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Faction [NJO/JJE] A Song of Selvaris | Jedi Enclave on Selvaris

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

A contingent of Jedi, led by the Jedi Knight Ran Serys, have arrived at the edge of Alliance space on a mission to build the Order’s newest Enclave. Gifted with visions of what the Enclave could be, Ran has traveled herself and invited along many more of the order to see a certain planet’s potential and her vision for it. She views the venture as an opportunity to return to the natural world, to create an enclave where the touch of the modern age is minimal and hard work is necessary. Her visions introduce a quiet place for those who seek peace and respite from the brutal goings-on of the wider galaxy. A place where culture, art, and family can be created. So it is on the dual sunned, tropical, backwater world of Selvaris, thousands of miles away from any other settlement that they’ve come to realize it.



Obj. I - Enclaves for Dummies

The first structure had been erected, and it was the only compromise made to the leaders of the Galactic Alliance. One prefabricated communication station so the Jedi could be contacted in times of great need, and only then. With that set up, the Jedi work together to build several temporary structures until they can craft more permanent and dedicated monuments to the Force, the Order’s past, present, and future, and the beauty of Selvaris itself.

The majority of Jedi begin their work building longhouses made of wood, stone, and clay. Others see to the creation of an in-ground storehouse for food, an outdoor kitchen, as well as a garden, and paved paths that connect all structures. This is where the hard work begins, but it is also where those of the order are free to speak their mind and share their vision for the future of the enclave. All ideas are welcome from the elements of personal housing to the culture of the enclave, and back to logistical issues like the docking of ships.


Obj. II - Wildlife Round Up

Some Jedi have set out from base camp to catalog the planet’s flora and fauna, marking down those that we may coexist with, utilize, and those we may want to avoid entirely. Exploration, wonder, and potential danger lie ahead for those brave enough to engage in zoology on Selvaris.


Obj. III - Cartography 101

If the Jedi are to navigate this planet without technology, they will need maps, at the very least a rudimentary one to get them started. But what lies ahead for those who choose to make the map? Maybe a fatal fall into a deep gorge, a steep and dangerous climb up a cliff face, a paddle down the river where one meets a waterfall, or a cave filled with drawings from a forgotten time in Selvaris’ past. Maybe the force is strong in one of these places. Why? The nearby caves hold ores and crystals. What kind? The jungles and forests are resource rich. What will you find?

Obj. IV - Choose your own Objective. The sky is the limit.

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A Song of Selvaris: Obj. I - Enclaves for Dummies

Tags: Aris Noble Aris Noble Valery Noble Valery Noble Romi Jade Romi Jade Efret Farr Efret Farr Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Rik Perris Rik Perris Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr. @AllJedi

Sweat beaded on Ran's forehead, but she continued to march. The oversaturated droplets dripped down her brow, rolled down her cheek, and fell from her nose and chin, at an increased rate as the Jedi Knight labored to transport two massive clay jugs filled with water on her back from river to site. The chore became part of her daily ritual since making it the base of her operations. She was getting used to it. All of it. Not just the chores, but the heat that blasted down from Selvaris' twin suns, the everpresent moisture on the green jungle floor, as well as the constant tropical storms that broke the day apart. She wondered little why there were so few settlements on Selvaris. She knew why. The jungle planet was a hard place to live and an even harder place to survive, but that was exactly why she chose it to be the site of the enclave. She wanted a difficult environment that bred resilience and an isolated locale for those needing peace and calm. Any who chose the planet to call home would have to be determined and hardworking, like so many Jedi she knew.

"Come grab some water and some shade in the first of the longhouses!" She announced to those who needed it as she set the jugs down in front of the first of the longhouses to be finished- or nearly finished. The other jedi builders had left her the final stone to place at the top of the domed structure. Ran grabbed the stone, leaped atop the domed longhouse and set it into position. It was a milestone, but there was still much progress to be made. She remarked as much while she looked out across the clearing. She regarded all the projects being tackled. From the other unfinished longhouses to the half built inground storehouses and rain basins. Through a combination of the force and physical effort the enclave was coming along and Ran was overcome with happiness seeing how many members of the order, and how many friends had shown up to help her in this endeavor.

