Bred For Bloodshed
Name: No. 1 Alpha
Preferred Name: Adrian
Alias: The First or The Elder
Faction: Rogue
Rank: None
Species: Humanoid (Genetic Experiment); 20% Sludir, 20% Zeltron, 20% Energy Vampire, 40% Epicanthrix.
Age: 10; physically and mentally 25
Sex: Male
Height: 8'9.
Weight: 525 pounds.
Eyes: Light brown; Red when he gets serious
Hair: Zeltron Red, in either corn rows or shaggy.
Skin: Light Tan with a tint of pink.
+He's pretty?: He's attractive to people despite his fairly large and burly size; not exactly due to his looks but the pheromones he give off attracts those of the opposite sex and increase like ability to most thanks to the zeltron genetics.
+Strength and Stamina: Adrian possesses seemingly immeasurable strength and stamina. As tested he is able to lift things nearly five times his size and tear through almost anything physical. As for his for his stamina, he was bred and trained for battle as such, he is able to fight for several days without having to rest.
+Vampiric: He is able to heal himself by biting into them and draining their life force he can also heal others by biting and giving up his own life force.
+Epicathrix: For a man build like a tank he is adaptable being able to adapt to situations from a combat stand point and skilled in varies martial arts such as Teras Kasi; as well as able to stop mental attacks such as force persuasion or mind tricks.
+Skin like Armor and Endurance: His skin is as strong as a sludir's being basically armor plated, scaled skin, and can take punishment like no one else. His armor like skin is even resistant to elements as he was made as a fall back in case the other planned Alpha's went rogue. He is also able to adapt to cold and heat to an extent and his endurance allows him to survive a couple weeks without food and water.
+/-Mentally: Although he has the intelligence to counter mental attack is actual though process is limited. Eat, rest, kill, mate, learn how to kill better are his base actions but slowly he is developing. When Alpha No.2 was "born", he took an instinct to "love" and "protect and can be very childish at times around the other alphas.
+/-Fearless and Won't stop trying to kill a target: He knows no fear; no matter his enemy he will fight it and he will do everything to try to kill it even if he is clearly out matched.
-Human (using the term loosely): Despite being seeming near invincible; if Adrian takes to much damage before healing himself he will die.
-Loyalty: The only the people he will ever be fiercely loyal to is his "family", the other "Alphas". The endangerment of his family is the only thing that will cloud his judgement and cause him to overwrite any rational thinking or adaptation programmed into his mind causing his to do his base desire; Kill everyone in sight.
-Zeltron: Although he is able to flare out his pheromones naturally, he can't process he natural ability of other Zeltron; being unable to read emotion.
-Senses: Too much of one thing can be a bad thing. Though he has trained himself to enjoy most smells and deal with the noises of the city life and battle. He can be stunned with an overly bad smell or a sound blast that is up close and personal.
-Energy vampire: He doesn't have the retractable claws as all vampires do nor can he make zombies of other beings by draining their life force. He cannot attack while he is healing and it pending on his wounds he will need to drained a lot of life force meaning a large period of time he vulnerable to attack.
-Energy based: Energy based weaponry can indeed hurt him and tear through his armor plated skin. As such he can be burned by energy barrier that are meant to keep organics out, his face learned a valuable lesson.
-The Force: Though he is not susceptible mind based force attacks like mind trick. Due to his sheer size and tenacity only master or advance level knight, can lift him or push him with telekinesis.
-Physical Based: Unlike his brothers and sisters he cannot utilize any type of elemental ability or use the force.
-Close ranged: He's meant for close ranged combat and taking on numerous foes in an enclosed area. But if he is faced off against ranged enemies he stands little chance.
-Endurance: Although he is more resistant to the cold and heat. he can still be frozen and burned.
-Non-venomous: He has no resistance against any poisons
-Armor skin: Once pierced he is left vulnerable to any type to attack including regular weapons like vibro-blades until he heals himself.
Adrian stands at 8 feet, 9 inches tall and clocking in at five hundred and twenty-five pounds of muscle. He razor sharp teeth with four vicious jagged fangs. The monster of a man has light tan skin with a slight pink tint to covered his scars from battles. Various parts of skins most promindently seen on his chest his a thick layer rippled similarly that of an sludir. He had long red hair the stems down all the way to his back and generally leaves his shaggy and fluffed like a mane and a beard equally as scuffy. A quarter of his face from his mouth to his cheek has been burned off and body covered in scars.
Generally Adrian is fairly aloof and seems like a he's day dreaming the majority of the time. He cares about very few things in life outside the enjoyment of life. Currently the only things that he enjoys is the company of woman, drinking and overall merriment, violent or otherwise. Due to the all the battles and experimentation he is having a conflict within himself, he was literally made for front line battle but part of him that found the easy life just wants that, the easy life. Sadly for him it is naturally for him to ease into what he was made to do. Adrian has a very...Active temper and the smallest of things can aggravate him. Even his greeting his a punch on the shoulder but he has been work on holding back despite his sheer size and force.
His family and those who drink with him will get to see his playfully side. Being part Akk Wolf, he has a huge need to nuzzle and lick people be it male or female. One would say he is overly affectionate with those among the "family". With that in mind he has ALOT of odd habits only his family will get to see. He tends to say the strangest and the most random things out the blue for no particular reason. He likes scare the other smaller family members by doing a number of things like "play pouncing" when he tries to smash him with his size only to intentionally miss as he is one of the fast members of the family despite his size. Those are only a few things he likes to do.
Referring back to his temper; despite how playful and childish he can be, he is the eldest of the family. He can get serious and angry at the snap of a finger. The moment he senses any danger on himself or his family he will quickly snap into his reaver state over mind. There is one thing that he will enjoy more than anything else. The taste of battle, the adrenaline, the screams; even the air changes around him when he gets serious. He's morbid and has a very dark sense of humor. Not quite twisted, but pretty dark.
No.2: [member="Hildegard Stormbrew"]
No.4: [member="Arctica"]
No.5: [member="Flos Mortem"]
No.6: [member="Luster"]
No.8: [member="Virus"]