structures until they can craft more permanent and dedicated monuments to the Force, the Order’s past, present, and future, and the beauty of Selvaris itself.
The majority of Jedi begin their work building longhouses made of wood, stone, and clay. Others see to the creation of an in-ground storehouse for food, an outdoor kitchen, as well as a garden, and paved paths that connect all structures. This is where the hard work begins, but it is also where those of the order are free to speak their mind and share their vision for the future of the enclave. All ideas are welcome from the elements of personal housing to the culture of the enclave, and back to logistical issues like the docking of ships.

Obj. II - Wildlife Round Up
Some Jedi have set out from base camp to catalog the planet’s flora and fauna, marking down those that we may coexist with, utilize, and those we may want to avoid entirely. Exploration, wonder, and potential danger lie ahead for those brave enough to engage in zoology on Selvaris.

Obj. III - Cartography 101
If the Jedi are to navigate this planet without technology, they will need maps, at the very least a rudimentary one to get them started. But what lies ahead for those who choose to make the map? Maybe a fatal fall into a deep gorge, a steep and dangerous climb up a cliff face, a paddle down the river where one meets a waterfall, or a cave filled with drawings from a forgotten time in Selvaris’ past. Maybe the force is strong in one of these places. Why? The nearby caves hold ores and crystals. What kind? The jungles and forests are resource rich. What will you find?
Obj. IV - Choose your own Objective. The sky is the limit.
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