Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mission [NJO Padawans] - A Cold Warning


Padawan Horde: Corin Trenor Corin Trenor | Iris Arani Iris Arani | Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Hollis Orenn Hollis Orenn | Justice Lesan Justice Lesan | Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
Knights and Masters: Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Valery Noble Valery Noble


Ilum had been a potential target for the Maw, the caves a prime source of Kyber. Not that they needed more kyber. The thought sent a spike of pain through her temples but by now she was used to the sudden flare-ups and swallowed the pain. There was no storm, but every gust of icy wind bit through her layers of fabric and robes and coat.

Thalia stood at the back of the group of Padawans, hood up, face covering pulled over her nose more for the warmth than the anonymity. Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze had told her that everyone deserves a second chance. Corin had said the same thing in her first few weeks in rehab, but she still didn't believe it herself. Away from the others was best for now, even if she wanted to be up front with Iris.

Her grip tightened her hands into fists as a chill ran over her. The Masters were right though. She didn't know if the others could feel it, but there was pain here. And fear, much fear.


Gabe had read stories about Ilum. About how the planet had been destroyed but rebuilt, about how the new crystal caves had been born from a single kyber crystal, and about all the beasties and monsters that called this place home. Master Noble was here and Council Member Kaze was up in the stars but they were leaving this to them. Gabe patted his practice saber confidently. Disturbance or not, he wasn't going to waste this chance to get his own Kyber crystal. There would be a lot of Padawans going all over, nobody would notice if he slipped out, maybe even right now...?

Gabe's eyes shifted from side to side before he started to slink off from the group to begin his search.

Ariana Du Couteau, Jedi Padawan
Ilum, Crystal Caverns
Action: Off to continue the Mission
Outfit (Minus the right arm)

Ilum, a planet Ariana hadn’t traveled to before, not even to the sector, and her Father really wanted them to explore the galaxy. But she did recall a few things of the planet from her father’s studies, it was held proudly by the Jedi for its Kyber Crystals. While the planet was not as momentous as Tython, Ilum weighed quite heavily among all within the Jedi Order. So a quick exploration and investigation of the planet probably isn’t too far fetched, but with only Padawans to make the bulk of the group? Ariana mused as she readied herself for the chilling cold. Her helmet hooked onto her belt, freeing her only hand to tighten the coat across her body.
The young Du Couteau heir listened carefully as Master Noble and Master Kaze explained the mission at hand, and declared the group leader. It was an interesting choice to pick a Padawan from among the ranks to carry the responsibility to care for all those among the group. But I guess it’s a way to raise a leader from among the Padawans. She mused on the benefits of having the Padawans see one of their own being elevated to such a position as a leader.
But emotions certainly flared among the group of Padawans when Padawan Corin had been chosen to be the group leader. Though as the news rolled through the rest of the Padawans, others quickly got over the news and went straight to asking more questions of the disturbances on Ilum. Master Noble attempted to clear up the confusion, but much like a persistent thick fog, it barely illuminated more details. I guess we’ll need to brave through it all and find clarity with our own two eyes. Ariana glanced around and found that she had seen many of the Padawans before back on Coruscant in the Jedi Temple, like Jasper and Iris.
Seeing her once Sparring Partner Iris, Ariana moved closer to her and offered an encouraging smile. “I’m sure things will work out alright,” She spoke to her, “-and if not, we’re all here to give everyone a hand to help us see through the mission.”
Some of us can give more hands than others of course. But Ariana remained from speaking her joke out loud to the rest of the group as they all prepared for the journey in the cold freezing atmosphere of Ilum. "Besides, how cold can cold be?" Ariana asked to mostly herself.

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Iris relented pretty quickly once it was clear Corin was going to take this whole thing seriously. .. To the point of insisting one of the other Padawans wear a jacket. What kind of person didn't want to wear a jacket on Ilum of all places? She squinted at Jasper for a moment, but thought better of trying to get involved in that. Corin had it handled. And y'know, too many cooks.

Then she blinked. A familiar voice filled her ears, causing her to turn her head. And blush. Was it that obvious how annoyed she was with Corin? She cleared her throat and tugged on her hood some more, if only to hide her face some.

".. Yeah. We got this. .. Heh." A soft chuckle eventually escaped Iris as she nodded. It really was damn cold here.

"Makes you wonder why they pick cold planets. Maybe the Master's just like to bundle up?"

