Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public NJO - Pajama Party


Ko Vuto Ko Vuto Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru Loomi Loomi Shan Pavond Shan Pavond Kaleleon Kaleleon Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Micah Faolan Micah Faolan Nir Si Nir Si Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari yubnub yubnub open to any otherpaddies or simular that might like to join

OOC: No post order have fun

Braze was almost buzzing with energy as he sped through the halls of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. The idea for a sleepover with his fellow Padawans had been bouncing around his mind for a while, and now he was determined to make it happen. A sleepover, he thought, would be the perfect setting to deepen bonds, share experiences, and maybe even break some tension after the rigors of training.

Having scouted a few potential locations within the temple, he had finally decided on a rarely-used training hall for the venue. It was the ideal space—spacious yet cozy, near the sleeping quarters, and acoustically isolated enough not to disturb others.

With the venue in mind, Braze knew the next step was securing permission. He felt this would be a good time to speak directly with his Master, Jasper. He scheduled a brief meeting and headed there, rehearsing his pitch along the way.

Braze had presented his idea with a pitch and a well written essay and promises to keep it orderly and to clean up afterwards.

Now that he had the green light, Braze dived headfirst into the preparations. He got in touch with a Temple technician to set up a holoprojector for a movie night, selected a range of engaging holovids, and even thought of creating a cozy corner filled with mats and cushions for quieter conversations. Snacks? Check. Refreshments? Check. Invitations sent through the Temple's secure messaging system? Double-check.

As the day neared, Braze couldn't help but feel his anticipation build. He even managed to secure some glow-in-the-dark star decals to set the mood just right. Looking over his plans, he felt a glow of satisfaction. This was shaping up to be an unforgettable night, and he couldn't wait for it to start.

Braze had thought of a variety of activities to keep the night entertaining for everyone. Here are three distinct objectives or activities that he planned for the sleepover:

1. Holovid Marathon: Braze set up a holoprojector at one end of the training hall. He planned a lineup of two or three adventure films, catering to the tastes of his friends while keeping the movies age-appropriate. He also thought to include a few short documentaries about Jedi history or some recent missions to keep the mood both fun and educational.

2. Meditation and Mindfulness Circle: Recognizing that not everyone might be in the mood for constant entertainment, Braze allocated a quieter corner of the room for a more introspective activity. He'd prepared a few short guided meditation scripts and invited a Jedi Master, Tirin Raene Tirin Raene specialized in mindfulness techniques to lead a session. This would be a perfect activity for those wanting to unwind or seek inner peace.

3. Board Game Extravaganza: Knowing that a bit of light-hearted competition could be fun, Braze organized a variety of board games for everyone to enjoy. From strategy games like "Galactic Conquest" to simpler, faster-paced games like "Sabacc Jr.," there was something for everyone.

4. Other: Anything you like it is a sleep over after all.


Coruscant, Objective 1
Tags: Braze Braze , Others



Loomi was asleep.

She hadn't quite gotten the memo of what was happening, and she had managed to find herself a comfy spot to curl up with the blanket that Braze had gotten her. She was notably just on the floor, not a mat, rolled up like a dumpling next to the movie projector. It was a sleep over, so they just slept in a different spot than regular, right?

So that's what she did.

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The ultimate form of childhood fun. The direct expression of having friends and hanging out. Slumber parties. Sleepovers. Pajama parties. Aliris was practically giddy as she rushed into the main room, her eyes sparkling with joy and curiosity as she glanced about. the nervousness of having to deal with people long gone from her mind in favor of the absolute joy of this. Experiencing something she thought she'd never have the chance to do.

Be a kid.

"Braze! Braze Braze Braze! Where are the others? Who's coming? Do we know how many people are coming? Are they fun? What kind of games are we gonna play? Is that Loomi? Why is she already asleep? We're not supposed to sleep at a sleep over! So silly!"

She giggled just a little as she stepped over beside the sleeping girl to gently poke her cheek. "You can't sleep yet! We have to stay up late swapping stories! And in the morning we have waffles! Oh! I got snacks. And caffeine. I hear that keeps people up longer!" Which, she may or may not have drank too much of herself already.