Ran composed herself. Her usual stone faced expression took over, and she leapt from the top of the structure and joined the others partaking in the water she had labored so hard to bring them. She greeted those she hadn't previously and answered the questions of so many more, and there she remained by the water until she decided what project needed her most.



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery was on a mission of her own.

Most Jedi who set out to work on Selvaris weren't there when the planet was first lost to the clutches of the Brotherhood of the Maw. A battle wherein they released a worrying amount of Sithspawn and other monsters into the jungles. During the liberation of the planet, the majority of those creatures had been either saved and healed or neutralized, but not all of them. Rumors of beasts lurking deep within the Jungles had reached the Grandmaster and she knew she had to act.

She couldn't allow Sithspawn to get anywhere near the Padawans or unsuspecting Jedi working their fingers to the bones to make something of this planet.

"I sense something up ahead. I think I'm getting close," Valery spoke into her comms unit, not to reach out to others, but to document her journey for an after-action report. With her knife in one hand and the comms unit in the other, she continued to move through the jungle. A familiar feeling, having been raised on New Cov.

She was curious to see what she'd find up ahead.

Open on request

in the footsteps of a stranger

This venture had already made Efret so happy, and she hadn't yet even begun the work she knew she would enjoy even more than the ideals than had led the contingent here. The incredibly vast task of building up an atlas seven-and-a-half-minute map by seven-and-a-half-minute map might have been daunting to other Jedi, especially when their surveys were to be done on foot and their drawing by hand, but it wasn't so to Efret. She had much experience with cartography, specifically via field mapping. It was meditative for her in its own way, folding up surface features to fit on a sheet of paper as a series of graphite lines.

Though she surely wasn't going to work on this project alone, her portion of it would take her a good amount of time; weeks to months depending on how much she assigned to herself. Still, the whole planet wouldn't be explored for even much longer. The compendium of maps would start out as a regional collection, spanning a certain radius around the enclave site. It could be expanded as necessary from there.

Knight Serys' vision of an enclave on Selvaris appealed straight to Efret's soul. The concept of a refuge for Jedi that was isolated and self-sufficient was one the master had suggested generally since she had returned to Coruscant to join the war effort. Her life had changed since then in many ways, most of which she was very glad for, but she had not found the time to pursue that ideal.

She was beyond pleased that someone else had.

Her feet touched down on the lush forest ground. After letting up a few more inches of rope, she was able to stand parallel to the cliff face she had just rappelled down. She unclipped her climbing harness from the rope, taking the belay device off as well. It'd be easier to leave the rope itself up as she would need to climb back up later. She had brought multiple cords with her but only two belay devices to hook in with, and that second one was a back-up, not to be left on her breadcrumb trail.

She stepped away from the rope. Her mapping partner would need a spot to land.

She traded one piece of equipment for another, reaching down to clip the belay device to her belt and take her old-fashioned compass out of a utility pocket. She flipped open she brass cover and squinted at the clear surface. The numbers written underneath the glass did not get clearer themselves, but their relative locations did. That was all she needed; she remembered what number was where thanks to how frequently she had used this compass.

She turned around to face the direction she had to continue in. Still headed north. Just checking.

Nirrah screeched above, which Efret of course did not hear, before descending through a gap in the canopy and alighting on Efret's shoulder. The master's vision sharpened, tapping in Nirrah's sight telepathically.

With her assistance, Efret glimpsed a distant rounded boulder through the dense foliage partially buried in a streambed but breaking the water's surface. She took out another cartography tool then, a small theodolite, and clipped it to the compass's face. She brought the eyepiece to Nirrah, who looked down it. Efret adjusted the tilt until the rock was in the center of her borrowed vision, thus the lens, and wrote down the angle given by the device. Once she got to the stream, she'd calculate the elevation change from here to there.

She pointed to it. "We'll rest there," she said, hopefully to Shai. The only advanced tech she had brought with her was her personal communication device, which interpreted her signing into words spoken by a programmed voice.