Ariana du Couteau Ariana du Couteau | @Others


Unhinged - Mike Lazarev

She'd been told about Ilum by her father: how padawans had been taken there in the long past, how he himself had been taken there as a young man by his own master, and that it was a source of the crystals that gave their lightsabers shape and colour. A source... yes, there had been others, but Ilum was the tradition, and continually bountiful. Standing amongst the other padawans, she felt just the slightest chill underneath her layers (was it colder here than Atrisia?), and was watching her breath come out in visible puffs as Master Noble and Knight Kaze spoke on the details of their mission, the dangers, the pitfalls, the possibilities - intel - but after the sparse facts were laid out, her eyes started to wander, taking in the faces, some of them a little more familiar after the sparring event earlier in the week.

She could feel the current of their emotions keenly, as they reckoned with the little information they'd been given. All this meant is they'd have to keep their eyes and ears open, and be aware. Not knowing didn't mean never knowing, but their hesitance was starting to rub against her want to find answers, to know... and it seemed she wasn't the only one, as her eyes landed on Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce slinking off to get a head start. Watching him like he was the only thing in that moment, her brow furrowing, lower lip nipped at, fingers drumming on the hilt of her blade as she considered - for half a moment - that he just might have a screw loose trying to sneak off unseen with what she guessed was only a practise lightsaber... and she stepped away from where she'd been rooted in place, taking swift, ice-familiar steps to catch up to the younger padawan.

"Hey!" She said sharply as her light, gentle voice could muster, slipping up beside him, then in front of him, "hey, stop," she held out her gloved palms against his advance, "think for a moment about what you're doing," she urged, "Gabriel, yes?" She smiled a little. She'd remembered the name of a new face, for once. "I'm itching to get going as much as you are, but..." Daisy glanced past him at the group, then back to Gabe, "...I'd hate to lose anyone in the process, when we haven't gotten a chance to get to know each other that well, yet."

She dropped her hands, folding them in front of her, her smile fading towards a frown, her brow creasing.

"That would be... so sad."

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Location: Ilum
Objective: Gather with the rest of the padawan's
Attire: Clothing
Tag: Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri

Silas didn't notice the boy's motion towards Corin Trenor Corin Trenor but he did notice the more than familiar feeling of silence. Without a word, the boy zipped up his coat and left him for the cold, something which he had already done to him once before. A long time ago on his first mission, Silas had been walking behind him and Iris Arani Iris Arani in a long winding cave system. He had forgotten what planet that was by now, but the little interaction they had was Kai telling him to stop following them. That in turn left him alone, soon after being left to face a sith by himself with very little training. Luckily, he had gotten over that by now.

From that time Silas had barely seen him, only within the last few padawan classes did he make a reappearance. It probably wasn't the wisest thing to act like that to a boy who probably doesn't even remember you, but he was still more than eager to make amends. Looking to the others he had noticed everyone had thrown on a coat, some were even forced to by the iron fist of Corin the terrible. To avoid future conflict, it was probably best to do the same.

The teen swiftly grabbed a coat and threw it on, following suit with everyone else by walking into the intense cold of Ilum. Ahead, Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri was still trudging along. He seemed to be in a mood, but it was worth a try talking to him for the sake of the success of the mission. Silas lightly jogged up until he was only a few paces behind him, his icy glare glaring into the back of his head.

"Hey, what was your name again?" Silas asked calmly, the steam from his breath being pushed into the air from each release "I know you and Corin have your disagreements, but how do you think he'll fair?" he asked calmly to try and strike up a conversation with the fellow padawan. If the brief was anything to go by, they'd all need to be on each other's side for this one...
Corin stood off to the side with booted feet embedded into the dense snow-covered surface of Ilum as those beneath his care forwarded out and onto the displayed route across their various devices. He made an effort to count them, to familiarise himself with their faces inthe event one should become lost; a storm was a lethal occurence on the frost-filled star system and to none more so than the visual senses. He noted both familiar and unfamiliar faces, and the duos some chose to shift onwards in - better like that, the Padawan mused to himself, let's them focus on one another rather than himself. But of them all, one found his attention.

He could admit there was merit to the soft touch of the Zeltron in her effort to reel Gabe back in, but Corin chose to believe the sooner it all started the better. "You," his thumb and index clicked, "In front of me, now. You walk where I can see you."