Braze Braze | Loomi Loomi
An invitation to a pajama party. The last thing Novalie had expected to discover in her inbox while scrolling mindlessly through her assigned datapad that evening. She wasn't sure what had prompted her to leave the warmth of her sheets and stroll down the loud, echoing halls of the temple in search of the party—the desire for companionship when she missed her family so severely or plain, old-fashioned but not to be underestimated curiosity.

Large, black eyes peered into the large room. It looked like it was a training hall, refurbished into a makeshift dormitory for the night. Except, unlike the dormitories she had just come from, which featured very little apart from furniture and the necessities of daily living, there was much to entertain. It was eye-catching. Snacks. Board games. Star decals that glowed in the dark and presented a cozy, welcoming atmosphere to newcomers. That's exactly what she was. A newcomer.

There was even a holoprojector at one end of the training hall. A documentary flashed across the screen that had been hung, a Jedi she neither knew nor recognized deflecting one blaster bolt after another with ease. It wasn't surprising that she didn't recognize them. Novalie had met very few Jedi or Padawans outside of her own dormitory clan.

The holoprojector seemed the safest bet, at least starting out. She could sit down, pretend to watch the documentary, and gradually integrate herself into the group. She made a beeline for the farthest end of the training hall, for one of the mats in front of the screen, but she walked right into something—or rather someone—she hadn't noticed before lying on the floor and tripped.
Loomi Loomi


Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru

Braze felt a sense of pride swell within him as he surveyed the preparations for the gathering. He had never thought he'd be part of something like this, let alone be the one to organize it.

His thoughts were interrupted as Aliris arrived, her chatter filling the room with a sense of excitement. Her enthusiasm was contagious, and a smile slowly spread across his face as he listened to her.

"I'm not exactly sure who all will show up until they actually arrive. As for Loomi,"
Braze paused, contemplating, "I don't think they quite know what a sleepover is, to be honest."

His eyes twinkled with excitement as he continued, "But whoever does show up, I hope they're coming to have a good time. We've got an array of activities planned—board games, card games, and even a trivia session, among other things. So there should be something for everyone to enjoy! Is there anything in particular you wanna do tonight Aliris?"
Eloise hadn't received an invite so much as she had overheard some other Padawan talking about the party. She had debated whether she should bother going, since she didn't really know anyone else who was likely to be there, before deciding to give it a shot.

At first it seemed promising. The party was being held on a Knight’s starship, with a wide open area full of beds for them to sleep on. Actual beds, not sleeping bags or cots on the floor. There was at least one adult present, but otherwise it looked like they would be left to their own devices. Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru was acting like she was on something, so at least she was having fun.

Then Eloise saw the entertainment lineup Braze Braze had planned for the evening, and all her hopes crumbled.

These are for little kids,” she said. “And—what the feth? Are these documentaries?” She turned to Braze, a look of pure disgust on her face. “What the hell, man? Where are the scary movies, the action flicks?

Her gaze roamed over the rest of the guests, wondering if she’d misunderstood something. But the others were not little children. They were teens in her own age group, some a few years younger, others even older than her. Loomi Loomi had already fallen asleep, and no wonder—this party was shaping up to be a snooze fest.



Location: Pyjama Party. (Get him out of here)
Objective: Try not to fall asleep
Energy Drink. Sewer Rat. Pajamas
Tags: Too lazy to tag everyone
Urgh. Why did he have to get invited to this party? He didn't even have any Pajamas of his own. He just had to grab a random pair in the temple that would actually fit him. And he got stuck with this fuzzy little mess of a pajama. He looked like a sick Wookie or something. Next you'd hear him growling away like one of them. Though considering he was trying to study more languages, that could technically be something good...No. No. He shook his head, refusing to focus on the thought of that. Instead the Mirialan just pulled the hood of the pajamas over his head to try and hide his face from everyone out of embarrassment.

