Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction NJO | The Determination Form

Tom Kovack

Tom had showed up right around the time the sparring session began. He took advantage of the distraction and avoided being spotted immediately, standing alone off to the side. Clad in a suit and tie, there was no way he could pass as a random NJO student, but at least it wasn’t obvious that he was a Silver Jedi.

If things went according to plan, his allegiance might change. For now, he was just there to observe. He’d singled out this class in particular because, if he did decide to make the switch from Silver to New, he’d have to see how they treated younglings here. He couldn’t leave his little sister behind in the Silvers, after all.

He watched as a Miralukan boy ( Kisaku Oroken Kisaku Oroken ) and a Human girl (Auraya Irath-Ur ) faced off against Ryv Ryv Karis in the ring. Someone nearby was eating something spicy; Tom could smell it. It reminded him that he hadn’t had lunch yet. He rubbed his nose, trying to block out the scent.

Major Faction


Become One With All Things
Ryv watched the ring of dirt take shape around them with momentary confusion. He looked over his two opponents with silent intrigue, to eventually find his attention settle wholly on Kisaku. The kiffar's experience with the Padawan's species was minimal at best. What information he gleaned on them came from secondhand sources and passing conversation. He knew their ability to see through the force came naturally, likely an adaptation in whatever grand evolution chain ushered them forth. This change from holoprojection to dirt revealed something he hadn't thought about before. Nice.

He listened patiently to Aaran's explanation, eyeing the room for something of interest in his wait. Taking note of Zaavik and his burrito, Ryv could only wonder if his friend had thought to pick him up something as well.


Kisaku's abrupt start earned him Ryv's attention immediately. He stepped out to his right and tugged his bokken along with him, well out of range of the all-or-nothing strike. Instead of directly engaging the overeager Padawan, Ryv swept his saber out to the side and knocked Auraya's strike back towards her body. His gaze flicked back and forth between the pair in the split-second between Auraya's attack and the Jedi Knight's follow-up. Kisaku's excitement earned him another smile from the older Jedi, but Ryv could feel what lingered just beneath the miralukan's outward bravado. A yearning to be seen, to be validated by those around him.

From his position, Ryv knew he could just engage Auraya and force her out of the circle. Her insecurities stemmed from a lack of tangible skill after years of effort. She couldn't stop him if he bore down on her in full. But what would that accomplish? The younglings might get a laugh out of seeing the Sword beat his opposition in a matter of seconds, sure. How would Kisaku view Auraya if his one opportunity to flex his abilities ended prematurely? How would Auraya view herself after being targeted as the weakest of the pair?

Defeating them wasn't the objective. Defeating him was.

Ryv danced towards Auraya's weak side and released a torrent of blows aimed down at the Padawan. Though his stature and approach were meant to intimidate the teenager and put her off balance, none of his attacks were meant to overwhelm. Each blow targeted one of Shii-cho's specified strike zones. First, her shoulder in a downward chop that transitioned into a sideways swipe at her forward knee. The kiffar reversed his grip and carried the bokken up towards her chin in a vertical strike meant to end the basic combo.

He positioned in such a way that allowed Kisaku to flank towards his side and pin the Jedi Knight against the ring's edge. Perhaps it was an obvious ploy towards the onlookers, but Ryv hoped the genuine excitement he felt in crossing blades with the two would do more than enough to mask his performance.

Handsome blindfolded hyper-religious whackjob
There was a certain note of satisfaction in him that arose when he saw the two Padawans square up and readjust themselves both mentally and physically. With Kisaku taking the initiative to shift his stance ever so slightly to guard Auraya. It was a reaction like that that did score him some points in Aaran's book. Protecting one's comrades in a fight should be one of a Jedi's top priorities.

It was an honest shame that he abandoned that stance as soon as he got the go-ahead to attack. Abandoning a chance to coordinate with his partner. Hoping to rush a more experienced opponent in a gambit to overwhelm them quickly. The instructor made a mental note to mark him some points for that. Committing to one's strikes was important. But one should never do so foolishly.

His partner on the other hand. Still kept the opposite problem. Too much hesitation. An utter lack of confidence in herself. If one doubts that your strike will connect before you even attempt it. Then you have already missed. To be a Jedi, to properly call upon the Force to aid you, one needed to have a strong conviction and belief in themselves. Her form and confidence in herself needed significant work. Whereas Kisaku could do with toning things down.

If only he could somehow merge the pair together. He would have the perfect Padawan.

Or a useless amalgamation of both individual's worst traits.

He was grateful for how well Ryv was taking his role as the instructor. For now, letting the two Padawans build some momentum, some confidence. Bringing the focus on Auraya for now to have the girl make the decision to commit or fail. As Aaran had a sneaking suspicion that her true failings lay in a mental block. What she needed was to have some faith in her own abilities.

He knew the Sword of the Jedi had a plan in mind. And so, he simply stood there and waited. Curious to see how the fight would unfold.