To Corin, Gabe was a child; a toddler, disobedient and defiant- some embarassment came from the sudden realisation, the ironic nature of his own frustration. He wondered for a moment how similar such criticisms were associated with his own name. If at all, yet Corin was never so hopeful. He huffed with some tinge of amusement, the vapour of his breath thrown out ahead of him.

"Your datapads have all the relevant information, coordinates, and the route," the Padawan called out to the rest of them as he marched forwards a touch faster than usual, all in a bid to reach the front with Gabe ideally with him. He turned onto the backfoot to face them. "Once we arrive at the caves, we can assess the situation and decide our next move. For now, we walk."

It was all rather obvious, a statement of the facts. Either his nerves enforced the decision to say as much or not, Corin was unsure.


Padawan Horde: Jem Fossk Jem Fossk | Iris Arani Iris Arani | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri | Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | Justice Lesan Justice Lesan | Hollis Orenn Hollis Orenn | Inyak Yash | Thalia Senn Thalia Senn | Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce | Ariana du Couteau Ariana du Couteau | Ichika Masudo Ichika Masudo
Master & Knight: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze


Cailen’s Training #3


Location: Jedi Temple, Ilum
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble ; Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze ; Silas Westgard Silas Westgard ; Iris Arani Iris Arani
Soundtrack: Procyon


Cailen shivered as he pulled his coat collar around his neck. He took a deep breath, trying to focus on the task ahead rather than the frigid cold. The red-haired boy stood beside several Padawans he’d never met before, near the middle of the group, hoping that their collective body heat would warm up the room; The puffs of steam coming from their noses proved that theory wrong, though. Ilum’s icy cryosphere must’ve been amused by their fur coats and wool hats.

He remained huddled in his winter coat, listening idly to the other Padawans’ conversations until his Master, Valery Noble Valery Noble , stepped forward to address the crowd.

“The task today is to solve a mystery — two days ago, I felt a disturbance in the Force here on Ilum. Something powerful in nature, and something I couldn't quite explain myself. This planet is rarely the source of these occurrences, but when it is, we can't ever underestimate it."

“A disturbance?” Cailen thought to himself.

He hadn’t felt anything concerning since he’d arrived on Ilum, but he couldn’t tell if it was because of his still-hindered connection to the Force or if the cause was so faint that only a more experienced Jedi could sense it. Nevertheless, Cailen loved solving a good mystery. And what better planet to train his Force senses on than Ilum?

“We're placing a lot of trust in you, so do your best and prove that you can handle these assignments."

Master Noble seemed to look at each of them individually. When her fiery gaze stopped on Cailen’s bright-green eyes, he gave her a confidant nod. He wanted to prove not only to her, but to himself, that he was ready for this. A nearby hologram flickered to life, the visage of Jedi Knight Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze stuttering into view. Cailen listened intently as he explained the situation. Tectonic activity was high this time of year on Ilum, and the native Razhak worms were on the move.

Cailen made a mental checklist of hazards to watch for: Earthquakes, cave-ins, pitfalls, snow-melting worms, and the subzero temperature. It made him miss the warm jungles of New Cov. Even the Panthacs seemed preferable to the dangers that awaited them in the canyon.

"Down there, you must have each other's back. That goes without saying. You're stronger together so trust in each other... even when you have some doubts."

The Padawan looked across the room to Silas Westgard Silas Westgard and Iris Arani Iris Arani , giving them a confidant smile. Luckily, the three of them had never had trouble working together. Between Iris’ unique relationship with the Force, Silas’ inspiring confidence, and Cailen’s situational awareness, the trio would fare well in the icy caverns. He looked back to Master Noble and Knight Kaze, prepared for their mission to begin.



Location: Training Room​
Wearing: xxx
Weapon: xxx
Arm: xxx
Justice grinned. He did not think he would need to tell Hollis to stay close. What did surprise the padawan was the level of rivalry among those which seemed to be gathered. It was a large group with several personalities and Justice just about gaffed out loud when the one leading them barked an order at another. The thought that Justice did not need to be with the group did cross his mind. After all he had more experience than most in the room, Iris aside.​
Instead, Just simply observed silently. There were many opinions tossed out as to what the disturbance could be, or why there seemed to be increased activity. Since he was an archeologist and not a geologist, Justice had no desire to give his own opinions. The force impacted planets in different and unique ways. Ilum would be no different. The real test was finding the frequency it was operating on.​
“You think they could stop fighting long enough to understand the point of the assignment is to work together. There is no way we would be sent into this if they thought the threat was imminent.”
His words were for Hollis only, but that did not mean others in earshot would not hear him. Justice did not attempt to hide his thoughts or the fact that he saw this whole thing as a test. It was time to move out, and despite the fact he had little hope in the cohesiveness of the group, Justice moved out.​
Corin gave his instructions about the route. Datapads were only so helpful.​
“Be sure to use the force as a guide. Not everything in those caves is on a map.”
He stretched out his own aura toward the caves. It wasn’t strong enough to know anything immediate, but at least he would sense danger before they ran into it.​
Tags: Use your imagination