As soon as he entered the room however, Shan felt a little rustling through the pajamas as out from the bottom of his pajamas came a small little fluffy...rat. Climbing its way up onto Shan's shoulder as the Mirialan groaned, facepalming himself for a moment. "Benkei. You're meant to stay in the dorm. People aren't going to like rats running around." The rat just seemed to squeak away to Shan instead, almost as if it was speaking to him and the Padawan just pinched the bridge of his nose. He couldn't speak rat. Rattese? Rattian? What would the language of rats even be called? He tilted his head at that thought for a moment...which gave Benkei the right the perfect chance to climb onto Shan's head and just sit there.

Either way, Shan headed off towards the boardgames to get ready to just play a small cardgame to pass the time. Something like Holo-taire, or Pazzak by himself. If Benkei was smarter, Shan would honestly probably play Holo-chess with the creature but...Actually now that he thought of it, there were a few people Benkei might be smarter than, but none of them had been invited. He shrugged his shoulders at that thought and got to work with the cards, glancing up every so often at the noises before turning his attention back to the cards, mumbling to himself quietly.

"Hm...Add a four maybe?...But I might need that card later on...I could try to subtract a two and then get another card..."


Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn

Braze, who was busy ensuring that the games were set up correctly, couldn't help but notice a certain tension in the air. Following the vibe to its source, his eyes landed on Eloise Dinn, who appeared to be less than thrilled with the party's agenda.

The moment her words reached his ears, Braze realized why she might be feeling that way. Though he had tried to consider different tastes when selecting activities and holovids, he knew he couldn't please everyone. Still, it was surprising to see her so visibly discontent.

Walking over to Eloise, he smoothed out his green silken sleeves as he always did when he was preparing for a somewhat delicate conversation.

"Hey Eloise," he greeted her, his tone light but considerate. "I heard what you said. I get it; the entertainment lineup might not be everyone's cup of tea. I tried to choose things that would be generally acceptable for a wide age range."

He paused, carefully choosing his next words. "We can definitely switch up the movie selection if you want. Got any suggestions? Scary movies? Action flicks? I'm sure I can find something acceptable- However I am going to have to ask you watch your language since we do have a large range of ages here and I expect anyone attending to be cordial and respectful and that kind of language will not be permitted here tonight. Are we clear?" Braze stated, then asked. He himself had the tendency to swear on occasion, but this was very much a small public event and their manners should be at the fore front.

Braze was open to change; after all, the point was for everyone to have a good time.



Coruscant, Objective 1
Tags: Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru , Novalie Krii Novalie Krii


"You can't sleep yet! We have to stay up late swapping stories! And in the morning we have waffles! Oh! I got snacks. And caffeine. I hear that keeps people up longer!"

Loomi began to stir in a little bit of a daze, turning to look at her friend with a tired smile. She didn't really process what it was that Aliris was saying, but it seemed high energy. That was nice.

And then someone tripped over her, which she also didn't fully process. Loomi simply gave a smile and a wave.


She'd turn back to Aliris with a frown. Maybe the energy was a bad thing. Was Aliris nervous about something? She needed a hug. Yeah, that was it. Loomi would sit up and wrap her arms around her friend, patting her on the back in a reassuring manner.

And promptly fell asleep on Aliris's shoulder.

Rock and Roll MotherFluffers


Nir had been in the back, playing with some cards. He saw Shan had also had some cards, so he went to join him. "So...what you doing?" He asked, pulling out a small binder. "I was just checking my cards. You ever collect holomon? I got some of the rares."

Internally, the Cathar hoped and prayed the boy said yes. Holomon? That was Nir's secret passion. He knew all the type match ups and secret routes of the games. A true Holomon Master should after all! And now he laid that passion bare to Shan, a dream and a promise. Would his fellow padawan crush that dream? Or would a lifelong friend be made that day? Only time would tell...


Mary Hilstar


Tags: Open

Mary had good memories of pajama parties.

When she had been a child, her father had sometimes given her permission to join her friends for sleepovers. They had always been all sorts of fun, with Mary and her friends never failing to make each other laugh. One time, during a pillow fight, Mary and her friends were pretending to be stormtroopers and Mary was pretending to be her father, commanding them on the battlefield. She had made them all hit each other with pillows, pile on top of each other, and say silly things about themselves in a neat and organized line. Back then, it had seemed like the funniest thing in the world.