Shai Moss Shai Moss + OPEN
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Faith is the heroism of the intellect.

LOCATION: Selvaris | OBJECTIVE: 1 | POST #: 1
TAG (ALLIES) : Ran Serys Ran Serys | Open
TAG (FOES) : @

Obj-1 Enclaves for Dummies[/COLOR]​
As Caltin was setting The Starlight Sentinel down in a clearing not far away from where this new Enclave would be, he felt conflicted. This would not be something of notice because it was a deep thought of his, but the big man, as he started the shutdown of various ship systems, was thinking back to a conversation. This was not something he normally does, but something Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah had said about Connel seemed to make him dwell on the subject.
They were bonded through the Force, much like many blood relatives were, so while he did not think about his son every minute of every day, he always knew what was what. There was something about that conversation that made Vanagor wonder. Was Connel indeed going through something terrible? There were times he could sense anger, aggression, a fury in his son. While this could be counted as “Something similar to what he had went through as a Knight” there was more to it. What does this have to do with being here? Caltin was no longer a part of the New Jedi Order. Sure, he was heavily involved with the Enclave on Jakku, but he was his own man. Would he be welcome here? Would he be ignored?
Did he really care?
Simple, he made a promise to Romi Jade Romi Jade , may she rest in the Force, long ago that if help was needed by a fellow Jedi, he would be there. So here he was. Unloading the stores of food and “incidental” supplies from the ship. Anyone who would or wanted to help was free to walk up the cargo ramp and begin unloading. There were office supplies, medical, food, training, clothes, beddings, everything to help with day to day life thanks to [URL+’’]Guardian Angel Outreach[/URL], the charity run and operated by his wife Chrysa Vanagor Chrysa Vanagor .
Coming across a young Knight he remembered as a Padawan from his time here, Caltin first congratulated the young Twi’Lek and then asked who was organizing everything. Without hesitated, she pointed to the Mirialian Ran Serys Ran Serys , so Caltin put down the two enormous coolers of food by the outdoor kitchen before approaching her. The kitchen was “serviceable” but he was glad he brought his own from the holoseries “Cooking with Caltin” when he would do live shots.


While he walked up, Caltin acknowledged several looks he had received, not out of arrogance or ill concern, rather he simply took his time since it looked as though she was in the middle of directing several others. There was something else though, as the rain was clearly coming, there was talk of another “tropical storm”. That caused him to pause for a moment, as the storm had the potential to cause a lot of damage and disruption. He wanted to make sure she was aware of the situation, so he cleared his throat and spoke up.

I’m sorry to interrupt, we’ve never met, I’m Master Caltin Vanagor and wanted to let you know about the storm that's approaching.
My ship has more than enough room for those here to “ride it out” if he gets bad enough. That is another matter though as I wanted to let you know that I’ve brought supplies and will be in the kitchen for a while. Unless you have something else you might need.

While the big man was never one to mince words, or to really expect to be taken up on his offer, it was there. If she didn’t have anything to redirect him on, he would set up the kitchen and start cooking. After all, he was getting hungry.


"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)

"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)
The late Karki Eusith's Armor, and Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay,[/SPOILER
Sanctuary Island

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A rifle hung on her shoulder and a hi-vis vest had been wrapped over her sleeveless tunic like a poor fashion statement of a woman with an already poor taste of style. Colette wasn't with the bigger group for this one, but she was within sight because of the shrieking orange garment that covered her torso.

In front of her was a pair of tracks. Small and hoof like, no more than a day old. They were dug in deep as if whoever left them had been pursued which was confirmed by the mostly dry blood splatters on the foliage up ahead. Colette grabbed a small sample of the dirt by her feet and gently rubbed it between her fingers to grind it down and let it fall back down again.

Dry, but not overly so. Rain within the last week or so perhaps? Possibly. She shot a glance up at the clear sky and then followed the treetops back down to the ground. She couldn't hear anything in the immediate area which would seem to indicate any danger, and the force said much of the same.

Whatever had hunted through this area had already come and gone. By now they were just working on figuring out what type of hunter this had been. Their size, diurnal or nocturnal, pack animal or lone wolf?