Jasper took note of Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce trying to wander off, no doubt to try and have some kinda “adventure,” but more likely to get himself killed. Corin Trenor Corin Trenor seemed to keep him in line, but no doubt it could be a problem in the future.

“Pyf,” Jasper whispered to his droid companion. “Keep an eye on the kid.”

“You got it,” Pyf whispered back.

As they began to set off into the cold (which still didn’t bother Jasper), he wound up by someone he hadn’t met before today, Cailen Corso Cailen Corso , who Jasper had yet to introduce himself too.

“Hey,” he began, getting the red-haired Padawan’s attention. “I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Jasper.”

If they were going to be walking for a while, he might as well get to know who everyone was.
"Hey, what was your name again?"

Kai seemed a bit reluctant to respond, one corner of his mouth turned up in a half-hearted smile before he finally gave in and replied telepathically. <Kai Bamarri.>

He thought Silas looked vaguely familiar, but figured they'd just been in a few Padawan classes together. Their brief encounter in the caves had slipped his mind. Kai had looked very different then, being in an entirely different body from the one he had now, but perhaps Silas recognized something in the way he carried himself that was entirely unique to Kai. He had a certain youthful swagger, a love of adventure and a desire to protect, yet he was also hunched, as if trying to make himself small and unnoticed.

"I know you and Corin have your disagreements, but how do you think he'll fare?"

Watching out of the corner of his eye as Corin wrangled yet another Padawan who was trying to sneak out on his own, Kai grumbled, <I think he's an overbearing, controlling jerkwad who's already becoming drunk on power, but at least he's unlikely to get anyone killed out here.>


His plans were stopped short when a girl, not much taller than himself, stood between him and adventure. He tried to ignore her the first time which only prompted her to step right in front of him causing him to run right into her hand. His face twisted into a grumpy scowl and he looked up at her blue eyes and suddenly felt a little light-headed. Did he know her from somewhere before? His scowl slowly softened into a frown.

"Gabriel, yes?"

"Yeah," he mumbled, quickly finding something other than the girl's face to look at. His boots were good. Yes, the boots. He scratched his head, embarrassed as the brightly skinned padawan berated him for his reckless behavior.

"That would be... so sad."

"I guess," he said non-committal.

A sharp voice cut through the mind fog.

Gabe looked up sharply, a look of abject terror in the young boy's eyes. Gabe turned to give the girl one last look and smiled weakly before shuffling through the snow to go stand next to Corin. How did she know his name? Why didn't he even bother asking for hers? Was he an idiot? He buried his nose in his datapad as the others spoke letting his shame at being caught and the cold draw his focus elsewhere.


Journey - Tenno

Gabriel's embarrassment wafted off him in spades, making her mouth stop at a line. Some vague memory of her early childhood, full of untamed impulses, cast a silence upon her because of it, and when the sharp words of their appointed leader further singled him out, and the younger teen’s embarrassment morphed into terror, her brow pulled together just a little more; she flicked a look across the space at Corin Trenor Corin Trenor , feeling a flash of disappointment towards him.

But this wasn’t the time for disagreements. Her lips completed their descent into a frown, her eyes closing for a brief moment, and with one slow breath Daisy turned heel and flowed along with the group, bringing up her ‘pad to look at the route, and falling into step alongside Kai and Silas, not privy to the mental side of their conversation. It was rude to pry.

[ I’m sure he has his reasons for being like that, ] she thought to herself, of Corin, and her discipline closed the door on the matter. She glanced at the two, offering a mild smile, then continued studying the route.

“Are you guys hoping to get crystals?” Daisy asked, looking up from the datapad to the path ahead, “I hope to get to the bottom of this disturbance. The more we know, the safer we’ll be.”

That was enticing, the challenge of solving a problem, but what drove her more was keeping everyone safe and in one piece. That was personal.