For the past few years, there had been too much chaos in Mary’s life to hold or join a pajama party.

But today was different.

Here, in the heart of the Galactic Alliance and the galaxy as a whole, Mary would be having a sleepover with her fellow young Jedi.

Arriving in a matching pair of blue striped pajama pants and a long-sleeved shirt, Mary had taken a moment just to process the room and the people around her. There were so many unfamiliar faces in the room, some belonging to species that she had never seen on Borosk before. She swore to herself that she would get to know them, that she would not let her father’s prejudices get the best of her.

Almost immediately, Mary found herself drawn to the holoprojector. For over eighteen years, she had been raised on Imperial propaganda, only ever hearing about the Alliance as a hub of decadence and corruption and the Jedi as puppetmasters over the whole operation. Yet the holovids and documentaries appearing on screen were radically different from what BORCOM had shown her for all those years.

Before she knew it, Mary had taken a seat on a cushion in front of the holoprojector and was intently focused on the screen.
Good Men Don't Need Rules

Never in my life, would I have ever expected Braze to show up at my Temple Dormitory room, beaming with excitement and handing me directly, an invite to this Pajama party. Before I could really answer him, he sped off with speed to deliver other invitations. Rolling my eyes, I am sure Braze was just trying to be nice to me. As much as I would have instead, stayed up late so I could study and train for my trials, It would be doing this party. One that I had never actually been invited to in the past.

I didn't have pajamas, so opting for just a tank-top and shorts that somewhat matched. I didn't really need to bring anything else. Even as I walked the distance to where Braze was holding it, I could only hear that voice in my head.

Why in the nether, is a nearly 30 year old man being invited to a pajama party where kids who could have easily been his own children if he had been married off back home? How awkward would it be if Romi, Cortana, Cotan, Valery, any of his peers show up to this and see him having to be around these literal younger individuals. However, I did it for Braze. He had been asking me to help him multiple times now since meeting him. It was starting to feel like Braze looked up to me, and saw me as the "big brother" of this Padawan group. Even if I was supposed to be a Knight of the Jedi.

Walking up to the Door, which had been left open due to others entering, I lightly knocked on the frame and peered inside to see a few already here. Taking a couple steps in, I looked to the noises of voices. It seemed Loomi was actually trying to sleep, which was kind of funny considering she didn't quite understand some social and societal norms. Braze was speaking to Eloise, Shan and Aliris were also here, But there was a new face I had not seen before.

Even Jonyna's younger brother was here. So excitedly talking to Shan about playing with Holomon.

Me? I just kind of stood there awkwardly.

Hoping to just... survive.


Kaleleon Kaleleon

Tirin had offered his assistance in leading meditation, yet it appeared the young ones were more inclined towards play. His attention shifted as he noticed Kaleleon's entrance, a hint of surprise accompanied by a soft smile.

"Welcome to the fun gathering, Kaleleon," Tirin greeted warmly, a subtle amusement gleaming in his eyes and a faint smirk touching his lips. Dressed in his evening attire, he exuded an air of relaxed elegance, wearing satin pants and a matching top. His long dark hair had been meticulously braided back, allowing a clear view of his composed demeanor.

Tirin's tone was playful as he remarked, "You're quite the good sport for joining us in this activity. It shows a sense of unity, and solidarity doesn't it?" His words carried a velvety purr, underscoring his appreciation for Kaleleon's participation in the event, or perhaps there was some one closer to his own age that he could speak to more candidly.

"There's cookies and punch right over tehre if you wanted something to snack on. I think We've also ensured a ncie supply of apple juice if punch isn't your thing. " Tirin offered softly. Tirin really appeared to be more of a chaperon here this evening.
There were all kinds of entrances. There were dramatic entrances that left a lasting impression, there were boring, unaffected entrances that went completely unnoticed, and then there was whatever falling flat on your face was.