A lot of questions remained but Colette was certain that by the end of the day they would have enough to cross another animal off the list.


Crouched in small clearing, Cora's gloved hand caressed one of the oblong, mottled red buds she'd found. There were thousands upon thousands of known plants in the galaxy, and while she wasn't even close to committing one hundredth of those to memory, she did not need a scanner to identify the distinctive pattern of the nysillin plant.

It was relatively common, and for good reason. Nysillin was hardy, able to survive in nearly all but the harshest of terrestrial environments. It was also a relatively potent medicinal herb, used in the production of both traditional and commercial medicines, even in certain types of bacta. Agricultural planets dedicated entire stretches of field to farming the healing herb, and many people relied on it's production, sale, and curative properties in their livelihoods.

Humming to herself, Cora raised the datapad to snap a few pictures of the nysillin crop, then began typing in her notes. With a little cultivation, the Jedi could expand this small crop into something more.
Knight Moss' own master was blind. A Miraluka woman, an incredible master of the force with particular mastery and acuity for the ebb and flow of energies in the Galaxy. Blind, though not deaf, one of his earliest memories of Padawan training was actually learning Galactic Sign Language. There was a moral there, a lesson about appearances and understanding between beings. She never elaborated on it in detail, but the pair would occasionally converse in sign. The master's force sight so keen, she could sense the hand motions, the individual fingers, and above all the intent of the movements. When a touch of stealth was required, later on in the pair's relationship, they could sign from across a room and feel the other through the Force. All of this to say, that upon Moss' touching down from his rappel, he returns the words to Nirrah's keen eyes hopefully for Efret to catch by proxy.
"As you say, Master."

Of course the new Enclave was to be built on a jungle world. The order values seclusion highly, several of the Jedi temples across the Galaxy lied in inhospitable places such as this. It doesn't make the humidity any more bearable though. Shai wipes the sweat from his forehead and adjusts the slightly ragged cloak away from his neck. None of this is to say he was any less excited than Master Efret. The entire hike out here he's had a broad smile plastered across his face, and a sort of sparkle in his eyes. Mapping an alien world, being the dashing explorer he idolized as a child on Balmorra's streets. Clean air, the infinite chorus of life surrounding, the Force strongly courses through this place. He checks his own compass, running a gloved thumb over it's hairline cracked face and nodding once. Thankfully the bulk of the decent is behind the pair of Jedi, though the remaining hike only slightly less perilous. Best begin, then. The stream is a welcome reprieve though, and Moss doesn't hesitate to splash the brisk water onto the back of his neck after a quick sniff for bacteria or toxic runoff. He once again signs to his compatriot.
"Smells clean, should be alright to boil. Care to name the stream?" He cracks a little smile at the last comment.
"We might be the first sentients to see it, after all."

Efret Farr Efret Farr
Objective II

Was Carlo lost? He wouldn't admit it, but after passing the same tree for what felt like the sixth time, he was starting to wonder. It was partly his own doing—he’d been chasing what he thought was a rare animal, though in reality, it was probably just his vivid imagination playing tricks on him again.

With an almost childish huff, a risky idea formed in his mind. His sapphire eyes locked onto the tree he kept circling. Deciding to ditch the cloak-like section of his robes that might snag on branches, Carlo began to scale the tree. He carefully picked out footholds and sturdy branches to support his weight, a gleeful smirk spreading across his lips as he climbed.

After about ten minutes, Carlo found himself perched on a branch about ten feet up. One hand gripped the trunk for balance as he surveyed the area around him. From this vantage point, he could finally see the path he needed to take to return to civilization. But another thought crossed his mind.

His pampered Nexu would love to run wild in this environment.

Tags | Open

Mia Saith



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery was on a mission of her own.

Most Jedi who set out to work on Selvaris weren't there when the planet was first lost to the clutches of the Brotherhood of the Maw. A battle wherein they released a worrying amount of Sithspawn and other monsters into the jungles. During the liberation of the planet, the majority of those creatures had been either saved and healed or neutralized, but not all of them. Rumors of beasts lurking deep within the Jungles had reached the Grandmaster and she knew she had to act.