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The Ilum air was crisp and cold, and the wind was sharp and frigid. Sola picked her way through the drifts at the rear of the horde, bundled in a heavy cloak of tauntaun leather trimmed with narglatch fur, feet enclosed in sleek jet boots, face half hidden beneath her modified rebreather, hood drawn tight over her head. With the Force flowing through her, circulating like the blood pumping through her many hearts, she felt warm, cozy even, as she loped through the snow.

There were a lot of padawans. Sola recognized most of them from the dueling showcase back on Coruscant. She kept her distance from the crowd- not because she was averse to socializing, but because she was small, and it would’ve been all too easy to get swept up in the press of bodies. From her vantage, she had a perfect view of Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce attempting to sneak away, only to be caught hardly half a step into his great escape. Dunderhead. Sola fought the urge to roll her eyes.

She found most of the padawans more than passingly strange. As far as she knew, very few of them had been raised in the order like her. Some of them had come from very different walks of life, with families and histories and cultures beyond the Jedi Order. They were strange, yes, but they were also fascinating. Some of them.

Some of them were just annoying. Like that boy that ditched her during the terrorist attack on the Industropolis. Justice Something-or-other. He was a complete spaz as far as Sola was concerned.

She listened with half an ear as Corin offered a succinct summary of the glaringly obvious, instead more focused on the way the sun glinted off the snow drifts. The urge to roll her eyes was even stronger. She sighed instead, releasing her frustrations into the Force.

This was going to be an interesting mission, to say the least.

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One foot after another, Corin marched forwards in the snow. He focused on the immediate future, as if tunnel visioned on the distant and natural structure that had started to become less so with each metre. Not too far now, the Padawan mused. His last venture to Ilum included a similar march, the millenia and more old tradition to secure a crystal of his own; not too far off of what Gabe was now, Corin assumed.

"You mind telling me what that was?" He asked Gabe with the faint incline of his brow. "It's no time to run off."

Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce
Suddenly the cold ‘paradise’ of Ilum was disturbed by a powerul rattle. The icy ground beneath the padawans feet shook wildly throwing them off balance as the surface groaned and fathomless chasms opened to devour those not wary enough.

A high-pitched hum, almost faint in comparison to the earth being carved open, resounded in the distance before a loud hiss blasted the area around with an unnatural wave of hot air.

Data indications showed no tectonic activity in the area.

:: Corin—what— was that? :: Dagon’s voice cracked through the static in the boy’s earpiece. Something seemed to be interfering with their comm lines.
Padawan Horde: Jem Fossk Jem Fossk | Iris Arani Iris Arani | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri | Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | Justice Lesan Justice Lesan | Hollis Orenn Hollis Orenn | Inyak Yash | Thalia Senn Thalia Senn | Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce | Ariana du Couteau Ariana du Couteau | Ichika Masudo Ichika Masudo Corin Trenor Corin Trenor Valery Noble Valery Noble
Location: Ilum
Objective: Survive the culling of the padawan
Attire: Clothing
Tag: Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri / Iris Arani Iris Arani / Cailen Corso Cailen Corso

Silas nodded to the name, recognising it from the event and rumor mills of different padawan. He looked quite different from that time, but the way he acted and showed himself to others made him noticeable. From the short time he had seen him again, it was quite clear how the boy was to him. Like Corin, anger seemed to be a problem and it was something they'd need to figure out themselves. Leaving it to linger would not only harm them but others close.

"You seem to know Corin well from the sound of that description" he stated as they continued to walk along, his eyes looking over to Cailen who was walking close by to them "Even so, you need to keep that feud for another time. We can't have allies fighting each other out here, doing so would get something killed" Silas frowned slightly and looked at him with a more stern expression "You'll promise to keep calm right? If I have to deal with you both I will"

Before long an unfamiliar padawan stepped beside them. Silas looked to her and offered a short bow of his head in her direction respectfully, listening closely to what she had to say "I'm not looking to get crystals in all honesty, but if I see one I may as well take one" he commented. his foot lightly kicking a small pile of snow ahead "Agreed, from the sounds of the brief, not even the masters seem to know what's going on. All of us are heading into the unknown, so we must be cautious" However, just as he finished his words a rumbling below them seemed to give a taster of what they were coming up against.