At that moment, sprawled across he floor like a baby bantha learning how to use its legs for the first time, she would have gladly taken the second one. The boring entrance that let you slip in under the radar. That had to be better than drawing attention to yourself in the worst possible way.

"Sorry about that," the Keshiri sputtered to whoever it was that she had tripped over. Her cheeks turned a deep shade of blue as she rolled over and sat upright on one of the mats in front of the projector. At least she hadn't knocked the whole thing over. Scraping a hand through dark brown hair, she allowed herself to look around the room.

It was beginning to fill up with other party-goers. A teenage boy in a Wookiee onsie. A Cathar and a Mirialin playing cards. A man with auburn hair and the confidence of someone twice their age. Hopefully he hadn't noticed her clumsiness. The last thing she needed was for one of the Knights to see her eat dirt. Closest to her sat a girl that, if Novalie had to guess, was a couple years older than herself, with bright blonde hair and blue eyes fixed on the screen.

Clearing her throat, the teenager would attempt to make conversation. "Do you know who the Jedi is?" she asked, referring to the Jedi onscreen. Nothing profound, but it was a start. Loomi Loomi Mary Hilstar @everyoneelse


"What do I want to do? I-" She was cut off by the sheer number of people that had arrived. Aliris blinked slowly, glancing at the various very unfamiliar faces. That's right. There were a lot of Padawans around her age. .. And some not? She raised a brow as Kaleleon came into the room, but she figured it was Braze who invited him. Braze was always like that. Warm and inviting to everyone around.

She was pulled out of those thoughts though as Loomi jolted awake from someone tripping on her though. She glanced up to Loomi as the girl just fell asleep on her shoulder, and laughed a little.

Maybe she was too excited.

"C'mon Loomi, you can't stay asleep. There are people to meet!"

People to help her meet, really. She looked up at Novalie Krii Novalie Krii . Not human, clearly. But not someone she knew. Should she say hi? Was it okay to say hi? Maybe she shouldn't. Maybe she should just stay quiet. That- No. She cleared her throat before giving a much more sheepish smile.


Then blinked and looked at the screen, only just realizing the question. "I- I mean that's my name! I'm not sure who's on the screen! It's, uh. Loomi do you know? Please tell me you know. I'm really unsure on who it is and you seem to know so much!"

Braze Braze | Loomi Loomi | @Others there's a lot of you guys ohgod.
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Good Men Don't Need Rules
Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice beside me. Turning my head to face the individual, I found myself looking to Tirin. Their voice soft and warming. However, I stand confused as to why they were here? When it dawned upon me that they may have been essentially the chaperone for the night. Making sure that there was no fights, and that everyone got along. It was stated that I was being a good sport for joining. Despite everything else, someone may have just let it fall by the way side and not attended. Feeling like I could actually translate how I felt about the situation to Tirin better, I did so.

"Since meeting Braze, he has... looked to me for help. There was a thought to no show, but I wouldn't be very much a good friend if I didn't."

Shortly after explaining my situation, Tirin motioned over to the side where some cookies and punch was sitting. Nodding my thanks, I indicated I still wished to speak with Tirin.

"Thank you. I may have some later. I will probably just hang out a little. Not one for games or Holovids. Though, I did bring something should I need something stimulating."

Reaching into the pocket of the shorts, I pulled out a
Sphere. A sphere of hundreds of moving parts that were small enough, mastery of Telekinesis was required to make all the parts fit together so that it became one solid metal ball. Where you could open it and then it spasm for a moment, configuring itself into a new possibility of equations for the user to solve. Opting to for now, replace it back into my pocket. I looked to Tirin.

"Did Braze set you up for this, or did Jasper ask you to watch over the Padawans?"
Braze Braze et al.

"Behave Flint!" Janos babbled, "If you set anyone on fire, they might not let us stay."

Everywhere he went, the charhound followed. His empathic gifts were still not under control and the animal's steadfast presence grounded Janos. This cultural practice seemed so alien. On Sullust warren-clans often shared body heat during sleep cycles. This looked more like a social gathering.

"I like documentaries!" he interjected loudly.