She couldn't allow Sithspawn to get anywhere near the Padawans or unsuspecting Jedi working their fingers to the bones to make something of this planet.

"I sense something up ahead. I think I'm getting close," Valery spoke into her comms unit, not to reach out to others, but to document her journey for an after-action report. With her knife in one hand and the comms unit in the other, she continued to move through the jungle. A familiar feeling, having been raised on New Cov.

She was curious to see what she'd find up ahead.

Open on request

"Oh!" Mia startled, a bundle of supplies scattering across the damp forest floor. She looked down, then back up at the knife the sudden woman held. She had materialized out of the foliage like a ghost.

Mia held her emptied hands before her.

"Hi. You must be the other jedi," she hazard. She noted the determined edge to the woman's brows, and then once again, the pointy end of the knife. She took a step back and kneeled for her things.

"Master Han, sent me to help. ... He said you'd need these-- some maps he had drawn previously?" She stood and rubbed hair from her face, a smeer of dirt lingering behind as she continued to eye the knife.

"You are the jedi, right?"

Tags: Aris Noble Aris Noble | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Romi Jade Romi Jade | Efret Farr Efret Farr | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Rik Perris Rik Perris | Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr. | Ran Serys Ran Serys | Mia Saith | Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino | Shai Moss Shai Moss | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Colette Colette

A Song of Selvaris: Obj. I - Enclaves for Dummies
Equipment: Talionis, Jiub

A healthy sheen of sweat covered Sazo, as she expertly navigated her way down the jungle full of , a basket full of fruit. When Master Serys talked about a Jedi Enclave on Selvaris, Sazo leapt at the opportunity. While she had gotten used to Coruscant in the last few months leading up to the Empire's ill-fated assault on the Alliance throne world, she was decidedly not a fan of the Alliance's temporary seat in Fondor. And she didn't want to be cooped up on Prosperity. But Selvaris? A world untouched by civilization, temperate, mysterious, and untamed?

Sazo felt like home without actually having to go back to Haruun Kal.

For the past few hours, the Padawan had been gathering fruits, vegetable, and anything that looked edible. The Jedi would be living off the fat of the land, out here, and they needed to be well-rationed. Sazo, having completed the desk, scaled her way down to the forest floor like it was second nature. Waiting for her was her familiar, the akk dog Jiub, napping in the sun. The repto-mammal's nose twitched and with a grunt, got up; several baskets of varying foodstuffs were already attached to it. Jiub lumbered over to Sazo, light irritation at being treated like a beast of burden permeating through the Force; he was bred for combat, not a beast of burden.

>>Sorry, Jiub- everyone needs to pitch in sometimes, just like at home<<, Sazo said in Korunnal, with no trace of remorse in her voice as she strapped the foraged food to Jiub and mounted him.

'YOU HAVEN'T TOLD HIM HE'S GOING TO HAVE TO HELP PLOW THE FIELDS, ARE YOU?', ancestor spirit within the sword boomed in her head, his voice teeming with amusement. Sazo gave the mentally equivalent of a shrug, and Talion chortled with laughter as Jiub went off at a brisk strot, carefully not to jostle the bounty Sazo had so painstakingly collected.

The trip back to the Enclave took longer then the trip to the outskirts, but by time Sazo returned, the settlement was abuzz with folks from all over pitching in, skittering around. Glancing around, Sazo scanned the crowd until she found who she was looking for- Master Ran Serys Ran Serys , by the water.

"Master Ran, got some foodstuffs for the storehouse I foraged. I was going to have Jiub here start plowing...but was there anything else needed?", Sazo inquired, studiously ignoring Jiub's look of abject betrayal.



~seek within what you thought was outside~

OUTFIT: Cal Kestis’ Bomber Outfit
COLOR CODE: Aymeric Prendergast - 778ba5
OBJECTIVE: make yourself useful
TAG: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania


Damn it feels good to be out of my usual Shadow gear.