Ryv Ryv | Auraya Irath-Ur | Kisaku Oroken Kisaku Oroken | Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl | Tom Kovack

Scene: A training room at the Coruscant Jedi Temple
Starring: Kisaku Oroken Kisaku Oroken | Auraya Irath-Ur | Ryv Ryv | Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo
Objective: Land a hit on the Sword of the Jedi ( Ryv Ryv )
Music: Yoshida Brothers - Ibuki
Kisaku hesitated a mere moment as his opponent drew his weapon away from the strike that was intended to collide with it. Recovering from the deep lunge he took up more conventional footwork, taking a gathering step to follow Ryv as he maneuvered and struck out at Auraya. Kisaku knew that if he were allowed to pressure the girl too much that she was probably going to find herself in trouble. When Ryv stopped close to the line of sand he thought for sure that he saw his opportunity.

He quickly moved to hem Ryv in, just as the Sword had planned. Kisaku stayed on the offensive just as Ryv finished the last strike at her. He brought his arms up fast from a low guard, making as if to strike with an upwards diagonal from the outside. Midstrike however he pulled it short, twisting his wrists and swapping his lead foot to thrust. The padawan's hope was that with the pressure of his renewed attack Ryv would buy into the feint with a forceful attempt at a displacement that would leave him vulnerable to the thrust.

With Ryv's rising excitement that Kisaku could feel as he concentrated on the Sword, Kisaku couldn't help but find it contagious. Warm feelings enveloped him even in his intense concentration, not of smug overconfidence but instead joy at the involvement. The feeling of surrendering himself to something it felt like he was made for. The feeling of being alive, and in motion, and playing through a game of wit and raw physicality.

After all, that's all it was right? A game.​

Auraya Irath-Ur

With her blade deflected back toward her body, Auraya was forced back a smidge in the arena and had to fight to strengthen her stance in order to not give him too much ground and put her perilously close to the circle around them.
She wasn't given much room to breathe thereafter, though certainly it was more than would have been provided had this been a true test of mettle. The girl recovered from the deflection swiftly enough, never one to back down from something simply because it was momentarily more difficult than she would have liked, and brought her bokken up to ward off the first of his three attacks.
Auraya knew the zones by heart, she knew the methods to deflect each, had written them over and over and over again, but where she always faltered was putting them into action. With a soft exhale she forced the room around them to melt away, until only their actions mattered. There were just three people now, three bodies moving in unison as some sought to push the offensive and others to remain steadfast.
Raya was most definitely belonging to the latter.
Blade brought up, to save her shoulder, blade brought down to hastily push aside the blow meant for her knee... It was the reversal of his grip and the sudden upward swipe which truly caught her off guard. She lifted her head up moments before it struck wood, and though she dodged the worst of it the edge of his blade still marked her upon the chin.
To her side the stronger Padawan once more pushed the offensive, taking advantage of the opening caused by Ryv's focus on her. At least, in some regard, she was being useful... Right?​
Major Faction


Become One With All Things
Auraya's impressive defensive nearly saw her through the entirety of Ryv's flurry. The fact she managed to overcome the first two and nearly avoid the third and final strike was enough to showcase the girl's tenacity. She certainly lacked the natural-born ability of someone like Aaran, but she made up for it in raw determination. Ryv could only wonder how many times she had attempted each key strike of Shii-Cho. How many times had she blocked them? Her notes on the matter likely would've rivaled even Auteme's impressive collection of lore and information on the seven styles. She may have been an amateur, but she was far from a beginner.

Kisaku stood opposite his temporary partner on the talent spectrum. He saw the advantage presented to him and pressed it, unafraid to engage an opponent others would consider his superior. The miralukan's offensive lacked the clunky characteristics of one unfamiliar with their weapon. He used the bokken, the space provided and took every opportunity to even the playing field. Whether they realized it or not, each of them exemplified what the New Jedi Order represented to the galaxy. An unwavering will. The courage to face whatever challenge stood before them.

A somber smile settled on Ryv's face, his mind wandering to his fallen friend. Lanik would have been so proud had he seen this new generation of Jedi.

Ryv snapped his wooden blade downward at the beginning of Kisaku's strike. The kiffar pulled his blade towards his chest, his eyes flickering between the padawan's shoulders and hips. The feint was a smart maneuver, one of the many ways to bait an opponent whose talent surpassed one's own. Unfortunately, Ryv had a preference for defensive blade work. Some had gone so far as to call him a specialist in his craft, his defense near-impenetrable on even the most brutal of battlefields. He showcased it here. A mixture of intuition, perspective, and experience warned him of what could've easily pushed past his defenses had he fallen too far into the fight.

Rather than meet the weapon head-on, Ryv side-stepped and reached down for the smaller man's wrist. He'd redirect the bokken away from the edge of the ring, guiding it towards Auraya's chest before a series of quick steps delivered him back to the center of the ring.

"Man, you guys are excellent. Kisaku, you're getting too tricksy. Auraya, you're foundation is incredible, but you aren't leaving your comfort zone at all," he brandished the weapon in a mock-salute, taunting the two other Jedi in the ring. "C'mon, now, I know the two of you can do it. You both complement one another to an almost comical degree. Work together. We're Jedi. That's our schtick."


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