Silas came to a halt and looked to the ground, something which made his legs shake from how powerful the vibrations were. His head snapped to Kai in confusion before looking to small Cailen close by "Cailen! come over to me now!" he shouted to the boy as he looked around for Iris who seemed to be out of sight "<<Iris, try and regroup with me and Cailen. We need to stick together>>"

"Were there any reports of upcoming natural events happening today?"
he asked Kai questionably as he kept his eyes open for anything else out of place.
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Kara hadn’t really participated much in the gathering on Coruscant. The extent of her sparring was with a blaster, not with blades. At least not yet anyway, her training hadn’t reached that point. But after some pushing from her Master and Master Valery Noble Valery Noble , she had relented and agreed to join up with the Ilum mission.

Nothing like getting thrown into a frozen, icy cave to bond with your fellow Padawans.

It didn’t stop the young woman from remaining at the back of the group, keeping to herself as she bundled up against the cold chill. Not that she wasn’t unfamiliar with the weather, one too many smuggling trips to Hoth had seen to that. But there was something different about Ilum, as if the icy chill settled deeper.

Kara shook the thought away, opting to focus on keeping warm and idly listening to the conversations going on. Despite the sizable group, it seemed smaller pairings and cliches had formed between those familiar with each other. It made the blonde frown, realising she hardly knew anyone here. Well, aside from a couple familiar faces anyway.

There was Justice, who she had encountered on the Prosperity. And then Kai, who she had randomly run into down in the depths of Coruscant’s undercity.

At the very least, she wasn’t the only one who preferred to keep to the back, sparing a glance over at Thalia.

Eventually, the group geared up and began setting out for their destination. Both Valery and Dagon would be overseeing their mission. With the former remaining behind at the Temple incase needed, while the latter was taking a more direct approach over the comms.

It wasn’t long in their journey when the ground rumbled beneath their feet. There was something in the air right before the ground began cracking, something Kara couldn’t quite place, but whatever it was, it had preceded the activity. The young woman retained her balance for the most part, only collapsing to one knee. She placed a gloved hand down to keep herself steady.

As she slowly stood up and looked over at the other Padawans, a stray thought crossed her mind. She remembered a conversation with her old crew, many years ago at this point. They had discussed doing a job on Ilum, noting that the crystals there would fetch a tidy sum to the right markets. It was that train of thought that finally led Kara to speak up for the first time.

What’s the security like on this planet, or rather in this area?” She paused, looking at the others. “Could this activity be potentially caused by a third party?



The colors shifted. Danger.

Iris immediately reached out, snatching Ariana's hand to drag her away just before the ground opened beneath them. She wasted no time with explanation or hesitation. Act, move. Be ready. They weren't alone, were they?

"<<Iris, try and regroup with me and Cailen. We need to stick together>>"

<Stay with Cailen. I'm going to make sure everyone is fine.>

Alright, medic time.

"Anyone hurt? Everyone good?"

Ariana du Couteau Ariana du Couteau | @The Horde
He rocked back and forth with a sudden and firm hand settled over Gabriel, the hot wave of air forced Corin to both wince and tense yet remained on both feet all the same. He witnessed entire chasms across the surface of Ilum form as it cracked, the snow dunes first rumbled and then became swallowed whole. In his ear, the voice of his master crackled until no more than static cried out from the comms. His features twisted into that of a faint scowl once the distant hum made itself clear.

:: Dag? Dagon? ::


Corin offered a brief look to Gabe, then a nod.

"None," the Padawan chimed in to answer Silas as he marched back into the thick of the horde.

He flashed eyes across to Kara. "It could be, but whatever it is..." He raised and aimed an arm towards the mountain that housed the famed kyber crystal caves, "It's in there. Comms are out, we're on our own."

"So if no one's hurt and we can all continue on..." Corin half-asked to the lot of them and set his attention on Iris, the same healer that first asked about the state of them. Mission comes first, he callously reminded himself. "Let's move, Padawans."

In the absence of natural disasters, it left little to be desired. Had those tremors even been real at all, Corin wondered in the wake of the latest revelation. Ilum bordered both the Brotherhood of the Maw and the Empire. Had either of the two sent forces, sent machines to a world so sacred to the Jedi? Had that been what this was, he thought. Yet no matter the case, Corin remained determined to find out.

Padawan Horde: Jem Fossk Jem Fossk | Iris Arani Iris Arani | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri | Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | Justice Lesan Justice Lesan | Hollis Orenn Hollis Orenn | Inyak Yash | Thalia Senn Thalia Senn | Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce | Ariana du Couteau Ariana du Couteau | Ichika Masudo Ichika Masudo
Master & Knight: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze

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