It’s not often that I have a free time away from an assignment these days. Being a Shadow, and subsequently assigned on deep cover mission in Sith space means that you are cutoff from the large part of the galaxy you are familiar with for a substantial amount of time. The last one made me miss a huge chunk of stages of the Dark Empire invasion, including Corusant.

Sweet home Coruscant, with all the wretched debauchery corrupting every level. Maybe it was time for a hard reset, but a part of my heart yearns to relive the horrible memories of all those years living in the lower level of Coruscant.

The NJO moving most of its core operations to the Prosperity should’ve been a good news for me; the station is a technological marvel like no others. Yet the loss of Coruscant Temple feels like the death of a parent you never even like. It still stings like hell.

Staying for a couple of day in the Prosperity, I was somehow dragged down to the minor, lush planet Selvaris. Could be a nice healing trip, what the girls like to call, after a long, tedious months spent in the desolate monstrosities like Mustafar and Polis Massa. Obviously, I should make myself useful to the NJO, but the prospect of looking at plants and animals alongside the river stream does sound like a brighter prospect than getting my hand dirty chopping down woods and building cottages.

So I traversed the nature, walking in serenity with absolutely zero knowledge of the flora and fauna of the planet, or even in general. My scanner does help in identifying most of them, but without the knowledge, I’m not even sure on what to do or which to take.

Luckily, I found another Jedi in the area. She looks like she knows a thing or two about all this, as she is looking natural between the enchanting wild flowers of Selvaris. Upon a closer look, it’s someone I’m kind of familiar with. I was there in her knighting ceremony.

Corazona, right?” I approached her with the datapad on my hand, quickly scanning the wild flowers around her to try hide the fact that I’m a complete buffoon when it comes to this mission. “That’s a nice, uhh, nysillin, you have there,” Perhaps I can learn a thing or two from the Jedi Knight and make myself useful here.


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NEARBY: Ran Serys Ran Serys Sazo Vass Sazo Vass
TAG: Open for whomever wants to run into her.

Being the Sentinel of Harmony usually meant coordinating efforts on a large scale. Leading the Service Corp in reconstruction efforts, Search and Rescue, or even something as simple as paving a road.

But never let it be said that Jonyna wasn't willing to do it herself.

The Cathar carried a heavy crate herself, showing off her significant strength purely by hefting it over her shoulder. Where was she taking it? What was in it?

The answers were simple. It was food, and she was taking it inside.

Whom might she run into in the temporary structures of the Enclave? Who knows...


"You are the jedi, right?"

"She is," came a deep timbre from behind the young woman, though his eyes were set on Valery, "sometimes." Without even so much as a smirk. "Other times... she's just harmless ol' Master Noble."

Only then did the start of a cheeky smirk flash up on his face, with that little bit of humour - the Grandmaster was in fact the Jedi, in a manner of speaking - after which he looked down at Mia and the mess of her supplies, turning that smirk into a little smile. Had she been carrying all of that just in her hands?

"When she's not scaring unsuspecting people, at any rate," Rik gestured to the scatter of mapmaking materials... at least, that's what he presumed they were, going off what Mia was saying when he had quietly emerged from the foliage, himself, "You need help with that?"



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"Yeah, I'm-"

Valery paused when Rik spoke for her, and slowly turned her eyes to him. He seemed serious at first, but she caught his stupid little smirk and squinted. A proper death glare, though with enough of a teasing edge to it that he'd understand she wasn't actually being serious.

But teasing a woman holding a knife was still bold on his part.

"Very funny," Valery finally said with a roll of her eyes, as well as a smirk tugging on her lips. "But he's right. I'm Master Noble, and this is the lovely Knight Perris." Crouching down, Valery helped Mia pick up the maps that had fallen and stood upright when they had collected everything.

"I have a decent idea where this Sithspawn is hiding — I can sense it — but the maps are useful to figure out the terrain we'll encounter it in. Selvaris is a tricky planet and we don't want to walk into a trap."