Janos blinked empty black eyes. So many strong emotions in one room still felt a little overwhelming sometimes. Teaching another padawan galactic conquest might calm his mind down, although the sullustan couldn't help but stare at Kaleleon's dantooine sphere. Sullustans loved puzzles.
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Eloise stared at Braze as he came over to talk to her, her expression souring as he criticized her language. "Oh, very clear," she muttered, crossing her arms. "You have quite a wide range of ages here." She pointed to the bewildered Kaleleon Kaleleon . "For instance, that is a grown man standing in the midst of a bunch of teenage girls in their pajamas. He literally looks like my dad." Not that she meant to pick on him specifically—he looked like he had wandered in there by accident without knowing what he was getting himself into and was now just trying to survive this nightmare scenario.

Her gaze was once again drawn toward the increasingly erratic, caffeine-addled Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru as the blonde girl fluttered around the room like a ditzy social butterfly. Wasn't that girl a former Sith? Was this what changing sides did to people like her in the long term?

"I like documentaries!"

"Shut up." Eloise turned back to Braze. "All right, fine. You guys enjoy your cartoons and educational content and your cussing-free safe space before you get shipped off to war. I'm out of here." She walked past Braze, muttering under her breath as she headed for the exit. "I don't even know why I bothered..."



Coruscant, Objective 1
Tags: Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru , Novalie Krii Novalie Krii


"C'mon Loomi, you can't stay asleep. There are people to meet!"

Loomi perked up again, letting out a yawn. She was so tired, she was sort of losing track of everything around her. She did at least hear the discussion of who it was in the documentary they were watching, which spurred a contemplative face from the Godoan as she let the cogs turn in her head.

"Golly, I dunno," she finally shrugged, giving a sheepish grin.

Oh, right. She was meeting a new person. Loomi turned to the new girl, giving a warm ear-to-ear smile.

"Hiya," the Godoan greeted. "I'm Loomi."

She turned back to the documentary. It was at that moment that a familiar green face had appeared, a pointy eared figure that Loomi recalled from the box of pasta she and Aliris had made together. Her eyes lit up as she pointed at the projection with look of excitement.

"I know that person," Loomi told them. "That's Yaddle."


Location: Jedi Temple
Objective: Watch films, make friends
Direct Tag: OPEN
Equipment: brand new pjamas, Echo stone, carved luck charm


I was a little unsure about coming to this thing, I wanted to make friends within the temple. I think Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania had called it the "padawan pack" or something like that. I already knew a few of the people here, having met Braze Braze in a cave on Lothal and been to several Jedi training thing, but I was still an outsider. I hadnt had much time to plan, I didnt want to turn up to a public event in a frayed vest and shorts outfit, with all manner of wilderness stains on them, so new pjamas were in order. The lady at the boutique helped me pick out a nice pretty set and was even kind enough to adjust the bottoms to accommodate my tail.

I had arrived and picked a spot in the corner where I could set down my things alongside an unoccupied bedroom. A few of the others were watching some documentary about Jedi history, there seemed to be a little disagreement between a couple of them over the itinerary. Truth be told I would prefer to watch something fictional tonight, I did like horror films, but I didn't want to be the source of any tension in a group that I was still not really a part of, so I wouldn't intervene. I raised an eyebrow though at the talk of watching our languages here, the wilders were more relaxed about that kind of things. An enemy blaster always hurt more than a few badly ordered letters. "We could always wait until the younglings go to sleep and put something scary on?" I interjected with a shrug as Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn moved to leave.

I didnt press it further, remembering how new I was, so grabbed myself some cookies and went and sat cross legged near the others, delicately arranging the cookies in a stack in front of me. I looked about, hoping to see an friendly face who might come and share my bounty. If the documentaries didn't suit people I could always suggest we grab one of the stack of board games in the corner. Perhaps not Monopoly though, it looked like they had the Denon editions and my friends had told me that it was a brutal game.

"That's Yaddle."

"Who is that? I don't think I've seen anyone of that species before?" I asked as one of the other girls made an excited outburst of recognition at the holo-doc.

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