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Interacting with: Efret Farr Efret Farr | Shai Moss Shai Moss | Aris Noble Aris Noble

Wonder danced over Zaiya's delicate features, vibrant colors of bright orange, excited teal, and thoughtful amber flecks shifting across her skin. As her feet touched the ground, she carefully unclipped her harness, a thin sheen of sweat over her face. Her colorful hair was tightly combed back into a high ponytail, with the thick length braided into a thick braid that fell down to the middle of her back.

The Lovalla Padawan wore sturdy, but light exploration clothing, with a vest and breathable pants that protected her legs but kept her arms bare. A satchel was at her back, with her trusty belt, tools, and gear. She had modified the bangles and consolidated them so that the cuffs and bracelets wouldn't be in the way, but the jingle that followed her with every moment remained. Zaiya had to wear something shiny, be it her bracelets or pretty silver stud earrings. A Lovalla would Lovalla with all the color and shiny ornaments they could find.

She had joined Master Farr and Knight Moss after learning they would be exploring the wilds and mapping the area. Intrigued by cartography and its applications, the Lovalla teenager eagerly signed up. Her excitement only grew upon discovering that Master Farr was renowned for her archaeological skills. What intrigued her most was Farr's unique method of using the Force to see through the eyes of a sensory convor named Nirrah. It made Zaiya wonder if she could learn to do the same.

"Oh wow, this looks amazing," Zaiya murmured, glancing up to check on Aris. The Epicanthix had also joined the expedition group, which brought both a wave of excitement and a nervous, fluttery energy. The skip of her heart came and went depending on the level of awareness Zaiya had around Aris. If she could focus on studying and learning from Master Farr, it would be okay, right?

Sweaty palms would do no good on a cartography lesson.

"Master Farr, Knight Moss, what would you like us to set up first?" Zaiya asked, knowing that having tasks and a focus would keep her mind from wandering. Zaiya didn't know sign language, so she was at a disadvantage at communicating directly. It was time to learn, not to admire how the sun glinted off Aris's silver hair.
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.

LOCATION: Selvaris | OBJECTIVE: 1| POST #: 2
TAG (ALLIES) : Ran Serys Ran Serys | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
TAG (FOES) : @

Obj-1 Enclaves for Dummies[/COLOR]
Caltin Vanagor is a towering figure, now standing at over seven feet tall (odd that he grew 6 inches at his age so quickly) with a broad, muscular build that exudes power and strength. His imposing presence commands attention, and his piercing gaze seems to see right through anyone who dares to meet his eyes. As a Jedi Master, Caltin is a formidable warrior and a skilled practitioner of the Force. His mastery of lightsaber combat is unmatched, and his ability to harness the power of the Force to manipulate his surroundings is awe-inspiring.

Despite his intimidating exterior, Caltin is a wise and compassionate leader, dedicated to upholding the principles of the Jedi Order and protecting the innocent from harm. He is known for his unwavering commitment to justice and his willingness to sacrifice himself for the greater good. In his interactions with others, Caltin is calm and composed, speaking with a deep, resonant voice that carries authority and wisdom. He is a mentor to many young Jedi, guiding them on their path to becoming true warriors of the light. Overall, Caltin Vanagor is a larger-than-life figure, a legendary Jedi Master whose presence inspires both fear and respect in all who encounter him.

Or at least he was.
"Semi-Retirement" will do that to you.

Vanagor eventually stood in the middle of the bustling outdoor kitchen, surrounded by grills, a wood-fire oven, and various cooking utensils. He was built for combat, for investigation and security, but despite his massive and intimidating presence, he was focused on the task at hand - preparing a feast for everyone gathered there.

As he chopped vegetables and marinated meat, he couldn't help but feel out of place. His muscular frame and combat skills were better suited for battle, not cooking. But he had made a promise to Romi Jade, may she rest in the Force. He couldn't let her down.
As he worked, and began to see things coming together, Caltin could hear snippets of conversation from the others in the area, even those helping him in the kitchen. They were all young, full of energy and enthusiasm. They welcomed him with smiles and friendly gestures, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he was intruding on their space. After all, he was "come and go" on the Jakku Enclave at best.

Maybe this was what Connel, his son, had meant when he said he felt unwanted. Caltin had always been a loner, preferring the solitude of the training grounds to the company of others, nothing against any of them, it was just who he was. This was apparently something that had rubbed off on the young Jedi Knight son of his and it was actually a regret, one of the few true regrets the massive Jedi Master had ever encountered. He chose the life he had, Connel didn't. Was this was Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah was talking about?

As the food sizzled on the grills and the aroma of freshly baked bread filled the air, Caltin felt a sense of peace wash over him. Maybe he didn't belong here, he was getting more intimidated looks than anything, but he could still contribute in his own way. Maybe, just maybe, he could learn something from these young Jedi about friendship, teamwork, and the true meaning of honor. They were starting to not simply build, but make things right. The suckerpunch that the Temple on Coruscant gave the Jedi was one of many over the course of history. This was a new and better manner of getting back up.

As the meal was finally ready, Caltin stepped back and watched as everyone gathered around the makeshift table, laughing and sharing stories. There were more that would come, and was plenty of food made, and coming for them as well. He could feel a sense of pride at this. No doubt if she were here, Romi would smile and utter a silent thank you for keeping his promise.

And in that moment, Caltin realized that maybe he did have a place here after all. Not as a warrior, but as a mentor, a friend, and a cook. And as he sat down to enjoy the meal with his newfound companions, he knew that this was just the beginning of a new chapter in his life. A chapter filled with friendship, laughter, and the joy of good food shared with good company.

Learn something new every day... thread exit


"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)

"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)
The late Karki Eusith's Armor, and Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay,
Sanctuary Island

Last edited:

Mia Saith

"You need help with that?"

"Oh no, I'm okay. I was just joining ... up," she gestured behind her, then to where she thought the group of gathering jedi was. Perhaps she should have looked at her own maps.

She gave them a small shove into the empty canvas bag draped over her arm and watched as the woman, Master Noble apparently, finished her own introduction.

"I'm Mia," she offered in return. "Master Han left me here to meet you." They likely wouldn't know a Master Han. He was a recluse, and she wouldn't be familiar to them either. She didn't even carry a saber.

"It's been a few weeks-- I can safely say the number of trap incidents has been kept down to a respectable zero," she annunciated proudly. "How about I help?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble Rik Perris Rik Perris


Aris was free climbing this time around, though it didn't really count as free climbing when he could dig his fingers into solid rock to make his own handholds. And he had all the supplies. Given his nature and his immense strength, he carried literally everything he could. The pack he had weighed likely as much as he did, but he didn't struggle in the slightest as he made his way down to the others. He stared about the view, smiling faintly as he did. This place was beautiful. Ran Serys Ran Serys had picked a wonderful location to build a temple.

From the corner of his eye though he saw the signing. Blinked. Right, he knew this much at least. His father had been teaching him, as well as Vera Noble Vera Noble and the other Noble children, Sign. It was important for their culture to be able to speak without words, especially on a hunt. Rest. He caught that, not much else, much to his disappointment.

He was going to have to redouble those lessons.

And not get distracted. He paused his look around the world's beauty to settle on Zaiya. Briefly, at that. He glanced away, to the pack he was shouldering so he could set that down and start to set up.. Anything. Distractions, go!

"I'll set up the recorder."

Efret Farr Efret Farr | Shai Moss Shai Moss | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

Alright,” he'd responded when Mia said she didn't need the help. He looked back to Valery when she spoke of the Sithspawn, then turned his gaze out into the wilderness. “So that's what I was tracking down, then.

He'd come to Selvaris, thinking he would help with the building of the temporary settlement, but the dregs of darkness nipping at the edge of his awareness changed his plans soon as he'd set foot on the planet.

Zero doesn't mean it'll stay that way,” he spoke, somewhat absently; his eyes narrowed, as he picked the trail back up again, “but three sets of eyes should mean that not much will get one over on us.

That could, of course, mean nothing. He'd experienced being ambushed with greater numbers, before.

Let's get moving; it could just as well be hunting us, and we don't want to make that easy by standing around.


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